单词 | 茅屋顶 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 茅屋顶 —thatch roofSee also:茅屋—thatched cottage 茅—reeds • surname Mao • rushes 屋顶 n—roof n 屋 n—house n • room n
但在库里克罗(Koulikoro)地区,大地上遍布着由土墙和锥 形 茅 草 屋顶 搭 建 的小屋组成的小村庄。 unicef.org | But in the region of Koulikoro, where small villages of huts with mud walls and conical thatched roofs dot the land, things have been relatively peaceful, even with the large number of displaced people taking shelter here. unicef.org |
大部分土著人 居住在很有代表性的简陋泥地房屋, 茅 草 或 瓦楞铁皮 房 顶 , 木墙或土坯墙,房屋 带有一小块土地,居民们在上面种植自己所需的粮食。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most indigenous people typically live in a [...] modest earth-floor building [...] with a straw or corrugated iron roof and wooden or adobe walls, with [...]a small patch of land on [...]which they grow food for themselves. daccess-ods.un.org |
被拘留者抱怨有蚊子,缺乏卫生,并因铁 皮屋顶外露,牢房内温度很高。 daccess-ods.un.org | Detainees complained about the mosquitoes, the lack of hygiene, and the heat in the [...] cells due to the exposed tin roof. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们不得再使用该湿地 上的茅草,而他们以前一直用茅草盖 房 顶 和 编 织篮 子(第 2 步)。 teebweb.org | They are no longer permitted to use the wetland’s thatch grass, [...] which they use for roofing and basket weaving [...](Step 2). teebweb.org |
大部分製品都是原味 [...] 的,不過有些製品則可能已調味(flavoured)或含有水果、蔬菜或肉等配料, 例如茅屋乳酪及忌廉乳酪。 cfs.gov.hk | Most products are plain, however, [...] some, such as cottage cheese and cream [...]cheese, may be flavoured or contain ingredients [...]such as fruit, vegetables or meat. cfs.gov.hk |
在瓦达吉尔锡皮屋顶、砖 墙砌成的医疗中心的其他地方,护士们给儿童分发抗生素和除寄生虫药物,进行针对肺结核和麻疹的免疫接种工作。 unicef.org | Elsewhere in the tin-roofed, brick-walled [...] health centre at Wadajir, nurses give children antibiotics and deworming medicines, [...]and immunizations are administered for tuberculosis and measles. unicef.org |
美丽的布雷顿屋顶用茅草盖 的房子在一个大花园,一个小池塘里的鸭子,关闭的门,紧闭的大门,直接从花园的游泳池(共享与其他两个出租4和6人)键。 sibellevilla.fr | Beautiful Breton house with thatched roof in a large [...] garden with a small pond with ducks, closed by gates, direct access [...]from the garden to the swimming pool (shared with two other rental 4 and 6 persons) with a closed door key. sibellevilla.fr |
屋顶渗漏 ,牢房“因安全原因”被废弃:所有这些因素都会 [...] 对监狱的整体生活条件产生不良影响。 icrc.org | Roofs leak, cells and dormitories [...] are abandoned “for security reasons” – all factors which have an adverse effect on general living conditions. icrc.org |
於是當晚,這位大詩 人便寫了那首《茅屋為秋 風所破歌》,當中流傳至今的一句名句是:“安得 廣廈千萬間,大庇天下寒士俱歡顏”,正好道出了一位長者希望住在一間好 屋的心聲。 legco.gov.hk | Hence during that night, DU Fu wrote the poem "My Cottage Unroofed By Autumn Gales". The famous lines from that poem are: "How I wish I could get mansions covering ten thousand miles to house all poor scholars and make them beam with smiles. legco.gov.hk |
在阿富汗正在修复六处重要文化遗址:已经重建了喀布尔博物馆的墙 和 屋顶。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In Afghanistan six major cultural sites are being restored; [...] the walls and the roofing of Kabul Museum [...]have been rebuilt. unesdoc.unesco.org |
无论是需要使用负压、正压还是等压通风,为保证禽舍获得最优的新鲜空气供给,大荷兰人公司提供不同进风系统产品供您选择:侧 墙 / 屋顶 进 风 窗、新鲜空气烟囱FAC或是Fumus、进风板或是分开式进风板。 bigdutchman.de | whether negative pressure, positive pressure, or equal pressure ventilation is required, to ensure an [...] optimum fresh air supply [...] into the poultry house, Big Dutchman offers a wide product range of different air supply systems: wall or ceiling inlets, fresh [...]air chimneys FAC [...]or Fumus, Baffle or Splitbaffle. bigdutchman.de |
