单词 | 荒谬的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 荒谬的 adjective —ridiculous adjSee also:荒谬 n—absurdities pl 荒谬 adj—outrageous adj 荒谬 adv—ridiculously adv 谬—erroneous • confuse • deceive • cheat
因此,我认为没有必要回应这些 荒谬的 指 控。 daccess-ods.un.org | I therefore do not deem it necessary to [...] respond to those absurd allegations. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,说美国政府没有履行其 对联合国的财政义务是错误和荒谬的。 daccess-ods.un.org | To suggest that his Government was not meeting its financial obligations to the United Nations was [...] therefore both wrong and absurd. daccess-ods.un.org |
至于新西兰提出的批评,它们是 荒谬的、 出 于政治动机的,意在打动并蒙蔽国际社会。 daccess-ods.un.org | As for the comments made by New [...] Zealand, they were preposterous, politically [...]motivated and intended to impress and hoodwink the international community. daccess-ods.un.org |
依赖这种意图 会导致荒谬的结果 ,因为任何分裂分子、叛乱分子团体都会规避专门针对它们的 [...] 国际规范,声称自己已改头换面重组。 daccess-ods.un.org | Relying on such [...] intent leads to absurd results, as any [...]given group ⎯ secessionists, insurgents ⎯ could circumvent international [...]norms specifically targeting them by claiming to have reorganized themselves under another name. daccess-ods.un.org |
此DRM许可保护也防止你从Zune Marketplace的音乐视频MP3 MP4 MPEG [...] FLV,AVI等常见的Video Converter,这是荒谬的,难 道你不这么认为吗? daniusoft.com | This DRM license protection will also prevent your converting Music Video [...] from Zune marketplace to MP3 AVI MP4 MPEG FLV, etc with common Video [...] Converter, this is ridiculous, and don't you [...]think so? daniusoft.com |
封锁始终是一项荒谬的、非法的、在道义上站不住脚的政策,无论是现在还 是将来,都不会达到迫使古巴人民放弃独立自主和主权的目的;但却给古巴人民 [...] 带来贫困和苦难,限制并阻碍古巴的发展,使古巴经济遭受严重损失。 daccess-ods.un.org | The embargo [...] continues to be an absurd, illegal and morally [...]unsustainable policy that has not succeeded and will not succeed [...]in its purpose of crushing the patriotic resolve of the Cuban people to preserve its sovereignty, independence and right to self-determination; however, it leads to shortages and suffering for the people, hampers and delays Cuba’s development and seriously harms the economy of Cuba. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个过程的开端是乏味的,因为我只从远处走近 它 , 荒谬的 是 ,这个过程吸引我,但我永远不可能真正属的过程于。 luxe-immo.com | The beginnings of this process [...] were tedious because I only approached it [...] from afar, and absurdly, from the circles [...]that fascinated me, but where I could never really belong. luxe-immo.com |
尽 管,可以说一国如何对待其公民已不再是其专属问题, 但想当然地认为别国可以在当事国人民尚未准备好或 无意进行改革时发动变革也是荒谬的。 daccess-ods.un.org | While it was true that how a State treated its citizens was no longer its exclusive domain, it would be fallacious to assume that other countries could effect change if the people of the State concerned were not ready or willing to change. daccess-ods.un.org |
如 果说保障这些权利的义务只是指不歧视或者在权利遭到侵犯的情况下提供补救的 话,那么这种说法是荒谬的。 daccess-ods.un.org | It would be absurd to say that the duty to guarantee those rights refers only to the obligation to not discriminate or to the obligation to provide a remedy in the case of a violation. daccess-ods.un.org |
A/C.2/65/L.31 这种荒 谬的决议 草案应当被真正的伙伴关系所取代。 daccess-ods.un.org | Fallacious draft resolutions such as A/C.2/65/L.31 [...] should be replaced by genuine partnerships. daccess-ods.un.org |
他还认为,把粮食和药品当作武器是不道德的,他强调说,“通 过限制美国人民的权利来惩罚古巴政府 是 荒谬的 , 而这正是我们在过去 50 年的所作所为”,政府总是为决定美国人民是否可以访问某个地方而 争执。 daccess-ods.un.org | The senator also felt that it was immoral to use food and medicines as weapons and stressed that it made no sense to punish the Cuban Government by restricting the rights of the American people, which is what had been done for the past 50 years, questioning the Government’s authority to decide where United States citizens can and cannot travel. daccess-ods.un.org |
