单词 | 茸 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 茸—fluffyless common: confused luxuriant growth Examples:蓬茸—lush soft lush hair luxuriant (of grass or hair) 毛茸茸adj—furryadj 毛茸茸—shaggy hairy
工艺品制作对训鹿牧民日益重要,远 东出现了相对较新的(用于制作鹿茸精的)软鹿角市场。 daccess-ods.un.org | The production of handicrafts is increasingly important for reindeer peoples and there is a relatively new market for soft antlers (for pantocrine) in the Far East. daccess-ods.un.org |
这浓缩的天气丹重生面霜含有丰富的成分有美白的功效,如鹿茸及粉状金树提取物,有效地滋润不均均衡的肤色。 aster.com.hk | This highly enriched premium cream contains rich ingredients [...] of functional whitening properties, such as [...] powdereddeerantlers,powdered gold [...]and tree extract effectively refresh and hydrate the uneven skin tone. aster.com.hk |
这是一种耐寒植物,开淡紫色花朵,叶片被覆茸毛。 clarinsusa.com | It is a hardy, slightlyhairy plant with mauve-coloured flowers. clarinsusa.com |
这个发面煎饺是用小香菇、姬松茸和新鲜小蘑菇做馅,味美极了,饺子皮下面焦香上面暄软,很受欢迎。 maomaomom.com | These delicious mushroom meat pan fried dumplings are made with leavened dough, soft on the top and crunchy on the bottom. maomaomom.com |
这些茸毛具浓郁的气息,味辛辣,其拉丁文名正是由此而来。 clarinsusa.com | Thehairs contain a strong-smelling essence and have a spicy taste which inspired its Latin name. clarinsusa.com |
免费美颜礼宾服务及全新乔治·阿玛尼美妆专柜化妆品进驻装茸一新的店面内,定会为所有 光临新加坡DFS环球免税店的顾客带来多方位感官的奢华享受。 dfsgalleria.com | The inclusion of complimentary Beauty Concierge services and new-to-market Giorgio Armani Beauty cosmetics housed in the newly renovated space promises a multi-sensorial experience for all patrons of DFS Galleria Singapore’s Beauty Hall. dfsgalleria.com |
优质的天气丹重生眼霜有助减少黑眼圈和最深层次的皮肤,鹿茸药材配合金玉粉以帮助及恢复娇嫩的眼部皮肤,让眼睛更明亮焕发的迹像。 aster.com.hk | Allow the gold and jade powders to help brighten the [...] skin around the delicate eye area, while the [...] powdered deer antlersand medicinal [...]herbs to rejuvenate the skin and erase the signs of time. aster.com.hk |
有一点是肯定的;你会对北极圈的大自然景观,以及毛 茸茸的雪 橇犬朋友们留下难忘的印象。 visitfinland.com | Take a short tour of a couple of hours or make a whole week out of it, one thing’s for sure; your heart will be left in the Nordic wilderness with those furry friends you toured with. visitfinland.com |
一项新的研究表明,一种极小的长着毛 茸茸尾巴 的动物是胎盘哺乳动物——其中不包括有袋类和蛋生哺乳动物——的最早祖先,它们生活在非鸟类恐龙灭绝之后的时期。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Atiny, furry-tailedcreature was [...] the earliest ancestor of the placental mammals -- a group excluding marsupials and egg-laying [...]mammals -- and lived after the extinction of the non-avian dinosaurs, a new study suggests. chinese.eurekalert.org |
在某一年度内,遵从「拆除通知」拆除/修茸的危险/弃置招牌的数目,以 及由屋宇署代失责招牌拥有人执行的「拆除通知」数目,未必与该年度内发 出的「拆除通知」数目相符。 devb.gov.hk | The number of dangerous/abandoned signboards removed/repaired incompliance with the DSRNs and the number of DSRNs enforced by the BD in default of the signboard owners in one year may not necessarily correspond to the DSRNs issued in the same year. devb.gov.hk |
