

单词 荣宗耀祖

See also:

荣耀 n

glorify n



External sources (not reviewed)

我特別想談及特首這一職位,我一直很不客氣地說,“特 首 ”真的不是“一份工作”那麼簡單;這是很偉大、 宗耀祖 的 一 個職 位。
All along, I have been blunt in saying that the
position of the Chief Executive is not simply "a job", but a great position
[...] bringing glory to the family and ancestors.
朝鲜人希望并期望将曾给国家带来耻辱和痛苦的朝鲜西海存在争议水域变 成和平与繁荣水域,给国家带荣耀 和 喜 悦,但这并未变成现实。
But the expectation and hope of the Koreans of seeing the disputed waters in the West Sea of Korea which brought disgrace
and pain to the nation turn into waters
[...] of peace and prosperity adding to the [...]
pride and joy of the nation have not been translated into reality.
However, the prosperity and glorious fame [...]
of Cambodia fell gradually after Cambodia experienced many wars.
[...] 常委會的諸君今天如果有機會聽到我發言的話,回憶一下他們的 祖宗 所說 的是甚麼。
I would also like to invite those who are qualified to attend the Standing
Committee of the National People's Congress (NPCSC) to listen to my words and reflect
[...] upon what their forefather had said.
主席:我現在向各位提出的待議議題是:楊森議員就 耀宗 議 員 議案動議的 修正案,予以通過。
PRESIDENT (in Cantonese): I now
propose the question to you and that is: That the amendment, moved by Dr
[...] YEUNG Sum to Mr TAM Yiu-chung's motion, [...]
be passed.
柬埔寨在历史上是一个伟大荣耀的 民族,过去拥有光辉灿烂的文化。
Cambodia had been a
[...] great and glorious nation in its history and had been a country with grand prosperous civilization [...]
in the past.
事實㆖,耀宗議員亦提及,只是㆒些害群之馬作出這 種事情。
In fact, just as the
[...] Honourable TAM Yiu-chung also pointed [...]
out, this is only the way some "black sheep" behave.
一个高雅的世俗由对物质的荣,对 祖 国 的 忠诚应力状态的特点,以及个人主义的社会达尔文主义的启发几乎切断了社会关注的主根。
A decorous worldliness characterized by a
[...] stress on material prosperity, loyalty to the [...]
nation state, and a rugged individualism
inspired by social Darwinism virtually severed the taproot of social concern.
(c) 爱尔兰为在联合国促进人权的记录感到自豪,爱尔兰前总统玛丽·鲁滨 逊获得任命,在 1997 至 2002 年期间担任联合国人权事务高级专员,爱尔兰为此 感荣耀。
(c) Ireland is proud of its record in the promotion of human rights at the United Nations, and was honoured by the appointment of the former President of Ireland, Mary Robinson, as United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights from 1997 to 2002.
[...] 對律政司外判檢控官祖耀(Neil MITCHELL)最近在法院外受襲的關 注。
On protecting the rule of law in Hong Kong and administration of justice, I absolutely
agree with Dr Margaret NG's concern about the
[...] recent attack on Mr Neil MITCHELL, [...]
counsel on fiat for the Department of Justice, outside a court building.
祖耀先生 是新加坡成就非凡的银行家和商业巨子,同时也是具有威望的华社领袖;丹斯里拿督李深静局绅是马来西亚举足轻重的著名企业家,对棕榈油工业做出了重要贡献;刘永好先生在八十年代白手起家,拥有目前中国最大的饲料生产企业;梁振英先生以专业精英身份,领导世界级房地产咨询公司,并在香港政界极具影响力;陈 宗 先 生不但纵横香港房地产业,同时也是一位涉足教育及文化领域的“学者型商人”。
Tan Sri Dato Lee Shin Cheng, at the helm of a prominent Malaysian conglomerate, is very successful in the oil palm industry; Mr Liu Yong Hao is an entrepreneur who built up his agribusiness empire in the 1980s, which now ranks as one of China’s largest; Mr Leung Chun-ying is a respected professional distinguished by his involvement in a global property consultancy and in the Hong Kong political scene; Mr Ronnie Chan is a leading figure in Hong Kong’s real estate [...]
industry and well-known
for his involvement in the world of academia.
當年內憂外患,毛澤東是吳邦國的祖 宗,也是林局長上司的祖宗,他 很清楚地這樣回答中外記者,所以外國人 也是知道的。
