

单词 苦苦

bring suffering to

External sources (not reviewed)

因此,设立共产党罪行研究所的目的是保存完 整的记忆,并告诉子孙后代人们在该政权统治下遭受
Accordingly, the establishment of the Institute for the
Crimes of Communism served to keep intact the memories, and to inform new
[...] generations,of the suffering underthat regime.
食典委忆及,早先关于合和甜木薯标准的决定,可在目前的标 准草案定稿后再考虑。
The Commission recalled its earlier decision that merging
[...] the standards forbitter andsweet cassava [...]
could be considered after the finalization
of the current draft Standard.
入了一个国家集团的集团立场,不接受阿尔及利亚和许多其他国家关于加入一项 核心人权文书,即《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》的建议,虽
[...] 然葡萄牙历来是一个移徙工人的发源地国,完全可以理解移徙者受到的辱,它建议葡萄牙在这方面起带头作用。
Algeria was saddened that joining the block position of a group of countries, Portugal had not accepted the recommendation of Algeria and many other countries to adhere to a core human rights instrument, the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, although Portugal had long been a country of
origin of migrant workers and was well placed to
[...] understand the suffering and indignity [...]
to which migrants were exposed.
另有一些代表团表示,未能实现具有广泛基础的 社会包容性增长威胁到社会稳定,会对刚刚摆脱冲突的国家在治理方面的成果造成损害。
Other delegations stated that failure to achieve broad-based, socially inclusive growth threatened social stability and would put at risk the hard-won gains in governance for those emerging from conflict.
巴西、埃及和摩洛哥的总部外办事处托基金管理费账户不够充盈,该账户无 法为其覆盖范围内由当地管理的预算外计划的行政支助职位提供全部资金。
The field offices in Brazil, Egypt and Morocco, too, are adversely affected by the shortfall in FITOCA, which cannot fund all posts providing administrative support for locally generated extrabudgetary projects falling within their field of competence.
约旦对安全理事会的真诚与和密集的努力寄予厚 望,并赞赏埃及的倡议。该倡议可推动在结束这一悲
[...] 惨局势方面取得进展,为兄弟的巴勒斯坦人民提供援 助,减轻他们恢复认真谈判,以实现两国解 决办法——这是确保该地区安全与稳定的唯一途径。
Jordan has great hopes for the sincere and extensive efforts of the Security Council and appreciates the Egyptian initiative, which should serve as an incentive to make progress in ending this tragic situation, by providing humanitarian assistance
to the brotherly Palestinian people,
[...] alleviating theirsuffering andreturning to [...]
serious negotiations in order to achieve
the two-State solution, which is the only way to ensure security and stability in the region.
[...] 准备工作以及有效地减轻灾害行动,当地造成的生命损失有限,但还是引起了巨 大的人类难,并严重破坏了社会的运转,这样的情况依然包含在条款草 [...]
Accordingly, cases where an event has resulted in relatively localized loss of life, owing to adequate prevention and preparation, as well as effective mitigation actions, but nonetheless
has caused severe dislocation resulting
[...] in greathuman suffering and distress which [...]
seriously disrupt the functioning of
society, would be covered by the draft articles.
强大的合作精神和所有与会者对成功的愿望维持并 加强了国际动力,以期在未来某天使人类不再遭受 核武器
The potent spirit of cooperation and the desire of all participants for success had sustained and increased the global momentum towards one dayfreeing humanity from the scourge of nuclear weapons.
缅甸必须 处理这除了在多年种族冲突后锻造持久和 平以及恢复瘫痪的国家经济以外,缅甸还必须就族 [...]
群暴力冲突达成让步,并解决因过去的怨怼和现在 的不满而日益紧张的社会局势。
The country mustdeal withabitter legacy: inaddition [...]
to forging a sustainable peace after decades of ethnic conflict
and rebuilding a dysfunctional economy, it must come to terms with intercommunal violence and address rising social tensions over grievances both past and present.
所有有关各方应就这些建 议采取行动,并呼吁各方将其视为自己的集体责任,
[...] 以减轻在占领下生活的巴勒斯坦人和其他阿拉伯人 的漫月,从而使持久和平不会成为一种幻 想。
All the parties concerned should act on those recommendations and look upon them as their
collective responsibility to alleviate
[...] the long yearsofsuffering of the Palestinians [...]
and other Arabs living under occupation,
so that sustainable peace would not be an illusion.
[...] 务的严重侵入,何况是官员所属国本身希望调查,并在正当的情况下起诉本国官 员,或者国家想尽快援引豁免,以免其官员陷入过分的尴尬或者
