单词 | 茶饭不思 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 茶饭不思 —no thought for tea or rice (idiom); melancholic and |
那些表面看似匪夷所思的混種,對茶 餐 廳 的廚房和夥計來說, 均毫無難度。 legco.gov.hk | To the chefs and waiters of such cafes, any combinations that appear to be strange would never give them any trouble. legco.gov.hk |
但有意思的是他是遇越节的晚餐之后给他们洗的脚!为什么是在餐后 而 不 是 在 饭 前 呢? bcbsr.com | But it is interesting at the Passover feast that it was after supper the he washed their feet! bcbsr.com |
可以这么说,一片Wasa脆面包就是瑞典 人的一个生活片段:早饭要吃脆面包, 午饭 也有脆面包,下午茶还离不开它 ,瑞典绝大 部分脆面包产自Filipstad市的Wasa面包公 司,或是它在德国汉诺威附件celle地区的姊 妹面包公司。 varmland.se | 27 ■ You could say that a slice of Wasa crispbread is a slice of Swedish life: we eat crispbread for breakfast, we have a couple of pieces with our lunch, we have it as an afternoon snack – and the majority of the crispbread eaten in Sweden comes from the Wasa bakery in Filipstad, or from its German sister bakery in Celle, near Hannover. varmland.se |
結果是絕大多數市民都反對這做法,因為這 構 思不 容易實行,而且會引發市民之間的敵視與爭執,原因是很難決定在甚麼㆞方設立這些 分銷店。 legco.gov.hk | This was overwhelmingly objected to by the public at that time because the idea was not easy to implement and at the same time it would generate ill feelings and disputes among local residents because it is difficult to decide where to locate these outlets. legco.gov.hk |
在眺望瀑布的位置上还设有长凳,可以尝试一下携带 热 茶 或 盒 饭 、 零 食等,在这里享受一番,好像感觉 还 不 错。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | A bench is conveniently [...] arranged for viewing the falls as well as enjoying hot tea, packed lunch or snacks if you bring. en.tohokukanko.jp |
如果原 議 案 建議的,是民 主 黨 報 告 構 思的設 有商鋪 、 茶 座 的 “ 空 中 走 廊 " , 屆 時 行 人 只 走 天 橋 而不落地 面 ,地鋪 的生意 肯 定會一落千 丈 。 legco.gov.hk | If the proposal of [...] the original motion is to build the "elevated corridors" as conceived in the report compiled by the Democratic Party where shops and [...]cafes will be provided, [...]pedestrians will possibly stay away from the ground and use footbridges instead. legco.gov.hk |
最低限度的生活资料不包括酒精类产品和烟草产品支 出、旅行支出、购置交通工具支出, 饭 店 和 其他餐饮机构及宾馆支出。 daccess-ods.un.org | The minimum means of [...] subsistence does not include expenditure on alcohol and tobacco products, travel, purchasing of means of transport, expenditure in restaurants and other catering establishments and hotels. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于其它谷物的无机砷含量一般较米饭为低,个别人士若想 减少摄入无机砷,可考虑多选择其它谷物作为膳食的一部分;此外,亦 可采纳以下建议:煮饭前先 彻底洗米, 但 不 要 过度清洗以免部分营养素 流失,并倒去洗米水,以减低米的砷含量,尤其是无机砷含量。 cfs.gov.hk | Those individuals, who wish to reduce the exposure to inorganic arsenic, can consider choosing more other cereals, which generally contain lower [...] levels of inorganic [...] arsenic than rice, as part of their diet, and observe the following advices: wash rice thoroughly but without excessive [...]washing as some [...]nutrients may be lost, and discard the washed water before cooking so as to reduce the arsenic levels, especially the inorganic form. cfs.gov.hk |
主要问题是餐厅设施隔音效果差,厨 房设施老旧,而且饭菜种类不够丰富。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The main problems are insufficient soundproofing of the catering facilities and obsolete kitchens. unesdoc.unesco.org |
顯示主要建築物和擬建茶座位置的工地平面圖、立法會綜合大樓 新增樓層的外觀構思圖和擬建茶座的 外觀 構 思 圖 載 於附件 1 至 3 。 legco.gov.hk | A site plan showing the main building blocks marked with the location of the proposed café, the artist’s impression of LegCo Complex with an additional floor, together with the artist’s impression of the proposed café are at Enclosures 1 to 3 respectively. legco.gov.hk |
在一些最严重的情况下,例如,当老年人患有痴呆症、阿尔兹 海默氏症或帕金森症时,他们可能忘记 吃 饭 或 不 会 自己 吃 饭。 daccess-ods.un.org | In some of the most dramatic situations, such as [...] when the elderly suffer from dementia, Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease, [...] they may forget or be unable to feed themselves. daccess-ods.un.org |
