

单词 英磅

See also:

platform balance
(loanword) pound (unit of weight, about 454 grams)

External sources (not reviewed)

字体包含大小写的希腊字符、数字、符号以及多种金融字符,包括美元符号、欧元符号 英磅 符 号以及日元符号等。
The fonts include both upper and lower case
alpha characters, as well as numbers, symbols and multiple currency characters
[...] including the Dollar, Euro, Pound and Yen.
在 英国,环境署许可的水的替代成本为 720 亿英磅,可 见其对社会的真正价值是不可估 [...]
In the UK, the replacement cost of [...]
water that the Environment Agency licences is worth some £72 billion, with its true value
to society being incalculable.
在美国,一个四口之家每年产生约 2000 英磅的食物垃圾。
The average U.S. family of four
[...] produces about 2,000 pounds of food waste [...]
each year.
迄今她已籌募超過40萬英磅,而募得總數將會在她的新書Wings around [...]
the World中公布。
So far she has collected over four
[...] hundred thousand pounds, a sum she will [...]
add to through her book, Wings around the World.
二零一二年十一月,Glencore發行於二零二二年到期的200百 英磅 , 息率5.5%債券。
In November 2012, Glencore issued GBP 200 million 5.5% bonds maturing in 2022.
不平凡的當然還有裝潢,別具氣氛的意大利水晶吊燈、可以擺放過百瓶美酒的冷藏櫃,還有靜靜停放桌子上、雕花各異包括盛載了Olive Oil的「五味架」 — 每個500英磅的價 錢,讓這個低調座落中環一角的「港島廳」隱隱透現氣派。
Chandelier from Italy, special wine freezer for over hundred bottle storage, the
interior of Island Tang is filled with subtle statement details — right
[...] down to the 500 pounds olive oil set [...]
on each table.
本集團國際財務報告準則經營溢利 9.68 億英鎊包括權益對沖淨收益 1.23 億英鎊(二零零九年上半年度:虧損 2,300 萬英鎊;二零零九年 全年度:虧損 1.59 億英磅), 表示獨立衍生工具公允價值的變動計入經營溢利以及 Jackson 變額及定額指數年金保證的會計價值變動(其 中大部分並未以公允價值記錄)已扣除相關遞延保單獲得成本。
The Group IFRS operating profit of £968 million includes £123 million of net equity hedging gains (half year 2009: £23 million losses; full year 2009: £159 million losses) representing the movement in fair value of free standing derivatives included in operating profit and the movement in the accounting value of guarantees in Jackson’s variable and fixed index annuity products, a significant proportion of which are not fair valued, net of related DAC.
旁注:英亩换算成公顷,磅换 算成公吨可能导致小的统计 偏差或总数字上四舍五入算 法的差异。
Due to the conversion of
[...] acres into hectares (ha) and lbs into metric tons (mt) there [...]
are slight statistical deviations
or rounding differences in the sum totals.
压力比为 90:1 的型号的最大空气输入 压力为 0.55 兆帕寸 (5.5 巴,80 磅 / 平方英)。
Models with a 90:1 pressure ratio have a maximum air input pressure of 80 psi (0.55 MPa, 5.5 bar).
用手拧紧防松螺母 (86),然后用一 把榔头将螺母再拧紧
[...] 1/8 至 1/4 圈或用 75 磅英尺 (101 N·m)的扭力拧紧螺母。
Hand tighten jam nut (86), then tap 1/8 to 1/4 turn with
[...] hammer or torque to 75 ft-lb (101 N·m).
将两个内螺钉重新装到控制板上,并用 17 磅英寸 (1 Nm)的扭力拧紧。
Replace two inner screws to control
[...] board and torque to 17 in-lb (1 Nm).
这项研究发现,对于接受测试的产品来说,生产商标明密度为 磅 的 闭孔聚氨酯喷涂泡沫的单次喷涂厚度最大不应超过 英 寸。
This study found that, for the products tested, the spray pass thickness
of the manufacturer's
[...] nominal two pound density spray polyurethane closed cell foam should not exceed a maximum of two inches per single pass.
输入不那么遥远的未来,拳击已经的高新技术 - 2000磅,8英尺高 的的钢铁机器人接管环。
Enter the not-so-distant future where boxing has gone
[...] high-tech — 2000-pound, 8-foot-tall steel [...]
robots have taken over the ring.
麦格纳的第一款产品ERAD1800是同轴设计,最高可提供67马力(50千瓦)和200牛米( 1 4 8 磅英 尺 ) 扭矩。
Magna’s first application, the ERAD1800, is of a coaxial design and can deliver a maximum of 67 hp  (50
[...] kW) and 200 Nm (148 lb ft) torque.
例如:有 35 磅 / 平方英寸入口压力的气帽 24C182 使用 3.9 标准立方英尺 / 分钟的雾化 空气和 5.4 标准立方英尺 / 分钟的喷幅空气,即总空气消耗量为 9.3 标准立方英尺 / 分钟。
For example, air cap 24C182 with 35 psi inlet pressure uses 3.9 scfm atomizing air and 5.4 scfm fan air for a total of 9.3 scfm air consumption.
大众(VW)于2003年推出了DSG六速湿式双离合变速器用于横置应用,并于2008年开发了七速干式离合器版本,其扭矩在250牛米( 1 8 4 磅英 尺 ) 以下。
VW introduced its DSG six-speed, dual wet clutch transmission for
transverse applications in 2003 and developed a seven-speed dry clutch version in 2008,
[...] limited to 250 Nm (184 lb ft) torque.
例子包括牛油蛋糕、乳酪蛋糕、含水果餡料的穀類棒磅 蛋糕 (包括kasutera)、鬆軟糕(澱粉類甜品(namagashi))、西式蛋糕、月餅、海 綿蛋糕、果餡批(例如蘋果批)、燕麥曲奇餅、甜味曲奇餅 英 式 餅 乾(曲奇 餅或甜味餅乾)。
Examples include: butter cake,
cheesecake, fruit-filled
[...] cereal bars, pound cake (including kasutera), moist cake (type of starchy dessert (namagashi)), western cakes, moon cakes, sponge cake, fruit-filled pies (e.g. apple pie), oatmeal cookies, sugar cookies and British “biscuits” (cookies [...]
