单词 | 荒瘠 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 荒瘠—desolate and poorinfertileSee also:荒adj—absurdadj ridiculousadj desolateadj 荒—shortage scarce uncultivated out of practice 瘠—barren lean
(n) 将应对荒漠化、土地退化、土壤贫瘠、干旱、洪涝和盐渍化等问题的方 案纳入国家发展政策框架的主流,以提高抗风险能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | (n) Mainstream programmes to addressdesertification,land degradation, soil infertility, droughts, floods and salination into national development policy frameworks to encourage resilience. daccess-ods.un.org |
荒漠化加剧了非洲面临的粮食无保障等挑战, 呼吁加倍努力,以促进贫瘠、半贫瘠和干旱地区土 地的可持续管理。 daccess-ods.un.org | Desertificationexacerbated the challenges faced by Africa, such as food insecurity, and called for redoubled efforts to promote sustainable land management inarid and semi-arid and [...] dry areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
与通常的认知相反,并非所有旱地都是贫 瘠荒芜或颗粒无收的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Contrary to common perception, not [...] all drylands are barren orunproductive. daccess-ods.un.org |
贫瘠的荒漠环境以及沿海地区的多样性,使得陆地与海岸的自然风光形成了强烈对照。 glifr.com | The contrast between the harshdesert environment and the biodiversity of the marine zone has resulted in a land- and seascape of outstanding natural significance. glifr.com |
这些国家往往是在土壤贫瘠且没有任何灌溉设施的陡峭山地种植罂粟,因 此产量低于阿富汗。 daccess-ods.un.org | Opium poppy cultivation in those countries tends to be on steep hills with poor soil and no irrigation facilities, resulting in lower yields than in Afghanistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了这些威胁和压力 还有农业化学 品造成的污染 农药 杀虫剂和化肥在提 高栽培作物产量的同时很可能给其野生近 缘植物带来了严重损害 因为这些产品对 自然环境造成严重干扰 反之 在气候适 宜的地区 野生稻又倍受各种栽培作物的 排挤 不过 这种现象对野生小麦并不适 用 因为野生小麦主要生长在干燥贫瘠的 荒土地和牧区 图3-64 在这些地区 由于土壤贫瘠和干旱 几乎没有农作物可 以生存下来 在小麦区 这些珍贵植物及 其生境的威胁主要来自牲畜饲养 netzhammerbreiholz.de | Whereas in favourable climatic locations, wild rice suffers greatly from strong competition from various cultivated plants, this barely holds true for wild wheat since it grows primarily in aridbarren lands and pasture regions where, because of poor 106 soils and drought, hardly any crops are grown. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
考虑到阿 [...] 拉伯地区的需求,应该特别强调灌溉方法,荒漠化 ,以及自然灾害有效管理、水资源综合管 [...] 理和水资源利用的伦理问题的教育与研究。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Taking into account the needs of the Arab region, special [...] emphasis should be given to [...] irrigation methods, desertification, education [...]and research for efficient management of natural [...]disasters and integrated management of water resources as well as ethics of water use. unesdoc.unesco.org |
因此,一些与会者呼吁教科文组织促进具体科研能力与技术的开发,特别是与阿拉 伯地区有关的领域,如水、信息传播技术、荒漠化和海岸保护。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Hence, some participants called for UNESCO to promote the development of specific research capabilities and expertise in [...] areas of particular interest to the Arab region – such as [...] water, ICTs, desertification, and safeguarding [...]of coastal areas. unesdoc.unesco.org |
水黄皮可种植在贫瘠荒废的土地上,向澳大利亚农民呈现了为柴油以及其他轻气体油市场提供可靠能源的长期美好前景,同时也能为原住民创造大量就业机会。 australiachina.com.au | Pongamia will grow on arid and degraded lands and offers Australian farmers the long-term prospect of energy security for diesel and other light gasoil markets, as well as offering employment opportunities to its indigenous peoples. australiachina.com.au |
由于这些因素,再加上(并部分促成)土地贫瘠和水质恶化,人民的福祉受到影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Combined with (and partly contributing to) deteriorating land and water quality, these factors have an impact on people’s well-being. daccess-ods.un.org |