两个月来,厄立特 [...] 里亚花费了很多时间和精力,驳斥肯尼亚提出的同 样 荒谬的 指 控 ,即厄立特里亚 通过拜多阿镇向青年党供应了装满三架飞机的武器。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the past two months, Eritrea has [...] spent a lot of time and energy [...] dispelling the equally preposterous allegations emanating [...]from Kenya accusing it of supplying [...]three planeloads of arms to Al-Shabaab through the town of Baidoa. daccess-ods.un.org |
亚美尼亚关于大规模屠杀霍贾利镇和平的阿塞拜疆居民的宣传解释 基于荒谬的、违 反常理的意图,试图让情况显得似乎是阿塞拜疆人自己阻止平民 [...] 撤离军事行动区,而且枪杀自己的同胞,以便出于国内政治目的利用大规模的平 民伤亡事件。 daccess-ods.un.org | The reasoning behind the Armenian propaganda explaining the massacre of the [...] peaceful Azerbaijani population of [...] Xocali is based on the absurd aspiration, which [...]flies in the face of common sense, to [...]represent matters in such a manner as if it were the Azerbaijanis themselves who allegedly obstructed the evacuation of the civilian population from the area of military hostilities and, even worse, gunned down their own fellow countrymen, in order to exploit the large numbers of civilian casualties for their own internal political ends. daccess-ods.un.org |
有关非正常移徙问题是无法解决的、以及难民往往滥用庇护制度的看法对 [...] 以下各种问题产生了影响:如边界应如何控制;外国人进入国家该如何接待;庇 护要求应该看作是有效的还是被认为 是 荒谬的 等 等。 daccess-ods.un.org | The perception that problems related to irregular migration are insoluble, and that migrants routinely misuse asylum systems, has an impact on how borders are controlled; on how [...] foreigners entering the country are received; and on whether asylum claims are deemed [...] valid or perceived as fallacious. daccess-ods.un.org |
政府试图将大火扑灭储蓄银行 - 这种荒谬的卷钱从哪里转移? zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | The government tries to extinguish the fire [...] saving banks - this absurd volume of money [...]is diverted from where? en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
此外,以色 列政府不断挑衅和为继续对巴勒斯坦人民及其领导 人奉行这些非法政策和实施威胁和煽动寻 找 荒谬的 侮辱性借口,这些都在不断加深不信任和引发紧张局 势,同时使得认真谈判的前景更加渺茫。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, the constant provocations and ridiculous, insulting pretexts given by the Israeli Government for the continuation of those illegal policies and the threats and incitement against the Palestinian people and their leadership continue to deepen mistrust and stoke tensions, making the prospects of serious negotiations even more remote. daccess-ods.un.org |
墙上到处都是巨大的荧光绘画、睿智的艺术 和 荒谬的 装 置。 luxe-immo.com | The walls were littered with enormous fluorescent paintings, overly intellectual [...] conceptual art and ridiculous installations. luxe-immo.com |
此后的设计一如既往地表现中国日常生活的各个方面,不管 是 荒谬的 , 美好的,抑或是辉煌的——建筑工地起重机旁的玫瑰花丛;把毛泽东的头像钢印于T恤之上,其下喷绘一串手机号码以及“为人民服务”的字样。 clubfootball.com.cn | They continued [...] highlighting the absurd, the beautiful, [...]the glorious of everyday life in China – beds of roses juxtaposed [...]against construction cranes; Chairman Mao’s face stenciled on a t-shirt with a cell phone number spray-painted below with the message: “To Serve the People”. clubfootball.com.cn |
就在 5 月 20 [...] 日,阿塞拜疆外长表示,关于狙击手 撤离接触线的提议是“荒谬的”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Just on 20 May, the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister stated that the proposal on the withdrawing of snipers from the [...] line of contact was “ridiculous”. daccess-ods.un.org |
