单词 | 草本植物 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 草本植物—herbaceous plantSee also:草本adj—herbal herbaceous 草本—herb 植物n—plantspl animalspl floran 植物adj—vegetableadj botanicaladj vegetativeadj
其中,未遭到破坏的区域当前正 [...] 面临着来自当地土着社区非林木产品 (NFTP)(如野生肉豆蔻、樟属及草本植物)不 可持续采集的持续 压力。 teebweb.org | The areas that are not destroyed are under continual pressure from the unsustainable collection [...] of Non Forest Timber Products (NFTP) (such as wild nutmeg, [...] cinnamon,and herbal plants) by localindigenous [...]communities. teebweb.org |
香水来源于一缕和谐的东方木香气息,清新而辛辣的草本植物韵调。 hk.eternal.hk | It is based on a harmony [...] of oriental components andwarm woods, refreshed by spicy notes and aromaticherbs. hk.eternal.hk |
薰衣草,紫色花朵具有芳香的草本植物,在许多食谱中被添加,别有风味。 cn.iherb.com | Lavender [...] is an aromaticherb with purple flowers, used to add a distinct flavor to many different recipes. iherb.com |
特色四川草本植物足浴,专业的反射疗法按摩技巧,加上适当的精油完备一套极好的疗程,在协同作用的关系下,会展现更强劲的抗压力疗效。 shangri-la.com | Thistreatment includes a [...] unique Sichuan Herbal Foot Bath and a [...]special zone therapy technique using the powerful crystal [...]energies of Obsidians, White Onyx and Quartz. shangri-la.com |
百里香油具松弛肌肉的影响, 并被发现包含flavonoids给予草本植物抗氧化的性质。 vitagreen.com | It also exerts a calming influence on smooth muscle and has been found to contain [...] flavonoids thatgivethe herbantioxidant properties. vitagreen.com |
芫茜是草本植物,全株植物皆可食用,但日常一般只吃它的嫩叶和晒乾的种子。 sfgourmet.com | Corianderis anherb where all parts ofthe plantare edible, [...] where the fresh leaves and the dried seeds are the parts most [...]traditionally used in cooking. sfgourmet.com |
由多种强效抗氧化的莓果及草本植物萃取物复合而成, 当中的巴西莓(Acai Berry)更是极强的抗氧化剂, 是保健抗衰老的必然选择! organicmama.com.hk | Made from the essence of various anti-oxidants e.g. a special, very powerful anti-oxidant - Acai Berry. organicmama.com.hk |
The Selby拍摄了厨师为餐厅准备食物和在附近森林中在采草本植物时的工作场景。 ba-repsasia.com | The Selby captured the chefs hard at work, preparing meals for the restaurant [...] and foraging in a nearby forest for herbs. ba-repsasia.com |
草本生命精华液是源自於狮子国(斯里兰卡古名)古代宫廷的尊贵御方,这珍奇的配方中,运用了数十种原生草本植物与花卉,遵循五百年来所传承的古法,一点一滴精心炼制出高山花草的精粹,形成蕴含阳光气息、能量具足的草本生命精华液,随着体温散发出多层次的心灵香氛,可缓缓地涤净繁杂的喧嚣与疲惫。 trade-taiwan.org | Vivacious organic herbal essence was the secret recipe for the noble family in Ancient Kingdom of Lion. trade-taiwan.org |
内含可对抗自由基的Sigesbeckia Orientalis Extract (东方希莶草萃取物)、含丰富蛋白质、维他命B及脂肪酸精华的Green bean [...] Seed Extract (绿豆籽精华)、含丰富矿物质及微量元素及可强化组织的Fucus vesiculosus [...] (棕色海藻,以及有效持久保湿的中国草本植物Imp er ata Cylindrica Root Ext ract [...](白茅根根部精华)。 hk.eternal.hk | Containing Sigesbeckia Orientalis Extract that fights against free radicals; green bean seed extract that contains rich protein, vitamin B and essential fatty acids; Fucus vesiculosus that has rich minerals and trace [...] elements which help strengthen tissues; [...] and the Chineseherbalplant ImperataCylindrica [...]Root Extract that brings effective [...]and lasting moisturizing effect. hk.eternal.hk |
纺织行业使用最多的是陆地棉(约90%)和海岛棉(约占10%),这两种棉产于美洲中部,在印度和远东地区仍有草棉和亚洲棉种植,亚洲棉在热带国家被视为观赏植物,属一年生草本植物,灌 木状,具有大叶,花朵呈白色、黄色和粉红色,果实成熟后裂开为2-5部分,棉籽由浓密的、长为15-55毫米的单细胞绒毛包裹,绒毛柔滑,呈白色或淡黄色,由一些长度为2-4毫米的细毛(短棉绒)组成,它们是构成纺织品的原材料。 mercerizingtechnology.com | The species most used by the textile industry is G. hirsutum (90%) then the G barbadense (for almost 10%) - both originally from Central America - while in India and the Far East there are still niches cultivation of G. herbaceum and G. arboreum, [...] the latter present as [...] an ornamental plantin tropical countries. Theyare annualherbs or shrubs with large [...]leaves, white flowers, [...]yellow and pink and a fruit that opens at maturity in 2-5 segments, showing the seeds that are surrounded by dense unicellular hairs from 15 to 55 mm long. silky, white, but also of other yellowish color - that make up the fabric - and a most minute hairs, no more than 2-4 mm long. which gives the waste linters). mercerizingtechnology.com |
