

单词 茶马互市

External sources (not reviewed)

同时,我们也和印度商会马来商会 互 相 配 合,共同拓展印度和中 市 场。
At the same time, the Chamber will work closely together with the Indian
[...] Chamber and Malay Chamber to explore the markets in India and the Middle East.
我們 並 會 把部分海濱 長 廊 劃 作娛樂 、 零售、 露茶座等用 途 ,市 民 和 遊客使用。
Part of the waterfront promenades will be reserved for entertainment facilities, retail shops and sidewalk cafes for the enjoyment of tourists and the public.
代理主席,條例的上次修訂是在 1997
[...] 年,自上次修訂條例後,公眾一 直要求加強控煙,經常市民投訴在 茶 餐 廳 、酒樓等公眾地方被迫吸入二 手煙。
Deputy President, the Ordinance was last amended in 1997 and since then, there have been calls from the public for enhanced efforts on tobacco control, and there are often complaints from members of
the public that they are forced to inhale second-hand smoke at
[...] public places such as bistro cafes, restaurants, [...]
and so on.
会议商定,关于串通问题的论述应当包括以下各点:(a)串通是在两个 或多个供应商或承包商、或者在一个或多个供应商或承包商与采购实体联手操
[...] 格,人为地将价格保持在高位,也可能影响到提交书的其他方面(如所提议的 质量);另外,串通可能涉及互约 定瓜 分 市 场 , 人为哄抬价格或者人为地造成 提交书其他方面发生扭曲,串通还可能涉及相互约定不递交提交书,或以其他 [...]
It was agreed that the discussion of collusion should include the following elements: (a) collusion occurs where two or more suppliers or contractors, or one or more supplier(s) or contractor(s) and the procuring entity, work in tandem to manipulate the market in a way detrimental to obtaining an optimal outcome in the given procurement; (b) the manipulation might affect the price, keeping it artificially high, or other elements of a submission (such as the quality offered);
alternatively, it could involve an
[...] agreement to share the market by artificially inflating [...]
prices or artificially distorting
other elements of a submission, or an agreement not to present submissions or otherwise to distort fair competition; (c) collusion would probably violate the law of the State; (d) collusion involved the intention of the parties concerned to collude; and (e) the complicity of representatives of the procuring entity in collusion was not uncommon.
沿海濱長廊的商用地段則只會供與海傍相關的 商業消閒用途,如設置低矮的零售商店 茶 座 / 餐廳, 以市民和遊客享用。
The commercial sites along the promenade are meant for waterfront related commercial and leisure uses such as low rise retail shops and cafes/restaurants to complement the function of the promenade for the enjoyment of citizens and tourists.
马来西亚以互惠和相互尊重 原则为基础,努力加强与古巴和其他国家的双边 关系。
Malaysia will continue to strengthen its bilateral relations with Cuba for the mutual benefit of both [...]
以清朝為主題的中式餐館Club Qing提供一系列廣式菜餚與中茶,設 午與 晚 市 套 餐
With a Qing Dynasty theme running throughout the restaurant, Club Qing is the perfect way to experience authentic Cantonese cooking and Chinese tea.
决议草案 36 C/DR.27(提案国:古巴;联合提案国:玻利维亚、厄瓜多尔、危地马 拉、尼加拉瓜、巴拉圭、秘鲁、多米尼加共和国、斯里兰卡、乌拉圭和委内瑞拉)建议在重 大计划 III 的决议草案第 1.b(xi)分段中增加一句话,来继续支持何 马 蒂 国 际团 互 助 项目 下的活动。
Draft resolution 36 C/DR.27 (submitted by Cuba and co-sponsored by Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Sri Lanka, Uruguay and Venezuela) proposes to add to paragraph1(b)(xi) of the draft resolution for Major Programme III, a new sentence to continue pursuing support for activities under the José Martí Project for International Solidarity.
至诚感受 • 完美共享” — 2011 LEXUS雷克萨斯尊贵体验之旅于2011年12月10至11日在重 市茶 园 新 区公交枢纽站如期举行。
The 2011 "Perfect Experience, Perfect Sharing" Taste Of Lexus Event was held on December 10-11, at the Chayuan New District Transit Terminal in Chongqing, China.