三分之二的小农户生活在偏远地区 和环境条件恶劣的贫瘠土地上,如山区或易遭受干旱和其他自然灾害的地区,而 [...] 良好肥沃的土地往往集中掌握在富裕的土地所有者手中。 daccess-ods.un.org | Two thirds of smallholder farmers live on [...] remoteand marginal lands in environmentally [...]difficult conditions, such as in [...]mountainous areas or areas threatened by drought and other natural disasters, while good, fertile land tends to be concentrated in the hands of wealthier landowners. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了证明这种人类生存方式的合理性,使之永久 存在并且对其进行维护,一个法律和制度上层建筑正 在得到加强,其目的是使私有财产、个人主义、大男 子主义和纯粹以人类为中心的观点神圣化:少数有产 者和从人类的精神贫瘠和物质贫穷中获益者对大多 数人的剥削。 daccess-ods.un.org | Its purpose is to consecrate private property, individualism, machismo and anthropocentrism: the exploitation of the majority by a minority of property-owners and those who benefit from the spiritual and material poverty ofhumankind. daccess-ods.un.org |
然后是贫瘠的人烟稀少地,渐渐消逝进北领地。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Then there's thebarren outback, which [...] fades into the Northern Territory. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
在这 种情况下,很难植树造林和重新造林,因为土壤贫瘠,对属于珊瑚型的小岛屿发 展中国家而言,尤其如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | Afforestation and reforestation in such cases is difficult owing to the poor soils, particularly on small island developing States that are coral-based. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,亚美尼亚方面所谓历史说的一个生动例子是,亚美尼亚总统把占领阿 塞拜疆的 Daghlyq Garabagh [...] 说成是占领者的“祖祖辈辈的故土”或“祖国”,这 些说法都是荒谬虚 假的,唯一目的是误导国际社会并使暴力扩张领土政策合理 化。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, the Republic of Azerbaijan considers historical assertions of the Armenian side, a vivid example of which is the reference by the President of Armenia to the occupied Daghlyq Garabagh [...] region of Azerbaijan as allegedly the [...] occupiers’ “historical land”or “fatherland”, [...]as false and having the sole purpose of [...]misleading the international community and justifying the policy of violent territorial expansionism. daccess-ods.un.org |
人为因素,如森林砍伐和土地的过度开发, 加上气候变化,正将曾经高产的土地变为贫瘠的土地,从而导致普遍贫穷。 daccess-ods.un.org | Human factors such as deforestation and overexploitation of the land, compounded [...] by climate change, were turning once economically [...] productive areas into barrenlands, with resultant [...]widespread poverty. daccess-ods.un.org |
限制获得粮食的不利农业生产因素还包 [...] 括灌溉系统不发达、土地少、土地贫瘠、农业服务推广领域有限和生产率低下。 daccess-ods.un.org | Agricultural production that restricts access to food is also obstructed by low irrigation system, [...] ownership of small land, infertile land, limited domination of [...] the expansionof agricultural service [...]and low productivity. daccess-ods.un.org |
下列联合国机构派代表出席了会议:国际贸易中心、联合国艾滋病毒/ [...] 艾滋病联合规划署、联合国儿童基金会、联合国防治荒漠化公约秘书处、联 合国开发计划署、联合国促进两性平等和增强妇女权能署(妇女署)、联合国 [...]环境规划署、联合国教育、科学和文化组织、联合国人类住区规划署、联合 [...]国国际减少灾害风险战略机构间秘书处和联合国人口基金。 daccess-ods.un.org | Representatives of the following United Nations bodies attended: International Trade Centre; Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS; United Nations Children’s Fund; [...] Secretariat of the United Nations [...] Convention to Combat Desertification; United Nations [...]Development Programme; United Nations [...]Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women; United Nations Environment Programme; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; United Nations Human Settlements Programme; United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction; and United Nations Population Fund. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会成员特 别指出,气候变化对所有会员国,无论是富国还是穷国,都是一种严重威胁,在这种情况 下,教科文组织显然需要根据其有关非洲和性别问题的优先事项,着重关心那些最弱势的国 家,特别是最不发达国家(LDC),以及那些生态系统脆弱、土地贫瘠干旱的国家。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It was emphasized that, while climate change is a serious threat for all Member States, rich and poor, UNESCO obviously needs to focus its efforts on those most vulnerable, in particular least developed countries (LDCs), small island developing States (SIDS) and those with fragile ecosystems, such as drylands, and be guided by UNESCO priorities on Africa and gender. unesdoc.unesco.org |