2 396 000 [...] 美元的经费包括用结构上更耐用的外膜替代现有门舱外墙 和 屋顶 的费用(1 450 600 美元);建造一个 [...]12 米 x8 米的安全房间和一个正面水泥墙, 以防止车载简易爆炸装置的影响(459 000 美元);购买消防系统(337 [...] 200 美元); 和安装一个缓冲闸(Hescobastions)、加固正门、更多的周边照明和生物特征运 动出入控制(149 200 美元)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The provision of $2,396,000 comprises the [...] costs of replacing existing porta-cabin [...] exterior walls and roofs with a more durable [...]structural external membrane in the amount [...]of $1,450,600; constructing a 12-by-8-metre safe room and a concrete brick wall facade to prevent the effects of vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices ($459,000); purchasing a firefighting system ($337,200); and installing a sally port (Hesco bastions), reinforced main gate, additional perimeter lighting and biometric movement access control ($149,200). daccess-ods.un.org |
区,这种房屋顶板对 安置它们的人构成了威胁,因为切割或打眼的工作会将纤维释 放到空气当中。 alnap.org | Such roofing sheets pose a hazard to roofers installing [...] them, as cutting or drilling the sheets can release fibres into the air. alnap.org |
事实上,在“国际透明度”总排 行榜中,卡塔尔在各国反腐败方面名列 前 茅 , 并 且位 居阿拉伯各国之首。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, in the general ranking of Transparency International, Qatar is ranked high among all countries in the fight against corruption, and it has placed first among Arab countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
可是,有一 次刮大風,將整間茅屋的屋頂吹 散了,當時年老的杜甫不僅沒有能力修理屋 頂,還被頑童欺負,偷走了他屋頂的 茅 草 ,更慘的是這時竟然下起大雨來, 杜甫想找一處較乾的地方歇腳也沒有,結果全身盡濕。 legco.gov.hk | Not only was old DU Fu unable to mend the roof, he was even bullied by some mischievous children who stole the straw away from his rooftop. legco.gov.hk |
陳偉業議員:主席,“安得廣廈千萬間,大庇天下寒士俱歡顏,風雨 不動安如山!”上述由杜甫在1 300年前所作的“茅屋為秋 風所破歌”中 的寥寥數句,描述了詩人當時如何渴求一處居所,使他不致顛沛流 離,受風吹雨打之苦。 legco.gov.hk | This poem entitled "Song of My Cottage Unroofed By Autumn Gales" written by DU Fu 1 300 years ago consists of only a few lines but it describes how the poet yearned for an abode at that time, so that he would not have to be homeless, drifting and be battered by the elements. legco.gov.hk |
大多数边境了望站 也已被改造成山上茅舍、 残疾儿童康复中心或 边境地区文化中心。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The majority of border watch posts have been transformed into mountain huts, recreation centres for disabled children, or cultural centres in border areas. unesdoc.unesco.org |
首先,我相信坐 在這個議事廳 內的人,沒 有一個不會 因為房屋署所興建 的樓宇出現了如此 大的醜聞而深 感 痛 心 , [...] [...] 而我亦相信作為立法者 , 我們當然 會 深深明 瞭 , 近 月 來 接二連三的居者 有其屋 (“居屋 ”)事 件 , 令 公 眾對主 其 事 的 房屋委 員會(“房 委 會 ”)及房屋署 極度不 滿 , 茅 頭 亦 指 向分別負責 這兩個部門的王 鳴 女士和苗學禮先生。 legco.gov.hk | First of all, I believe everyone of us sitting here today feel deep pain for such a big scandal concerning blocks built by the HD. legco.gov.hk |
The White Lion 獲得「一流酒吧指南」(Good Pub Guide) 評選的年度保存完好酒吧大獎 (Unspoilt Pub of the Year [...] Award),其內部擁有都鐸 (Tudor) 時期的奇妙風格,如低矮的樑柱、茅 草 屋 頂 以 及花格窗。 visitbritain.com | The Winner of the Good Pub Guide’s Unspoilt [...] Pub of the Year Award, The White Lion has a fantastic Tudor interior with [...] low beams, a thatched roof and latticed [...]windows. visitbritain.com |
在巴 基斯坦,为城区的过度性住房提供的通常是预建设备,而在农村,为过度性住房提供的 通常是材料(木材、塑料和屋顶板材 )。 alnap.org | In urban areas of Pakistan, pre-built units were the [...] norm, whereas providing materials for transitional shelters (timber, [...] plastic and roofing sheet) was the [...]norm in rural areas. alnap.org |
汉诺威DVG大厦的15,000平米桁架屋顶必 须能够移动,以承受风、冰雪和季节性温度变化。 schaeffler.cn | The futuristic 15,000 [...] m² trussed-frame roof of the dvg building [...]in Hanover must be capable of movement in order to withstand [...]wind, ice and snow, as well as seasonal temperature changes. schaeffler.com |
