单词 | 荣光颂 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 荣光颂 —Gloria (in Catholic mass)See also:荣光 n—glory n 光荣 n—glory n 光荣 adj—honorable adj 光荣—honor and glory
感受多内加尔海岸线的魔力,感受此地古代 的 荣光。 discoverireland.com | Treat yourself to the magic of the Donegal [...] coastline in all its glory. discoverireland.com |
上海是一座具有光荣革命历史传统的城市,留下了无数革命者的足迹和不少革命遗址。 shanghaibiennale.org | Shanghai is also a [...] heroic city with glorious revolutionary history, [...]many important events happened in Shanghai during the [...]Revolution, what left a lot of revolutionary relics. shanghaibiennale.org |
这只是一 场为解放大多数被占领土光荣而战 的抵抗运动。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was nothing but a resistance movement [...] that had fought honourably to liberate [...]most of the occupied land. daccess-ods.un.org |
而满腹欣喜情绪的我,也正欢喜迎接Oris腕表获得此项最高 殊 荣 的 光荣 事 实。 oris.ch | I’m still trying to take in the fact that an Oris watch won such an amazing award. oris.ch |
这段拉丁文的译文是“在上帝所乐见和我们所珍视的盛举中,此举肯定位 居最高,即在我们所处的时代,天主教和基督教尤其受 到 颂 扬 , 到处 繁 荣 和 传 播,人类的健康 得到照顾,野蛮的国家被推翻,并被信仰所开化。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Latin translates: “Among other works well pleasing to the Divine Majesty and cherished of our heart, this assuredly ranks highest, that in our times especially the Catholic faith and Christian religion be exalted and everywhere increased and spread, that the health of souls be cared for and that barbarous nations be overthrown and brought to the faith itself” (Davenport). daccess-ods.un.org |
同样,pH值和0.20不适用,作为一项规则,在第四世纪,基督人性的,因为人类是不是“自然”中的“感”完全像我们的性质,因为它是无罪的,且无所有的不完善而产生的Natura原罪(不普拉的Natura但IP互通),它没有自己的人的个性的,它是ineffab ly 增 光 和 工会 歌 颂 其 与 Word。 mb-soft.com | Again, ph&úsis was not applied, as a rule, in the fourth century, to the Humanity of Christ, because that Humanity is not "natural" in the sense of "wholly like to our nature", since it is sinless, and free from all the imperfections which arise from original sin (not pura natura but [...] integra natura), it has no human personality of its [...] own, and it is ineffably graced and glorified [...]by its union with the Word. mb-soft.com |
这是为了赞颂我们 的父辈和祖辈做出的英勇牺牲和取得的胜利, 赞 颂 他 们为 我们创造的和平生活。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is a tribute to our fathers and grandfathers for their self-sacrificing fight, for their victory and for our peaceful life thanks to them. daccess-ods.un.org |
证据:多哥的伙伴们(欧洲联盟、非洲联盟、萨赫勒-撒哈拉国家共同体、西 非国家经济共同体、法国、中国、葡萄牙、阿尔及利亚、摩洛哥……)都承认,3 月 4 日的总统选举,进程符合国际准则,它们到今天为止一直祝贺卸任总 统 光荣 连任国家领袖。 daccess-ods.un.org | As proof, Togo’s partners (including the European Union (EU), the African Union (AU), the Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), France, China, Portugal, Algeria and Morocco) recognized that the 4 March presidential election was conducted in accordance with international standards and are continuing to congratulate the sitting President on his election to lead his country. daccess-ods.un.org |
原来的全明星配音阵容,令人叹为观止的动画效果和迷人的歌声,Kiara和Kovu的冒险刺激所有年龄段的观众 的 光荣 “ 的 生活圈子”继续为新一代。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Featuring the original all-star voice cast, breathtaking animation and enchanting songs, [...] Kiara and Kovu’s adventure thrills audiences of [...] all ages as the glorious “Circle Of Life” [...]continues for a new generation. seekcartoon.com |
在这一背景下,值得注意的是,亚美尼亚共和国的高级官员竟然露骨地将 对阿塞拜疆平民犯下的暴行视作为他们的“民族”和……国家迈向现代历史铺 平了道路的一次“光荣的胜 利”,(例如,见亚美尼亚共和国总统谢尔日·萨尔 基相 2011 年 1 月 27 日的讲话,载于 http://www.president.am/events/ statements/eng/? daccess-ods.un.org | Against this background, it is notable that the high-ranking officials of the Republic of Armenia cynically regard atrocities committed against Azerbaijani civilians as “glorious victories”, which paved the way for their “nation’s and … country’s road in modern history” (see, e.g., the statement by President Serzh Sargsyan of the Republic of Armenia of 27 January 2011, available from http://www.president.am/events/statements/eng/?id =85). daccess-ods.un.org |
如果西方的父亲是幻想,然而,这是比西奥多的Mopsuestia,谁拒绝allegorize即使是极端的写实主 义 颂 歌 的 Canticles更好。 mb-soft.com | If the Western Fathers are fanciful, yet this is [...] better than the extreme literalism of Theodore of Mopsuestia, who refused to allegorize [...] even the Canticle of Canticles. mb-soft.com |
虽然一些理论家喜欢赞颂他们 所谓的在国际法 方面取得的巨大成绩和发展,在武装冲突中的平民以 [...] 及那些生活在外国占领下和安置点中的人,依然遭受 着各种形式的暴力和被迫流离失所,以及被蓄意剥夺 人道主义援助,更有甚者被没收土地。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although some theorists [...] like to commend what they call the [...]great developments in and evolution of international law, civilians [...]in armed conflict and those living under foreign occupation and settlement are still suffering from all forms of violence and forced displacement; as well as the intentional deprivation of humanitarian aid, not to mention the confiscation of land. daccess-ods.un.org |
