

单词 草海

See also:


grass n
grasses pl
straw n
hay n
manuscript n

draft (of a document)

External sources (not reviewed)

南太平洋区域环境方案一直向太平洋岛屿国家提供 草海 洋 污 染方面法 律的援助以及海洋防污执法方面的培训。
The Pacific Regional Environment
Programme has been
[...] providing legislative drafting assistance to Pacific island countries in the field of marine pollution, [...]
as well as training
in enforcing the prevention of marine pollution.
起源 在眾多天然食品中,最優質的碘源 海草 、 海 鮮 及 產自含豐富碘成份的土壤及碘化鹽的蔬菜。
Origin and Sources Among natural foods the best sources of
[...] iodine are kelp, seafoods and vegetables [...]
grown in iodine-rich soils and iodized salt.
海事组织还向非洲各国提供技 术援助,以审查和草海事立法,并建立起一个有效的海事行政组织。
IMO also provided technical assistance
to African countries
[...] in reviewing and drafting maritime legislation, [...]
and setting up an effective maritime administration.
大部分功能 完善的自然生态系统可将碳封存起来:森林和泥炭 地草地;海草床;海草灰; 红树林;海洋藻类; 海滨沼泽和土壤都非常重要。
Most well-functioning natural ecosystems sequester carbon: forests and also peatlands; grass; seagrass beds; kelp; mangroves; marine algae; coastal marshes and soil are all important.
水底海草和海底 岩石结构可能会扰乱油量估算工作。
Benthic seagrass and seabed rock formations [...]
can confuse estimations of the amount of oil.
Green-kingdom 綠素皇國美肌系列Green-Kingdom身體護理系列以100% Pure Nature
[...] 純天然成份,特別採用高保濕度的植物研製而成,如 : 綠茶、薰草、海鹽、 蜜糖及維E等…… 質地輕盈,快速被肌膚吸收,絕不油膩;加上全天然成份配方,不刺激肌膚,特別適合嬰兒及敏感性肌膚使用。
Green-kingdom Green-Kingdom Body Care SeriesGreen-Kingdom body care series is 100% Pure Nature which absorbed from
plants for high degree of moisture, such
[...] as: green tea, lavender, sea salt, honey and vitamin [...]
E. Product texture is light and
it can absorbed by skin shortly without any stickiness; with all-natural ingredients, which does not stimulate skin, especially for babies and sensitive skin.
[...] 入新局面後,兩岸經濟步入更緊密發展的階段,去年5月,國務院有 關支援福建加快海西經濟區建設的方案出台,並派出專門部門和專家草海西經 濟區發展規劃,列入國家戰略。
In May last year, the State Council introduced a programme on supporting Fujian's expediting the construction of the West Coast Economic Zone, it had designated
[...] departments and experts to draft the development plans for the West Coast Economic Zone, [...]
and included this task in the national strategy.
目前的废物管理做法, 导致珊瑚礁海草床、 红树林和海岸地带退化,也在疾病和食品供应污染方面提 出了健康警告。
Current waste management practices have
resulted in the degradation of
[...] coral reefs, seagrass beds, mangroves and coastal zones, as well [...]
as in health warnings about
disease and contaminated food supplies.
茂盛海草在低 pH海水中失去了附着生物。
Lush seagrass beds devoid of epiphytes thrive in naturally low pH sea water.
一些区域增加降雨将导致河岸区水土流失以及沿海区更多沉积,影 海草 生 长和 珊瑚礁。
Increased precipitation in some areas will lead
to the erosion of riparian lands and to greater
[...] sedimentation in coastal areas, affecting seagrass and reef production.
起源 來源包括乾果、糖蜜、馬鈴薯麵粉、米穀皮 海草 、 大 豆麵粉、香料、向日葵籽和小麥穀皮。
Origin and Sources Found in dried fruit, molasses, potato
[...] flour, rice bran, seaweed, soybean flour, [...]
spices, sunflower seeds and wheat bran.
規劃及工程研究會評估附近 具特殊科學研究價值的散頭海草羣 和 東涌灣的 馬蹄蟹所受的潛在影響,以及將來填海對東涌河流 [...]
The P&E Study will assess the
[...] potential impact on the seagrass communities at the [...]
nearby San Tau Site of Special Scientific
Interest and the horse-shoe crabs at the Bay, as well as the possible implications of future reclamation on the ecological habitat at the basin and estuary of Tung Chung River.
植物海草精華 補濕適合乾性皮膚,含豐富巴西海藻精華,玫瑰果油,胡桃油及葡萄籽油, 有效滋潤皮膚及鎖死水份。
This is a moisturizer suitable for dry skin. It delivers a selection of natural extracts and oils, including three nutrient-rich Brazilian Sea Algae, with various oils of Grape seed, Rose Hip and Macadamia to keep moisture locked in.
現 有 機 場 島 附 近 的 海 洋 生 態 資 源 包 括 軟 底 海 洋 底 棲 生 物 、 硬 底 海 洋 底 棲 生 物 (
[...] 珊 瑚 ) 、 潮 間 生 境海 草 床 、 紅 樹 林 、 泥 灘 、 [...]
