单词 | 苦肉计 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 苦肉计 —the trick of injuring oneself gain the enemy's confidenceSee also:苦 n—hardship n • pain n 苦 adj—bitter adj 苦—painstakingly • bring suffering to 肉 n—meat n • flesh n
這 一 羣 康 [...] 復 者 不 單 要 面 對 精神和 肉 體 的 痛 苦 , 還 要 面 對 自 己 和 家人的生計 [...]問題。 legco.gov.hk | These recovered [...] patients not only have to suffer from mental and physical [...]traumas, but also have to face the problem of [...]livelihood of themselves and their families. legco.gov.hk |
其實,如果社會上能有更多人願意在死後 [...] 捐出器官,那麼活體捐獻者便無須冒險,亦無須受 皮 肉 之 苦 了。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, if more people in the community [...] are willing to donate their organs after death, then living donors will not have to take [...] risks and endure physical pains. legco.gov.hk |
在這些冷冰冰的數字背後,隱藏着的是數以十萬計低收入人士有血 有 肉 、捱 盡苦頭的悲慘故事。 legco.gov.hk | Behind all these cold figures are actually [...] hidden tragic stories with vivid details [...] about the extreme hardships endured by hundreds [...]of thousands of low-income people. legco.gov.hk |
关于牲 畜制品,预计实际平均肉价(除猪肉外 )将 在下一个十年超过 1997-2006 年的平均 值,这主要由于供给量偏低,饲料价格上涨,以及需求量增多。 daccess-ods.un.org | For livestock [...] products, average meat prices in real terms, other than for pig meat, are expected [...]to surpass the 1997-2006 [...]average in the coming decade, initially owing to lower supplies, higher feed costs and rising demand. daccess-ods.un.org |
值此支持酷刑受害者国际日,我们表示声援和支持世界各地数以 万 计忍 受这种痛苦的酷刑受害者及其家属。 daccess-ods.un.org | On this International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, we express our solidarity with, and support for, [...] the hundreds of thousands of victims of torture and their family [...] members throughout the world who endure such suffering. daccess-ods.un.org |
是不是政 [...] 府有自 知 之 明,政府知道本 身 是一個皮厚肉 乾 、又苦 又 澀 的“籮 底 橙 ” , 所 以沒膽 量讓人 [...]選 擇呢? legco.gov.hk | Is it true to say that because the Government knows [...] itself only too well, knows that it is [...] a juiceless, bitter orange of thick skin, it dares not [...]let people take their pick? legco.gov.hk |
(b) 通过适用共同制度中已经确立的福利和待遇薪资差异,即流动和 艰 苦条 件津贴计划,得出居家津贴办法 2 的数额。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) HOME 2 is arrived at by applying a pay differential which is already [...] established elsewhere in the common system of benefits and entitlements, [...] namely, the mobility and the hardship schemes. daccess-ods.un.org |
(d) 每年在现有的流动和艰苦条件津贴计 划 下 向不带家属工作地点的工作 人员发放额外津贴的费用 6 300 万美元(维持和平行动 5 720 万美元,政治特派 团 580 万美元),个人过渡津贴的减少所带来的节约将部分抵消上述费用,从而 使第一年的总估计费用净额达 4 530 万美元(维持和平行动 3 980 万美元,政治 特派团 550 万美元)。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) $63 million per annum ($57.2 million for peacekeeping operations and $5.8 million for special political missions) for the introduction of an additional allowance under the existing mobility and hardship scheme for staff at non-family duty stations, which would be offset by savings from the reduction of the personal transitional allowance, bringing the total net estimated cost to $45.3 million for the first year ($39.8 million for peacekeeping operations and $5.5 million for special political missions). daccess-ods.un.org |
自由黨贊 成當局盡快調查,避免有人在通脹嚴重期間趁火打劫, 害 苦 了 肉 檯 零 售商和 升斗巿民。 legco.gov.hk | The Liberal Party agrees that an investigation should be conducted expeditiously to prevent anyone from [...] "looting a burning house" amidst rampant inflation, [...] thereby causing suffering to the pork retailers and the [...]general public. legco.gov.hk |
我們已知道這個女人肉身上的痛苦, 還有哪些其他方面是令她痛苦的呢? magdalenatoday.com | We have read about this [...] woman’s physical suffering, in what other ways [...]might this woman have been hurting? magdalenatoday.com |
这样能够自动控制流量阀和计量泵 ,或者 在 肉 制 品 生产中,根据含量不同筛选单个的箱子用于不同的目的。 foss.cn | This allows automatic control of regulating valves [...] and dosing pumps or, in [...] the case of meat production, by sorting individual boxes of meat for different [...]purposes based on their registered content. foss.nl |
以色列在继续非法、不人道和无耻地封锁加沙地带,给困在那里的 150 万平 民造成无法计量的痛苦和创 伤之外,继续这种非法的政策和做法,这进一步构成 了无可辩驳的证据,说明占领国卑鄙地无视国际法,包括人道主义法和人权法, [...] 而且拒绝给予巴勒斯坦人民在自己的国土上行使自决和自由这些合法的、不可分 割的和国际公认的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Israel’s continuation of such [...] illegal policies and practices, in addition to its continuing [...] illegal, inhumane and shameful blockade of the Gaza Strip and the immeasurable suffering and trauma it [...]is inflicting on the 1.5 [...]million civilians imprisoned there, constitutes yet further irrefutable evidence of the occupying Power’s abject disregard for international law, including humanitarian and human rights law, as well as its rejection of the legitimate, inalienable and internationally recognized rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination and freedom in their homeland. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,净工资也被用来计算流动和艰 苦 环 境津贴、回籍津贴 和解雇补偿金,这些将随着净工资的增加而相应增长。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, net salaries [...] are used to calculate mobility and hardship allowances, [...]repatriation grant and termination indemnity [...]and these will have increased accordingly. unesdoc.unesco.org |
叙利亚需要走出冲突与痛苦,通过这 项 计 划 , 阿 拉伯联盟指明了一条可信和可行的道路。 daccess-ods.un.org | Syria needs a path out [...] of conflict and misery, and, with this plan, the Arab [...]League has provided one that is credible and viable. daccess-ods.un.org |
DA7300在线近红外分析仪获得美国农业部的批准证书,仪器 设 计 满 足 NSF/ANSI/3-A 14159-1-2010 肉类和家禽加工设备设计要求。 perten.episerverhosting.com | The DA 7300 in-line NIR analysis system received certification from the U.S. Department of Agriculture [...] (USDA), Dairy Grading [...] Branch, Equipment Design Review Section that the instrument is in compliance with NSF/ANSI/3-A 14159-1-2010 Hygiene Requirements for the Design of Meat and Poultry Processing [...]Equipment. perten.episerverhosting.com |
一个tropane 生物碱,缓解的根可药用的来源肌肉 的 痉 挛和 痛 苦。 flora.ac.cn | A source of tropane alkaloids, the roots are used medicinally [...] for relieving muscular spasm and pain. flora.ac.cn |
僱員除了皮肉受苦之外 ,嚴重的則會致命,影響到生計及家庭, 是沒有人贏的。 legco.gov.hk | For the employee, apart from physical injury, loss of life may be caused in serious cases. legco.gov.hk |
苦瓜炒牛肉 daydaycook.com | Fried Balsam pear with Beef daydaycook.com |
如果本区域达不到千年发展目标的其他目标,那么数以百 万 计 的 人也 会受苦:2015 年前 1 至 5 岁儿童的死亡人数将增加 100 万;挨饿儿童的人数将 增加 3,100 万;以及辍学儿童的人数将增加 700 万。 daccess-ods.un.org | Millions of people will also suffer if the region misses the other Millennium Development Goal targets: an extra 1 million children between 1 and 5 years of age would die by 2015; 31 million more children would be suffering from hunger; and 7 million more would be out of school. daccess-ods.un.org |