He answered local and overseas reporters in this way very clearly, so even foreigners know about this.
在這個行之有效祖宗家法制度下,官員一直很審慎地審批撥款申 請,但政府set aside這個制度,改為憑政治判斷“派錢”。
This System has been effective for generations, and government officials have always examined funding applications prudently, but now the Government has set aside this system and decided to give "cash handouts" on the basis of political judgments.
2008年国际奥林匹克运动会即将在北京举行,这不但是中国人民 荣耀 , 也 是亚洲人民和世界华人 荣耀。
The hosting of the Olympic
[...] Games in Beijing in 2008 is not only a great honour for China, but for [...]
Asia and for the ethnic Chinese worldwide.
我们看到,保罗最终确实在事工声望上超过了巴拿巴,这给神带来了更 大荣耀,也拓展了神的国度。
We see that eventually, Paul did surpass Barnabas in ministry renown,
[...] to the greater glory of God and the [...]
advancement of His Kingdom.
这为贵国及其所做的工作带来荣耀 。 贵 国所做的工 作完全值得赞扬。
This does honour to your friendly country and its work, which deserves all possible praise.
老兄,那是你的祖宗說的 ,當時正在打仗,國民黨亦正 與他開戰,他當時是兩面受敵。
At that time, there was a war going on and the Kuomintang was also at war with him, so he was being attacked on two sides.
很多㆟由於缺乏了解,以為新界傳統習俗只是㆒些追不㆖潮流的古 祖宗 家 法, 再不適合現今的香港社會。
Owing to a lack of understanding, many people think that the traditional
custom of the New Territories is a kind
[...] of old-fashioned ancestral and domestic discipline, [...]
which is no longer suitable to
the present-day Hong Kong society.
因此,耀宗議員 指我們寧為玉碎、不為瓦全, 其實是“鬼拍後尾枕” ─ 多謝他,我們正是寧為玉碎、不為瓦全,如果 用英文說,便會譯成是不自由、毋寧死,就是如此簡單而已,又或是寧鳴而 生、不默而死,這些全部均是祖宗 的 教 誨。
Therefore, Mr TAM Yiu-chung's remark that we would rather be a broken piece of jade than an intact tile was actually a Freudian slip.
他也和我们分享以赛亚书40:1-5的灵修内容,这段经文描述了AM-CCSM参与的许多工作──安慰神的百姓(v1)和为主预备道路(v3),好使祂 荣耀 显 现,让所有人类都能得见(v5)。
He also shared with us a devotion from Isaiah 40:1-5, which describes much of the work in which AM-CCSM as a ministry is involved - bringing comfort to God's
people (v1) and preparing the way for the Lord
[...] (v3), so that His glory might be revealed [...]
and all mankind might see it (v5).
4)安提阿学派的第四个世纪,直到学校里给阿里乌主义的时候,当伟大的亚历山大,他那修和Didymus,正在死亡线上挣扎,当它刚刚进入复苏不仅正统,而是进入一个全盛期,其中最近 荣耀 亚 历山大甚至卡帕多西亚是被超越。
(4) The Antiochene school of the fourth century seemed given over to Arianism, until the time when the great Alexandrians, Athanasius and Didymus, were dying, when it was just reviving not merely into
orthodoxy, but into an efflorescence by
[...] which the recent glory of Alexandria [...]
and even of Cappadocia was to be surpassed.
我们对 在 2010-2011 年担任安理会理事期间同安全理事会的 所有成员一道工作,感到高兴荣耀。
It has been our pleasure and honour to work together with all members of the Security Council during the term of our membership, 2010-2011.
據 7 月 23 日的報章報道,有一名很拼搏、外號“潮州小子”的男子, 他 9 年前移民來港與家人團聚,立志要 宗耀祖 供 養 父母,會考畢業後,立 即工作賺錢,不計較職業高低,即使是碼頭搬運工作也願意捱,但始終無法 融入社會,仍遭人歧視和排斥,結果失業後靠綜援維生,令他自責無用。
According to a press report on 23 July, a very hardworking man nicknamed "the young man from Chiu Chow" migrated to Hong Kong nine years ago to reunite with his family and he vowed to be successful in life, so as to bring honour to his ancestors and to support his parents.
這一條 古 法,至 今 仍 具 高度的 現 實 和 實 用 意 義 , 香港特 別行政 區(“特 區”)政 府 遭 逢 逆 境,多 年 來 吃 盡 苦 頭 , 兜兜轉轉, 才 又 搬 出祖 宗的大 智 慧 來 使 用。
