单词 | 草图 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 草图 —a sketch (often used)less common: rough drawing 草图 noun —draft plan nSee also:草 n—grass n • straw n • grasses pl • hay n • manuscript n 草—grassy • careless • draft (of a document)
鱼和渔业 [...] 产品净出口(即水产品出口总值低于进口总值)对发展中国家特别重要,高于其 他几种农产品,例如大米、肉、糖、咖啡和 烟 草 ( 图 2 3 )。 fao.org | Net exports of fish and fish products (i.e. the total value of fish exports less the total value of fish imports) are particularly important for developing countries, [...] being higher than those of several other agricultural commodities such as rice, meat, [...] sugar, coffee and tobacco (Figure 23). fao.org |
Tom Rucker利用一个特殊的3D软件程序(照片,左上),根 据 草图 和 图 纸 生 成了一个曼德拉头部的3D文件,最终经过喷蜡打印而成一个模型(照片,右上)。 wacker.com | Tom Rucker used a specialist 3D [...] software program (photo, top left) to [...] convert his sketches and drawings into a three-dimensional [...]file of Mandela's head, which [...]was ultimately modeled in a mixture of starch and wax (top right). wacker.com |
我们强烈建议您,请先划一张原始草 图,以便错误或意外时的恢复。 antec.com | And we strongly recommend [...] making a notated drawing before beginning [...]work so that you can recover if your work gets disturbed. antec.com |
原始 草图和批 注应保留下来,以备今后参考。 itopf.com | The original sketches and notes [...] should be retained for subsequent reference. itopf.com |
通过使用特殊的3D软件程序,Rucker根据他 的 草图 和 图 纸 生成了一个曼德拉头部的3D文件。 wacker.com | Using a special 3D software program, Rucker generated a three-dimensional file of [...] Mandela's head from his sketches and drawings. wacker.com |
将需要以手工或电子方式拟定工 作草图和批 注,以制作用于展示的最终地图。 itopf.com | Working sketches and annotations will need to be formalised either by hand or electronically, to produce a final map for presentation. itopf.com |
数据采集完成后,儿童们在一大张纸上画了地图的第一 版 草图。 unicef.org | After data were collected, the [...] children drew the map’s first draft on a big sheet of paper. unicef.org |
如果这短暂的犹太法典草图至于 其halakic contentsbe的声明补充说,熟语的几个亚摩兰以及他们同时代和院校的成员,反对的意见,无论是教师还是学生,经常在连接与记录该讨论的院校,一对犹太法典的性质进行更全面的了解和其形式可能是更好的概念报告获得。 mb-soft.com | If this brief sketch of the Talmud [...] as regards its halakic contentsbe supplemented by the statement that the sayings of the [...]several amoraim as well as the opposing views of their contemporaries and the members of the academies, whether teachers or pupils, are frequently recorded in connection with the report of the discussions of the academies, a more complete view of the nature of the Talmud and a better conception of its form may be gained. mb-soft.com |
这幅 DNA 铅笔草图为克里克所作,构成维康图书馆大量克里克作品的一部分。 wdl.org | This pencil sketch of DNA was made by Crick and forms part of the extensive Crick Archive at the Wellcome Library. wdl.org |
草稿可以是画作的草图,故事的梗概,诗歌或歌曲的 主要词语。 wipo.int | This could be a rough image of a picture, an [...] outline of a story, or a selection of the main words of a poem or song. wipo.int |
清新,清晰的图像质量呈现在技术文档 , 草图 , 地 图 上 , SD大幅面扫描仪给了企业一个简单而经济实惠的方式完成企业的扫描任务而节约时间。 moderntech.com.hk | Clean, sharp image quality on technical documents, sketches, and maps, SD large format scanners give companies an easy and affordable way to save time on in-house scanning activities. moderntech.com.hk |
特色的人物进行了一个草图,在 爱丁堡边缘早期1980s。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | A sketch featuring the character was performed at the Edinburgh Fringe in the early 1980s. seekcartoon.com |
国际水文计划与国际水文家协会、世界地质图委员会、德国地质科学和自然资源联邦研究所 以及国际地质科学计划合作绘制了《世界水文地图》的第一 份 草图。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The first draft of the Hydrogeological Map of the World was prepared by IHP in cooperation with IAH, CGMW, BGR and the IGCP. unesdoc.unesco.org |
草图清晰 地标注并用颜色编码展现了每个细节,从建筑到路灯。 unicef.org | It clearly labelled and colour-coded each detail, from houses to street lamps. unicef.org |
这幅地图 1539 [...] 年在罗马由拥有更高教会职务的斯堪的纳维亚天主教教会成员绘 制 草图 , 因 此其中包含有很多其他该地区早期地图中所没有的详细信息。 wdl.org | Drafted in Rome in 1539, by one of the more prominent [...] Scandinavian Catholics in higher ecclesiastical service, it contains detail that is lacking in [...] many other early maps of the region. wdl.org |