从1975年5月25日—8月31日,陶研所共烧制22窑,入窑14103件,实际出成品4200余件,平均合格率仅30%,当年从中精选出:釉上彩三套、釉下彩三套,包括9-15厘 米 不 同 规 格盖碗,6-8寸和合器 , 茶 杯 、 调羹、布碟、毛巾碟、文房四宝、品锅 、 饭 锅 、 烟缸 、 茶 缸 , 12厘米内外对画芙蓉碗、大饭勺、酱油壶、醋壶、胡椒粉筒、牙签筒、酒具、茶具等10箱,共有千余件,余下,除自然损耗,还有江西828招待所的两箱及陶研所作为福利分配到职工手中。 xhwcn.com | From May 25, 1975 - August 31, ceramics research was fired by 22 kiln, kiln 14103 pieces, the actual finish more than 4200, the average qualified rate of only 30%, then pick out: under the glaze color in three sets, colour three sets, including 9-15 [...] cm different [...] specifications tureen, 6 to 8 inches and apparatus, cups, spoons, disc, towels, plates, four treasures of the study, pot, pot, ashtray, tea urn, 12 cm inside and [...]outside the painting [...]lotus bowls, spoons, soy sauce pot, vinegar pot, pepper canister, toothpicks extinguishers, wine, tea sets and other 10 cases, there are thousands of pieces, the rest, in addition to natural wear and tear, and two cases of jiangxi 828 hostel and ceramic grind the welfare allocation to the worker's hands. xhwcn.com |
电影开始时,悟饭和乌龙茶搜索龙珠都被聚集在冷冻Tsumisumbri山,但在他们到达之前,神龙被召唤科钦博士希望他的部下...... zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The movie begins when Gohan and Oolong search for [...] the Dragon Balls that have all been gathered in the frozen Tsumisumbri [...]Mountains, but before they reach them, Shenron is summoned by Dr. Kochin who wishes that his men... seekcartoon.com |
大家都知道LG以前是有半导体的,那时候就有A1CCD,但是好象是1997年,韩国国家说半导体厂家太多,要求减少,以便减少国内竞争,提高国际竞争力,因此LG半导体响应国家号召,和现代半导体合并,合并后统一为HYNIX,主要方向是DRAM,于是A1的工程师就没 有 饭 吃 了, 又 不 甘 心 就这样饿死啊,于是自己出来搞,又不想放弃LG的名号,怎么办呢? glofine.com.cn | We all know that the LG before semiconductors, when there A1CCD, but if the 1997 South Korean national, said too many semiconductor manufacturers, calls for a reduction, in order to reduce domestic competition, and improve their international competitiveness, LG Semiconductor to respond to national call and Hynix Semiconductor merge unified for Hynix, the main direction of the DRAM, [...] so the engineers of [...] the A1 nothing to eat, but also not willing to [...]starve to death ah, so come out to engage, and do not want to give up the name of the LG, how do? glofine.com.cn |
(5) 管理任何樓宇(不論屬 於本公司與否)或於任何期間以本公司認為適當之 租金及條件租賃該樓宇或其中之任何部分:收取租金及收入及向租戶、 佔用人及其他人供應照明、熱力、空調 、 茶 點 、 服務員、通信員、接待 室、閱讀室、盥洗室、洗衣設施、電子設備、車庫、娛樂設施及本公司 不時認 為適合之其他利益,或如上文所述透過聘用任何人士、商號、或 公司以按本公司認為適當之條款進行或從事或提供該等管理、租賃及利益 。 mmg.com | (5) To manage any buildings, whether belonging to the Company or not, or let the same or any part thereof for any period and at such rent and on such conditions as the Company shall think fit; to collect the rent and income and to supply to tenants and occupiers and others light, heat, air-conditioning, refreshments, attendants, messengers, waiting rooms, reading rooms, lavatories, laundry [...] facilities, electric conveniences, garages, recreation facilities and other advantages which from time to time the Company shall consider [...]desirable, or to provide for such management, letting and advantages as aforesaid by employing any person, firm or company to carry out or to supply the same on such terms as the Company may think fit. mmg.com |
黃定光議員:主席女士,茶餐廳與我們的生活可謂息息相關,從早上上班前 到茶餐廳吃 A 款、B 款、C 款或 D [...] 款的早餐,到午膳時的常餐、特餐或快餐, “三點三”下午茶時,心思思想吃 雞腿和沙律,加上一杯熱咖啡或凍咖啡, [...] 到晚飯時熱騰騰的煲仔飯,以至消夜的各式粉麪 ,這些食物通通可以在一間 茶餐廳內品嘗得到。 legco.gov.hk | From having breakfast set A, B, C or D before going to work; to having constant set, special set or quick set at lunch time; to satisfying the desire of having a [...] drumstick and salad with hot coffee or [...] iced coffee at afternoon tea time at "a quarter past [...]three"; to having steaming hot rice [...]in clay pot at dinner time; to having various types of noodles at supper time, all such food is available in a Hong Kong style cafe. legco.gov.hk |
它代表一杯咖啡或一杯茶的意思。 4tern.com | Cuppa” means cup of coffee or tea. 4tern.com |