布卢得到打嗝布莱克说,这是荒谬的 , 所以布卢决定进入。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Bloo gets the hiccups, which [...] Blake says is ridiculous, so Bloo decides [...]to enter. seekcartoon.com |
这是第四次声明,这自然是一个非常 荒谬的 , 从 来没有谴责为异端,其他三个命题包含Semipelagianism整体的本质。 mb-soft.com | This fourth statement, which [...] is of a highly absurd nature, has never [...]been condemned as heresy; the three other propositions [...]contain the whole essence of Semipelagianism. mb-soft.com |
封锁继续是一种荒谬的、 非 法的、不道德的政策,不能、将来也不能实现它的目的,即改变古巴人民保全 [...] 其主权、独立和自决权利的决心;它只会造成人民贫困和痛苦,限制和推迟国家 的发展和严重损害古巴的经济。 daccess-ods.un.org | The embargo [...] continues to be an absurd, illegal and morally [...]unsustainable policy that has not succeeded and will not succeed [...]in its purpose of crushing the resolve of the Cuban people to preserve its sovereignty, independence and right to self-determination; however, it leads to shortages and suffering for the people, hampers and delays Cuba’s development and seriously harms the economy of Cuba. daccess-ods.un.org |
相反,美国政府继续其独断专行的 做法,把古巴的名字增加到荒谬的名 单 中,包括美国 国务院为了对其它国家行为分类而制订的据称赞助 国际恐怖主义的国家名单。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the contrary, the United States Government has continued its arbitrary practices of adding Cuba’s name to spurious lists, including those of States that allegedly sponsor international terrorism, produced by the State Department to classify the behaviour of other nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
听信该区域内外的某些国家对以色列司法体系 和人权记录的谴责和批评是荒谬的, 因 为在这些国 家有许多人权活动家被拘押,也没有新闻自由或独 立的司法机构。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was absurd to hear condemnation and criticism of Israel’s judicial system and human rights record from certain countries in the region and beyond where many human rights activists were in prison, and there was no freedom of the press or independent judiciary. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于朝鲜民主主义人民共和国来说,与那些侵 犯其主权、允许它不断受到蚕食的国家一起坐在谈 判桌前,和它们讨论它为捍卫自身主权而建立的威 慑,是荒谬的。 daccess-ods.un.org | It would be nonsensical for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to sit at the negotiating table with those countries that violate its sovereignty and allow it to be repeatedly encroached upon, and to discuss with them the deterrent it built to defend its own sovereignty. daccess-ods.un.org |
上述亚美尼亚代表信件的附件不过是一些一贯的、毫无意 义 的荒谬 论 点 ,总 的来说,这些论点只适用于亚美尼亚方面。 daccess-ods.un.org | The annex to the afore-mentioned letter of the representative of [...] Armenia is nothing more than the [...] traditionally senseless and absurd arguments which [...]could only be suited to the Armenian side as a whole. daccess-ods.un.org |
她还探索了喜剧的荒谬,尤其是通过创建重复的效果。 luxe-immo.com | She also explores a [...] kind of comedy of absurdity, created in particular [...]by the effects of repetition. luxe-immo.com |
这一学说引起了限制性的行为上 的荒谬 接 壤 的规则。 mb-soft.com | This doctrine gave rise to restrictive rules of [...] conduct that bordered on the absurd. mb-soft.com |
其次,东方宗教分享了,即使在英雄时代的迫害,在邪恶的西方感到深深康斯坦丁后,即在拥挤,进入众人谁是基督教教会只有一半,因为它是时髦的事情,或者是因为一个新的宗教和 旧 的荒谬 , 看 到的美景的一部分。 mb-soft.com | Secondly, the Eastern religion partook, even during the heroic age of persecution, of the evil which the West felt so deeply after Constantine, that is to say, of the crowding into the Church of multitudes who were only half Christianized, because it was the [...] fashionable thing to do, or because a part of the beauties of the new [...] religion and of the absurdities of the old were seen. mb-soft.com |