

单词 草拟规例

See also:


draw up (a first version)
first draft



规例 n

regulation n

External sources (not reviewed)

欧共体代表团和其他一些代表团也支持通过提出 的食品添加剂通用标准的食品添加 规 定 草 案 和 拟 议 草 案。
The Delegation of the European Community and some other
delegations also supported the
[...] adoption of the draft and proposed draft food additive provisions of the GSFA as [...]
一个正面例子是 ,现在全球许多城市都正 草拟 或 通过人权宪章,形成一个以 在城市级地方政府对经社文权利负责的新形式的国际都市网络。56 类似的改革需要在所有的地方和区域层面进行,以保证对国际人 规 范 和 价值的透明 度和负责任,并且为听取申诉和提供救济提供更不那么正式的、更以社区为本的方法。
One positive example is that a number of cities around the world are now drafting and adopting human rights charters, establishing a cosmopolitan framework for new forms of local accountability to ESC rights at the municipal level.56 Similar reforms are needed at all levels of local and regional decision-making, to ensure transparency and accountability to the norms and values [...]
of international human
rights and to provide less formal and more community-based methods for hearing complaints and providing remedies.
通过了 通过了 通过了委员会提议的所有其他食 品添加规定草案和拟议草案。
The Commission adopted all the other draft and
[...] proposed draft food additive provisions as proposed by [...]
the Committee.
为向残疾人和专业工作人员提供行动技能培训而采 取的措拟定了第 28735 号法的实施例草案,该法规定了 在机场、海陆 空和内河运输的候车厅和车站以及公共交通工具上为残疾人、孕 [...]
Measures taken to give training in mobility skills to persons
with disabilities and
[...] specialist staff Preparation of the draft implementing regulations for Act No. 28735, [...]
which governs the provision
of services to persons with disabilities, pregnant women and older people in airports; airfields, land, rail, sea and river terminals; and public transport facilities.
实践 证明,《规判例法》 系统还可用于为负 草拟 和 执 行商业合同的人员提供 帮助,协助法院和仲裁庭处理涉及适用贸易法委员会法规的国际交易所 产生的争议,也可为研究贸易法委员会法规及其适用情况的人员提供帮助。
The CLOUT system has also proved
[...] useful in assisting those tasked with drafting and executing commercial contracts, [...]
as well
as courts and arbitral tribunals in dealing with disputes arising from international transactions involving the application of an UNCITRAL text and those researching UNCITRAL texts and their application.
拟议的讲习例如可 审查和讨论以下问 题:关于在拘押、监禁和非监禁情况下对待妇女情况的全球概况并共享各国在 执行《曼规则》上的最佳做法和经验;关于女性囚犯的立法、程序、政策和 惯例等相关问题的实际解决办法,有关女性犯罪人的非监禁措施及其重返社会 问题;为执行《曼谷规则》提供技术援助和咨询服务及联合国相关实体、政府 间组织和区域组织及非政府组织就此展开的合作;以及推广《曼谷规则》与展 开相关的培训和提高认识活动,并推进在该领域的研究和方案评价工作。
The proposed workshop could examine and discuss, for example, the following issues: a global overview of the state of the treatment of women in detention and in custodial and non-custodial settings and sharing of national best practices and experiences in the implementation of the Bangkok Rules; practical solutions [...]
for issues related
to legislation, procedures, policies and practices for women prisoners, alternatives to imprisonment for women offenders, and their reintegration into society; the provision of technical assistance and advisory services in the implementation of the Bangkok Rules, as well as cooperation among relevant United Nations entities, intergovernmental and regional organizations and non-governmental organizations in that regard; and the dissemination of the Bangkok Rules and related training and awareness-raising activities and the promotion of research and programmed evaluation in that field.
工作组注意:工作组似宜注意到:(a)第 1 款意在体现第 54 条(c)项;(b)
[...] 《登记处指南》草案的评注将会解释,例如,第 1 款(c)项提及《示范例》草 案第 10 条第(1)款(b)项,该规定,通知或查询请求中的信息必须易懂、易读或 在其他方面符合《示范条例》草案的要求;及(c)第 [...]
2 款列入了在实践中得到普
遍使用的用户协议其他要素,并且与建议 54(c)项并无不符之处。