自2008年以来,迪奥在位於La Chaux-de-Fonds的制表工作室,住在调缝褶,刺绣,镂空,缎,皱褶片,鹿茸...幸 福地结了婚到群众的摆动运动,旋钮以及其他仪表宇宙的手表。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Since 2008, Dior watchmaking workshops in La Chaux-de-Fonds live in tune with the sewing pleats, embroidery, openwork, satin, ruffle lining, velvet ... And happily married to the masses oscillating movements, dials, and other gauges of the universe of the watch. en.horloger-paris.com |
这些毛茸茸的抱 枕小动物含有待签字的领养证明,可以与人进行交互,从而给人们带来小动物领养的真实体验。 tipschina.gov.cn | Complete with adoption papers ready for signing, these plush,cuddle-companions are interactive playmates offering the realistic experience of caring for a baby animal. tipschina.gov.cn |
精选菜式:蒸金目鲷,松叶蟹配日本圆萝卜蓉、天妇罗松叶蟹脚,沙追鱼,舞茸菇, 南瓜、澳洲和牛扒饭伴黑松露照烧汁等。 yp.mo | Menu Includes: Steamed Alfonsino, Snow Crab and Vegetables dressed with Grated Turnip Sticky Sauce yp.mo |
建立了基于在线二维弱阴离子交换色谱-反相液相色谱(2D-WAX-RPLC)的蛋白质分离系统,并用于不同生长时期鹿茸的比 较蛋白质组分析。 chrom-china.com | A method of on-line two-dimensional weak anion exchange chromatography-reversed-phase liquid chromatography (2D [...] WAX-RPLC) was established, and applied for the comparative [...] proteome study of antlers withfour different [...]growing stages. chrom-china.com |
吸烟人士:遍布支气管边缘的细胞表面有数以百万计的微小茸毛(纤毛),这些茸毛以海浪的拍打方式清除气道中的正常分泌物,但烟草等刺激物令纤毛失去活动能力,因而令分泌物积聚。 hsbc.com.hk | The hairs beat in a wave-like fashion to clear your airways of normal secretions, but irritants such as tobacco smoke paralyze the cilia, causing secretions to accumulate. hsbc.com.hk |
有时候,我甚至会梦见自己是一只浑身毛 茸茸的银背大猩猩。 shanghaibiennale.org | Sometimes I dream I’m a furred silverback gorilla. shanghaibiennale.org |
花柱基短圆锥状 果倒卵球形到近球形,背面稍扁平,密被长硬毛和茸毛;棱全部木栓质的翅,等长或侧棱稍比背侧宽的;油管1-3在每棱槽,2-6在合生面上。 flora.ac.cn | Fruit obovoid to subglobose, slightly flattened dorsally, densely hirsute and velutinous; ribs all corky-winged, equal or lateral ribs slightly broader than the dorsal; vittae 1–3 in each furrow, 2–6 on commissure. flora.ac.cn |
拌入姜茸及蒜茸,加入油咖喱及咖喱粉。 sfgourmet.com | Add minced garlic andgrated ginger, then addcurry paste [...] and curry powder. sfgourmet.com |
位元堂刚劲根据中医学理论,严选珍贵的补肾中药包括海狗肾、鹿茸、海 马、肉苁蓉、红参等研制而成,不含西药活性成份,安全可靠。 waiyuentong.com | This product is manufactured with precious kidney-supplement Chinese medicine including Testis et Penis Callorhini, Cornu CerviPantotrichum,Hippocampus, Herba Cistanches, Radix et Rhizoma Ginseng Rubra etc. It is free from Western medicine, and is safe and reliable. waiyuentong.com |