沙 岸 和 人 工 海 堤 ) 、 開 闊 海 域 及 相 關 的 野 生 動 物 。
The marine ecological resources in the vicinity of the existing Airport island include softbottom marine benthos, hard-bottom marine
benthos (corals),
[...] intertidal habitats (seagrass bed, mangroves, [...]
mudflat, sandy shores and artificial seawalls), the open sea and the associated wildlife.
螺杆和泵壳前装有坚硬的 切割刀,可切碎进入泵体的海洋植物 海草 、 绳索、塑料制品等。
The screw and casing are fitted with a sturdy cutting knife arrangement for slicing through or
[...] crushing marine grasses, seaweed, line and plastic.
469 个社区位于淡水捕鱼区,40 个社区位于沿海区域。渔业 保护区包括 18 个地方(保护海豚 、种鱼、 珊瑚海草),它们都得到了当地居 民的 支持。
The fishery conservation areas consist of eighteen
[...] places (dolphins, breeding fish, coral, and sea grass) with the support [...]
of the local citizens.
最常导致误报存 在油类的现象包括:云影、涟漪、两个相邻水团
[...] 间的颜色差异、悬浮泥沙、漂浮或悬浮的有机物、 漂浮的海藻、藻类 / 浮游生物盛放、浅水域中成 片海草 / 珊瑚,以及污水和工业排放物。
Phenomena that most often lead to mistaken reports of oil include: cloud shadows, ripples, differences in the colour of two adjacent water masses, suspended sediments, floating
or suspended organic matter,
[...] floating seaweed, algal/plankton blooms, seagrass and coral [...]
patches in shallow water, and
sewage and industrial discharges.
其 他 生 態 易 受 破 壞 的
[...] 地 方 , 包 括 紅 樹 林海 草 和 馬 蹄 蟹 育 幼 場 。
Other ecological sensitive receivers,
[...] including mangroves, seagrass and horseshoe [...]
crab nursery sites.
光 合作用支持了海洋中的大部分生物生产力;珊瑚礁、大型海藻场 海草 等 生 境为生物资 源和生物多样性提供了重要的生活环境;视觉则是影响繁殖和摄取食物的重要因素(营 养相互作用和浮游植物生产力,向包括重要的商业性渔业在内的更高营养级转换)。
Although water quality models are typically very well calibrated for dissolved oxygen and phytoplankton blooms, they are seldom checked against basic parameters such as total primary production or respiration that define and constrain dynamics of coastal ecosystems.
沿岸模块所关注的生境是位于潮间带的生境(红树林,潮沼,滩涂和海滩)和位于相 对狭窄的潮下带的生境(大型海藻区和附带的大 海 藻 , 海草 床 , 珊瑚礁和牡蛎礁石)。
The recognized importance of the development of ecosystem-based management approaches highlights the need to develop operational ecosystem models for the purposes of fisheries management.
[...] 在省)的经济发展明显依赖于其生态系统的健康状况:肥沃的土壤、洁净的水源、高度的生物多样性、充 足的森林植被、以及健康的红树林 海草 和 珊 瑚礁。
The viability of the municipality’s (and the province’s) economy clearly depends on the health of its
ecosystems: fertile soil, clean water, high biodiversity, adequate forest cover, and
[...] healthy mangroves, seagrass, and coral reefs.
20 正变得 越来越脆弱的红树林,除了集聚非常丰富的陆地和海洋生物多样性外,还具有重 要的过滤功能,可保护该地区珊瑚礁 海草 床 , 使其免受沉积物的影响。
Sea-level rise during the last two decades have had adverse impacts on mangroves in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.20 In addition to being
magnates for a very rich
[...] terrestrial and marine biodiversity, mangroves, which are becoming increasingly vulnerable, are important filters protecting the region’s coral reefs and seagrass beds from sedimentation.
需要注意保证草工作 具有最高的 水准,确保在各国政府和专家之间进行充分的磋商,以便为获得广泛的批准创造最佳的条 件。
Care needed to be taken to ensure the highest
[...] standards in the drafting process and full [...]
governmental and professional consultations
with a view to creating the best possible conditions for broad-based ratification.
该区域的pH比 未来几十年低,其生物群落中有微藻类、海藻海草等, 生长得很好,但与pH没有下降的 其它类似区域的生物相比,其整体的生物多样 性下降,钙化外壳受侵蚀非常明显。
vents on the sea floor (not the
[...] extremely hot deep-sea vents) with lower pH than predicted for the next few decades show that certain species of microalgae, seaweeds and seagrasses can grow very [...]
well in such areas,
but in comparison to other similar areas, not subject to reduced pH levels, overall biodiversity is reduced and shell corrosion is evident.
這種用精心選擇 亞麻仁
[...] 油(富有omega 3 和6種 必要的脂肪酸)、海草提取 物、富含礦物質的熱泥膜和生物活性的麥盧卡蜂蜜進行有效的混合創造出一種天然有靈感的沐浴和潤膚產品,將滋潤你的皮膚並且滿足你的感覺。
Flaxseed oil (rich in omega 3 and 6
[...] essential fatty acids), seaweed extract, mineral [...]