Note to the Working Group: The Working Group may wish to note that: (a) paragraph 1 is intended to reflect recommendation 54, subparagraph (c); (b) the commentary of the draft Registry Guide will explain that
subparagraph 1 (c) refers, for example, to article 10,
[...] subparagraph (1) (b) of the draft Model Regulations according to which the information [...] [...]
in a notice or search request has to be comprehensible, legible and otherwise comply with the requirements of the draft Model Regulations; and (c) paragraph 2 includes the additional element of a user agreement, as it is widely used in practice and is not inconsistent with recommendation 54, subparagraph (c).
有关规判例法及其拟订和 摘要集的背景资料载于委员会第四十五届会议临时议程 (A/CN.9/735,第 36-40 段)。
Background information on CLOUT, its establishment and the Digests is provided in the Provisional Agenda of the forty-fifth session of the Commission (A/CN.9/735, paras. 36-40).
草案要 求关于前一年决议的报告,考虑到这一 例 , 如果 拟议修正案被否决,他希望将来就发展相关问题或 其他对发展中国家比较重要的问题制定决 草 案,以及巴巴多斯代表团力争以该先例为依据制定类似 用语时,能够得到支持。
In light of the precedent that the draft resolution was attempting to set by requesting a report on a resolution from an earlier year, if the proposed amendment were rejected, he would hope that when a future draft resolution was [...]
drawn up on a development-related
issue or another question of importance to developing countries and his delegation sought to introduce similar language based on that precedent, those efforts would be supported.
斐济政府认为,上述与下列现行立法,加上目 拟 订 中 法 ( 例 如 打击恐怖 主义示范法案/生物安全示范法案)的颁布,也有助于执行部分第 3 段各规定的 实施。
The Government of Fiji considers that existing legislation of above and below, together with the enactment of legislation currently under development (e.g., Model counter-terrorism Bill/Biosecurity Bill), also contributes to implementation of requirements in OP 3.
本文件系按第 175 EX/51 号决定的要求编写。在这项决定中,执行 局请总干事为执行局第一七六届会议起草一份文件,概括介绍关于指定 代表团成员担任教科文组织执行局委员以及担任联合国系统内类似机构 成员的现有例、规章和做法,并在 草 过 程 中与执行局委员就此进行 磋商。
This document is presented pursuant to 175 EX/Decision 51 by which the Executive Board requested the Director-General to develop a document for its 176th session outlining the present rules, regulations and practices concerning the designation of members to delegations to the Executive Board of UNESCO and to similar bodies within the United Nations system generally and, in that regard, to consult the Members of the Executive Board in this process.
我们欢迎联合国关于女性囚犯待遇和女性罪犯非拘禁措施 规 则草 案。86 注意拟订在 押以及拘禁和非拘禁环境中女性待遇特别补充规则专家组会 [...]
议的成果和建议,我们建议预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会作为优先事项对其加以 审议,以便采取适当的行动。
We welcome
[...] the draft United Nations rules for the treatment of women [...]
prisoners and non-custodial measures for women offenders.86
Taking note of the outcome and the recommendations of the meeting of the expert group to develop supplementary rules specific to the treatment of women in detention and in custodial and non-custodial settings, we recommend that the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice consider them as a matter of priority for appropriate action.
工作组还请秘书处草拟列入 《示范法》修订案文的新条文 例 如 关于 征求意向书和取消采购的新条文,以便在以后阶段审议(A/CN.9/672,第 13 段)。
The Working
[...] Group also requested the Secretariat to draft new provisions for inclusion in the revised [...]
Model Law, such as
on requests for expression of interest and cancellation of the procurement, for consideration at a later stage (A/CN.9/672, para. 13).
我也对贵国代表 团编写作为本次辩论会基础的概念文件(S/2010/67)
[...] 向你表示感谢,其中涉及提供资源和能力加强安全理 事会任规定的草拟、制 定撤离战略和实现从维持和 平向建设和平平稳和逐步过渡以及刚摆脱冲突的国 [...]