It was noted, however, that it had to be recognized that there were times when immunity may be invoked to avoid the possibility of a serious intrusion into the internal affairs of a State, not to mention that the State of the official might itself wish to investigate and, if warranted, prosecute its own official or a
State may wish to invoke immunity quickly, in order to avoid undue
[...] embarrassmentorsuffering on the part of its [...]
食典委同意着品种标准化的新工作,作为一项单独的标准,但条件 是委员会可在今后的一个阶段审议制定均适用于两种木薯的单一标准的可能性,与 [...]
The Commission agreed to initiate new work on the
[...] standardization of bittervarietiesof cassava, [...]
as a separate standard, with the understanding
that the Committee might consider, at a later stage, the possibility of having a single Standard applicable to both types of cassava, consistent with the Codex approach to develop more horizontal and inclusive standards when possible.
(d) 就医疗行政问题提供咨询,包括病假的医疗方面问题;评价和批准世界
[...] 外勤预算和财务司(就部队的索偿问题)和国际公务员制度委员会(就工作地点分类的医疗方面问题)提供医务咨询;就残疾子女的特别扶养津贴和残疾 [...]
(d) To advise on medico-administrative issues, including medical aspects of sick leave, the evaluation and certification of sick leave for staff worldwide, the provision of medical advice to the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, the Advisory Board on Compensation Claims, the Field Budget and Finance Division (on compensation claims of troops) and the International
Civil Service Commission (regarding
[...] medical aspects of hardship classifications [...]
of duty stations), advising the Administration
on special dependency allowances for disabled children and special education grants for children with disabilities, and advising on health-related policies system-wide (in administrative instructions, information circulars, etc.).
我今天重申,尽管在所有方面均面临严峻的现 实,但巴勒斯坦领导层依然充分致力于和平和积极参
与以商定框架为基础的可信和平进程,目的是最终结 束以色列的占领,以便使巴勒斯坦人民能够在他们以 东耶路撒冷为其首都、以 1967 年以前边界为基础、 和平、安全地与以色列毗邻共处的独立国家行使自己
[...] 的自决权,并根据国际法和联合国决议公正解决巴勒 斯坦难民的
I reaffirm today that, despite the harsh reality that prevails on all fronts, the Palestinian leadership remains fully committed to peace and to engaging in a credible peace process based on the agreed terms of reference, with the aim of definitively bringing an end to the Israeli occupation in order to allow the Palestinian people to exercise their right to selfdetermination in their independent State, with East Jerusalem as its capital, living side by side with Israel in peace and security on the basis of the
pre-1967 borders, and achieving a just resolution
[...] of the plight of the Palestine [...]
refugees in accordance with international law
and United Nations resolutions.
以色列在继续非法、不人道和无耻地封锁加沙地带,给困在那里的 150 万平 民造成无法计量的伤之外,继续这种非法的政策和做法,这进一步构成 [...]
了无可辩驳的证据,说明占领国卑鄙地无视国际法,包括人道主义法和人权法, 而且拒绝给予巴勒斯坦人民在自己的国土上行使自决和自由这些合法的、不可分
Israel’s continuation of such illegal policies and practices, in addition to its continuing illegal, inhumane and
shameful blockade of the Gaza Strip and
[...] the immeasurable suffering and trauma it [...]
is inflicting on the 1.5 million civilians
imprisoned there, constitutes yet further irrefutable evidence of the occupying Power’s abject disregard for international law, including humanitarian and human rights law, as well as its rejection of the legitimate, inalienable and internationally recognized rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination and freedom in their homeland.
厄立特里亚认为,对索马里人民的深有责任的各方是:㈠ 索马里 军阀;㈡ 索马里的近邻;㈢ [...]
In Eritrea’s views, those who bear prime responsibility
[...] for the immense sufferings of the Somali people [...]
are: (i) Somalia’s warlords; (ii)
Somalia’s immediate neighbours; and (iii) the misguided policies of successive United States Administrations.
他敦促联合国采取 一切必要措施,迫使以色列严格遵守国际法的各项 原则,他邀请以色列国研究其自身史,并 寻求结束每日给被占领土的人民造成恢复 谈判,并允许特别委员会访问被占领土,以便更好 地履行其职责。
