单词 | 荣耀 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 荣耀 noun —glorify nExamples:荣宗耀祖—bring honor to one's ancestors [idiom.] See also:荣 n—glory n 荣 adj—proud adj 荣—thriving • surname Rong 翀—soar
有幸助您实现这由来已久的梦想,令奔驰金融深 感 荣耀。 mercedes-benz.com.cn | To help you achieve this age-old dream, make [...] Mercedes-Benz Financial deeply glory. mercedes-benz.com.cn |
朝鲜人希望并期望将曾给国家带来耻辱和痛苦的朝鲜西海存在争议水域变 成和平与繁荣水域,给国家带来荣耀 和 喜 悦,但这并未变成现实。 daccess-ods.un.org | But the expectation and hope of the Koreans of seeing the disputed waters in the West Sea of Korea which brought disgrace [...] and pain to the nation turn into waters [...] of peace and prosperity adding to the [...]pride and joy of the nation have not been translated into reality. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,柬埔寨的繁荣和荣耀在多次战争后日渐消退。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the prosperity and glorious fame [...] of Cambodia fell gradually after Cambodia experienced many wars. daccess-ods.un.org |
柬埔寨在历史上是一个伟大而荣耀的 民族,过去拥有光辉灿烂的文化。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cambodia had been a [...] great and glorious nation in its history and had been a country with grand prosperous civilization [...]in the past. daccess-ods.un.org |
vs 23 这里说的门徒也许就是约翰本人,但出于谦卑,他不提自己的名字,因为他在主里有比别人 更 荣耀 的 位 置。 bcbsr.com | vs 23 The disciple of who it speaks here is probably John [...] himself, though in humility he doesn't name himself as he [...] had a position of honor with the Lord more [...]so than the others. bcbsr.com |
2008年国际奥林匹克运动会即将在北京举行,这不但是中国人民 的 荣耀 , 也 是亚洲人民和世界华人 的 荣耀。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | The hosting of the Olympic [...] Games in Beijing in 2008 is not only a great honour for China, but for [...]Asia and for the ethnic Chinese worldwide. english.sccci.org.sg |
(c) 爱尔兰为在联合国促进人权的记录感到自豪,爱尔兰前总统玛丽·鲁滨 逊获得任命,在 1997 至 2002 年期间担任联合国人权事务高级专员,爱尔兰为此 感到荣耀。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Ireland is proud of its record in the promotion of human rights at the United Nations, and was honoured by the appointment of the former President of Ireland, Mary Robinson, as United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights from 1997 to 2002. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们看到,保罗最终确实在事工声望上超过了巴拿巴,这给神带来了更 大的荣耀,也拓展了神的国度。 sallee.info | We see that eventually, Paul did surpass Barnabas in ministry renown, [...] to the greater glory of God and the [...]advancement of His Kingdom. sallee.info |
这为贵国及其所做的工作带来了荣耀 。 贵 国所做的工 作完全值得赞扬。 daccess-ods.un.org | This does honour to your friendly country and its work, which deserves all possible praise. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些荣耀的日 子已经一去不复返了,但尽管排在二线球队(之前是三线球队),他们仍然拥有着这个国家最忠诚的球迷。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | While those glory days are gone they [...] still have one of the most loyal fan base in the country, despite being in the second [...]tier (& previously third tier) of the English football. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
所以对他而言,与上帝同等并不是窃取, 因为他本来就具有与上帝同等的荣耀。 centerformissions.com | This means that Jesus [...] was not robbing honor from God when [...]He claimed to be equal with God. centerformissions.com |