rich thermal mud, and bio-active manuka
honey have been carefully selected and blended with actives to create a naturally inspired range of bath and body care products which will nourish your skin and indulge your senses.
鑒 於 第 I期工程的承 建 商 問題,事務委員會若 干
[...] 委員促請政府 當局改善標 書/合 約 文件草 擬 方 式 ,並對污水排放計劃以後各 期工 [...]
程 採用更有 效 的工程管 理 制 度,使 公 眾 利 益 可獲較 佳 保 障 。
In view of the problems with the contractors in Stage I,
some Panel members urged the
[...] Administration to improve the drafting of its tender/contract [...]
documents and to adopt a more effective
project management system for subsequent stages of SSDS in order to better safeguard the public interests.
最后,由秘书长和总部外办事处主任组成的一个非正式小组 草 了 关 于全 国委员会与总部外办事处关系的指 草 本 , 将在这一轮全国委员会磋商会议结束时最后定 稿。
Lastly, a draft guide of relations between National Commissions and field offices has been elaborated by an informal group of secretaries-general and directors of field offices and will be finalized at the end of the present cycle of National Commission consultations.
草案第 11條建議加入第67(2A)及 67(2B)條,以訂明 如選舉呈請關乎某人的姓名列入遞補順位名單,或關乎某人的 姓名沒有列入遞補順位名單,則在該呈請的審訊完結時,原訟 法庭須裁定該人的姓名須否列入該名單;以及如選舉呈請關乎 某人在遞補順位名單上的排名名次,則在該呈請的審訊完結 時,原訟法庭須裁定該人在該名單上的排名名次是否正確,如 非正確,則須裁定該人的正確排名名次為何。
Clause 11 of the Bill proposes to add sections 67(2A) and 67(2B) to the effect that at the end of the trial of an election petition that relates to the inclusion of the name of a person in, or the exclusion of the name of a person from a precedence list, CFI must determine whether the name is to be included in the list, and at the end of the trial of an election petition that relates to the ranking of a person on a precedence list, CFI must determine whether the ranking of the person on the list is correct and, if not correct, what is the correct ranking.
下列国家加入到该决草案的 提案国行列:阿 尔巴尼亚、安道尔、奥地利、孟加拉国、比利时、 [...]
巴西、保加利亚、中非共和国、乍得、科摩罗、塞 浦路斯、法国、德国、格林纳达、几内亚比绍、匈 牙利、爱尔兰、意大利、牙买加、日本、约旦、黑 山、瑙鲁、挪威、巴布亚新几内亚、葡萄牙、摩尔
多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、圣卢西亚、圣基茨和尼维 斯、萨摩亚、圣马力诺、斯洛文尼亚、所罗门群岛、 索马里、西班牙、塔吉克斯坦、泰国、特立尼达和 多巴哥、土库曼斯坦和图瓦卢。
The following had joined the
[...] sponsors of the draft resolution: Albania, [...]
Andorra, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria,
the Central African Republic, Chad, the Comoros, Cyprus, France, Germany, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Montenegro, Nauru, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Samoa, San Marino, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Spain, Tajikistan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkmenistan and Tuvalu.
在 2010/11 年度期间,稳定团海地政 府、国家机构、非政府组织以及联合 国一道,致力于:(a) [...]
提升民间社会团体通过参与重建工作倡导社会和经济权利的 能力;(b) 协助政府报告、预防和应对侵犯人权,特别是侵犯儿童和妇女权利的行 为:(c)
确保在向受地震影响的脆弱人群提供人道主义援助时采用保护的原则和标 准,并在提供援助过程中与地方当局密切协调;以及(d) 向国家警察提供临时的后 勤和技术专家支持,以便向暴力行为和虐待行为的受害者,包括主要发生在流离失 所者营地的性暴力和性别暴力的儿童和妇女受害者提供援助。
During the 2010/11 period, the Mission worked with
[...] the Government of Haiti, State institutions, [...]
NGOs and the United Nations country
team to: (a) promote the capacity of civil society groups to advocate social and economic rights through participation in the reconstruction process; (b) assist the Government to report, prevent and respond to human rights violations, with particular regard to the rights of children and women; (c) ensure that humanitarian assistance to vulnerable persons affected by the earthquake incorporated the principles and standards on protection and was provided in close coordination with local authorities; and (d) provide temporary logistical and technical expert support to the national police to assist children and women victims of abuse and violence, including sexual and genderbased violence mainly in camps of displaced persons.




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