

单词 若非



If you don't want anyone know, don't do it (idiom). fig. If you do something bad, people will inevitably hear about it.

See also:




External sources (not reviewed)

这包括来自中央 应急基金(应急基金)的 2 500 万美元若非已向 应急基金捐款的 60 多个会员国的捐助,这一点本来 不可能做到。
That includes $25 million from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), which would not have been possible without the 60-plus Member States that have already contributed to CERF this year.
本细则的任何规定概不应视为剥夺根据本条细则任何规定遭罢免董事就 终止受聘为董事或因应终止受聘为董事而终止任何其他委任或职务的补 偿或赔偿,或视为削若非细则的规定条文而可能拥有罢免董事的任 何权力。
Nothing in this Article should be taken as depriving a Director removed under any provisions of this Article of compensation or damages payable to him in respect of the termination of his appointment as Director or of any other appointment or office as a result of the termination of his appointment as Director or as derogatory from any power to remove a Director which may exist apart from the provision of this Article.
若非议室之外的世界出现了重大事态发展, 而且那些事态发展与我们的审议有着直接关系,那么 我们未取得结果也许较情有可原。
Our lack of results would perhaps be more understandable were it not for the fact that there have been significant developments in the world outside this room and that they have immediate relevance for our deliberations.
在所审查的 488 个名字中,有 159 个从来没有更新 过,其中 73 个于 2001 年首次出现在名单上若非2007 年对全部 142 个塔 利班条目进行技术修改,这一数字本来还会更大。
Of the 488 names reviewed, 159 had never been updated, 73 of which first appeared on the List in 2001; and this figure would have been greater still but for a technical change to all 142 Taliban entries in 2007.
若非载武器的再入飞行器专门设计或改进,在 2.D.4.之下处理
D.4. if specially designed or modified for re-entry
[...] vehicles designedfornon-weapon payloads
这条法规常被曲解为,申若非提交特别报告 员本人,则可能不完全是根据媒体报道,甚或非政府组织的报告。
This rule is often interpreted as being the flip side of the rule
[...] that complaints may not be based entirely [...]
on media reports or even reports from
non-governmental organizations, unless they are specifically submitted to the Special Rapporteur.
除了在该大会告退之董事以外,任何人若非董事推荐,均没有资格 在任何股东大会上膺选出任董事,除非在就该选举而召开股东大会的召开日期前 [...]
最少七(7)天,合资格出席股东大会并有资格在会上投票的股东(除该名获提名人 士外)向办事处或总办事处递交一份由该股东签署的书面通知,表示有意推举该
名人士在该份通知相关的大会上膺选,而该名获提名人士亦同时向上述地点递交 有关愿意接受选举之书面通知,则只要上述通知的递交期限,不早於就该选举而 召开股东大会之通告发送後当日及不迟於该股东大会举行日期前七(7)天的期间 内,则有关人士可予膺选。
No person other than a Director retiring at
[...] the meeting shall, unlessrecommended by [...]
the Directors for election, be eligible
for election as a Director at any general meeting unless not less than seven (7) days before the date appointed for the meeting there shall have been lodged at the Office or at the head office notice in writing signed by a Member (other than the person to be proposed) duly qualified to attend and vote at the meeting for which such notice is given of his intention to propose such person for election and also notice in writing signed by the person to be proposed of his willingness to be elected provided that the period for lodgment of the aforesaid notice shall commence not earlier than the day after the despatch of the notice of the meeting appointed for such election and end no later than seven (7) days prior to the date of such general meeting.
根据第 5 条和第 14 条的现有规定(以及最近在《经合组织示范公约》第 5
[...] 条的评注中增加的关于替代服务常设单位的规定),似乎普遍公认若非服 务提供者于该年份中在一来源地国停留或提供服务达到相当长时间(超过 [...]
183 天),则该来源地国有权对服务进行征税。
Given the current provisions of article 5 and article 14 (and on the alternative services permanent establishment provision that was recently added to the commentary on article 5 of the OECD Model), it seems that there is widespread agreement that a source
country is entitled to tax income from