传承星徽荣耀的梅赛德斯-奔驰租赁有限公司,经批准的营业范围涵盖融资租赁业务、经营租赁业务、向国内外购买租赁资产、租赁财产的余值处理及维修以及租赁交易咨询与担保等。 mercedes-benz.com.cn | Mercedes-Benz Leasing Co. mercedes-benz.com.cn |
他也和我们分享以赛亚书40:1-5的灵修内容,这段经文描述了AM-CCSM参与的许多工作──安慰神的百姓(v1)和为主预备道路(v3),好使祂 的 荣耀 显 现,让所有人类都能得见(v5)。 amccsm.org | He also shared with us a devotion from Isaiah 40:1-5, which describes much of the work in which AM-CCSM as a ministry is involved - bringing comfort to God's [...] people (v1) and preparing the way for the Lord [...] (v3), so that His glory might be revealed [...]and all mankind might see it (v5). amccsm.org |
我们对 在 2010-2011 年担任安理会理事期间同安全理事会的 所有成员一道工作,感到高兴和荣耀。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has been our pleasure and honour to work together with all members of the Security Council during the term of our membership, 2010-2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
4)安提阿学派的第四个世纪,直到学校里给阿里乌主义的时候,当伟大的亚历山大,他那修和Didymus,正在死亡线上挣扎,当它刚刚进入复苏不仅正统,而是进入一个全盛期,其中最近 的 荣耀 亚 历山大甚至卡帕多西亚是被超越。 mb-soft.com | (4) The Antiochene school of the fourth century seemed given over to Arianism, until the time when the great Alexandrians, Athanasius and Didymus, were dying, when it was just reviving not merely into [...] orthodoxy, but into an efflorescence by [...] which the recent glory of Alexandria [...]and even of Cappadocia was to be surpassed. mb-soft.com |
品牌营造出愉悦、奢华的环境,让每一位前来的客人沉浸在伯爵尊 贵 荣耀 与 艺术之美相互辉映的轻松氛围中。 piaget.com.cn | The brand has created a beautiful, glamorous environment that allows every customer who steps in the boutique the artistic and sumptuous Piaget retail experience in an inviting atmosphere. piaget.com |
路博润很荣幸能够跻身于全球高科技行业的参与者和竞争者之列,身处这样伟大的公司令我倍 感 荣耀。 cn.lubrizol.com | Lubrizol is proud to be a participant and competitor in a global, high-tech [...] industry, and I am honored to be part of [...]this great company. lubrizol.com |
天堂是居留权的祝福,其中(后与 荣耀 机 构 复活),他们享有在基督和天使公司,神的眼光来面对眼前的脸,被超自然 的 荣耀 之 光这样才能提升能够这样的远景。 mb-soft.com | Heaven is the abode of the blessed, [...] where (after the [...] resurrection with glorified bodies) they enjoy, in the company of Christ and the angels, the immediate vision of God face to face, being supernaturally elevated by the light of glory so as to be [...]capable of such a vision. mb-soft.com |
在你作任何有疑问的活动之前,可否诚实的求神祝福,相信祂会因你 的参与而得荣耀? bbnradio.org | Before you engage in the activity in [...] question, can you honestly ask for God's blessing upon it, believing [...] that He will be honored through your participation? bbnradio.org |
此次大赛除了名声和荣耀、 奖杯和奖金,也有Tt eSPORTS赞助的产品奖。 ttesports.com.cn | Besides the fame and the glory, trophy, and the [...] prize cash, there were also product prizes that were sponsored by Tt eSPORTS. ttesports.fr |
它是受第一位费拉拉公爵博尔索·德·艾斯特(Borso d’Este,1413-1471 年)委托而作,公爵打算用其展示艾斯特家族 的 荣耀 , 当时他们家族正在与佛罗伦萨家族和美第奇皇家家族比拼国际地位。 wdl.org | It was commissioned by Borso d’Este (1413–71), the first duke of Ferrara, who intended it as a demonstration of the splendor of the House of Este, which at the time was competing with Florence and the court of the Medici for international status. wdl.org |
战争不再是荣耀和骄 傲,而只会引起国际社会的 愤慨和谴责。 daccess-ods.un.org | War no longer evokes glory and pride, only [...] rage and condemnation on the part of the international community. daccess-ods.un.org |