通常只提供一组包含全部轮毂高度的数据,软件会 自动在草图上根据风电机组数据输入域中给出的轮毂高度画出风塔。 help.emd.dk | Normally only one data set for all hub heights is provided and the software automatically stretches the tower to the hub height given in the WTG data input field. help.emd.dk |
设计草图经过修改,原先的圆润曲线化为尖锐的棱角,具有力量感的线条得到强化,DualTow 的精髓一跃而出。 dualtow.ch | As the sketches were successively adjusted, the early rounded curves gave way to sharper angles and more powerful lines of force, as the very essence of the DualTow gradually emerged. dualtow.ch |
c. 巴勒斯坦权力机构旅游和文物古迹部希望恢复对该遗址的修复工作,使之免遭进 d. [...] 该项目将分两个阶段进行:第一阶段是拟订恢复该建筑物使用功能 的 草图 , 并 修 复在 2002--2003 年遭到破坏的部分,第二阶段涉及各种业务活动和翻新工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (d) The project is expected to be carried in two phases: [...] Phase I aims at drafting the functional [...]re-use of the building as well as repairing [...]damages occurred in 2001-2003 and Phase II addresses operational activities and renovation work. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这是一个可怕的展览,但在另一个走廊的画廊他们有另一个比较老派的展览,John Singer [...] Sargent(英国画家1856 - 1925]的油画和铅笔的草图展览。 luxe-immo.com | It was a horrible show but in another corridor of the gallery they had another [...] rather “old school” exhibition of oil [...] paintings and pencil sketches by John Singer [...]Sargent [British painter 1856-1925]. luxe-immo.com |
两位制表匠先绘草图提议给客户,然后勾画设计完稿并手工切割这些黄金、灰金或玫瑰金的独特精品。 audemarspiguet.com | Two watchmakers sketch and propose the project to the client, and then trace and cut by hand these unique pieces in gold, grey or pink gold. audemarspiguet.com |
挪威建筑》杂志网络版的编辑人员指出,将设 计 草图 转 换 成为数码格式时产生的质量问题是网络版未能早些问世的原因之一。 norway.org.cn | The editors of Architecture Norway points to quality issues when transforming sketches to the digital format as one of the reasons for not launching the online review earlier. norway.cn |
故事板草图将描绘出剧本场景中的主要镜头,包括构图、摄影机角度、场面设计、人 物运动、以及基本的一些道具。 motion.kodak.com | The sketches depict the key shots in the scripted scenes, including the framing, camera angle, blocking, character movement, as well as basic props and sets. motion.kodak.com |
楼道的潦草图片下 面画了一株桃花象征春天,这个部分很‘现代’,指的是构图上运用的西方现代派的营造,至少当时自己是这样想的,就像他养的鸟的数量,多而单调,很在乎,也很无所谓,每周买一只,而且都是金色。 shanghaibiennale.org | So I just gave it a single wash of ink. Underneath the sketch I drew a peach to represent spring. shanghaibiennale.org |
当设计草图完成 之后,投资者必须申请与投资 项目相关的环保部门的评议。 paiz.gov.pl | After completing the initial layout and technical description, the investor may apply for an investment-related environmental decision. paiz.gov.pl |
此前陶菲克和他的部下已经对联昌 国际证券银行作了调查,并画了草图。 crisisgroup.org | By this time Taufik and his men had done a survey of the CIMB bank and [...] produced a rough sketch. crisisgroup.org |
通过触摸屏绘制的草图自动 与图像保存在一起 flir.com | A sketch drawn on touch screen is automatically saved with image flir.com |
我们的电脑辅助绘图技术将为下一季时装设计带来最新的设 计 草图 , 您将拥有一系列风格多样而又时尚 的 草图。 interfiliere.com | CADT will bring the newest collection sketches for the next season with a wide variety [...] of styles always in fashion. interfiliere.com |
您可为常用的工程图和草图实体(如标准注释、标题块、标号位置等)制作、保存、编辑并插入块。 3dcontentcentral.cn | You can make, save, edit, and [...] insert blocks for drawing items and sketch [...]entities that you use often, such as standard notes, [...]title blocks, label positions, and more. 3dcontentcentral.com |
第二个最重要的特征,它直接从第一个而来,散发矛盾:两个磁极互换的;古代与现代、出生与死亡,开始和结束的变形-这些都是纳入一种形式或另者的基本面因素(或 者 草图 ) ”。 luxe-immo.com | The second most important trait, which emanates directly from the first, is ambivalence: the interchanging of two opposite poles; the ancient versus the modern, birth versus death, the beginning and the [...] end of a metamorphosis – these are some of the [...] fundamentals (or sketches) which are incorporated [...]in one form or another”. luxe-immo.com |
布(置)景师通常具有美术绘画和 建筑经验,他可以依据美术师的口头描述 或 草图 提 示 来进行布景,并给出相应的绘图设计 和详细的实施清单。 motion.kodak.com | The Set Designer, often a draftsman with architectural training, sketches plans and lists specifications for building sets based on the verbal descriptions or rough sketches provided by the Art Director. motion.kodak.com |