(2) 虽然这项准则的意思不言自 明,但毫无疑问仍有必要以一条准则的形式强 调,提出新保留的继承国就该保留的法律效果而言,与提出保留的任何其他国家 或国际组织处在相同的地位。 daccess-ods.un.org | (2) While this statement might seem self-evident, it is undoubtedly useful to set it out in a guideline so as to emphasize that a successor State that formulates a new reservation is in the same position, with respect to the legal effects of that reservation, as any other State or international organization that is the author of a reservation. daccess-ods.un.org |
比如中国云南思茅的茶叶生 产者和尼泊尔非传统森林产品采集人就是这种 情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is, for instance, the experience of tea [...] producers in Yunnan-Simao in China and of gatherers [...]of non-traditional forest products in Nepal. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种情况仅会发生在中国,由于对知名外企抱有很高期望,加上受大型国企 铁 饭 碗 思 想 的影响,许多人认为在知名外企工作,也就相当于端上了铁饭碗。 youngchinabiz.com | These kinds of stories could only happen in China, where high expectations of big-name foreign firms combined with lingering images of lifetime employment at big state-run companies lead many people to believe that a job at a big-name foreign firm equates to a lifetime employment guarantee. youngchinabiz.com |
林偉強議員: 主席,局長可否告知本會,會否將露 天 茶 座 的 構 思 伸 延 至鄉郊 的小型食肆? legco.gov.hk | MR DANIEL LAM (in Cantonese): President, will the Secretary inform this Council whether the idea of open air cafes will be extended to those small-scale food premises in the rural area? legco.gov.hk |
試試吃一片甜瓜或新鮮漿果加低脂酸乳酪 而 不 吃 曲 奇作為 下午茶。 cancer-asian.com | Try having a slice of melon or fresh berries with a low-fat yogurt instead of cookies for a mid-afternoon snack. cancer-asian.com |
可持续海鲜食品项目于2009年由费尔蒙发起,作为该项目的成员,费尔蒙旗下的亚洲酒店——新加坡费尔蒙酒店(Fairmont Singapore)、北京华彬费尔蒙酒店(Fairmont Beijing)、阳澄湖费尔蒙酒店(Fairmont Yangcheng Lake)及上海著名的和平饭店(Fairmont Peace Hotel)不再于 酒店餐厅、客房及宴会中提供鱼翅菜品,而将以其他菜品取而代之,并向酒店人员和客人倡导可持续海鲜食物的理念,共同保护海洋生物。 tipschina.gov.cn | As part of luxury hotel brand's Sustainable Seafood initiative, which was launched in 2009, Fairmont's hotels in Asia - Fairmont Singapore, Fairmont Beijing, Fairmont Yangcheng Lake and the iconic Fairmont Peace Hotel in Shanghai - will no longer feature shark fin on hotel menus including restaurant, in-room and banquet service meals. tipschina.gov.cn |
谷勒纳的菜单上少不了鱼,而饭店的大部分原料都来自本地的供应商。 visitfinland.com | Fish can always be found in Kuurna's menu and most of the restaurant's ingredients come from local growers. visitfinland.com |
但是,局長剛才 提 到 的 溝 通 , 似 乎只是大家茶敍的 意 思,並 沒 有一些實質和 行政上 的 措施來 幫 助 電 影界, 使電影更容 易 通過審批, 得以 發行。 legco.gov.hk | However, the communication mentioned by the Secretary just now seems to have taken in the form of a casual chat over a tea-break and no substantial administrative measure has been adopted to help the industry so that films will be granted approval for distribution more easily. legco.gov.hk |
做饭并不意味 着吃来填饱肚子的人,但只是表达创意,讲故事,以保持活着的传统,给客人的感受和记忆的生命,寻找新的和独特的感觉。 eventsandtravel.it | Cooking does not mean to eat [...] to fill the stomach to the people, but simply to express creativity, tell stories, to keep [...]the traditions alive, give life to the guests feelings and memories, looking for new and unique sensations. eventsandtravel.it |
(g) 投資推廣署對於巨星匯是否按照核准 “ 業 務計劃” 推行的監 察,不足以 讓 其 確保工作小組原先通過的業 務 構思不 會 未 經 適 當批准而 出 現 重 大 修 改 (報告書第 3.16段 )。 legco.gov.hk | (g) InvestHK had not adequately monitored the implementation of the Harbour Fest against the approved plan to ensure that the original business idea endorsed by ERWG was not materially altered without proper approval (paragraph 3.16 of the Report). legco.gov.hk |
有位专家告诫说,构思不当的 补贴安排可能会消除促使私营部门承包商力图 提高效率的激励因素,从而与争取私营部门合作伙伴参与的这一基本目标相矛 盾。 daccess-ods.un.org | One expert warned that a poorly designed subsidy arrangement could remove the incentives to seek efficiency gains on the part of private sector contractors, thus contradicting the fundamental objective of seeking private sector partners. daccess-ods.un.org |
蔡素玉議員:主席,我覺得余若薇議員和單仲偕議員剛才的發言有點匪夷所 思,因為他們指茶餐廳 文化雖是好東西,但有關工作卻很難辦得到,因為所 涉的要求十分嚴格。 legco.gov.hk | According to them, although the "cafes culture" is wonderful, it will be very difficult to get the job done because there are very stringent requirements. legco.gov.hk |