代表团指出,马里成立了一个国家促进文化产业署,并希望在国 互 助 的支 持下马里可以提供基本的资金,以使该署投入运作。
Mali had established a national agency to promote cultural industries, and trusted that with the support of international solidarity, it might receive a crucial contribution for the operation of that agency.
根據第18號法律公告茶菓嶺街市及 大埔臨時街市不再為 《公眾衞生及市政條例》(第 132章 )適用的街市。
By L.N. 18, the Cha Kwo Ling Market and the Tai Po Temporary Market cease [...]
to be markets to which the Public Health and Municipal
Services Ordinance (Cap. 132) applies.
阿尔及利亚感到鼓舞的是马耳 他 已经采取措施并作出努力,增进弱势群体,尤其是儿童和妇女的权利,同时还 在推动妇女进入劳动市场。
Algeria was encouraged by the measures and
[...] efforts already under way to promote the rights of vulnerable groups, especially children and women, and by the increased participation of women in the labour market.
為呈現最純正的潮州風味,潮江燕在裝潢上也煞費苦心,餐廳內隨處可見象徵英姿煥發的視覺元素「馬」,潮江燕更訂作又稱「英雄花」的潮 市市 花 「 木棉」為主的地毯、並使用潮州瓷器著稱的青花瓷食器等等,同時潮州菜與潮州功 茶 更 互 為 表裡,餐廳中可見兩座潮州功夫茶牆錯落有致地展現各式茶具之丰姿,用餐賓客更能欣賞功夫茶的泡茶儀式,並享用道地鐵觀音。
Presents the most authentic Chaozhou flavor tide Jiangyan in decorating is also at pains restaurant anywhere visible symbol of the heroic bearing of the visual elements, "Ma"
tide Jiangyan set for
[...] the Chaozhou city flower, also known as the "Hero spend" kapok "Lord carpets, Chaozhou porcelain blue and white porcelain known for food, etc., at the same time Chaozhou Chaozhou Gongfu tea is more complementary to each other, the [...]
restaurant can be seen
two Chaozhou Gongfu tea wall patchwork show luxuriant kinds of tea, dining guests more appreciate the tea of the martial arts tea ceremony, and enjoy the Road subway Goddess of Mercy.
鉴于上述情况,为支持何塞·马蒂国 际团 互 助 项 目开展多方面广泛工作,以及为了继 续扩大和发展有关马蒂思想以及拉美所有民族英雄思想的传播和研究工作,提倡并建立各种 [...]
中倡导伦理、公正和团结观念,教科文组织大会第三十五届会议应决定在 2010--2011 双年度 重大计划 III“社会科学及人文科学”项下通过本项草案,并象上个双年度一样为其拨款, 以支持下列工作重点
In view of the foregoing, endorsing the extensive
multifaceted work carried
[...] out by the José Martí Project for International Solidarity and in order to [...]
continue expanding and
developing the dissemination and study of Martí’s thought and that of all Latin American national heroes; promoting and systematizing fora to secure the most pluralistic debate possible of ideas among persons of good will worldwide, while continuing to contribute to the assertion of ethics, justice and solidarity in the conscience of public opinion, the General Conference of UNESCO at its 35th session decides to adopt this draft under Major Programme III, Social and human sciences, for the 2010-2011 biennium and to allocate to it a financial contribution, as in previous biennia, in support of the following lines of action
巴西十分赞赏他的所有工作,但我要特别提 及他与部队派遣国的持续不断和非常富有建设性互动,并与马尔科拉女士一起发起《新局面倡议》。
Brazil greatly appreciates his work in general, but I would like to make particular reference to
his constant and very
[...] constructive interaction with troop-contributing countries, as well as the launch, along with Ms. Malcorra, of the New [...]
Horizon initiative.
