

单词 苦海无边,回头是岸

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这样做之后,A 侧的部件 (流体入口旋转头、 止回阀、侧边密封 筒及混合室)会换到右边。
Doing this will
[...] reposition A side parts (fluid inlet swivel, check valve, side [...]
seal cartridge, and mix chamber) to right.
除经济损失之外,这还让患者及其家属增加了 苦 和 绝 望,常常在挽救生命 的必要头无法为 病症找到理想的药品。
their families when they are unable to access the appropriate medicines to treat a disease, and in many cases, in time to save someone’s life.
因此,在此情況下沉 管隧道方案不可行,而最實際、最合理的方 是 在 灣沿 岸以明挖回填式隧道方式在海土地 上建造主幹道隧道。
Use of immersed tube is therefore considered not feasible in this instance, and the most practical and reasonable form
of construction for the Trunk Road
[...] tunnel along the Wan Chai shoreline is cut-and-cover, constructed through reclaimed land.
苦修式 的艺术实践在其他亚洲艺术家身上也曾发生:旅居美国的台湾艺术家谢德庆在上世纪七十年代末和八十年代初在纽约实施了一系列为期一年的行为艺术,例如生活于一个笼子内一年,每小时打卡一年,生活于户外一年等等;中国艺术家何云昌在2006年9月24日至2007年1月14日间,从英格兰北部Northumbe rl a n d 海岸边 一 个 叫Boulmer的小地方拿了一块 头 , 围 绕英 海岸 线 走 了一圈 回 到 Boulmer后把石头放回原处。
This penance-like artistic practice has also been undertaken by other Asian artists: The US-based Taiwan artist Teh-ching Hsieh carried out a series of one-year performances in New York in the seventies and the eighties, for instance, living in a cage for one year, punching a time clock every hour for one year, living outdoors for one year, etc. Chinese artist He Yunchang picked up a rock in a small town called Boulmer on the Northumberland coast in northern England, and carried it all the way around the coast of Great Britain and finally went back to Boulmer to put the rock back in the same place.
不管是去发现笼罩在神话和民间传说的自然美景, 是 参 加 各种节日盛会,参观博物馆与美术馆,带孩子来爱尔兰岛旅游,您永远不愁找不到事情做,而且全程花费也绝对物超所值!您既可以 海岸 线 边 一 望 无 垠 的 金色沙滩上无限时嬉戏玩闹,也可以漫步在爱尔兰的国家公园,尽情欣赏绝色景致。
Whether it’s to discover a landscape drenched in myth and folklore or to visit some fantastic festivals, museums and galleries, a trip with the kids to the island of Ireland means you’ll never be short of something to do – and all without [...]
spending a fortune!
这被看是关注文化遗产保护的第一项重大举措;(2) 在克罗地亚的奥米沙利,Basilica of Fulfinium 大教堂的考古挖掘和修复工作已顺利纳入市政总体规划;(3) 在黎巴嫩 的赛达,地方和地区政府已经就老城附 海岸 开 发 的新安排以及城市 头 区 的 重 新设计采取了几项行动;(4) 在叙利亚的杰卜莱,对希腊、罗马、拜占庭以及奥特 曼时期遗留的考古遗迹的价值以及对保护 边 环 境 的重要意义都有了高度认识; (5) 在摩洛哥的索维拉,国家和地区政府都支持市政府落实教科文组织关于开通航 空港以及制订一项保护阿拉伯人居住区计划的重要建议。
This was seen as the first major action denoting concern for the preservation of cultural heritage; (2) in Omišalj, Croatia excavations and archaeological restoration of the Basilica of Fulfinium were
[...] integrated in the overall Urban Master Plan; (3) in Saida, Lebanon the local and regional authorities have launched several initiatives concerning the redevelopment of the coastline near the old city and the redesign of the urban waterfront; (4) in Jableh, Syria there is now a heightened sense of awareness of the value of archaeological vestiges from the Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman eras and the environmental value of the seaside; and (5) in Essaouira, Morocco national and regional authorities have supported [...]
efforts to implement some major UNESCO recommendations relating to the opening of the airport and a plan to safeguard the medina.
我们欢迎以色列关于对士兵叙述情况进行调查 的决定,但可悲是,该决定对于缓解加沙人所承受 的可怕苦无济于事,也不能让诸多无辜平民受害者 起回生。
Israel’s decision to conduct an investigation into the soldiers’
accounts is welcome but,
[...] sadly, will do little to relieve the horrendous suffering endured by the Gazans and will not bring the many innocent civilian victims back to life.