He urged the United Nations to take the steps required to force Israel to abide scrupulously by the principles of international law, and he invited the
State of Israel to
[...] look into its own history of sufferingand find the will toend the suffering inflicted daily on the population [...]
of the occupied
territories, to resume the negotiations and to allow the Special Committee to visit the occupied territories in order better to fulfil its mandate.
回到刚果 后,她将面临因疾病和想到她小女儿作为孤儿成长的致的“恶死”。
Upon return to the DRC, she would face a “painful death” from
[...] the disease and suffering due tothe knowledge [...]
that her young daughter would grow up an orphan.
[...] 同的方式重复了对所有其他案件的答复,因而这表明缔约国并不希望个别地解决 这些事项,也不愿意对提交人的申诉及其他们所遭受出反应。
These general observations do not in any way respond to the claims set out in the present communication and are repeated in exactly the same way in answer to a whole series of other cases, thereby showing that the State party does not
wish to deal with these affairs individually or respond to the authors’
[...] complaints and the sufferingthey haveendured.
通过各种项目,国际传播发展计划为维持传媒专业人员和组织的 全球网络做出了贡献,这些人员和组织在各自的国家和地区为促进自由、独立和多元化的传媒在件下开展工作。
Through its projects, IPDC has contributed to sustaining a global network of media professionals and organizations that are working under difficult conditions to promote free independent and pluralistic media in their countries and regions.
他说,由于这种行为是经负责保护他的生命和身心 安全的司法人员同意而实施的,因此更加剧了他的惧感。
He argues that the sensation of anguish and fear of death was heightened by the fact that the acts were carried out with the consent of the judicial official responsible for protecting his life and physical and mental integrity.
在这方面,区域内那些纵容对索马里的入侵和统治及其给索马里人民带来的国政府,或那些因狭隘的自身利益或不了解情况而选择保持沉默的各国 [...]
In this connection, Governments in the region that are either
condoning the invasion and domination of
[...] Somalia and the sufferingsmeted outto its [...]
people or that have chosen to keep silent,
for reasons of narrow self-interest or due to lack of information cannot, ultimately, shrug their responsibilities.
[...] 糖制成)、白朱古力、朱古力碎(例如供烘焙用)、牛奶朱古力、忌廉朱古力、 甜朱古力力、夹心朱古力(中心及外层的质感有截然不同的朱古 [...]
Examples include: bonbons, cocoa butter confectionery (composed of cocoa butter, milk solids and sugar), white chocolate, chocolate chips (e.g. for
baking), milk chocolate, cream chocolate,
[...] sweetchocolate, bitter chocolate, filled [...]
chocolate (chocolate with a texturally
distinct centre and external coating, excluding flour confectionery and pastry products of food categories 7.2.1 and 7.2.2), and composite chocolate (chocolate with added edible substances excluding flour, starch and fat).
On the other hand utterances of Severus
[...] which make Christ'ssufferings voluntarily permitted, [...]
rather than naturally necessitated
by the treatment inflicted on His Body, might perhaps be defended by the consideration that from the union and consequent Beatific Vision in the Soul of Christ, would congruously ensue a beatification of the Soul and a spiritualizing of the Body, as was actually the case after the Resurrection; from this point of view it is true that the possibility of the Humanity is voluntary (that is, decreed by the Divine will) and not due to it in the state which is connatural to it after the union; although the Human Nature is of its own nature passible apart from the union (St. Thomas, III, Q. xiv, a. 1, ad 2).
他也承认仅有口头 承诺还不够,强调“我们的人民在历届政府和各种 体制的统治下饱人民将以实际成就来评价 本届政府”。
He also acknowledged that words were not enough, noting that “our people have suffered under various governments and different systems, and the people will judge our government based on its actual achievements”.




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