单词 | 茂盛 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 茂盛—lushSee also:茂—luxuriant 盛—vigorous magnificent ladle extensively contain surname Sheng pick up with a utensil
作为缅甸的经济之都,仰光气候凉爽宜人,生长着茂盛的热带树木,有绿树成荫的公园和风景如画的湖泊。 shangri-la.com | The economic hub and gateway to Burma, Yangon is cool and green with lush tropical trees, shady parks and picturesque lakes. shangri-la.com |
我的工作室周围生长着茂盛的植物和一大群小动物。 shanghaibiennale.org | In the area around my studio live an abundance of plants and animals. shanghaibiennale.org |
绿色代表夏天的植物正在茂盛发展欣欣向荣。 tunewear.com | The green represents the flourishing summer nature. tunewear.com |
茂盛的海草在低pH海水中失去了附着生物。 medsea-project.eu | Lush seagrass beds devoid of epiphytes thrive in naturally low pH sea water. medsea-project.eu |
从黄金海岸的冲浪海滩、刺激的主题公园和茂盛的腹地,前往生机勃勃的首府布里斯本。 danpacplus.hk | Drive from the surf beaches, thrilling theme parks and lush hinterland of the Gold Coast to the vibrant capital of Brisbane. danpacplus.hk |
米塞里亚人和 Nawaiba 均为游牧“阿拉伯”部族,他们为 [...] 争夺南达尔富尔和西达尔富尔交界处牧草茂盛、水源充足的土地而发生冲突。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Misseriya and Nawaiba — both nomadic “Arab” tribes — [...] are fighting over land that is fertile for [...] grazing and abundant in water, along the [...]border of Southern and Western Darfur. daccess-ods.un.org |
屋顶覆盖1米厚的土壤和植物,形成一个草木茂盛的公园。 nikken.jp | The roof is covered with a 1m-thick layer of soil and plants, realizing an undulating park rich in vegetation. nikken.jp |
项目位于杭州世界文化遗产西湖太子湾公园内,基地遍布着茂盛的云杉,场地内现有一层的钢筋混凝土建筑结构。 chinese-architects.com | The project site is within the Hangzhou West Lake UNESCO World Heritage Site in Hangzhou, China. chinese-architects.com |
该草药书用纸莎草纸(纸莎草在尼罗河流域生长茂盛)制成,使用的是当时整个地中海东部地区的科学语言希腊文。 wdl.org | The herbal is made of papyrus, a plant that flourished in the valley of the Nile, and the text is in Greek, the language of science throughout the eastern Mediterranean at this time. wdl.org |
植物和果实能在阳光下茂盛的成长是因它们蕴含抗氧化物。 lavedo.com | Plants and fruits can thrive under the sun without oxidation due to its anti-oxidant chemicals. lavedo.com |
酒店的私密性和舒适性,加上提供的原始海洋景观、私人瀑布水潭、带防护的户外沐浴以及茂盛自然植被中的沐浴设施,都让游客在度假期间不会受到外界的干扰,完全沉浸在美丽的景色之中。 tipschina.gov.cn | With accommodations that offer unspoiled ocean views, private plunge [...] pools, sheltered outdoor baths and showers [...]set among lush indigenous flora, the sense [...]of privacy and comfort allows guests to indulge in the scenery and detach from the world during their stay. tipschina.gov.cn |
茂盛(亚洲) 工程顾问㈲限公司 再度要求证明石料来源的合法性,并指出备㈲可接受的文件 证明是石料来源可获批准的其㆗㆒㊠条件。 devb.gov.hk | MCALcontinued to ask for evidence on the legal status of the source, and cited acceptable documentary proof as one of the approval criteria for the proposed source. devb.gov.hk |
Arthur’s Pass-南岛的第一个国家公园、乾旱地带在东部及茂盛雨林西部,强烈对比。 4tern.com | Arthur’s Pass-South Island first national park, dry land on the east, green lush forest on the west. 4tern.com |
我们的顾问—茂盛(亚洲) 工程顾问㈲限公司批准㆗国建筑工 程 ( 香港) ㈲限公司本年 9 ㈪ 15 ㈰的申请,即聘用雅致石艺( 远 东 ) ㈲限公司为专门工程分包商,负责建造㆟工湖堤。 devb.gov.hk | z Our consultants,Maunsell Consultants Asia Ltd (MCAL), approved CSCE’s application of 15 September 2003 to engage Artscapes (Far East) Ltd (Artscapes) as the specialist subcontractor for the construction of the lake edge. devb.gov.hk |