or sweet crackers).
測試水壓可高達1000磅每平方英寸(P SI)Hugger包包輕便舒適、色彩鮮豔、防水耐用,是您正確的選擇! [...]
Hugger 擁抱者的官方網站:www.huggerbags.co.uk此款包包具有時尚的外觀設計,做工精細,功能性較強,是一款高品質聚酯的攝影背包,是小巧實用儲量大的單反
攝影包-專為旅行者而設,防護側蓋為主夾層防止雨水及灰塵,柔軟內隔板可根據需要自由組合主格空間,前擴展外袋、拉下配件蓋附有拉鍊網袋、蓋口 下的拉鍊網袋、兩邊側袋和背後拉鍊袋可放存個相機配件和人物件如錢包或護照,穩固維可牢及扣保障物件安全。
Test the water
[...] pressure of up to 1000 pounds per square inch (PSI) Hugger [...]
bags are lightweight and comfortable, colorful,
waterproof and durable, is the right choice for you! Hugger hug official website: www.huggerbags.co.uk bag this section has a stylish design, workmanship, strong functionality, is a high-quality polyester photography backpack is compact and practical large reserves SLR camera bag - designed for the traveler and the protective side covers mainly mezzanine prevent rain and dust, soft inner diaphragms can be freely combined according to the needs of nominative space before the extended outer bag, pull down accessories cover with zipper mesh bag flap under zipper mesh bag, on both sides of the side pockets and zipper bag behind can put deposit camera accessories and person objects such as wallets or passports, secure Velcro and buckle protection object security.
除此之外,按照8磅大小 生成的多种样式的条形码仍可被USB条形码扫描器快速扫描并识别。
In addition, the IDAutomation Pug 'n Play USB Wand scans as small as 8 points and reads very wide barcode types.
注意这里,在PDF_begin_page()函数里,有另外两个参数,他们分别代表页面尺寸的宽和高,单位 磅 ( po in t, 1 磅 等 于1 / 7 2 英 寸 ) ,或许在这里数学并不是你的强项,PHP还提供了大多数标准页面尺寸,象A4等,上面的例子就是使用A4的尺寸。
Note here that in PDF_begin_page () function, there is the other two parameters, they represent
the page size width and
[...] height, unit is pounds (point, 1 pounds equal to 1/72 inch), perhaps [...]
not in your strengths Mathematics
, PHP also provides the majority of the standard page size, such as A4, the above example is the use of A4 size.
纳斯达克股票代码:TIBX)今天宣布,向企业和个人提 供 7 0 磅 以 内 的包裹快递服务的法国领先公司Chronopost选择了TIBCO软件,以期通过支持在所有Chronopost应用软件和平台间进行数据共享和重用的开放式可升级交换平台提升公司的性能和运营效率。
(NASDAQ: TIBX) today announced that Chronopost -- the
leading French firm for express delivery of
[...] parcels up to 70 pounds to businesses and [...]
individuals -- has chosen TIBCO's software
to enhance the company's agility and operational efficiency through an open, scalable enterprise exchange platform that supports the sharing and reuse of data across all of Chronopost's applications and platforms.
磅玉米或粮食,这足够发展中国 家两个人吃上一整年。27 发达国家为生物燃料生产提供补贴的政策则鼓励农民 [...]
从种植小麦和其它谷物转为种植生物燃料作物,从而助长粮食短缺和世界粮食市 场粮价扭曲现象。
Thus, a special utility vehicle will
[...] require a total of 660 pounds of corn or food to [...]
fill its tank, enough to feed two people
in a developing country for the whole year.27 Subsidies for biofuel production in developed countries have encouraged farmers to shift from growing wheat and other grains, thus contributing to a shortage of food and price distortions on world food markets.
1840 年,拍卖由私人从著名的 Mary Rose 沉船上发现的物品时,人们第一次注意到在发现时重 达 32 磅的铁质炮弹,在与空气接触一定时间之后重量仅剩 19 磅。
In 1840, when privately recovered artefacts from the famous Mary Rose shipwreck were auctioned, it was remarked for the first time
that iron canon
[...] balls weighing 32 pounds when they were found, retained only 19 pounds after having been exposed [...]
to air for a certain time.
[...] 会正在制订提供会议记录的替代办法,将包括电子音频文档,并在可能的情况下 配之以上传的参考资料,例如书面发言和(或)会 英 文 记 录誊本。
In Vienna, the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space was developing an alternative delivery method for its meeting records, which would consist of digital sound files supplemented,
where available, with uploaded reference materials such as written
[...] statements and/or an English transcript of [...]
the meeting.
准备好奴才的笑中最有趣的磅炸弹 击中的一年! 争夺“世界上最伟大的小人”,GRU(由史蒂夫·卡瑞尔配音) - 伴随着他的热闹船员调皮的爪牙 - 图拉本世纪最疯狂的犯罪的标题,盗取月亮! 但格吕征的帮助下,三个小女孩时,他们看到的东西,他没有其他人从未见过的:完美的爸爸。
Vying for the title of “World’s Greatest Villain”, Gru (voiced by Steve Carell) – along with his hilarious crew of mischievous minions – plots to pull off the craziest crime of the century: steal the moon!




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