

单词 苦楚

See also:


pain n
hardship n


bitter adj

bring suffering to

surname Chu
Chinese kingdom during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods (722-221 BC)
punishment cane (old)
deciduous bush used in Chinese medicine (genus Vitex)


pain n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 下,再加上醫療霸權缺乏監管及問責,以致西北地區市民面對 苦楚 特別多,面對的問題亦特別嚴重。
Owing to the inherent and acquired deficiencies, coupled with the lack of regulation and accountability under health service
hegemony, people in the northwest districts have to face
[...] particularly more sufferings and particularly [...]
serious problems.
真的是“夏蟲不可以語冰”,或許有錢人對基層市民 苦楚 , 以及一千 數百元對他們生活上的重要,他們是無法瞭解的。
As a Chinese idiom goes, "A worm that lives only in summer has no knowledge
of ice." Perhaps rich persons can never
[...] understand the suffering of the grass-roots [...]
people or how significant this several
hundred dollars is to their life.
而㆗國,要擺脫那沉重的歷史的悲劇,要解脫㆟民重複 著苦楚,就只能從微弱的呼喊開始。
If China wants to free itself from the
historical tragedy that has been weighing it down and save its
[...] people from repeated sufferings, we must begin with [...]
this weak cry.
不過,如果基層健康護理不足,又缺乏退休保障,老㆟家愈長壽就只會換來身 體更大苦楚,對 本來已昂貴的醫療經費構成更沉重的負擔。
However, if there are insufficient primary health care services with no retirement protection, the
longer the life expectancy of old people, the
[...] more physical suffering they would have [...]
to endure, and an even heavier burden will
be placed on the already immensely funded medical expenses.
醫療霸權令小市民面苦 楚,面對家人因醫療失誤或醫療處理失當而身體出現問題甚至死亡, 市民很多時候都求助及求救無門。
Hegemony in health service has plunged the
[...] people into pain and sufferings, and when their family [...]
members have health problems and
even died as a result of medical blunders or improper medical treatment, they often have nowhere to turn to for help.
所以,這個政治制度一 天不改革,香港廣大勞工,特別是面對工傷的員工, 苦楚 仍 然 是無日 無之的。
Hence, not until the political system is
reformed, the plights of workers in general in Hong Kong,
[...] particularly employees suffering from work injuries, [...]
will never end.
如果現時將房屋政策逐步摧毀的話,低下階層市民面對生活 苦楚 將為 他們帶來思想上的沖擊,進而沖擊和挑戰社會的權威和權勢,對穩定的因素 [...]
If the housing policy is gradually
[...] destroyed now, the hardship suffered by [...]
the lower class in their daily life will bring
about some impact on their ways of thinking, and they may go further to deal blows to or challenge the authorities and those in power.
根據《侵害人身罪條 例》(第 212 章),任何人非法拋棄或遺棄不足兩歲的兒童以致 其生命受危害,或其健康蒙受或相當可能蒙受永久損害;或任何 超過 16 歲的人故意襲擊、虐待、忽略、抛棄或遺棄由他所負責
[...] 管養、看管或照顧的 16 歲或以下的兒童或少年人,而導致其受 到不必要苦楚或健 康損害,均屬刑事罪行,一經定罪,最高可 判處監禁 10 年。
In accordance with the Offences against the Person Ordinance (Cap. 212), any person who unlawfully abandons or exposes any child, being under the age of two years, whereby the life of such child is endangered, or the health of such child is or is likely to be permanently injured; or any person over the age of 16 years who wilfully assaults, ill-treats, neglects, abandons or exposes any child or young person under the age
of 16 years under his custody, charge or care in a manner likely to
[...] cause such child or young person unnecessary suffering or injury to his [...]
health, shall be guilty of an offence.
由于我们这一方的不肯回应,导致那四分之一的人在不必要 苦楚 和 无 助中生活。
Dare we call this lack of response on our part, which
[...] leads to needless suffering and hopelessness [...]
on their part, anything less than “spiritual injustice?
巴基斯坦人民对 他们阿富汗兄弟的苦和苦楚感同 身受。
The people of Pakistan share the sorrow and grief of their Afghan brethren.
今㆝,我代表 港同盟和教協會,支持狄志遠議員的動議,是希望教師的 全學位化和改善教育質素的措施能早日實現,是希望這長期以來帶給學童家長和教師苦楚,逐漸離我們遠去,成為歷史。
