单词 | 荡气回肠 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 荡气回肠 —deeply movingheart-rending (drama, music, poem etc)回肠荡气 —soul-stirring (of drama, poem or artwork)less common: heart-rending • deeply moving See also:回荡—reverberate • echo • resound
肠易激综合征(IBS)是一种功能性肠道疾病,全世界有3-15%的人患有肠易激综合征,这种病可引 起 肠 痉 挛 、腹痛、 胀 气 、 腹 泻和便秘。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gut disorder that affects between 3-15% of people worldwide causing cramping, abdominal pain, bloating gas, diarrhea and constipation. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
乌兹别克斯坦布哈拉,2012年2月2日 —— 音乐和笑声回荡在乌 兹别克斯坦南部布哈拉的第11幼儿园。 unicef.org | BUKHARA, Uzbekistan, 2 February 2012 – In Bukhara, southern Uzbekistan, music and laughter drifted across Preschool Number 11. unicef.org |
这些市场是主要传统节日浪漫体现的所在:姜饼和烤 香 肠 的 气 味 飘 荡 在 寒冷的空气里;古老的手工饰品点缀着古杉树;玻璃吹制师傅和其他工匠在木制工艺品摊位里辛勤工作着;购物者在热闹地经过哥特式购物教堂外墙及半木结构房屋时,停下来品尝他们的Glühwein – 这是一种在任何条顿(日耳曼)圣诞市场上都可买到的热饮。 la-rich.com.cn | These markets are where the romance of the holiday comes alive in grand tradition - smells of gingerbread and roasting sausages waft through the cold air, handmade ornaments adorn ancient fir trees, master glassblowers and other artisans ply their crafts in wooden stalls, shoppers bustle past Gothic church facades and half-timbered houses, pausing to sip their Glühwein - the hot beverage of choice at any Teutonic Christmas market. la-rich.com |
她的声音将回荡在每 次宣读的誓言中,她的火焰将在每次点燃火炬时亮起,她的伟大遗产将通过世界上每天举办的每次竞赛和每位运动员而继续存在并发扬光大。 specialolympics.org | Her voice will echo each time the oath is recited, her fire will burn each time the flame is lit and her legacy will live and grow through every athlete in every competition, daily, around the world. specialolympics.org |
与能量消化率不同,氨基酸的回肠消化 率被认为与猪生产的全部阶段相同,还有没有足够的文献解释这种作用。 evapig.com | Unlike energy [...] digestibility, ileal digestibilities [...]of amino acids are supposed to be identical for all stages of pig production [...]and there is insufficient literature data to take into account the effects of technological processes. evapig.com |
本次级方案下的特别方案的目的,是帮助内陆发展中国家减轻其不利 地理条件造成的不良经济后果,包括:(a) 支持作出决策以提高生产能力和健全 地走向经济专门化;(b) 帮助小岛屿发展中国家提高承受外来 震 荡 的 复 原能力, 并使它们大多数能够稳步取得社会经济进展;(c) 在整个贸发会议范围内造成一 种风气去系统地注意《阿克拉协议》第 10 段所述其他结构薄弱的、脆弱的和小 规模的经济体的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The special programme under the subprogramme is aimed at helping landlocked developing countries to mitigate the adverse economic consequences of their geographical disadvantage through: (a) support for policymaking with a view to enhanced productive capacities and sound economic specialization; (b) helping small island developing States to enhance their resilience to external shocks and making steady socio-economic progress possible for most of them; and (c) instilling throughout UNCTAD a practice of devoting systematic attention to the problems of other structurally weak, vulnerable and small economies, as referred to in paragraph 10 of the Accra Accord. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于氨基酸回肠氮校 正值未知的原料来说,缺少的值可以用 INRA 在大量日粮中得出的 [...] 平均消化系数代替。 evapig.com | For ingredients [...] without known ileal digestibilities [...]of amino acids, missing values have been replaced by average digestibility [...]coefficients obtained by INRA on a large number of diets. evapig.com |
然而,过去 [...] 两年来,由于全球经济和金融危机、能源和粮食价格 动荡不定、气候变化以及我们的内部困难,我国经济 增长速度已经放缓。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, our economic growth rate slowed down in the last two years, due to the [...] global economic and financial crisis, volatile energy [...] and food prices and climate change, as well as [...]internal difficulties. daccess-ods.un.org |
会议还认识到应建设应对经济震荡、 自然 灾害和气候变 化的长期复原力的能力的重要性和紧迫性,特别是在最脆弱的国家 [...] 进行这种能力建设。 daccess-ods.un.org | The importance and urgency of building capacities for [...] long-term resiliency to economic shocks, [...] natural disasters and climate change, especially in [...]the most vulnerable countries, were also recognized. daccess-ods.un.org |
贫穷农民和小土地拥有者首当其冲地承受粮价上涨、经济 动 荡 和 气 候 变 化带 来的更大压力,而其中多数是妇女。 daccess-ods.un.org | Poor farmers and smallholders, the majority of them women, will bear the brunt of increased pressures from rising food prices, economic volatility and climate change. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴 于粮食价格有可能日趋动荡 ,特别是由 于 气候 变 化的缘故,《粮食援助公约》缔 约国可以通 过资助保险计划最有效地履行这一 [...] 义务,此类计划最好应与气候相关事件并与其他内部或外部冲击相关联。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the likelihood of increased volatility of food [...] prices, particularly due to climate change, States parties [...]to the FAC could most effectively [...]comply with this obligation by financing insurance schemes - related, ideally, both to weather-related events and to other shocks, internal or external. daccess-ods.un.org |