[...] serviceswhere thenon-resident service provider [...]
is present in the source country
or is performing services in the source country for a significant period (more than 183 days) during a year.
9.5 执行局根据第一八五届会议上就付款计划的报告指出,“截至 2010 年 6 月底,仍有 10 个会员国既未缴纳当年的会费,也未按大会批准的让其以分期付款的方式清偿累计欠款的付 款计划缴纳拖欠的会费”,并且紧急呼吁“未缴纳经常会费和和付款计划规定的分期付款的 会员国毫不迟疑地缴纳拖欠的会费,”同时铭若非将有可能在大会第三十六届会议上 丧失表决权。
9.5 Further to the report on payment plans at its 185th session, the Executive Board noted, “the failure of 10 Member States to pay up to the end of June 2010 the amounts due by them against payment plans approved by the General Conference for settlement of their accumulated arrears in annual instalments, in addition to the current year’s contributions”, and urgently appealed “to those Member States that are behind with the payment of their regular contributions and instalments under payment plans to pay their arrears without delay”, bearing in mind the risk of loss of voting rights that may otherwise ensue at the 36th session of the General Conference.
相反,在第三部分中,“不妨碍”有关组织的规则适用于其 成员的规则年来是有用的,因若非,即可从与组织规则无关这一原则中作 出各种推论。
On the contrary, in Part Three a “without prejudice” provision concerning the application of the rules of the organization in respect of members seems useful in view of the implications that may otherwise be inferred from the principle of irrelevance of the rules of the organization.
(v) 这 项 原 则 所 带 来 的 更 大 问 题 是 造 成 矛 盾 , 因 为 自 R v. Sang 一 案 ( [1980] AC 402, 437) 後 , 明 确 的 一 点 便 是 法 官 没 有 酌 情 决 定 权,以 证 据 是 用 不 当 或 不 公 帄 手 法 取 得 为 理 由 而 拒 绝 接若 非即 可 获 接 纳 的 证 据,‚ 但 承 认 及 供 认 不 在 此 限 , 至 於 在 被 控 人 触 犯 罪 行 後 从 被 控 人 所 取 得 的 证 据 , 一 般 来 说 亦 不 在 此 限 。
(v) there is a larger question of inconsistency because it is now clear, after R v. Sang [1980] AC 402, 437, that a judge has no discretion to refuse to admit otherwise admissible evidence on the grounds that it was obtained by improper or unfair means "save with regard to admissions and confessions and generally with regard to evidence obtained from the accused after commission of the offence".
Some services might be
[...] better deliveredbynon-governmentagencies.
Often upstaged by the new iconic skyscraper being built across the road, or the new off-shore luxury housing estate on reclaimed land, Dubai has a growing number of institutions and initiatives that are showing signs of creating a sustainable base of artistic creativity.
这一任务可委托国家官方坟墓登记处完成若非,它可要求建立 和运行一个辅助系统,以详细记录死者及受保护人员的埋藏物情况。
This task might be entrusted to the State’s official graves registration service – if not, it would require the establishment and functioning of a complementary system to record the details of the death and internment of protected persons.
3 . 0 2 此 外 , 任 何 带 压 迫 性 的 待 遇 , 尤 其 是 态 度 专 横 或 延 长 时 间 的 查 问 , 是 会 令 到 受 疑 人 说 话 的 ,若 非该 种 带 压 迫 性 的 待 遇 , 受 疑 人 本 来 是 不 会 说 话 的 , 所 以 在 此 情 况 之 下 所 取 得 的 陈 述 , 也 会 成 为 不 得 接 纳 。
In addition, any oppressive treatment, particularly overbearing or prolonged questioning, which would cause the suspect to speak when he would not have spoken but for that oppressive treatment, will also render a statement so obtained inadmissible.
若非局势由于过时的政府顽固不化而恶化, 安全理事会本不会知道这些局势。
The Security Council would not have known about the situations in question but for the fact that a number of them had degenerated under the obstinacy of archaic Governments.
2012伦敦新闻画报有限公司( www.iln.co.uk)若非拉蒂和发行人允许,不得复制本刊发表的原文和其他稿件。玛莎拉蒂和发行人对于从他处转载的文章中的观点和陈述不负任何责任。玛莎拉蒂对本刊中的广告内容不负任何责任,发行人保留自行决定接受或拒绝广告的权利。
2012 Illustrated London
[...] News Limited www.iln.co.uk. Original [...]
articles and other contributions published in this journal