I sincerely hope that the sufferings which our to improve the quality of education. I sincerely hope that the sufferings which our parents and teachers have been under can gradually leave us and become history. parents and teachers have been under can gradually leave us and become history. parents
and teachers have been
[...] under can gradually leave us and become history. parents and teachers have been under can gradually leave [...]
us and become history.
其實,數天前, 在立法會召開委員會時,我已向局長提出這意見,說他現時是在折磨和 不斷虐待受害人的家人,如果透過所謂的法庭機制來追索,根本上是在 其傷口上灑鹽,在他們的“乞兒兜內飯食”,更令他們已經創傷的心靈 更淒痛、更苦楚。
I said that he was torturing and abusing the families of the victims. If a claim is pursued under this so-called court mechanism, it is in effect rubbing salt into a wound and it is like taking money from a beggar's bowl and it is adding pain to these battered souls.
這當然是一件好事,因為能夠解決病人的問題,還令家庭所承擔 苦楚 也得 到解脫。
This is certainly a good thing for the patient's problem was solved and her family
[...] could be relieved of their miseries.
財團在投資金錢後便連本帶利,甚麼也要取回,現在市民便是因為西隧 這間公司的投資而面對高隧道費 苦楚。
After investing their money, the consortiums will take back everything and recover the full costs plus interests, and members of the public are now made to
suffer from the high tunnel toll precisely because of the investment
[...] made by the Western Harbour Tunnel Company Limited.
和他们一样,我们也经历过政治分化 的动荡,匮乏的痛苦,经济不发达的负担和不平等苦楚。
We, like them, have also experienced the upheaval of
political polarization, the pain of scarcity, the burden of economic
[...] underdevelopment and the bitterness of inequalities.
[...] show般,正如自由黨很喜歡派禮物或物品等,要真正接觸一 苦楚的 羣眾,便可以體會這個制度如何不堪,香港的金融霸權和地產霸權如 [...]
They, the dignitaries, should visit the local districts more often instead of doing shows and giving out gifts and stuff, which the Liberal
Party is very fond of. They have to get
[...] in touch with the suffering masses genuinely [...]
before they can realize how unbearable
is the system, how bullying is the financial and real estate hegemony and how rotten is the system.
除了支援業界發展外,自由黨認為政府應加強支援中下階層家庭, 以減輕他們在經濟危機中所承受 苦楚。
In addition to rendering support to the development of the industry, the Liberal Party holds that the Government should
strengthen its support for lowerand middle-class households to
[...] alleviate the hardship endured by them [...]
amid the economic crisis.
所以,我呼籲香港的勞苦大眾要瞭解現時政治制度的不堪,要 瞭解官商勾結所產生的問題,要瞭解在功能界別操控議會下,員工所受 到苦楚。
So, I urge the public enduring the plights to understand the deficiencies of the existing political system, the problems caused by collusion between the Government and business, and the plights suffered by workers as a result of the manipulation of the legislature by functional constituencies.
根據上述《侵害人身罪條例》,任何超過 16 歲而 對不足該年歲的任何兒童或少年人負有管養、看管或照顧責任的人,包括家
[...] 長,如故意襲擊或虐待該兒童或少年人,或導致該兒童或少年人受襲擊、虐 待,其方式可能導致該兒童或少年人受到不必要 苦楚 或 健康損害,即屬違 法。
Pursuant to the aforementioned Offences Against the Person Ordinance, it is unlawful for a person aged over 16, including a parent, who has the custody, charge or care of a child or young person under the age of 16, to wilfully assault or ill-treat the child or young person, or causes such child or young person to be
assaulted, or ill-treated in a manner likely to cause such child or young
[...] person unnecessary suffering or injury to his health.
其實,我說這番話是想幫助局長的,因為有時候,當我看到那些非公務 員出身的局長,自入職後面苦楚的 情 況時,真的令我搖頭嘆息,特別是當 我看到某些常秘的嘴臉,同樣是令人覺得不堪入目的。
In fact, I have made such remarks only to help the Secretary because sometimes when I see the predicaments faced by those Directors of Bureaux who came from outside the Civil Service, I cannot help sighing.
如果你從事地區工作,你便會深切感受到交通費昂貴的問題如何 導致市民苦楚 ⎯⎯ 所以,在很多政黨均提出建議後,政府最終在 [...]
If you work in the local communities, you will
