

单词 苟且偷生

See also:


live without purpose



External sources (not reviewed)

最後,我想指出是,去适应一个不公平、不公义的社会,并思考 如何在夹缝苟且偷生,那无非是鲁迅所说的“阿 Q”。
Finally, I wish to point out that people who only adapt to an unfair and unjust society and think about how to survive in the gaps are nothing more than the Ah Q described by LU Xun.
在彻底消除这些武器之前, 这些国家应采取必要措施保护本国的武器库不事件。
Pending the total elimination of such weapons, they should take necessary measures to protect their arsenals from theft and incident.
这样一件顺理成章的事,如果政 府还要一拖再拖,就很难不令我们想到是不是在背後又有甚麽与财团苟且”在
For such a matter-of-fact issue, if the Government delays further, it will certainly make us wonder if there are any perfunctory dealings with the consortia.
In my view, the Government's indifference to such a need can, to a certain extent, reflect the perfunctory attitude of the Hong Kong Government.
他不敢出门,只苟且,因为他是靠其在海外的兄弟经 济上接济度日。
He was afraid to go out and only managed to continue his daily life because he was financially supported by his brother who lived abroad.
在这 里 , 我 想 强 调 ,房屋 委 员会绝 对不会容忍 任料 , 又苟 且的 情况出现。
Here, I would like to stress that the HA will never tolerate any incidents of shoddy work, use of inferior materials and negligence.
所谓「在不愿过度干预自由 市场的大前提㆘,政府所能做的十分有限」,都不过是掩饰政府怯懦苟且偷态的 藉口而已。
The saying that “subject to the premise of not wanting to interfere unduly with the free market, there is not much that the Administration can do” is merely a pretext to cover up the Administration’s cowardice and its mentality to get by with as little trouble as possible.
因此, 我们希望在 审批标 书 时可加 入 这些条件,以减少生偷料 和 贪 污舞弊 等情况。
We hope that these criteria will be added to the bid evaluation, in order to reduce the incidence of jerry-building and corrupt and illegal practices.
要改善屋 的治安和提高居民素,房委会实在有责任全面检讨现时公共屋 的设施和管理的质素,同时亦应该赋予㆞区管理阶层较大的弹性,使他们可视乎各个 屋 的不同需要,制订不同的策略,避免因苟且使问题不能改善。
It should also endowthe local management office with greater flexibility, so that they can formulate different policies tailored to meet the needs of individual estates, rather than leaving the problems unmitigated as a result of perfunctory performance of duty.
主席,容许我先慨叹一番,可以说,无论金融海啸的教训是如何深 刻,全球各国对自由市场如何积极干预、反思和改革、以至公众对企业 高层的贪婪如何痛骂,我们的特区政府却是完全无动於中,继续沉醉於 “大市场、小政府”的魔咒下,“重 ”商 “轻 ”民的理念一直牢牢紧扣管治班 子整体的思维,背地里选择“少做少错”苟且偷享受撒手不管的安 逸。
President, let me heave a sigh here first. I can say that no matter what a profound lesson we have learnt from the financial tsunami, how proactively countries all over the world have carried out intervention, introspection and reform of the free market, and even how fiercely the public has criticized the greed of the senior management of enterprises, our SAR Government simply remains apathetic and content to operate under the curse of "big market, small government".
虽然由内地生产的枪械所占比率较其他国家为 高,但枪头两者之间并无直接关系。
Whilst the percentage of such firearms manufactured in the Mainland was slightly higher than for the other
countries, there is no direct correlation between the country of origin and where
[...] the firearms weresmuggled into Hong Kong.
国际移徙引发的各种政策挑战中,最需要深 入认识并迫切需要应对的包括:人权问题,特别是涉及被贩运人口和非正常移徙者 的人权问题;移徙劳工在全球化经济中发挥的作用;全球环境变化对移民潮的影响;移民的 社会融入问题,特别是在城市环境下;移徙儿童面临的教育挑战;动性加大,学历 认证常常存在困难;尊重移民的文化多样性;移徙女性化以及人口流动的性别问题;移徙对 发展的影响;媒体在正确、真实地反映移徙问题方面发挥的作用;移徙在地区一体化进程中 发挥的作用。
The most pressing policy
[...] challenges raised by international migration to be understood and managed include: concerns over human rights, especially as far as victims of smugglingand trafficking and irregular migrants are concerned; the role of migrant labour in a globalizing economy; the impact of global environmental [...]
change on migration
flows; the social inclusion of migrants, especially in urban settings; the education challenges faced by migrant children; the growing mobility of students and the sometimes difficult recognition of their qualifications; the respect for migrants’ cultural diversity; the feminization of migration and the gender dimension of human mobility; the impact of migration on development; the role of the media in properly documenting migration issues; and the role of migration in regional integration processes.
到今 ㆝,我们仍然要继续讨论,究竟政府何时才愿意放苟且的态度,勇敢㆞作出承 担,以落实改善托儿服务,让儿童在安全的环境㆘成长。