may be reproduced only with permission from Maserati and the publisher.
我也要感谢我的妻子Margaret和我的三个孩子, Zoe、Nyree和Zachary,感谢他们在过去十七年里的爱、支持和牺牲,因若非,我就无法实现这个呼召。
I also want to thank my wife Margaret along with my three children Zoe, Nyree and Zachary for their love, support and sacrifices over the past 17 years, for without this I could not have fulfilled this calling.
If not, you may have to go through the process again until a satisfying outcome is produced.
(a) 截至该大会记录日期名列股东名册的所有人士,惟如属联名持有 人,一经向名列股东名册首位的联名持有人发出通告,该通告即属 (b) 任何因应身为注册股东的合法遗产代理人或破产受托人而获得股 份拥有权的人士,惟有关注册股若非或破产,将有权收取大 会通告
(b) every person upon whom the ownership of a share devolves by reason of his being a legal personal representative or a trustee in bankruptcy of a member of record where the member of record but for his death or bankruptcy would be entitled to receive notice of the meeting
除退任董事外若非事会推荐参选,概无人士有资格於任 何股东大会上参选董事职位,惟拟提名该人士参选董事的书面 [...]
通告,以及该名人士表明愿意参选的书面通告於股东大会举行 日期前最少七(7)个净日送达总办事处或登记办事处,则作别 论,递交上述通告的期间不得早於寄发指定进行有关选举的股
113. No person, other than a
[...] retiring Director, shall,unless recommended by the [...]
Directors for election, be eligible for
election to the office of Director at any general meeting, unless notice in writing of the intention to propose that person for election as a Director and notice in writing by that person of his willingness to be elected shall have been lodged at the Head Office or at the Registration Office at least seven (7) clear days before the date of the general meeting and the period for lodgement of such notices shall commence no earlier than the day after the despatch of the notice of the general meeting appointed for such election and shall be at least seven (7) clear days in length.
Except you have to manage your promotions, which can create a management challenge.
经调整EBIT平均已动用资本回报率包括Viterra损益表内的相关数据,但由於收购日期在十二月中,故只记录了Viterra小量的EBIT,此扭曲了二零一二年的 回报率若非率应超过10%。
Adjusted EBIT return on average capital employed includes the
[...] relevant elementsof Viterra’sbalance sheet, [...]
but given the mid-December acquisition
date, negligible Viterra EBIT has been recorded.
210.2 因身为登记在册股东的法定遗产代理人或破产受托人而获得股份 拥有权的每名人士,而该登记在册股若非或破产将有权收 取大会通知; 210.4 各董事及候补董事
210.2 every person upon whom the ownership of a share devolves by reason of his being a legal personal representative or a trustee in bankruptcy of a member of record where the member of record but for his death or bankruptcy would be entitled to receive notice of the meeting
Although this is only one interpretation of how ProCreAr would play out, it’s encouraging to see that this program is more than just a blank check for sprawl.
若非服务 提供者在开始或终了于有关财政年度的任何 12 个月期间,在来源地国“停 [...]
留”的时间总共达到或超过 183 天,第 14 条第 1 款(b)项则适用。
Article 14 (1)
[...] (b) applies if the non-resident service provider [...]
stays in the source country for 183 days or more in the
aggregate in any 12-month period commencing or ending in the relevant fiscal period.
从根本上讲,地理空间分析是将原始地理数据转化为有价 值信息的过程:分析师通过地理空间转换,希望揭若非则可能无法看到的 事物
Essentially, geospatial analysis is the process by which raw geographical data is turned into useful information: through geospatial transformations, the analyst aims to reveal things that might not otherwise have been seen (Longley et al.
But innovation is based on the profound understanding of the industry、company、products, if not your innovation may be work behind closed doors, so I hope you  are engaged in at first and do your job down-to-earth, then you can participate in our innovation until practice makes perfect.




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