独特、纯净而优雅的芳香令人难忘;而当您使用我们分别为男性及女性朋友精心研制且蕴含天然草本植物精华的独特芳香系列,相信您很快就会成为令人为之倾倒的对象。 products.herbalife.com.tw | Herbalife’s unmistakable masculine fragrance ‘Soul’ combines citrus, parsley and cederwood while ‘Man’ combines subtle top notes of watermint and basil for a fresh year round fragrance. products.herbalife.co.in |
个人化护肤产品,您可以依照自己的肤质选择中/乾性或中/油性产品,富含维生素A、C和E和草本植物成分,并拥有尖端护肤科学技术,如:Parsol®1789防护紫外线UVA / UVB。 products.herbalife.com.tw | Herbalife's Nourifusion skincare range contains products which are essential for your everyday grooming regime. Bursting with vitamins and nutrients to help improve your skin’s appearance and delicate enough for everyday use, these products are available in ‘Dry to Normal’ and ‘Normal toOily‘ranges to suit all skin types. products.herbalife.co.in |
凭藉在草本植物,顺势医疗论,环境卫生以及临床营养学的丰富经验,Champion-Olson博士在糖尿病,消化系统紊乱,慢性疲劳,纤维组织肌痛,过敏症,环境疾病以及自身免疫系统紊乱等方面做了大量的研究。 hongkong.4life.com | Skilled in the [...] applicationsof herbology, homeopathy, environmental health, andclinical nutrition, Dr. Champion-Olson [...]has worked [...]extensively with people suffering from diabetes, digestive disorders, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, allergies, environmental illnesses, and autoimmune disorders. 4life.com |
牛蒡俗称「牛大力」,是菊科二年生草本植物,它 含有丰富的水份、醣类、脂肪、蛋白质、维生素A、B1、C,以及钙、磷、钾、铁等矿物质;最特别的是,牛蒡中还有一种很特殊的养分叫「菊糖」,是可以促进荷尔蒙分泌的精氨酸,具有帮助人体筋骨发达、增强体力。 sfgourmet.com | It is rich in water, carbohydrates, fat,protein, [...] vitamin A, B1, C, as well as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and other minerals. sfgourmet.com |
应用乳油木果脂、夏威夷坚果油及玻尿酸水合因子的密集式强化柔嫩保湿双手,在与草本植物没药、紫藤花的萃取调理下,预防肌肤松弛乾裂,使用後更飘散英国气质生活风的香氛。 bonjourhk.com | Contains ceramides that help hands retain moisture for exceptional softness with each use, along with conditioning shea butter and wisteria, peony, elderflower, and magnolia extracts, and moisturising macadamia nut oil. bonjourhk.com |
2014S主题概念:欧式贵族尚蒂利轻薄风、精致复古摩登田园风及亚马逊丛林植物草本灵感的表现。 interfiliere.com | SS 2014 Theme: European Noble Chantilly Lightsome, Delicate Retro and [...] Modern Rural “Lace on Lace” Style; Big sheets of leaves, big [...] flowers of tropicalplants impel usto enter [...]the Amazon jungle. interfiliere.com |
比如,在许多水产养殖生产系统,喂养草鱼只投喂植物料和/或草,而 在其他系统通过供应养殖场生产的饲 料或商业水产饲料养殖该物种。 fao.org | For example, in many aquaculture [...] production systems, grass carp are fed exclusively on plant materials and/or grasses, while in [...]other systems this speciesis produced through externally [...]supplied farm-made or commercial aquafeed. fao.org |
Naturtint 的最新技术, 独家植物草本萃取配方, 100%永久性染发剂, 给你健康和光亮的秀发颜色。 organicmama.com.hk | The latest technology in hair to create Naturtint Green Technologies, the first 100% permanent hair color without ammonia formulated with active vegetable ingredients. organicmama.com.hk |
食典委通过了步骤 8 的“现代生物技术食品风险分析原则草案”、“重组DNA植物食品安全评估行为准则”和“重组 DNA 微生物食品安全评估行为准则”以及“步骤 5 和步骤 8 的关于可能过敏性评估的拟议附件草案”,含有法国和西班牙建议的对法文和西 班牙文本翻译的修改。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission adoptedthe “Draft Principles for the Risk Analysis of Foods Derived from Modern Biotechnology” and“Draft Guideline for the Conduct of Food Safety Assessment of Foods Derived from Recombinant-DNA Plants”and “Draft Guideline for the Conduct of Food Safety Assessment of Recombinant DNA Microorganisms” at Step 8 and the “Proposed Draft Annex on Possible Allergenicity Assessment” at Steps 5 and 8, with modifications of translation of French and Spanishtextsas proposed by France and Spain. codexalimentarius.org |