物流专员正如人道主义救援中未被歌 颂 的 英 雄,他们在幕后与项目人员并肩工作,为灾区提供重要支援。 unicef.org | As unsung heroes of humanitarian relief, logistics specialists work behind the scenes, side-by-side with programme staff, to deliver critical aid. unicef.org |
这不是,因此,令人惊讶的是犹太民族的宗教希望应该是这样一来主要是末世论,而大众的想象,透视,神圣启示的角度来看,应该已经学会了为建立看地球 的 光荣 王 国 上帝,这是保证基督徒在天上会实现只在本特许关闭。 mb-soft.com | It is not, therefore, surprising that the religious hopes of the Jewish nation should have be come so predominantly eschatological, and that the popular imagination, foreshortening the perspective of Divine Revelation, should [...] have learned to look for the [...] establishment on earth of the glorious Kingdom of God, which [...]Christians are assured will be realized [...]only in heaven at the close of the present dispensation. mb-soft.com |
颂猜及被 解散党派的 108 名执行委员在五年内禁止参政。 crisisgroup.org | Prime Minister Somchai, along with 108 executive members of the dissolved parties, was banned from politics for five years. crisisgroup.org |
默基塔尔会由阿博特•默基塔尔(1676 年–1749 年)于 1700 年年建立,致力于亚美尼亚宗教、文化和文学的复兴,即恢复奥斯曼帝国统治时 的 荣光。 wdl.org | Founded by Abbott Mekhitar (1676–1749) in 1700, the Mekhitarists were dedicated to the religious, cultural, and literary revival of Armenia, which at the time was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. wdl.org |
1949年5月27日,上海这个具有光荣革命传统的城市获得解放,开始新生。 shanghaibiennale.org | On May, 27th 1949, the city of Shanghai was liberated and began its new independent life. shanghaibiennale.org |
许多领先的医院 (包括美国新闻与世界报道光荣榜上前十家医院中的七 家)已经集成了 [...] Masimo SET 脉搏血氧仪技术,此外每天 还有更多的医院改用该技术。 masimo.cn | And while many leading hospitals – including [...] seven of the top ten hospitals on the U.S. [...] News & World Report Honor Roll – have already [...]integrated Masimo SET pulse oximetry [...]technology, more are converting every day. masimo.com |
黎巴嫩,2013年1月16日 —— 联合国儿童基金会亲善大使米亚.法罗(Mia Farrow)说,收容叙利亚难民的黎巴嫩社区正在为全世界树立无私奉献与社区精神 的 光荣 榜 样。 unicef.org | Lebanon, 16 January 2013 – Lebanese communities who have taken Syrian refugees into their homes are setting an example of selflessness and community spirit that the world must match, says UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Mia Farrow. unicef.org |
她建议安理会考虑建立一 份光荣榜, 用以表彰在解决前儿童兵问题方面成绩显 著的国家,尤其是同时也已经加入《儿童权利公约》 [...] 的国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | She proposed that the Council [...] consider adopting an honours list for countries [...]that have registered appreciable progress [...]in addressing issues of former child soldiers, especially those countries that are also parties to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. daccess-ods.un.org |
请允许我在这里重申,尽管两法庭和联合国法律 事务厅的工作人员做了值得称颂的工作,但仍然存在 一些严重的未决余留问题,余留事项处理机制的规约 或相应的过渡安排都没有涉及到这些问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Allow me here to repeat once again that, notwithstanding the commendable job that the staff of the Tribunals and the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs have done, there remain some critical, unresolved residual issues that are not addressed by the statute for the Residual Mechanism or by the accompanying transitional arrangements. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们以往的型号 VL-553(车削规格)和 VL-553MC(铣削规格),一直接获各种行业的多个订单,如航空业、工 程机械及农业机械;其重切削能力在行业内广受 赞 颂。 moriseiki.com | We have received many orders for our previous models of the VL-553 (turning specifications) and VL-553MC (milling specifications) from various industries such as aircraft, construction machinery and agricultural machinery. moriseiki.com |
现在是翻开新的一页,开启阿富汗历史新 篇章的时候了;是秉持我们崇高的宗教——伊斯 兰教的真正精神,按照阿富汗人的 光荣 传 统 ,团 结阿富汗人民的力量,建设和平,实现阿富汗繁 荣的时候了。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is time to now combine the strengths of the Afghan people, in the true spirit of our noble religion, [...] Islam, and in [...] accordance with the glorious traditions of the Afghans to build peace and bring prosperity to Afghanistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
其他科特迪瓦利益攸关方提出的建议主要是吁请有关行为人之间彼此妥 协,尊重独立选举委员会宣布的结果,让巴博先 生 光荣 退 出 ,设立一个共和国高 级委员会,解除前叛军武装,改组独立选举委员会和宪法委员会,以及设置一个 独立的“真相、正义与和解”委员会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other Ivorian stakeholders proposed, mainly, a compromise between the actors concerned, the respect of the results proclaimed by the IEC, an honourable exit for Mr. Gbagbo, the establishment of a High Council of the Republic, the disarmament of the former rebels, the restructuring of the IEC and the Constitutional Council, and the establishment of an independent “Truth, Justice and Reconciliation” Commission. daccess-ods.un.org |