2008 年以来我们经历的各种危机——粮食 和石油价格上涨、经济和金融动荡、 冲 突局势 、 气候 变 化和自然灾害、传染病和其他健康风险的蔓延—— 告诉我们,我们时代的威胁相互关联且跨越国界,因 [...] 此需要采取综合与协调的对策。 daccess-ods.un.org | The crises that we have endured since 2008 — rising [...] food and oil prices, economic and [...] financial turmoil, conflict situations, climate change and natural [...]catastrophes, the spread [...]of infectious diseases and other health risks — have taught us that the threats of our time are interlinked and transnational, and therefore demand an integrated and coordinated response. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种组合可以激荡大量空气,但 是不会失去准确低频输出所必需的任何控制。 bowers-wilkins.cn | This combination can move vast amounts of air yet not lose any of the control that is necessary for accurate low-frequency output. bowers-wilkins.net |
莫斯塔尔的局势日益动荡,紧张气氛 加 剧的表现是言辞愈加激烈,包括 威胁要抵制选举,市委员会陷入僵局,委员抵制仪式活动,并发生了一次枪击事 件。 daccess-ods.un.org | The situation in Mostar is increasingly volatile, with rising tension manifesting itself in escalating rhetoric, including threats to boycott elections, a deadlocked City Council, boycotts of ceremonial events by councillors and one shooting incident. daccess-ods.un.org |
回肠和空肠黏膜中的麦芽糖酶活性均显著高于十二指肠和胃中的酶活性, 十二指肠酶活性显著高于胃;空肠中蔗糖酶和乳糖酶活性显著高 于 回肠 、 十二指肠和胃底部。 actazool.org | There were no significant difference in maltase activities between ileum and jejunum, but higher than those in duodenum and stomach(P<0.01), and its activities in duodenum was higher than that in stomach(P<0.01). actazool.org |
有许多案例都证明服用金海参对胃胀 气 , 肠 胃 不 适的情况有显著的疗效。 gnetrading.com | Many cases proved the effectiveness of Gold-G [...] in eliminating bloating and abdominal [...]discomfort. gnetrading.com |
自 3 月 11 日以来,日本整个东北地区到处都回 荡着恢复的声音。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since 11 March, [...] the sounds of recovery have echoed throughout [...]the Tohoku region of Japan. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些深情厚意将永远回荡在我 国人民的记 忆中,并将被转达给尼日利亚政府。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those sentiments will for ever be etched in our national memory and will be conveyed to the Government of Nigeria. daccess-ods.un.org |
我想,我们中没有人会忘 记他热情洋溢的个性,我相信,我们会长久地记住他 回荡在安 全理事会走廊内外的爽朗笑声。 daccess-ods.un.org | I think that none of us will forget the warmth of his personality, and I am sure that we will long remember his resounding laughter echoing in and around the corridors of the Security Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
1958年,他毅然前往纽约,纽约艳灿的城市风景丰富了他画里的颜色,自由奔放的 风 气 , 激 荡 出 更 多的创作灵感,女人、花、鸟、动物等生活所见,都化为他创作的一部份。 ravenelart.com | In 1958, Ting relocated to New York, urban landscape enriched [...] the colors of his works, and the [...] freewheeling, liberal atmosphere was an important [...]source of creative inspiration for him. [...]The women, flowers, birds, animals, etc. that he saw all around him were transformed into elements in his creative art. ravenelart.com |
现在,钟摆似乎荡回到了 小团队需求的一侧。 infoq.com | The pendulum seems [...] to be swinging back towards supporting team-level needs. infoq.com |
无论如何,这些病人需要特别医 疗或者在专家心脏医院做外科手术来打开心肌堵塞,使 血液和氧气回到受害的心肌处。 medevacfoundation.org | Ultimately, these patients need either special medications or surgical procedures at specialist cardiac [...] intervention hospitals to break up the blood clot, allowing blood and the [...] oxygen it brings to return to the affected heart muscle. medevacfoundation.org |
有猜测称,因为坐姿无法使耻骨直肠肌彻底放松、导致排泄不彻底,粪 便 回 到 乙状 结 肠 并 持 续给乙状结肠施压,这可能成为导致痔疮和憩室病的主要原因之一。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Some hypothesize that, because this sitting position causes incomplete evacuation, waste then backs up into the sigmoid colon, putting continuous pressure on the sigmoid colon. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
其中空肠黏膜用于3种二糖酶生化性质的研究,包括酶的最适温度、热稳定性、最适pH、pH稳定范围和金属离子对酶活性的影响;胃底部、十二指肠、空肠上段 和 回肠 黏 膜 用于测定3种二糖酶活性以揭示其在胃肠中的分布规律。 actazool.org | Jejunal mucosa extract was used to study the properties of three disaccharidases, including optimal temperature, heat stability, optimal pH, pH stability and the effects of metallic ions on enzymes activities. actazool.org |
与世界银行合作:(a) 评论世界银行的《城市空气污染和流动污染源对策框 架手册》(2005 年);(b) [...] 与世界银行减少全球天然气燃烧公营和私营伙伴关系合 作举办“拉丁美洲和加勒比地区减少燃烧和排气与天 然 气回 收 机 会”讲习班,2005 年 11 月,加拉加斯。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cooperation with the World Bank: (a) comments for a World Bank handbook on urban air pollution and a policy framework for mobile sources (2005); and (b) workshop co-organized with the World Bank Global Gas Flaring Reduction [...] PublicPrivate Partnership, on [...] flaring and venting reductions and gas recovery opportunities in [...]Latin America and the Caribbean, [...]held during November 2005 in Caracas. daccess-ods.un.org |