单词 | 荣誉博士 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 荣誉博士 —honorary doctorateless common: Doctor Honoris Causae Examples:荣誉博士学位—Doctor Honoris Causae • honorary doctorate See also:荣誉—honorary • (honorable) reputation 荣誉 n—honourBE n • distinction n • credit n 博士 n—doctorate n • PhD n • doctor n 博士—Ph.D. • court academician (in feudal China)
他的成就得到全世界的认可:巴黎大 学 荣誉博士 、 爱丁堡皇家学会荣誉会员、印度 科学院院士、国际哲学和科学院院士以及宗座科学院院士。 unesdoc.unesco.org | His work was recognized [...] worldwide: honorary doctorate of the University [...]of Paris and honorary memberships of the Royal Society [...]of Edinburgh, the Indian Academy of Sciences, the International Academy of Philosophy and Sciences, and the Pontificia Academia Scientiarum. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他是美国国家科学院院士,1995年获颁古根汉基金奖,2001年获美国数学学会颁发韦布伦奖,2009年获法国里昂高等师范学院颁 发 荣誉博士。 shawprize.org | He is a Member of US National Academy of Sciences and received a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1995. shawprize.org |
Mussallem [...] 获得印第安纳州特雷霍特市洛斯胡曼理工学院化学工程学士学位和该校 的 荣誉博士 称 号。 edwards.com | Mussallem received a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering and [...] an honorary doctorate degree from [...]the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute, Indiana. edwards.com |
Federman 先生拥有布鲁克林大学的经济学学士学位,并被圣塔克拉拉大学授予工程 学 荣誉博士。 sandisk.cn | Mr. Federman holds a B.S. in Economics from Brooklyn College and was [...] awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Engineering [...]from Santa Clara University. sandisk.it |
由于他在新加坡和亚洲经济发展方面开展的工作,被授予加拿大多 伦多大学、瑞典 Karolinska 学院和伦敦帝国学院的荣誉博士学位。 daccess-ods.un.org | He received honorary PhDs from the University of Toronto, Canada, Karolinska Institutet in Sweden and Imperial College London for his work in economic development in Singapore and Asia. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011 年获赫尔辛基大学荣誉博士学位。 daccess-ods.un.org | Awarded an honorary doctorate by the University [...] of Helsinki in 2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
他先后于1977年和1981年在英国利物浦大学获得电机工程与电子学学士学位(一 级 荣誉 ) 和 博士 学 位。 shawprize.org | He received the Bachelor in Engineering [...] (first class) and PhD degrees from the [...]University of Liverpool, UK, in 1977 and 1981, respectively. shawprize.org |
谭教授多年来对开放及遥距教育作出重大贡献,在国际间赢取了多项个人荣誉,于二零零一年获颁国际远距离教育联会之「卓越个人大奖」;二零零二年分别获亚洲开放大学协会颁发「绩优服务奖」及英国公开大学授 予 荣誉博士 学 位;二零零六年获香港公开大学颁予荣誉理学博士、二零零八年获英国诺丁汉大学授予荣誉理学博士及二零一一年获香港中文大学颁予荣誉院士,可谓实至名归。 shawprize.org | For his significant contributions to open and distance education, Professor Tam was awarded the ‘Prize of Excellence for Individuals’ (International Council for Open and Distance Education) in 2001 and the ‘Meritorious Service Award’ (Asian Association of Open Universities) in 2002, and honorary degrees: Hon D Univ (UKOU) 2002; Hon D Sc (OUHK) 2006; (Nottingham U) 2008; and Hon U Fellow (CUHK) 2011. shawprize.org |
John最近刚刚取得Bournemouth大学的工商管 理 荣誉博士 学 位 ,他于1974年加入得可,无论在公司内部还是更广的商业圈都是举足轻重的人物。 dek.com | Having recently been presented with an Honorary Doctor of Business Administration Award from Bournemouth University, John joined DEK in 1974 and is a central figure here at DEK and in the wider business community. dek.com |
汪博士获印弟安纳州Purdue University电机工程理学士及硕士学位,并获颁 发 荣誉 工 程 博士 学 位。 vtech.com | Dr. WANG obtained his Bachelor and Master of Science [...] degrees in Electrical Engineering and [...] received an Honorary Doctorate of Engineering [...]from Purdue University in Indiana, USA. vtech.com.hk |
科罗马法官获得基辅国立大学(荣誉)法学硕士、伦敦大学国王学院国际法硕 士,以及塞拉利昂大学荣誉法学博士。 daccess-ods.un.org | M (Honours) degree from Kiev State University, a Master of Philosophy in International Law from the King’s College, [...] University of London, and an Hons. daccess-ods.un.org |