澳大利亚内陆大多数地区地势平坦、土壤贫瘠、人烟稀少。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Much of the interior of the [...] country isflat, barren and sparsely populated. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
我们的全球研究项目-“贫瘠干旱地区可持续管理”(SUMAMAD)项目汇 集了来自比利时、玻利维亚、布基纳法索、中国、埃及、印度、伊朗、约旦、 巴基斯坦、突尼斯、叙利亚和乌兹别克斯坦的旱地科学家及环境专家的专业知 识,促进旱地土壤和水资源的保持。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Our global research project “Sustainable Management of Marginal Drylands” (SUMAMAD) pools the expertise of dryland scientists and environmental experts from Belgium, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, China, Egypt, India, Iran, Jordan, Pakistan, Tunisia, Syria and Uzbekistan to promote the conservation of soil and water resources in drylands. unesdoc.unesco.org |
土地法》第 71 条和第 83 条规 定,只有在例外情况和土地生产力非常低、非常贫瘠的情况下,才可改变农用土 地的用途。 daccess-ods.un.org | Article 71 and 83 provide for the transformation of the agricultural land only in exceptional cases and only in case the land has a very low fertility. daccess-ods.un.org |
在山坡上的贫瘠的地区; 约1300米西南部的陕西(Nanzheng县)。 flora.ac.cn | Barrenareas on mountain slopes; [...] ca. 1300 m. SW Shaanxi (Nanzheng Xian). flora.ac.cn |
巴西国有能源公司 Petrobras 正在将一片距里约热内卢市区 40 英里(65 千米)的贫瘠土地改造成能源和石化生产中心。 emerson.com | A barren stretch of land 40 miles (65 km) from downtown Rio de Janeiro is being transformed into an energy and petrochemical production center by Petrobras, Brazil's state-run energy company. emerson.com |
将优先关注特别易受影响的发展中国家,特别是低洼沿海、干旱和半干旱 区域、最不发达国家、小岛屿发展中国家和非洲、内陆国家,以及洪涝、干旱和荒漠化多发地区、生态系统脆弱以及与气候变化相关的极端和灾难性事件和 趋势发生次数增多的发展中国家缔约方。 daccess-ods.un.org | Priority will be given to particularly vulnerable developing countries, especially low-lying coastal, arid and semi-arid areas, LDC’s, SIDS and Africa, land-locked countries, and developing country parties with areas prone to floods, drought anddesertification,with fragile ecosystems, and facing increased frequency of extreme and catastrophic events and trends linked to climate change. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们已经看够正式、官方创意(甚至有时显得内容贫瘠),也知道如何运作(或为何无法运作),但在正式之外,还有庞大、非正式、次文化、颠覆都会的创意形式。 thisbigcity.net | The informal, subcultural, ‘urban subversion’ form of creativity the soup in which formality dunks its bread. thisbigcity.net |
对化石燃料部门的补贴导致这些燃料的过 度使用,造成更高的排放;对农业的补贴能够使农 业扩大到贫瘠的土地上,相应的增加排放量。 undpcc.org | Agreements in the Netherlands have resulted in improvements in energy efficiency beyond what would have occurred in the absence of such agreements; that is on average, between a quarter and a half of the energy savings in the Dutch manufacturing industry can be attributed to the policy mix of the agreements and supporting measures. undpcc.org |
海洋施肥是一项获得许可的工艺流程,可以为深海贫瘠地区提供缺失的大量养料,以便增强生物生产力( [...] 海生植物生长),并最终实现碳封存和食物生长。 australiachina.com.au | Ocean Nourishment is a licensed process providing missing [...] macronutrientstobarren areas ofthe open [...]ocean in order to enhance biological productivity [...](marine plant growth) and hence sequester carbon and grow food. australiachina.com.au |