白桦茸多糖介绍:白桦茸又称 桦褐孔菌,属于绣革孔菌科,子实体呈现瘤状,外表黑灰,有不规则沟痕,无柄,直径25~40cm,深色,表面深裂,很硬,干时脆,可育部分厚5mm,皮壳状,薄,暗褐色;菌管3~10mm,脆、通常菌管的前端开裂,菌孔每mm6~8个,圆形,浅白色,后变暗褐色;菌肉木柱质,有模糊不清的环纹,xiandan鲜淡黄褐色孢子阔椭圆状至卵状,光滑,9~10μm×505~6.5μm。 dbslz.com | Antler Birch, also known as Inonotus obliquus, [...] is rust leather volvatus Division, showed tumor-like fruiting body, looks [...]black and gray, with irregular grooves, no handle, diameter is 25 ~ 40cm, dark, deep surface crack, hard, crisp when it’s dry , the thick of fertile part is 5mm, hull shape, thin, dark brown; bacteria tubes are 3 ~ 10mm, crisp, usually the front tube bacteria is cracking, fungi holes are 6 ~ 8 per mm, round, white light, and then variable dark brown; bacteria of meat quality wooden pillars, a vague ring pattern, fresh and light brown, oval-shaped to ovate spores wide, smooth, 9 ~ 10μm × 5.5 ~ 6.5μm, with bristles. dbslz.com |
1、干姬松茸放冷水中泡大约4小时(图1)至软,洗净待用。 maomaomom.com | 1: Soak agaricus mushrooms in cold water for 4 hours (Picture 1), rinse and set aside. maomaomom.com |
联记号有限公司」进口鲜菇,品种包括鲜松茸、鲜老人头菌、鲜黑虎掌菌、鲜鸡「土从」菌、鲜红牛肝菌及鲜黄牛肝菌。 cfs.gov.hk | Mushrooms imported by “Luen Kee Hoo Co, Ltd”, including fresh Matsutake, fresh Catathelasma ventricosum, fresh Pseudohydum gelatinosum, fresh Termitomyces albuminosus, fresh Red Porcini and fresh Yellow Porcini. cfs.gov.hk |
执导廖茸桐程GEK医生,一个女医生在妇女的健康和医疗的皮肤状况有特殊的兴趣。 compareclinic.com | It is helmed by Dr Leow Cheng Gek, a lady doctor who has special interest in women's health and medical treatment of skin conditions. compareclinic.com |
在过去三年,经 拆除或修茸的危险或弃置招牌数 目、屋宇署发出的「拆除通知」数目、屋宇署顾问公司及 承办商代失责招牌拥有 人执行的 「 拆除通知」 数目,以及已 向招牌拥有人追讨拆除费用个案的百分比, 表列如下: 因执行 「 拆除 通知」而 已 向失 责 招牌 拥有人 追讨费 用的个 案数目 devb.gov.hk | In the past three years, the number of dangerous or abandoned signboards so removed or repaired,the number of DSRNs issued, the number of DSRNs enforced by the BD’s consultants and contractors in default of the signboard owners, and the percentage of the cases with cost recoverable from owners are tabulated below devb.gov.hk |
叶柄2.5-3厘米; 叶片椭圆形到椭圆形卵形,8-11 X 4-5厘米,革质,背面浓密淡黄被绢毛茸毛, 正面密被糙伏毛,基部圆形,先端锐尖; 侧脉8-12 对。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole 2.5-3 cm; leaf blade elliptic to elliptic-ovate, 8-11 X 4-5 cm, leathery, abaxially densely yellowish sericeous-velutinous,adaxially densely strigose, base rounded, apex acute; lateral veins 8-12 pairs. flora.ac.cn |
Van Es Foods 食品有限公司自1971年开始营运,作为水果产品的制造商,我们致力为工业用家、烘焙用家、冰淇淋生产商、食品服务业及餐饮业等不同范畴的客户提供各式各样的速冻水果及果茸产品。 fruitlife.nl | Van Es Foods International BV has been operating independently since 1971 as a supplier of fruit products, fruit, and purées to industrial users, bakeries, ice cream producers, the food service industry, salads and catering. fruitlife.nl |
位堂参茸白凤丸(小丸)选用上等红参鹿茸配以 上等药材制成,可改善妇女周期不适的征状,益气补血,且可补脾益肾,滋补养颜,参茸白凤丸是女士们滋补佳品。 waiyuentong.com | Wai Yuen TongPak Fung Pills (Small Pills) is formulated specially with Radix et Rhizoma Ginseng Rubra and Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum, which can improve menstrual discomfort, benefit vital energy, tonify blood, invigorate spleen, nourish kidney and skin. waiyuentong.com |