I also thank you for the concept paper prepared by your Mission (S/2010/67) as
a basis for this debate on
[...] strengthening the drafting of Security Council [...]
mandates by providing resources and capabilities,
developing exit strategies, and achieving the smooth and gradual transition from peacekeeping to peacebuilding and the long-term sustainable development of countries emerging from conflict.
在此期间,Camara先生协助编写、制定 草拟 了 几 内亚共和国现行采矿 规 , 该 法 规 还 涵盖了BOT法、电力特许协议、钻石与黄金法规。
During this period, Mr. Camara was
[...] [...] instrumental in writing, structuring and drafting the current Mining Code for the Republic of Guinea, [...]
which also covers BOT law, Electricity Concession Agreement, Diamond and Gold Regulation.
为化解这一困境,加拿大建议,在实际举行大会之前,在拟由 大会产生的宣言中保留一部分不动, 例 说 , 拟 由 各 讲习 草拟 的 段 落,而宣言其 他部分可以事先而不是现场商谈。
As a solution, Canada proposed leaving until the actual holding of the Congress the part of the
declaration to be produced by
[...] the Congress, for example, the paragraphs to be drafted by each workshop, while the rest of the declaration would be negotiated [...]
in advance and not on site.
例如, 该国是必须制定专门涉及在国际水域勘探和开采多金属结核的法律 (实际上制定反映管理拟订的《规章 》 的法律)来满足这条规定,还是可以通过 诸如采矿法和环境法等现有一般性国内法满足这条规定?
For example, is the State required to enact legislation specifically dealing with exploration and exploitation of polymetallic nodules in international waters (in effect, enacting legislation that reflects the regulations developed by the Authority), or can the State [...]
satisfy this clause
through more general national legislation that may already be in place, such as its mining law and environmental law?
(g) 颁规则和条例,拟定中 心的财务、行政和人事管理条例; (h) 决定地区政府间组织和国际机构对中心工作的参与; [...]
(i)召开特别咨询会议,除理事外,另邀请其他有关国家和国际组织的代表参加会 议,以拓展中心的集资策略,加强中心的能力,听取扩大中心服务范围的建议,
(i) convene special consultative
[...] sessions to which it shall invite, in addition [...]
to its own members, representatives of other
interested countries and international organizations in order to expand the institute’s fund-raising strategy and strengthen its capacities, to draw up proposals to broaden the scope of the services provided by the institute, and to carry out its projects and activities.
根据《财务例》的规定,拟议批 款中任何 未使用部分将予交还。
Any part of the proposed appropriation not utilized will be surrendered in accordance with the Financial Regulations.
[...] 500,000 美元交给教科文组织总干事掌管,由总干事按照后附的《章程草案》和具 体财务例草案(见附件 I 和 II)规定使用这笔资金所生的利息。
Under the Prize, $500,000 will be placed at the disposal of the Director-General of UNESCO, who may use the
interest generated by this fund, in
[...] accordance with the drafted statutes and financial regulations (Annex I and Annex II).
关于毛里塔尼亚,环规划署 小组正在与环境部合作,在 2013 年实施配额制度;对于刚加入《蒙特利尔议定书》的南苏 丹,主要目标之一是开草拟氟氯烃许可证的法律。
For Mauritania, the UNEP team was working with the
Ministry of Environment to put a
[...] quota system in place for 2013, and for South Sudan, which was a new party to the Montreal Protocol, the main goal was to initiate drafting of legislation for licensing of HCFCs, among other things.
方案规划、预算内方案部分、执行情况监测和评价方法条例和细则》例 4.8 规定,“中期计草案的 各项方案和次级方案应由有关的部门、职司和区域政 [...]
府间机关尽可能在其常会周期内审查,然后再由方案和协调委员会、经济及社会 理事会和大会审查。
Regulation 4.8 of the Regulations and Rules Governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation states that “The
programmes and subprogrammes of
[...] the proposed medium-term plan shall be reviewed by the relevant [...]
sectoral, functional and regional