Today, this ancient formula is still considered to be highly realistic and practical. In the face of the downturn, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) has suffered tremendously in finding the right way out over the years.
[...] 會會議上,議員察悉議事規則委員會主席 耀宗 議員 將會在立法會會議上動議議案,以修訂《議 [...]
The Chairman said that at the last House Committee meeting, Members noted
[...] that Mr TAM Yiu-chung, Chairman of [...]
the Committee on Rules of Procedure, would
move a motion at the Council meeting to amend Rule 80 of the Rules of Procedure on attendance of witness.
所以, 對於耀宗議員 的修正案內容,我們同意政府應撥出一筆錢來逐一處理現存 [...]
的問題,總比現時醫療內......我經常說,由於政府現時未能就融資問題達 成共識,所以便暗渡陳倉,推出甚麼中藥、甚麼名冊表,接着又說甚麼地方 要市民付錢等,令基層的生活越來越辛苦,排期越來越長,很多時候前往求
診也得不到合適的照顧等,這些在在有需要政府......整個 HA 在醫療上要 處理的資源問題,我覺得這是我的關注。
So, with regard to the amendment
[...] proposed by Mr TAM Yiu-chung, we agree that [...]
a sum of money should be allocated by the Government
for handling the existing problems one by one and this, compared with the existing health care …… as I have always said, the Government has not been able to foster a consensus on health care financing and so, it has secretly sought to achieve its purpose in other ways, introducing measures about Chinese medicine, the drug formulary, and then making the public pay for this and that, thus subjecting the grassroots to increasingly more difficulties in their living and making them wait for a longer and longer time for a medical appointment and they are often not provided with suitable care when seeking medical consultation.
耀宗議員: 主席,政府可否告 知本會,有否計劃 在 屯 門 公 路東面興 [...]
建 一 條 新 交 通 幹 線 ( 即 屯 門 東 繞 道 ( “ 繞 道 ” )),以期紓 緩屯門 公 路 屯 門市 中心段 的交通 擠塞問題;若 有 , 該 幹
線 的 起 點、途 經 區 域 、 預 計 每 小 時的行 車 量 , 以 及 預 計 的興建和完工 日期;若 否 , 原 因 為 何 ?
MR TAM YIU-CHUNG (in Chinese): President, [...]
will the Government inform this Council whether it plans to construct a new route
to the east of Tuen Mun Road (that is, Tuen Mun Eastern Bypass (the Bypass)) in order to alleviate the traffic congestion at the Town Centre Section of Tuen Mun Road; if so, of the starting point of the route, the districts it passes by, forecast traffic volume per hour, as well as the expected commencement and completion dates of the construction works for the route; if not, of the reasons for that?
天堂是居留权的祝福,其中(后 荣耀 机 构 复活),他们享有在基督和天使公司,神的眼光来面对眼前的脸,被超自然 荣耀 之 光这样才能提升能够这样的远景。
Heaven is the abode of the blessed,
where (after the
[...] resurrection with glorified bodies) they enjoy, in the company of Christ and the angels, the immediate vision of God face to face, being supernaturally elevated by the light of glory so as to be [...]
capable of such a vision.
禁止摧毁公私财产,除非因军事行动绝对有必要摧毁这些财产; ⑿ 在所有情况下,受保护者都有权得到对其本人 荣 誉 、 家庭权利 宗教 信宗教实践及其风俗习惯的尊重。
12) Protected persons are entitled, in all circumstances, to respect for
their persons, their
[...] honour, their family rights, their religious convictions and practices, and [...]
their manners and customs.
其它两张字幅包含为一位国王所作的祈祷词,祝愿他永 荣耀 和 健 康,祈祷词采用了被称为“回环体”(tarji-band,各韵脚不同的单节之间出现一个使用独立韵脚的半行)的诗歌格式。
The other two text panels contain prayers for a
[...] king, wishing him glory and health, composed [...]
in the poetic format known as tarji-band
(in between each stanza with a different rhyme appears a single hemistich with its own rhyme).




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