Gandhi 博士被选为机构荣誉理事 还有一个重要的原因,那就是他毫无保留地与他人分享知识并传递热情。 ul.com | Also significant, and perhaps the [...] strongest endorsement of Dr. Gandhi's being chosen [...]as a Corporate Fellow is the manner [...]in which he freely shares his knowledge and enthusiasm with others. ul.com |
威蒂什博士是德国驻瑞士荣誉领事 ,并任德国非营利性体育组织——德国体育赞助基金会(Deutsche Sporthilfe)的理事会成员。 rolandberger.com.cn | Dr. Wittig is the Honorary Consul for Germany in Switzerland and sits on the [...] Board of Trustees of Deutsche Sporthilfe, a [...]non-profit German sports organization. rolandberger.com |
N Varaprasad博士拥有工学学士(荣誉)、 工学硕士以及城市交通动力学博士学位。 cn.lsbf.edu.sg | Dr. N Varaprasad has a B Eng (Hons), M Eng, and a PhD in Urban Transport Dynamics. lsbf.edu.sg |
她以优异的成绩取得爱丁堡大学的法学硕士学位,并因出色的法律司法服务获 得无数国内和国际奖项和荣誉,包括爱丁堡大学奖予 的 荣誉 法 学 博士 学位 (2009 年)。 daccess-ods.un.org | M (with Distinction) from the University of Edinburgh, and has received numerous national and international awards and honours in recognition of her distinguished legal and judicial service, including a Doctorate of Laws honoris causa from the University of Edinburgh (2009). daccess-ods.un.org |
科尔马(Colmar),南到瑞士的工 业城市米卢斯 繁 荣 的 城市 的 博 物 馆,但与一些不理想的地方为第二或永久的家,除非你在瑞士工作。 leapfrog-properties.com | South of [...] Colmar, next to Switzerland is the industrial city of Mulhouse- a prosperous city with a number of museums but not the [...]ideal place for a second [...]or permanent home unless you work in Switzerland. leapfrog-properties.com |
小组 授予伊本·查巴斯博士小组名誉成员 的 荣誉 称 号 ,并邀请他参加下一次会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group conferred on Dr. Chambas the distinction of Honorary Member of the Group and invited him to its next meeting. daccess-ods.un.org |
盖茨先生获得过多种奖项,包括英国女王伊丽莎白二世在 2005 年授予的荣 誉爵士头衔 ,西班牙于 2006 年授予的著名的阿斯图里亚斯王子国际合作奖,墨 西哥授予的阿兹台克之鹰勋章,以及哈佛大学等诸多著名大学授予的 名 誉博士学 位。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Gates has received many awards, [...] including an honorary knighthood by Queen Elizabeth II in 2005, the prestigious Prince of Asturias Award for international cooperation in 2006 from Spain, the Order of the Aztec Eagle from Mexico and many honorary doctorates from prominent [...]universities, such as Harvard. daccess-ods.un.org |
瓦克集团总裁兼首席执行官鲁道夫施陶迪 格 博士 赞 誉 了 今 年的获奖人在硅有机化学领域中做出的突出科研成绩。 wacker.com | Dr. Rudolf Staudigl, WACKER’s President & CEO, praised this year's award [...] recipient for his outstanding achievements in the [...]field of organosilicon chemistry. wacker.com |
该奖的荣誉奖颁给了 Yolande Mukagasana 女士(卢 旺达/比利时),表彰她作为 1994 年 卢旺达种族大屠杀的受害者和见证人,为促进和平文化而进行的勇敢的、头脑清醒的战斗。 unesdoc.unesco.org | An honourable mention of the Prize went to Ms Yolande Mukagasana (Rwanda/Belgium) [...] in recognition of her courageous and lucid [...]combats to contribute to a culture of peace as both a victim and a witness of genocide in Rwanda in 1994. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果您不确定自己是否有资格获得应用会计 ( 荣誉 ) 理 学 士 学 位 ,应先参阅www.accaglobal.com,了解您是否已经参与该学位计划或是否有资格参与。 cn.lsbf.edu.sg | If you are unsure of your [...] eligibility for the BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting [...]degree, you should first refer to www.accaglobal.com [...]which will tell you whether or not you have opted into the degree scheme or are eligible. lsbf.edu.sg |
他的艺术生涯和教学使他荣膺本国的Cultura Nacional、Alejo Carpentier 和Félix Varela 奖章以及其它崇高荣誉, 包括加拿大和古巴数所大学授予的“ 名 誉博士 ” 称 号。 fao.org | His artistic career and teaching have earned him the Cultura Nacional, Alejo Carpentier and Félix Varela [...] medals in [...] his country and other high distinctions, including Doctor Honoris Causa awards from universities [...]in Canada and Cuba. fao.org |
