

单词 苟延残喘

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External sources (not reviewed)

但是,有些都 市中心、尤其是那些处于低收入地区的城镇因同时面 临人口增长和气候变化两方面的影响 苟延残喘。
However, some urban centres, especially those located in low-income areas, struggled in dealing with both population growth and the effects of climate change.
叛国集团通过向美国献媚邀宠并加紧对骨肉同胞的对抗,以 苟延残喘 ,他 们在这两起案件的借口下,极力寻找维持对抗的办法。
But the group of traitors prolonging their remaining days through sycophancy towards the United States and escalated confrontation with fellow countrymen is working hard to find a way out in keeping the phase of confrontation under the pretext of the two cases.
[...] 为了使安全理事会能够承担起自己对一个正受痛苦 煎熬的民族应负的责任,该区域的和平正因一 苟延 残喘的政权血腥镇压而受到威胁。
(France) ( spoke in French ): We meet today so that the Security Council can shoulder its responsibility towards a
people that is suffering, in a region where peace is threatened by the bloody
[...] downward spiral of a regime gasping its last.
我十分擔心當局 又會重施故技,在興建屠宰場後,對業界採取愛理不理的態度,繼而用各種 “陰乾”的手法,令業苟延殘喘, 自 動消失。
I am very much worried that the authorities will resort to the same trick again and adopt a couldn't-care-less attitude to the live poultry trade after the slaughtering plant is built.
国际社会不应创造使国苟延残存的 依赖条 件,而应该创造复原的条件。
The international community must not create conditions of dependence where a State is kept on life support, but rather conditions for recovery.
(b) 确保在没有任何不当延的前提下 残 疾 儿童提供一切必要的支助和 服务,并设法使资金限制因素不成为获取服务方面的一个障碍
(b) Ensure that
[...] children with disabilities are provided with all necessary support and services without undue delay and financial constraints [...]
should not
be an obstacle in accessing services
此外,把人民血汗錢拿去拯苟 延殘喘的公 司,反而會妨礙有創新能力的公司有效競爭。
Lavishing public money on struggling companies will also only prevent more innovative firms from being able to compete.
雖然卓越學科㆗心還是㆒個粗略而近乎空洞的概念,還有待教資會詳細向公眾 解釋,但可以預見的是,依照這個前提,未來的卓越學科㆗心就只會集㆗與工商業 和科技有關的學科發展,而對本來已 苟延 殘 喘 的 ㆟ 文科學,會造成重大的打擊。
Although the idea of establishing the centres of academic excellence is still a crude and almost empty concept for which the UPGC should make available more details to the public, it is anticipated that, in view of the Government’s views on education, the centres of academic excellence will focus their attention only on the promotion of academic subjects related with industry, commerce and technology, and if so, this will deal a heavy blow to the struggling humanities.
因為同時是理大 員工的一般 的議員在 2008 年 後便無 法 再 當 議員,今 次 是下不 違 例的讓 他 繼續, 或苟 延 殘 喘 般 留在校董會 內而已。
As an exception or the last of its kind, Dr CHEUNG has been allowed to stay in the PolyU Council.
這套溫和的改 革建議倘有任何闕漏,都會令㆟對政府留㆘㆒個不可磨滅的印象,就是港府是㆒苟 延殘喘的跛腳鴨,由現時起計不出 48 個月內就會被掐死,然後斬件㆖碟。
Anything less than this modest set of reforms will leave an indelible image that the Government is but a lame duck dragging on to be choked and served in pieces in less than 48 months from now.
国家计划还包括在地方护理和康复中心向地雷幸存者 残 疾 人 提供 适当的社会心理支助。
The national plan also includes the provision of
adequate psychosocial support to mine survivors and
[...] persons with disabilities in local care [...]
and rehabilitation centres.
開放大氣電波及開放數碼廣播......現在當局已發出了數個數碼 廣播牌照,有關電台現正辛苦經營,因為聽眾仍未習慣要付出二、三 百元購買數碼收音機收聽鄭經翰的節目,所以鄭經翰至今仍未“ 開 咪 ”,還苟延殘喘。
Opening up the airwaves and opening up digital broadcasting …… now, the authorities have issued several licences for digital broadcasting and the radio stations concerned are operating with difficulty because the audience are still not used to paying $200 or $300 for a digital radio to tune into the programmes produced by Mr Albert CHENG, so up to now, he still does not host any programme and is still struggling to survive.
在参加国家考试时,允残疾人延长 答 题时间。
In the case of national examinations, additional time is allowed.
政 府一方面提 出創業基金 , 鼓 勵 創 業 ;又作 職 業 再培訓, 鼓 勵 再培訓。現在 這 些代理 行 業 有 的 只 是 一 小 撮 每苟 延 殘喘地 經 營 下 去 的人,政府 卻 以 諸 多 方 法,令他們 早些結 業,令他們 的公司早 日 倒閉。
Thus, we find that the Government on the one hand sets up funds for the people to start their businesses or encourages them to do that, and conducts retraining or encourages them to do that, and yet on the other, it quickens through various means the closure of some estate agents companies despite the fact that there are only a handful of them struggling to stay afloat.
可是,如果他打算採用 所謂一般的方式繼續工作的話,對於這個政府,我的結論就是:只苟 延殘喘。
However, if the Chief Executive intends to continue working in an ordinary way, I can only conclude that the Government will only linger on in a steadily worsening condition.
同時,舊 車亦會繼苟延殘喘,令我們不能達到環保的目標。