斯特朗福德是一个物种丰富的自然保护区,其平静 岸边 拥 有 各种生物,比如— 海 狮 、鹅、燕欧和野禽。
Strangford Lough, meanwhile, is an abundant nature reserve with seals, geese, terns and wildfowl nestling amidst its peaceful shores.
当地渔民 报告害怕“在地平线上消失,声称有同行的尸体 海 水 冲 上 岸 , 头 部 有 弹孔,据是从事非法无管制 和未报告的捕捞活动的悬挂外国国旗的船只所为。
Local fishermen report fear of going “beyond the
horizon”, claiming
[...] that the bodies of their peers have washed ashore with bullet holes to the head, purportedly [...]
inflicted by foreign-flagged
vessels engaging in illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.
本人 相信, 取 消 高 齡 津貼的 離 港限制,既 可 減 省 政 府 的 行 政程序,更 可進一步 滿 足 長 者(特是貧苦長 者 ) 回 鄉 定 居 的 需 要。
I believe that removing the absence rule on old age allowance will cut government administrative work as well as further meeting the needs of the elderly people resettling in their hometowns, those destitute ones in particular.
坐在前排的观众,仿佛怕被打湿 衣裳回过头来看 往哪里可以躲避,尤 是海 浪 扑面而来的时候。
Some people in the front row seemed to be afraid they were going to get
[...] wet, and looked to see where they could run, in case the waves came too close.
龙牙是欧洲 、亚洲和非洲温带地区常见的一种植物,默 无 闻 地 生长在路旁 岸边 或 空 地上,纤细修长的黄色花簇,在夏天的时候非常醒目。
A plant common to the temperate regions of Europe, Asia and Africa, Agrimony grows modestly along roads, on banks and in clearings where its slender cluster of yellow flowers is easily recognized in the summer.
由于我们这一方的不回应, 导致那四分之一的人在不必要 苦 楚 和 无 助 中 生活。
Dare we call this lack of
[...] response on our part, which leads to needless suffering and hopelessness on their part, anything [...]
less than “spiritual injustice?
所以,我覺得今天的辯論非 常有用,我希望給政府一個明確的信息, 是 要 盡快 為 苦 主 討 回 公 道、 討回賠償。
For this reason, our debate today is very useful
and I wish to give the
[...] Government an explicit message that it must seek justice and compensations [...]
for the victims as quickly as possible.
尼日利是海盗的主要目标之一,由于尼日 利亚采取了强有力的反海盗行动,海盗问题转移到较脆弱的国家,例如邻国贝宁, 贝宁的科托努港距离尼日利海岸边界 19 海里。
As a result of robust anti-piracy
[...] [...] operations launched by Nigeria, one of the main targets of pirates, the problem has moved to more vulnerable countries, such as neighbouring Benin, whose port of Cotonou is located 19 nautical miles from the Nigerian coastal border.
此外,还要紧急加强对沿岸 和沿海边境的 监督,以打击毒品贩运、海盗行径以 及贩运人口,目是巩固 区域一体化、扩大合作的 基础并确保西非以及大西洋沿岸其他国家的安全。
There was also
[...] an urgent need to increase surveillance of coastal and maritime borders in order to combat drug trafficking, piracy and human trafficking [...]
in order to
strengthen regional integration, expand the basis for cooperation and improve security in West Africa and in other countries bordering the Atlantic.
这幅图片拍摄是这一 地区的工厂、教堂、家庭住宅和繁忙 头 , 岸边 还 停靠着许多明轮艇、驳船和小船。
This image shows the area with
[...] its factories, churches, and homes and the busy quay with a paddle steamer, barges, and smaller boats [...]
along the river.
这项活动面无法充 分获得医疗保健服务 边 远 艰 苦 地 区 的所有人群。
They target the general population in hardship areas, where access to healthcare is limited.
无 论是在我们位于欧洲的头还是位于 拉美 的码头,Bromma 都能做到这一点,这就 是 Grup TCB 近期为 TCB (Barcelona) 的最新 起重机,以及为在建的欧洲和拉美码头的 新型岸起重机采购 Bromma 吊具的另一 个原因。
This is true both in our European terminals as well as in our Latin America ones, which is another reason why Grup TCB has recently acquired Bromma spreaders for our current cranes in TCB (Barcelona) as well as for new ship-toshore cranes under construction for our European and Latin American terminals.
利马市曾是秘鲁海岸无人问 津的一块地方,自前哥伦比亚时代就有许多少数民族在此分散居住并不断发展。
The city of Lima, once a
[...] deserted area in the coast of Peru, developed from [...]
the association of several diverse ethnic groups
that had settled sparsely in the area since pre-Columbian times.