决议草案 2(古巴,共同提案国:玻利维亚多民族国、厄瓜多尔、危地马拉、巴拉
[...] [...] 圭、秘鲁、多米尼加共和国和委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国)目的是在有关在重大计划 III 的决 议草案第(xi)分段新增有关促进在约塞 · 马 蒂 国 际团 互 助 项目框架内开展的各种活动,继 续深入研究世界性哲学思想,为宣传伦理和团结原则作出贡献的一句话。
Draft resolution 35 C/DR.2 (Cuba, co-sponsored by Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) proposes the addition, in subparagraph (xi) of the draft resolution for Major Programme III, of a new sentence regarding the
promotion of activities
[...] under the José Martí Project for International Solidarity, the continuation [...]
of in-depth studies on
universal philosophical thought and the contribution to the propagation of ethical solidarity-based principles.
从积极方面来讲,我们注意到人权理事会得以采 用创新方式来处理国别情况,特别是有关 马 里 的互动对话。
On the positive side, we note that the Council has been able to
create innovative ways of dealing with country situations, in particular
[...] the stand-alone interactive dialogue on Somalia.
我相信市民㆝㆝茶餘飯 後的話題拿出來討論,只是面對現實的行為,而不是 引起擔憂。
I think that to address the issues that people talk about in their own homes around the television set every evening is to confront reality, not to provoke anxiety.
有些同事如自由黨,很關心市民對上次發生的事情究竟誰 是誰非會有何看法,我們作為議會裏的同事,當然較清楚知道事情的 發生經過市民則可能茶餘飯 後、公餘或放學後才會作出瞭解。
Some Honourable colleagues, for example, those from the Liberal Party, are very concerned about how members of the public would view the incident that took place last time and who was right and who was wrong. As Members of this Council, of course we will know more clearly how the incident had taken place whereas members of the public will only try to find out more about the incident if they have the spare time to do so.
他們喝 名貴紅酒,便仿如市民喝奶茶般平 常。
They savour expensive wine, as common as the ordinary people drinking milk tea.
是讓一些普市民用膳、偷懶茶餐 廳 有 “蛇竇”的稱謂)、吃消夜、閒聊、在跑馬日時填投注表格的一個休憩、休 息、聚腳的地方,即類似英國 pub 般。
They were a relaxed gathering point for the general public to enjoy meals, sneak off from work (such cafes were called "snake holes"), have suppers, chit-chat and fill in betting forms on horse-racing days, that is, like the pubs in Britain.
當時,一些重要足球賽事更是大眾在周日的最佳娛樂節目,成為廣 市 民茶 餘飯後的熱門話題。
At that time, major football
[...] matches were even the best Sunday entertainments for the public and their popular conversational topics during leisure time.
如今,它们仍然沉睡在埃及亚历山大沿海六至八米深的水下。一支考古队为保 护这个遗迹,在亚历山大研究中心(CEAlex)的支持下,于 1994 年开始工作,迄今已对法老、托勒密 和古马等各时期互重叠 的 3,000 多件文物(雕像、狮身人面像、柱石和块石)进行了分类。
An archaeological mission to save the ruins, begun in 1994 under the aegis of the Centre d'Etudes Alexandrines (CEAlex), has so far classified over 3,000 objects (statuary, sphinxes, columns and blocks) superposed from different periods – Pharaonic, Ptolemaic and Roman.
(45) 委员会第八次会议审议了项目 5.7(何塞·马蒂国际团互助项 目)和项目 5.16 (宣布全球 意识和提倡各国人民之间对话伦理国际年)。
(45) During its eighth meeting, the Commission examined items 5.7 (José Martí Project for International Solidarity) and 5.16 (Proclamation of an international year of global consciousness and the ethics of dialogue among peoples).
民建聯在本月 3 日至 12 日進行了一市民對茶餐廳 熱愛程度的意見調查, 在近 700 名受訪者中,有七成半在過去 1 個月內曾光顧茶餐廳;有八成表示 會推薦從外地來港的朋友光顧茶餐廳,也有近七成同意把茶餐廳文化申報為 聯合國“人類非物質文化遺產”,這反映了 市 民 的 心目中 茶 餐 廳 在香港 食肆的重要地位。
Of the 700 respondents of an opinion poll on the degree of devotion of the public to Hong Kong style cafes conducted by the DAB from the 3rd to the 12th of this month, 75% were patrons of such cafes in the past month; 80% said they would recommend such cafes to friends coming from overseas, and almost 70% agreed to the application for the inscription of the [...]
culture of such cafes as the United Nations
"intangible cultural heritage of humanity".




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