feel deeply how the problem of high transport
[...] fares causes hardships among the public [...]
― therefore, after many political parties
had put forward similar proposals, the Government eventually implemented a transport subsidy scheme in 2007, that is, the pilot Transport Support Scheme (TSS).
岁而对不足该年岁的任何儿童或少年人负有管养、看管或照顾责任的 人,包括家长,如故意袭击或虐待该儿童或少年人,或导致该儿童或少年人受袭
[...] 击、虐待,其方式可能导致该儿童或少年人受到不必要 苦楚 或 健 康损害,即属 违法。
Furthermore, pursuant to section 27(1) of the Ordinance, it is unlawful for a person aged over 16, including a parent, who has the custody, charge or care of a child or young person under the age of 16, to wilfully assault or ill-treat the child or young person, or causes such child or young person to be
assaulted, or ill-treated in a manner likely to cause such child or young
[...] person unnecessary suffering or injury to his health.
上一篇)中国日报的报道没有提到星巴克,但是我猜测如果雀巢已经完成了今年大部分购买计划,那么星巴克可能也已经同样完成了,可能私下推迟或停止这项新的合资运营,然而增加了当地农民 苦楚。
(previous post) The China Daily article doesn’t mention Starbucks, but I suspect that if Nestle has already completed most of its buying for the year, then Starbucks has also probably done
the same and may be quietly slowing or halting operations at this new joint venture,
[...] adding to the woes of local farmers.
[...] 举行活动纪念第二个世界人道主义日的时候,这场灾 难以苦的方式清楚展示 了人道主义行为体工作的 重要性。
It is noteworthy that as we hold events to mark the second
World Humanitarian Day, the importance of the work of humanitarian actors
[...] has been made painfully clear by this disaster.
Nwosa 先生(尼日利亚)(以英语发言):我们尼日 利亚为最近海地地震带来的极度不幸、 楚 与 苦 难感 到震惊。
(Nigeria): We in Nigeria were shocked at the monumental
[...] level of misery, pain and agony arising from [...]
the recent earthquake in Haiti.
[...] 盟关于制止这种流血的呼吁、邻国发表的声明以及叙 利亚人民遭受苦难,清楚地表 明这种否决与叙利亚 和整个地区正在发生的历史性事件的潮流是背道而 [...]
The appeals of the Arab League to put an end to this blood-letting, the
statements from neighbouring
[...] countries and the suffering of the Syrian people clearly show that [...]
this veto runs counter to the
path of the historic events occurring in Syria and throughout the region.
在急病或病人昏迷的情況下,顯然所有關於徵求同意 的問題均可不顧,醫生將採取任何必須的行動挽救病人
[...] 的性命(不論是孩童或成人),或使病人免於終生殘廢 或免受不必要的楚及痛苦。
It is clear that in cases of emergency or, unconsciousness all considerations regarding consent will be set aside and doctors will do whatever is necessary to
save the life of a patient (infant or adult), to save him from permanent disability or from
[...] unnecessary pain and suffering.
再者,醫療成本的估值並沒有包括無形的代 價,如:楚、受苦或失 去性命的價值等;生産力損 失的計算亦只包括病人因高污染導致提早死亡而減少 的壽命,反而因長期接觸空氣污染(如長於香港、澳 門和珠三角的學童近年面對的情況)而造成傷害及引 致提早死亡的代價,卻不包括在計算之内。
Productivity losses due to premature deaths were incurred only for the labour force population (aged 15-64) who died before 65 in 2004.
咨询委员会回顾,它在审议 2010-2011
[...] 两年期拟议方案预算时获悉,当时正在开展努力,以 楚 地 反 映在联 合国发展系统业务框架内和联合国国家一级发展援助框架内通过这些项目取得 [...]
的成果(A/64/7,第十三.3 段)。
The Advisory Committee recalls that in its consideration of the proposed programme budget for 2010-2011, it
was informed that efforts had been under
[...] way to reflect clearly the results achieved [...]
through such projects in the context
of the operational framework of the United Nations development system and the United Nations development assistance frameworks at the country level (A/64/7, para. XIII.3).
从介绍非集中化战略实施问题的点击信息上一下便能 楚 地 看 出,非集中化不应被理 解为一个中央集权的整体的解体,而应当被看作是一个以系统概念为基础的新机制的建立。
It was immediately clear from the information [...]
on the implementation of the decentralization strategy that it should not
be seen as the dismantling of a centralized bloc, but rather as the establishment of new arrangements based on the system concept.




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