赞扬民间社会、尤是非政府组织、国家人权机构和国家预防机制以及大量 酷刑受害者康复中心坚持不懈的努力,以防止和打击酷刑,减轻酷刑受害者的苦,回顾人权理事会
Commending the persistent efforts
of civil society, in particular non-governmental organizations, national human
[...] rights institutions and national preventive mechanisms, and the considerable network of centres for the rehabilitation of torture victims to prevent and combat torture and to alleviate the suffering of victims of torture
海啸来得非常快,持续 时间极短,但其狂暴袭击过后却留下了严重后果,给 幸存者带来苦的回忆和惨痛的故事,他们的心灵将 刻下永久的伤痕。
The tsunami happened very fast and for the briefest of time, belying the sobering aftermath of its fury and the painful memories and harrowing [...]
stories of survivors,
whose souls will be scarred for life.
Nieuwenhuys (2003:105)对南印度一个村庄中儿童生活的研究指出,游戏空间“像小路、 休耕田海边、河岸、井和公共水 头 这 样不显着的空间”,与社区行为和空间结构交织在 一起。
Nieuwenhuys’ ( 2003: 105 ) study of children’s lives in a village in South India notes that places for play were interspersed through the very fabric of community space and practices, in ‘unremarkable, liminal places such as paths, fallow lands, the beach, the river bank, the wells and the public taps’.
如果引用《權力及特權條例》, 純粹只為揪出數個人來批評,卻大大影響 苦 主 們 討 回 本 金 的進度,這 我是反對的。
If the aim of invoking the Ordinance is purely to
single out individuals for
[...] criticism but the progress in the recovery of capital by the victims is seriously [...]
affected as a result, we oppose this.
无论是在海岸线上空的表演,还是在黎巴嫩贝鲁特(Beirut)和约旦安曼(Amman)城市上空的飞行,表演区域附近的屋顶和阳台总是 头 攒 动 ,挤满了兴奋激动的观众。
Whether displaying over the coastline or, as in the case of Beirut and Amman, closing the main airport for the display, the surrounding areas, rooftops and balconies were always crowded with [...]
people eager to see the show.
各位部长强调,海洋和海岸提供支助人类的宝贵资源和服务,可持续利用 海洋生物资源也将增强全球的粮食安全以及提高今世后代适应气候变化的能 力;他们进一步强调必须制定全面的适应措施,以应对海洋和海岸造成的气候 相关影响,包括通过加强能力建设、促进科学监测活动以及宣传实 海岸 和海 洋综合管理无害环境政策。
The Ministers emphasized that oceans and coasts provide valuable resources and services to support humankind and that the sustainable use of marine living resource will enhance global food security and increase resilience to climate change for present and future generations; they further emphasized the need to develop comprehensive adaption measure to
address climate related
[...] impacts on oceans and coasts, including through greater capacity building, enhanced scientific monitoring activities and to promote environmentally sound policies for integrated coastal and ocean management.
當香港人坐在電視機前,看到趙連海孩子茫然無助的眼光,在風 中舉着“爸回家”的薄紙,看到趙 海 年 紀 老邁的母親或哭得肝腸寸 斷的妻子,在法庭外高呼趙連海無罪,甚至還看到攝影機鏡頭所及的 那位無耻的法院官員,帶着權力的囂張和冷笑,欣賞趙 海 家 人苦時,任誰都會血脈擴張和感到傷痛。
When the people of Hong Kong saw on television ZHAO Lianhai's son staring around aimlessly and hopelessly while
holding up a thin paper
[...] reading "Daddy, come home" in the wind; when we saw ZHAO's elderly mother and wailing wife shouting out loudly his innocence outside the court; and furthermore, when we saw the arrogant and sneering face of that shameless court official who was enjoying the suffering of ZHAO's family members, [...]
how could we not feel outraged and sad.
[...] 法會加把勁敦促政府,以及政府本身可能在金管局方面的某種背後施壓 之外,我覺得唯一能夠有較大誘因,令銀行考慮接受一個相比於以現價回購更會優苦主的方法,恐怕便 是 要 從責任方面着手。
Apart from the pressure of public opinion and the Legislative Council making greater efforts to exhort the Government to do something and the likelihood of the Government bringing pressure to bear on the HKMA behind the scene, I am afraid the only stronger incentive for banks to consider
accepting a method more favourable
[...] to the victims than the present buyback proposal is to do something about the [...]




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