当冬天驻足 不去,我们能否迎来茂盛的春天? daccess-ods.un.org | Can we usher in a vast spring with that winter consistently raising its head? daccess-ods.un.org |
您值得在这里花时间观看大地上耀眼的红色土壤以及茂盛的热带植物和鲜花。 australia.com | Take the time to look at the brilliant red colour of the earth and the lush tropical greenery and flowers. australia.com |
西部红柏在不列颠哥伦比亚省十分茂 盛,在加拿大其它地方则没有 生 长 。 wrcea.cn | Western red cedar is abundant in the province of British Columbia and grows nowhere else in Canada. wrcea.org |
海地热雷米(JEREMIE),2013年4月24日——透过枝叶茂盛的豆茎,德瑞鲁斯.费尔德蒙特(Derilus Firdemont)乐呵呵地望着4岁的女儿森迪(Sendy)与小朋友们在院里玩耍。 unicef.org | JEREMIE, Haiti, 24 April 2013 – Through the leafy beanstalks, Derilus Firdemont watches her 4-year-old daughter Sendy play with friends in the garden. unicef.org |
葡萄酒的香气需要描述性的词汇来识别源知觉感觉 - (例如:"成熟","茂盛")。 emw-wines.com | Wine aromas require a descriptive term to identify the source of the perceived [...] sensation - (eg: "ripe", "lush"). en.emw-wines.com |
这是茂盛,多叶的种,具一种小的绿色的圆锥花序, 从小型多孔软岩到在更潮湿的形势方面的非常疏松,几乎有匍匐茎的发展,体型非常受环境因素的影响。 flora.ac.cn | Habit is greatly influenced by environmental factors, from compact tufts to much laxer, almost stoloniferous growth in moister situations. flora.ac.cn |
因为草木茂盛,我们推测白郎宸画的是夏景。 e-yaji.com | We have assumed the season to be summer here because of the lush vegetation. e-yaji.com |
此外,还限制小反刍动物饲养人进入隔离墙外茂盛的草地,致 使他们能使用的土地放牧过度。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, small-scale breeders of ruminants are restricted from accessing rich pasture land behind the barrier, causing overgrazing on the limited lands available. daccess-ods.un.org |
坐落在林木茂盛的斜坡,步行上到Ambong Ambong,可让您有很充足健康的运动,但美丽的景色会是一个很好的回报。 ambong-ambong.com | Perched on a wooded slope of a steep hill, the walk up to Ambong Ambong is a healthy work-out but the stunning view is a fine reward. ambong-ambong.com |
叶鞘松散,平滑和无毛; 叶片线形,茂盛,10-40 * 1-1.5 粗糙的厘米,无毛,中脉宽阔的部分和白色,边缘粗糙。 flora.ac.cn | Leaf sheaths loose, smooth and glabrous; leaf blades linear, lush, 10–40 × 1–1.5 cm, glabrous, midrib broad [...] and white, margins harshly scabrous. flora.ac.cn |
驾车从荷伯特出发只需一个小时,就可以看到三层的拉塞尔瀑布、茂盛的蕨林和一些世界上最高的树木。 australia.com | You only have to drive an hour from Hobart to see the three tiers of Russell Falls, lush fern forests and some of the world’s tallest trees. australia.com |
往西旅游,您会看到澳洲生态最丰富多元的地区之一,包括茂盛的雨林腹地,以及列入世界遗产的国家公园,例如雷明顿(Lamington)、边界山脉(Border Ranges)、主山脉(Main Range)及夜色国家公园(Nightcap National Park)。 danpacplus.hk | Travel west you'll find one of Australia's most biologically diverse regions, the lush rainforest-cloaked hinterland with World Heritage-listed national parks such as Lamington, Border Ranges, Main Range and Nightcap. danpacplus.hk |
巴特那博物馆有在它的财产巴特那在市巴特那茂盛在大约二个世纪从1760 A.D.到早期的十年20世纪的学校或巴特那Qalam绘画的一个相当好的数字。 brandbihar.com | The Patna Museum has in its possession a fairly good number of Patna School or Patna Qalam paintings which flourished in the city of Patna itself for about two centuries right from 1760 A.D. to the early decades of 20th century. brandbihar.com |