intergovernmental bodies, if possible during the regular cycle of their meetings, prior to their review by the Committee for Programme and Coordination, the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly”.
[...] 通过有关行政机关达成的一致同意解决的:委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国的行政机 关确认同意移交通知行政机关的职能,因而没 草拟 或 核 准任何 规 则。
However, the problem of replacing the notifying Administration for ASA was resolved through a consensus agreement on the part of the Administrations concerned: the Administration of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
confirmed its consent to hand over the functions of the notifying
[...] Administration, and no new rule was drafted or approved.
这次磋商还为工作组提供了机会,向参加者简要介绍 拟 订 一 项 规 范 、 监管 和监测私营军事和安保公司公草案 的 进展情况,并征求参加者对此种公约的内 容和范畴的意见和评论。
Original: English The consultation provided an opportunity for the Working Group
to brief
[...] participants on progress towards developing a draft convention on the regulation, oversight and monitoring of private [...]
military and security
companies and to seek their views and comments on the content and scope of such a convention.
财务例草案是 按照决定 161 EX/7.10 批准的为新的管理监督手段安排的特别帐财务例拟定的
The draft financial regulations have been drawn up in conformity with the Financial Regulations of the Special Account for New Management and Monitoring Instruments that were approved in 161 EX/Decision 7.10.
2012 年,为推动这项工作,秘书处利用可用财务资源,聘请了一名顾问启动 初步研究工作,以便:(a) 就拟议规管架构的范围提供意见;(b) 审查现有和拟 议的陆上和海洋采规管制度,寻找可以考虑的商 规 范 和 先 例 ; (c) 界定和评 估有关应用的经济问题的影响。
In 2012, to advance this work, the secretariat used its available financial resources to hire a consultant to begin work on an initial study to (a)
provide advice on the
[...] scope of the proposed regulatory framework; (b) review the existing and proposed regulatory regimes for land-based and marine mining for commercial norms and precedents that may be considered; [...]
and (c) define
and assess the impact of economic issues related to applications.
还有些专题来自在执行和适用现有法规过程中取得的经验,这种经验 可能表明需要对现有法规进行修订 例 如 《公共采购示范法》和《贸易法委员 会仲裁规则》),或者需要进一步 拟 附 于 现有 规 的 解 释性材料,如颁布指南例如《 跨国界破产示范法颁布指南》)。
Topics have also arisen from the experience gained in the implementation and application of existing texts, which may suggest the need for revision of an existing text (e.g. the Model Law on Public Procurement, and the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules) or further development of the explanatory material accompanying an existing text, such as a guide to enactment (e.g. the Guide to Enactment of the Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency).
采用了各种方法:秘书处编写法规草案,直接提交委员会,因为目前 没有一个工作组拥有相关专门知识(例如《电子资金划拨法律指南》(1987 年) 和《私人融资基础设施项目立法指南》(2000 年);秘书处编写的规草案先由 一个工作组审查,再由委员会通过(例如,《跨国界破产合作实务指南》(2009 年));以及委托秘书处编写规草 案 ,直接提交委员会 例 如 , 关于使用《贸 易法委员会仲裁规则》的建议(2012 年)。
Various approaches have been used: a draft text was developed by the Secretariat and referred directly to the Commission as there was no existing working group with the relevant expertise (e.g. the Legal Guide on Electronic Funds Transfers (1987) and the Legislative Guide on Privately
Financed Infrastructure
[...] Projects (2000); a draft text prepared by the Secretariat was reviewed by a working group prior to its adoption by the Commission (e.g. the Practice Guide on Cross-Border Insolvency Cooperation (2009)) and preparation of the draft text was entrusted [...]
to the Secretariat and
referred directly to the Commission (e.g. Recommendations on the use of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules (2012).




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