現實的情形是,窮㆟患㆖癌 症,也要耐心輪候,忍受㆒段長時間的精神折磨 和 肉 體 痛 苦 , 才 能進入公立醫院治療。 legco.gov.hk | Whether it is from the viewpoint of a doctor or that from a patient, what a patient most needs is "timely medical treatment". Under the present circumstances, a poor person afflicted with cancer would normally need to wait [...] patiently and undergo a long period of mental [...] and physical pains before he can gain admittance [...]to a public hospital for treatment. legco.gov.hk |
最后,作为曾经的奥运选手,我非常了解,要想 [...] 实现我们的梦想和达成我们的目标,不仅需要明确目 标,还要确定长期全面的战略,将其细分为各项行动 计划,并通过艰苦的日常工作来实现。 daccess-ods.un.org | In conclusion, as a former Olympian, I know very well that for our dreams to come true and our goals to be achieved requires not only identifying the target [...] but a long-term comprehensive strategy as well, [...] broken down into action plans and achieved through hard [...]dayto-day work. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010 年古巴的禽肉消费量估计为 200 000 吨。 daccess-ods.un.org | Poultry consumption in Cuba is estimated at 200,000 [...] tons in 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
额外的待遇和津贴(如教育津贴、租金补贴 和艰苦条件津贴)预计将增 加在外地特派团服务的吸引力,并预期会进一步导致 [...] 合同安排的精简和管理的简化,提高透明度和促进秘书处内工作人员待遇的公 平。 daccess-ods.un.org | The additional entitlements and [...] allowances (such as education grant, [...] rental subsidy and hardship allowance) are expected to [...]increase the attractiveness of service [...]in field missions, and are further expected to lead to the streamlining of contractual arrangements and the simplification of administration, to enhance transparency and to promote equity in the treatment of staff within the Secretariat. daccess-ods.un.org |
我 们把当前城镇中、高层 [...] 40%人的消费型作为变化的大略的终止点, 估 计肉 食 消 费在 趋向水平线之前将会再增高 44%。 lishiyushehui.cn | Using the current consumption pattern of the upper 40 percent urban income group in China as an approximation [...] of the end point of the present [...] tendencies, we estimate that meat consumption will rise [...]by another 44 percent before leveling off. lishiyushehui.cn |
可悲的是,国际社会在数 以百万计的人遭受痛苦和死 亡之后才认识到,有必要 建立一个集体安全体系,以保障国际和平。 daccess-ods.un.org | Sadly, it was through the suffering and death of millions [...] of people that the international community came to realize that [...]there was a need for a system of collective security to ensure international peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
表皮– 苦瓜表皮的颗粒越大且饱满,纹路清晰,就说明 瓜 肉 越 嫩 、厚 、 苦 感 稍 小;如果颗粒比较小,密且无规则排列,说明它的 瓜 肉 相 对薄 、 苦 味 更 大。 daydaycook.com | The skin – the particle on the skin should be big and filled, [...] that means the [...] balsam pear is tender and less bitter taste; on the other hand, if the particle is small and irregular, it means the balsam would be more bitter daydaycook.com |
如果委员会认定的违反国际法行为的受害 者得不到任何赔偿,为什么还要花费这么大代价,煞 费 苦 心 地 计 算 赔 偿金额? daccess-ods.un.org | Why go to such expensive and painstaking means of calculating compensation when nothing will eventually make its way to the victims of the Commission-determined breaches of international law? daccess-ods.un.org |
在得出這個結果後,有人問我:梁耀忠,這結果是否由於曾特首施 行苦肉計, 他曾說把“生果金”提高至1,000元,但要進行入息審查,在知 悉市民對這個信息十分反感,亦很反對這做法後,特首於是便釜底抽 薪,最後撤銷資產審查所致呢? legco.gov.hk | Someone asked me when this voting result appeared, "LEUNG Yiu-chung, is this result caused by a move made by Chief Executive Donald TSANG to inflict injury on himself? legco.gov.hk |