屋顶是建 筑物的主要保护结构之一,它们每天都暴露在各种环境影响之下: 阳光、雨雪、冰雹和烟尘无时无刻不在影响 着 屋顶 的 使 用状态。 wacker.com | Roofs are the main source of protection for buildings, and as such are constantly exposed to the elements: sun, rain, snow, hail and exhaust fumes all affect the state of roofs. wacker.com |
经过14年的努力,弄官山区重获生机:北热带季雨林(North tropical monsoon [...] [...] forest)的生物多样性正在逐步恢复;白头叶猴的数量从原先只有96只(1996年),增长至660多只(2009年);弄官山区农民人均年收入从1996年的300~400元/年,增加到2009年的1500~1600元/年,目前已经有大约30~40%的农户把节余的钱用来修建新的钢筋混凝土房屋以替代祖先留下的土 坯 茅 草 屋。 beijingforum.org | Through 14 years of endeavor, the Nongguan mountainous region regains vim and vitality: The biodiversity in the North tropical monsoon forest is being restored; the number of the white-headed langurs rose from 96 in 1996 to 660-plus in 2009; the per capita income of the farmers in this region rose from 300-400 yuan in 1996 to 1500-1600 yuan in 2009; at present nearly 30-40% percent of the farmers use their savings [...] to build reinforced concrete houses to replace the sod [...] abode with thatched roofs left behind [...]by their elder generations. beijingforum.org |
这些研究以及成果使人们能够了解用户在内容的一致性和质量上及语言多元化方 面的主要期望,并使教科文组织在那些为实施其活动探讨较集中地利用该网站和因特网提供 的可能性的各机构中名列前茅。 unesdoc.unesco.org | They have also helped to identify the main expectations of users in terms of coherence, quality of content and multilingualism, and have also enabled UNESCO to take its place among the leading group of institutions seeking to make more extensive use of the web and the possibilities offered by the Internet in carrying out their activities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
贝尔蒙计划推动了其他绿色行动,比如大 楼 屋顶 隔 热,安装低耗能的白炽灯,更新监 [...] 控大楼机械和电力设备,包括通风、照明、电力系统和防火系统等计算机控制系统。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Belmont Plan has permitted other greening actions, such [...] as buildings’ roof thermal isolation, [...]the installation of low consummation light [...]bulbs, the modernization of a computer-based control system monitoring the buildings’ mechanical and electrical equipment, including ventilation, lighting, power systems and fire protection systems. unesdoc.unesco.org |
美国迅力光能公司 (Xunlight Corporation, “迅力光能”), [...] 一家全球领先的轻质柔性薄膜硅太阳能电池组件产品设计、研发和制造企业,今天宣布,迅力光能已通过它的欧洲销售渠道给欧洲两 个 屋顶 光 伏项目销售提供了共计208KW(千瓦)的大功率柔性光伏组件。 tipschina.gov.cn | TOLEDO, OH--(Marketwire - December 19, 2011) - Xunlight Corporation ("Xunlight"), an industry leader in the design, development and manufacture of flexible and lightweight thin-film silicon solar modules, announced today that it [...] has sold 208 KW of its powerful solar panels through European channel [...] partners for two rooftop installations in Europe. tipschina.gov.cn |
由于有限的用地面积,200米的标准跑道被放置 在 屋顶 上 , 因而在地面上得到了额外的3000平方米的公共空间,同时,椭圆型的教学楼给学生们带来了一种内向性的安全感。 chinese-architects.com | Because of the very small area given, the 200m running track was [...] projected onto the roof level, giving [...]an additional 3000+ sqm of usable area on the [...]ground as well as the oval shape of the school building, creating a sense of inward-ness and security for the students. chinese-architects.com |
我们供应玻璃马赛克,陶瓷马赛克,陶瓷马赛克,泳池马赛克,地砖,厨房Backsplash瓦,浴室瓷砖,墙砖 , 屋顶 瓦 , 粘土多孔砖,铺地砖,人造文化石,空心玻璃砖等,我们的合作伙伴供应的石制品,卫生洁具和门。 chinatrader.ru | We supply Glass Mosaic, Ceramic Mosaic, Porcelain Mosaic, Swimming Pool [...] Mosaic Tile, Floor Tile, [...] Kitchen Backsplash Tile, Bathroom Tile, Wall Tile, Roof Tile, Clay Brick, [...]Paving Tile, Artificial [...]Cultural Stone, and Hollow Glass Block etc. Our partners supply the stone products, sanitary ware and doors. chinatrader.ru |