(17) 经营所有或任何涉及以任何方式预备、纺织、编织、梳理、冲刷、裁切、漂 白、着色、染色、印刷及整理或制造棉、羊毛、丝、亚麻、麻、亚麻布、黄 麻、皮革、合成纤维及其他纤维或纺织品(不论属任何状态下之动物、植物或矿 物纤维及不论是否类似上述物质),及处理及使用及买卖任何来自任何该 等业务(不论由本公司或其他人士进行)之废料之行业或业务,亦生产硫酸 盐及漂白及染整物料以及买入及卖出及买卖上述所有或任何物质。 equitynet.com.hk | (17) To carry on all or any of the trades or business of preparing, spinning, knitting, doubling, weaving, combing, scouring, sizing, bleaching, colouring, dyeing, printing and finishing, working or manufacturing in any way whatever, cotton, wool, silk, flax, hemp, linen, jute, leather, synthetic fibres and other fibrous or textile substances, whether animal, vegetable or mineral in any state and whether similar to the foregoing substances or not and to treat and utilise and deal in any waste arising from any such operations, whether carried out by the Company or otherwise, and also of makers of vitriol and of bleaching, dyeing, and finishing materials, and the buying and selling of and dealing in all or any of the aforesaid substances. equitynet.com.hk |
按照议程安排,国际生物伦理委员审议了其两个工作小组于 2002 年 4 月在巴黎举行会 议后提出的报告草案,其中一个报告草案 涉及移植前的遗传诊断和对生殖系统的干预问题 (这是国际生物伦理委员会根据政府间生物伦理委员会的要求拟定的报告),另一个报告草 案则涉及到可否拟定一个具有普遍意义的生物伦理文件的问题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In accordance with the agenda, [...] the IBC examinedthe draft reports by its two working groups which met in Paris in April 2002, respectivelyon pre-implantationgeneticdiagnosis and germ-line [...]interventions [...](which the IBC prepared at the request of the Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee (IGBC)) and on the possibility of drawing up a universal instrument on bioethics. unesdoc.unesco.org |
根据执行委员会第 48/16(a)(i) 号决定, [...] 工发组织向执行委员会第五十二次会 议提交了关于危地马拉瓜、西红柿、花卉和观赏 植物以及草莓种植用途甲基溴的淘汰计划 执行情况的进度报告,以及关于进一步修订项目中淘汰时间表的请求。 multilateralfund.org | Pursuant to decision 48/16(a)(i) of the Executive Committee, UNIDO submitted a progress report on the implementation of the project for the phase-out of [...] MB in the cultivation of [...] melons,tomato,flowers and ornamentals, and strawberries in Guatemala and [...]a request for a further [...]revision of the phase-out schedule in the project, to the 52nd Meeting of the Executive Committee. multilateralfund.org |
作为检察长的 6 个职位(以这一身份,负责起诉与毒品有关的罪行);司法部 中央管理厅内两个处长职位:司法事务处长,后来担任刑事事务和赦免处长(编 制许多关于毒品问题的法律文本、负责国内法律中执行国际药物公约的后续行 动,监管禁毒领域的国际合作政策);司法部秘书长(起草药物管制领域的立法建 议和刑事政策通告)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Six posts as Procurator General (Procureur général) (in this capacity, responsible for the prosecution of narcotics-related offences); two posts as director in the central administration of the Ministry of Justice: Director for Judicial Affairs and, later, Director for Criminal Affairs and Pardons (preparation of numerous legislative texts on drugs, follow-up of the implementation of the international drugs conventions in domestic law, [...] supervision of international cooperation [...] policies in the field of narcotics); Secretary-General of the Ministry ofJustice(drafting of legislative proposals and circulars on criminal policy in the area of drugcontrol). daccess-ods.un.org |
加拿大当局在 2010 年缉获了 51 吨大麻药草和190 万株大麻植物,而美国当局估计,2010 年进入美国的所有大麻药草中有 12%是从加拿大 [...] 进入该国(尽管不一定所有大麻药草都是在加拿大生产)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Canadian authorities seized 51 [...] tons ofcannabis herb and 1.9 million cannabis plants in2010,and United [...]States authorities assessed [...]that 12 per cent of all the cannabis herb entering the United States in 2010 had entered the country from Canada (although not necessarily all of the cannabis herb was produced in Canada). daccess-ods.un.org |