其它两张字幅包含为一位国王所作的祈祷词,祝愿他永 远 荣耀 和 健 康,祈祷词采用了被称为“回环体”(tarji-band,各韵脚不同的单节之间出现一个使用独立韵脚的半行)的诗歌格式。 wdl.org | The other two text panels contain prayers for a [...] king, wishing him glory and health, composed [...]in the poetic format known as tarji-band [...](in between each stanza with a different rhyme appears a single hemistich with its own rhyme). wdl.org |
在这一最佳实践调研结果的基础上,Frost & Sullivan 荣耀地将在焊接材料领域的 2011年“全球客户价值提升奖”授予了 ESAB Holdings Ltd.(伊萨)。 esab-cutting.cn | Based on the findings of this Best Practices research, Frost & Sullivan is proud to present the 2011 Global Customer Value Enhancement Award in Welding Filler Metals to ESAB Holdings Ltd (ESAB). fr.esab-cutting.net |
基督徒辅导员努力帮助被辅导的基督徒充分 发挥神所赐给他的潜能,并为着神的 荣耀 成 就 神对他生命的计划。 sallee.info | The Christian mentor strives to [...] help the Christian mentoree reach his God-given potential and to accomplish God's goals [...] for his life, for the glory of God! sallee.info |
2009年,在来自49个国家的3231件产品总数中,BC4 Flight Timer世界时区表脱颖而出,拔得头筹!也因为产品设计类奖项中的‘Best of the Best’最佳设计奖,Oris已与之前拥有Red [...] Dot头衔的经典品牌-Siemens、Apple以及B M W 荣耀 并 列。 oris.ch | With a ‘Best of the Best’ award in the [...] category of product design, Oris now joins the likes of Siemens, [...] Apple and BMW who have all previously [...]won a Red Dot title. oris.ch |
Xtera通信公司总裁兼首席执行官Jon Hopper表示:“成为这个使全墨西哥受益的项目的合作者是Xte ra 的 荣耀。 tipschina.gov.cn | It is an honor for Xtera to be part of a project that will bring benefits to all of Mexico," said Jon Hopper, President and CEO of Xtera Communications. tipschina.gov.cn |
无论是支持竞争激烈的劳力士悉尼至霍巴特帆船赛还是维持劳力士超级帆船 杯的传统荣耀,劳 力士与帆船运动世界的精英建立了特殊的关系。 regattanews.com | Whether supporting extreme challenges such as the ultra-competitive Rolex sydney Hobart or maintaining tradition with the glamorous Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup, Rolex has cultivated a privileged relationship with the elite world of yachting. regattanews.com |
上海席梦思床褥家具销售有限公司总经理柯王仁先生称:"Simmons席梦思品牌早在上世纪30年代就来到了中国的风尚之都——上海,而在21世纪初,Simmons席梦思重返中国市场,沿袭上世纪的辉煌历史,秉承古老家族的百 年 荣耀 , 为 中国消费者呈现Simmons席梦思的卓然品质。 simmons.cn | Mr. Jin Kao, General Manager of Shanghai Simmons Bedding & Furniture Sales Ltd said: “The Simmons brand entered China’s fashion hub of Shanghai in the early 1930s and came back to China in the early 21st century. simmons.cn |
彼得宣称,我们不是随从乖 巧捏造的虚言;(参看《彼得后书》1:16) 当他目睹了摩西、以利亚和耶稣身着闪光衣 服的荣耀“异 象”,他就看到了在变容山上 那即将到来的耶稣之国的荣耀——摩西代表 古代伟人(参看《希伯来书》11:38-40), 他将成为天国在地上的代表;以利亚代表福 音时代的“征服者”——这完整的一幕预 示着,那“随后而来的荣耀”在 为公义的 缘故受难后,将依照他的喜好完成拣选。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | Peter declares (2 Pet. 1:16), that we are not following cunningly [...] devised fables; that he [...] saw in a figure the glory of the coming kingdom of Christ on the mount of transfiguration, when he beheld the glorious “vision” of Moses and Elijah and Jesus in glittering garments—Moses representing the ancient worthies (Heb. 11:38-40) who shall be the earthly representatives of the heavenly Kingdom, and Elijah representing the “overcomers” of this Gospel age—the scene as a whole foreshadowing the “glory to follow,” after [...]the sufferings for righteousness’ [...]sake shall have completed the election according to favor. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |