单词 | 药 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 药—leaf of the iris
主席亦告知委员 , 秘书处接 获香港中药学会提交的意见书 後,已於2003年 3月 6日下 午 把意见书 传真给各位委员 。 legco.gov.hk | The Chairman also informed members that a submission from the Hong Kong Society of Chinese Medicines had been issued to members by fax upon receipt in the afternoon of 6 March 2003. legco.gov.hk |
当然,民主并非万应灵药,但没有民主,政权就不能和平交替,民愤便无以抚平。 hkupop.hku.hk | Of course, democracy cannot be [...] an all-time cure, but without democracy, [...]there would not be any peaceful transfer of power, [...]and public anger cannot be vented. hkupop.hku.hk |
双零箔则广泛用於产品包装方面,如香烟、药物及朱古力。 mmg.com | The later one is widely used in packaging of goods such as cigarette, pharmacy and chocolates. mmg.com |
主题包括个案评估,药物管理、专业护理技术交流及「创意思维」。 hksb.org.hk | The themes discussed included case assessment, drug management, nursing care and creative thinking. hksb.org.hk |
在这情况下,就需要更强效、更昂贵的药物。 hsbc.com.hk | More powerful and expensive drugs are necessary in such cases. hsbc.com.hk |
然而,盘尼西林抗药性个案却迅速上升。 hsbc.com.hk | However, the incidence of penicillin-resistance is rapidly increasing. hsbc.com.hk |
然 而,她提到香港中药学会的意见书 ,并询问为《中医 药条例》(第 549章 )下列 明 的大约600 种药材订定香港中药材标准对财政的影 响。 legco.gov.hk | However, referring to the submission of the Hong Kong Society of Chinese Medicines, she enquired about the financial implications of developing the Hong Kong Chinese Materia Medica (HKCMM) standards for some 600 herbs as specified under the Chinese Medicine Ordinance (Cap.549). legco.gov.hk |
药物功效: 袪风除湿、散寒止痛、药性较川鸟及附子强。 herbertchung.com | Effects: Expelling pathogenic wind, dispelling exopathogens, relieving painand spasm. herbertchung.com |
注: 按中国新会计准则,2007年合营企业按权益法核算,故2007年1-6月份本集团及制造业务的主营业务 收入不含广州王老吉药业股份有限公司(「王 老吉药业」)的主营业务收入,2006年同期数据也作了相 应追溯调整。 equitynet.com.hk | Ltd (“Wang Lao Ji”), and the comparative figures of the corresponding period have been retrospectively adjusted accordingly. equitynet.com.hk |
凡发现出口 禽蛋及其制品含有违禁药物及添加剂,一律依 法监督销毁,并取消备案饲养场及对应生产企 业的出口资格。 legco.gov.hk | Poultry eggs and egg products that are found to contain prohibited drugsand addictives would be destroyed under supervision in accordance with law and the listed farm and its associated processing company concerned would have its exporter status cancelled. legco.gov.hk |
阿斯巴甜的安全性已被联合国食品添加剂联合咨询委员会(JECFA)、美国食品药物管理局(FDA)、欧洲联合食品科学协会(SCF)和日本厚生省(现为厚生劳动省)所广泛认可。 ajinomoto.com.hk | The safety of Aspartame has been thoroughly proven by the United Nations' JECFA, the FDA in the United States, the European Union Scientific Committee for Food (SCF) and the Welfare Ministry (at present Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare) of Japan ajinomoto.com.hk |
荣获澳洲数奬的HOMART活曼特大药厂叶蓓玲总裁代表澳洲商界致辞表示, HOMART在今年20周年庆赞助此大型活动更深具意义 ,并鼓励商界对中澳贸易做贡献的同时也积极参与中澳文化交流,并预祝此次演出圆满成功。 homart.com.au | She stated that it was very meaningful for Homart to sponsor this large-scale activity to celebrate its 20th anniversary, and she encouraged the business sectors to contribute more to Chinese-Australian trade as well as Chinese-Australian culture exchange. homart.com.au |
澳丰集团冯敦平博士, 中国驻悉尼总领馆文化参赞赵立女士、澳洲活曼特药业(HOMART)公司总裁叶蓓玲女士等皆出席此次活动。 homart.com.au | Dr. Dunping Feng from Ausfeng, Ms. Li Zhao, Cultural Counsellor of the Consulate-General of the People's Republic of China in Sydney, Ms. Lynn YEH, the Managing Director of Homart Pharmaceuticals, etc. attended the event. homart.com.au |
同 时,弹涂鱼﹝Boleophthalmus pectinirostris﹞体中的有机氯农药﹝dieldrin 和 DDT 的 代谢产物 DDE﹞已达到对食鱼的鸟类危害的程度。 afcd.gov.hk | It was also observed that certain chlorinated pesticides (dieldrin and DDE, a metabolite of DDT) in the mudskippers (Boleophthalmus pectinirostris) are at levels that may cause harm to fish-eating birds. afcd.gov.hk |
无公害玄米, 大麦,玉米﹐面﹐粘玄米﹐薏仁﹐大豆﹐鸟豆﹐药豆藻﹐黍米﹐黑药米﹐菠菜﹐千年草粉末﹐土豆粉末﹐蚕叶﹐涵初﹐南瓜﹐西兰花﹐洋白菜﹐莲根﹐牛蒡﹐白菇﹐红萝卜﹐红薯﹐薯仔﹐绿茶﹑甘蓝﹐山茱萸﹐山药﹐神仙草﹐紫菜﹐海带﹐羊栖菜﹐苹果﹐柚子﹐栗子﹐藤黄果﹐田茶籽皮粉末﹐菊苣根提取粉末﹐野鼠尾草籽粉末 organicmama.com.hk | Organic brown rice, Rye, Corn, Wheat, Sticky brown rice, Adlay, Soy bean, Black bean, [...] Medicinal bean, [...] Millet, Durra,Black medicinal rice, Spinach, Eastern prickly pear power, Helianthus tuberosus powder, Mulberry leaves, Salicornia herbacea, Pumpkin, Broccoli, Cabbage, Lotus root, Burdock, Lentinus edode, Carrot, Sweet Potato, Potato, Green tea, Kale, Cornus officinalis, [...]Mugwort, Persimmon leaves, Angelica, [...]Laver, Kelp, Brown seaweed, Apple, Citron, nuts, Silyum husk powder, Chicory root extracts powder , Chia seed powder organicmama.com.hk |
派德西亚博士另一项发明品“溶藻制成的抗炎药”( Noval algea derived [...] anti-inflammation drugs)也获得银牌,其他的银牌都是来自于蔡福仪副教授(译音)的作品 。 insightsabah.gov.my | Dr. Patricia also contributed a silver medal [...] through her research on 'Noval algea derived [...]anti-inflammation drugs' while the rest [...]of the silver obtained through the research produced by Assoc. insightsabah.gov.my |
年度内,朝阳中心暨宿舍之辅助医疗及护理队定期到访白普理之家,指导舍友护理健康及皮肤,并教导他们防跌方法及有关药物使用知识;同时,自二零零六年十一月起,家舍亦得到社会福利署资助,与朝阳中心暨宿舍一同开展了『到诊医生计划』。 hksb.org.hk | In response to the increased nursing care and rehabilitation needs of our ageing residents of the Brabdury Home, members from the para-medical and nursing team of the Morning Glory DAC cum Hostel paid regular visits to the Bradbury Home to provide needy support and supervision to our residents in handling their medication, skin care and prevention of fall. hksb.org.hk |