At the same time, old vehicles will continue to survive, thus making it impossible for us to achieve the goal of environmental protection.
民主黨更要藉 這張反對票,警告董建華政府,它已活在人民憤怒的火 山口上,即使苟延殘喘,也 會變成破腳鴨政府,比回歸前的港英政府更跛腳、 更可憐、將會更無立足之地。
Through our votes against the Bill, the Democratic Party is now giving a warning to the TUNG Chee-hwa Administration: That it is now already lingering at the crater of the volcano of the anger of the people.
綠巴無法經營,便會被財團吞併,如果綠巴是 財團經營的,便可以經營下去,而並非財團經營的, 便 苟延 殘 喘。
While GMB routes operated by the consortia can be maintained, those not operated by the consortia can hardly continue.
有人說要撐這個電台,撐 來也白費,只不過是屍居餘氣苟延 殘 喘 , 它 被當局弄得散掉了,也快 要死了,卻又不知道政府想怎麼做。
But there is no way to know what the authorities have in mind.
他们对于根据不科学的因素 长延误该项最残留限量的通过着重表示关切,强调鉴于世贸组织卫生和植检措施协 [...]
They highlighted their
[...] concerns on the long delay to adopt the MRLs based [...]
on nonscientific factors and stressed the need
for Codex to base its decisions on science, in view of the status of Codex standards under the WTO SPS Agreement.
为促进妇女的人权,各位部长表示决心在国家、区域和国际各级采取合理 措施,提高妇女的生活质量,实现两性平等,并增强妇女权能,同时还铭记妇
[...] 女的内在潜力,采取的方法除其他外包括,通过合理的社会经济战略和方案, 向所有妇女,特别残疾妇 女和农村妇女提供政府服务,包括保健、教育和司 [...]
The Ministers in order to promote the human rights of women expressed their resolve to take appropriate measures at the national, regional and international levels to improve the quality of life and achieve gender equality and empowerment of women, bearing in mind the inherent potential of women, through inter alia adopting proper socio- economic strategies and programmes and provisions of
government services to all women
[...] particularly women with disabilities and women in rural [...]
areas, including access to health,
education and justice services and strengthening family well-being.
但 是,慘 淡 經 營苟 延 殘 喘 的 中 小 企 也 很 多。
But in stark contrast there are lots of SMEs which operate in miserable conditions for mere survival.
不過, 部 分 不 認同董 先生的市民 亦 可能認為, 董 建 華 的管治 經 過七 一遊行後已 經 名 存實亡 , 今天的董 建 華政府 只苟 延殘喘 , 董 先生的 民 望 已 經 跟 他的曝 光 率 及工作 量 成 反 比 , 做 得 越 多 便 越 惹 人 反感,民望 便 越 低 , 所 以 只 有 “ 收 埋 " 自己, 多 做 4 年 “ 跛腳鴨"便算 , 既 然 如此, 辭 職 與 否 , 並 不 重要。
At the same time, people who do not see eye to eye with Mr TUNG may think that his governance has been reduced to a mere nominal existence after the march on 1 July, that his administration is on its last legs, and that his popularity is now inversely proportional to his public exposure and workload — the harder he works, the stronger will be the people's discontent and the lower his popularity, which is why he can only "go into hiding" and contend himself with being a "lame duck" for four more years.
但是,更大的圖畫便是百年一遇的金融海嘯,就這項經濟 上的因素,局長雖然有提及準備申請資助的車主亦應考慮自己的財務狀 況及經營前景,但有否考慮這計劃有很長時間是受金融海嘯影響,導致 很多行業,特別是旅遊界的巴士已變得五癆七傷,根本沒可能 苟延殘 喘下計劃換車。
But the bigger picture is the once-in-a-century financial tsunami. Regarding this economic factor, although the Secretary has mentioned that vehicle owners who plan to apply for this grant should also consider their own financial status and outlook on business prospects, has he taken into account that over an extended period of the Scheme, the economy was under the impact of the financial tsunami which had dealt a severe blow to various industries and trades, especially the trade operating tourist and passenger coaches?
尤 其 是 自 97 年金融 風 暴 後 的 沖 擊 , 再 加上港 人北上消費日漸 頻 密 , 這 行 業 已苟 延殘喘 。
In particular, it was badly hit in the wake of the financial turmoil in 1997 and as Hong Kong people have travelled north for spending more frequently, the sector is lingering on in a steadily worsening condition.
我們的政府是沒有漁農政策的,即使說它有一個隱含的漁農政策,那便 是自生自滅,如果業界內要死的,便任由它死;如果可 苟延 殘 喘 的 , 便容 讓它存在。
If we say that it does have a hidden agriculture and fisheries policy, then it is a policy of leaving the industries to their own destiny ― if they are on their demise, then let them perish; if they can survive, then let them stay.
代理主席女士,李華明議員動議所採取的「老㆟保健計劃」字眼,在現時參與學童保 健計劃的醫生之㆗,引起深切的憂慮,因為該計劃在醫生、學童和家長㆔方面均認為 極之失敗,而這個「雞肋」計劃,雖然有關醫生和政府早已同意在㆒九九㆓年拋棄, 可惜直到現在,還苟延殘喘。
Although the doctors concerned and the Government have agreed in as early as 1992 to abandon this "tasteless" Scheme, unfortunately, it still lingers on feebly.
叙利亚政府不断通过拒绝外国记者入境,试图阻止全世 界了解在该国领土上正在延的暴行 的 残 酷 程度,特别报告员对此深表关切。
The Special Rapporteur expressed his deep concern at the Government’s continued attempt to prevent the world from knowing the extent of atrocities unfolding on the ground, by refusing access to foreign journalists.




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