1984 年她获得了食品科学学位(荣誉)学 士 学 位。 sgsgroup.com.cn | In 1984 she achieved a BSc (Hons) in Food Science. sgsgroup.com.ar |
1985 年,Malcolm 毕业于格拉斯哥大学,取得化学理学 士 ( 荣誉 ) 学 位。 sgsgroup.com.cn | Malcolm graduated with a BSc Chemistry (Hons) from the University of Glasgow in 1985. sgsgroup.com.ar |
这一专题讨论小组的成员如下:成蹊大学国际问题研究生 院 荣誉 教授 Ryokichi Hirono 先生、印度能源与资源研究所权力下放式能源解决办法专 题项目主任 Akanksha Chaurey 女士、城 市网秘书长及菲律宾拉乌尼翁圣费 尔南多市前市长 Mary Jane Ortega 女士、以及孟加拉国环保律师协会执行 主任兼孟加拉国最高法院注册律师 Syeda Rizwana Hasan 女士。 daccess-ods.un.org | The panel members were: Mr. Ryokichi Hirono, Professor emeritus at the Graduate School of International Studies, Seikei University; Ms. Akanksha Chaurey, Director of Decentralised Energy Solutions at The Energy and Resources Institute, India; Ms. Mary Jane Ortega, Secretary-General of CITYNET and former mayor of San Fernando, La Union, Philippines; and Ms. Syeda Rizwana Hasan, Chief Executive of the Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers’ Association and an enrolled lawyer of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh. daccess-ods.un.org |
在厄瓜多尔的全部城市有很多有趣的网站和容易记住它,不过,在少数地方可以像我们这样的享受自己的安第斯景观丰富多彩,忠实地反映和本种族混杂和自豪拉丁美洲他们的习俗和他们的省代表“ 钦 博 拉 索 ”使这 个 荣誉 是 在 哪里,现代性和传统,是在一个混乱的游客愉快的本质奇异的混合物。 instantworldbooking.com | All cities in Ecuador have a lot of interesting sites and easy to remember it, nevertheless in few places can be enjoyed so colorful of own Andean landscapes as ours, faithful reflection and representative of this racially mixed and proud Latin [...] America of their customs and their [...] province “Chimborazo” makes honor is this singular mixture [...]in where, modernity and the traditions [...]are confused in a pleasant essence for the visitors. instantworldbooking.com |
国际教育标准分类法》8级也不包括,无任何研究工作且基于其他考虑而 由大学给与的名誉博士。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Honorary doctorates given by universities on the basis of other considerations and not any research work are not covered under ISCED 8. unesdoc.unesco.org |
约旦以 Musa Burayzat 博士为 代表荣 幸 地 成 为 人权理事会主席团成 员,担任副主席和报告员,并且被分配担任 2008 年社会论坛主席兼 报告员。 daccess-ods.un.org | Jordan, as represented by Dr. Musa Burayzat, had the honour to be a member of the Human Rights Council bureau, as Vice-President and Rapporteur, and was also assigned the position of Chairperson/Rapporteur of the 2008 Social Forum daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国秘书长于 2010 年任命了一个知名人士小组,成员包括马里共和国前 总统阿尔法·奥马尔·科纳雷(小组共同主席),孟加拉复兴援助委员会创始人兼 主席法佐·哈桑·阿比德,全球发展中心创始主席南希·伯德萨尔,布鲁金斯学 会副会长兼全球经济与发展主任凯末尔·德尔维什,沃尔芬森公司董事长兼首席 [...] 执行官、世界银行前行长詹姆斯·沃尔芬森,住友化学工业株式会社社长米仓弘 [...] 昌,欧洲议会议员、前欧洲发展与人道主义援助专员路易·米歇尔,乌干达银行 副行长、世界银行前执行董事路易斯·凯斯肯德和苏塞克斯大学发展研究 院 荣誉 教授理查德·乔里爵士。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United Nations Secretary-General appointed a Group of Eminent Persons in 2010 with the following members: Alpha Oumar Konaré, former President of the Republic of Mali (Co-Chair of the Group); Fazle Hasan Abed, the founder and Chairperson of the Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance Committee (BRAC); Nancy Birdsall, the founding President of the Center for Global Development; Kemal Dervis, Vice-President and Director of Global Economy and Development at the Brookings Institution; James Wolfensohn, Chairman and Chief Executive [...] Officer of Wolfensohn and Company [...] and former President of the World Bank (Co-Chair of the [...]Group); Hiromasa Yonekura, Chairman [...]of Sumitomo Chemical Company Ltd. daccess-ods.un.org |
1989 年,卧龙岗大学授予 Johnson 教授技术与社会变革 专业的文学硕士(荣誉学位 );1991 年,弗林德斯大学授予他 “使用引文索引衡量大学院系工作绩效”领域的教育管理硕士 学位。 biggerbrains.com | Professor Johnson was awarded an M.A. (Hons) in technology and social change from the University of Wollongong in 1989 and an M.Ed. biggerbrains.com |