When will the Government abandon its passive attitude and make a bold commitment to the improvement of the child care services, thus letting children grow up in a safe environment?
I honestly do not want to see this change of attitude on the part of the elitist civil servants, which gives us the impression that they work perfunctorily.
如果马虎 应付,因苟且问题发展到“积重难返”,便会引起严重後果。
If the problems are not addressed seriously, and if they are let to grow because of our inaction, there will be very dire consequences when they eventually develop out of control.
他们报警把我 们赶走”,在厄瓜多尔,一个年纪大一些的与街头有联系的年轻人指出:“有时
[...] 候我觉得受到别人的排斥,他们不愿意接近我,因为他们觉得我会伤害他们,因 为他们认为所有在街头西、杀人,还吸毒。
They inform the police to take us away”, and in Ecuador, one older street-connected youth noted, “sometimes I felt rejected by other people, they didn‟t want to be close to me because
they thought I would hurt them because they think that all people that
[...] work on the streetsteal,murder and smoke drugs.
非经常出版物:集装箱管制高级手册(1);关于现金运送人的计算机培训单元(1);海 盗活动金流动(1)民问题记者手册/资料袋(1);关于《联合国打击跨 [...]
指南(1);软件综合调查(1);执行者实用指南,以便促进国际和区域合作,在打击跨国 有组织犯罪过程中进行没收(1);防止和发现贩运枪支活动培训手册(1);有关当局与民 间组织合作打击偷运移民的报告(1);贩卖人体器官问题区域间调查的报告(1)
(ii) Non-recurrent publications: advanced manual on container control (1); computer-based training module on cash couriers (1); financial
flows from maritime piracy (1);
[...] journalist’s manualon smugglingof migrants (1); model [...]
provisions relating to United Nations
Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (1); needs assessment guide on the criminal justice response to migrant smuggling (1); omnibus software survey (1); practical guide for practitioners to facilitate international and interregional cooperation for the purposes of confiscation in the context of fight against transnational organized crime (1); training manual on preventing and detecting firearms trafficking (1); report on cooperation between competent authorities and civil society organizations working to combat smuggling of migrants (1); report on interregional study on trafficking in human organs (1)
Members may recall the incident of former Financial Secretary Mr Antony LEUNG "jumping the gun" in buying a car in 2003.
They are also used for poaching for the wildlife trade and in illegal fishing activities, where explosives are often used.
副主席恐怕不相反,我认为这个辩论非常合时, 这样做,是向联合联络小组表达香港㆟的真正看法,而不是㆒项对抗行动。
I am afraid, Mr Deputy President,Ishare a different view. Instead, I consider this debate timely, in showing the same group the true feelings of Hong Kong people, rather than it being a confrontational issue.
如果教资会继续听命於政府,如果它的拨款因苟且果它的管 治只维护院校管理层的权威而不聆听音,如果它不改革,迟早 会被废除。
If the UGC continues to follow only the Government's instruction; if it continues to adhere to its
perfunctory funding practice; if
[...] itcontinues toexercise its governance by maintaining the authority of the management of various institutions instead of listening to the voices of the academic staff and students; and ifit fails [...]
to carry out reform,
it will sooner or later be abolished.
当年的兴中会宣言,我现在仍懂得背诵:“中国积弱,至今极矣! 上则因苟且饰虚张;下则蒙昧无知,鲜能远虑。
The officials are perfunctory and pompous, and the people are ignorant and short-sighted.
(d) 2008 年 11 月 11 日,中非人民民主阵线反叛分子在 Moyenne Sido-Kabo 轴心地带偷袭了中非共和国武装部队一支巡逻队,Kete Sido 村(中北部)村长及 其妻子和子女之一件中
(d) On 11 November 2008, the chief of the village of Kete Sido (central north) was killed with his wife and one of his children when FDPC rebels ambushed a FACA patrol on the Moyenne Sido-Kabo axis.
环境食物局现时刚成立,如果不积极面对 这问题, 还 在因苟 且实 在 会 令 两 局 死 不 瞑 目。
If the newly established Environment and Food Bureau does not take active steps to deal with the problem and causes delays, the scrapping of the two Municipal Councils would be a wasted step.
实际的例子是财经事务及库务局局长的仙股事件、财政司司长车事件及食物局局长就 SARS 疫情成立的委员会,“自己查自己" 的事件,以及保安局局长过去大半年负责就《基本法》第二十三条立法的谘 [...]
Here come actual examples, namely, the penny stocks incident of the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, the car-gate scandal of the
Financial Secretary,
[...] the committee for "self-investigation" set up by the Secretary forHealth,Welfare and [...]
Food in connection with
the SARS epidemic, and the consultation carried out by the Secretary for Security over the greater part of the past year in connection with the legislation on Article 23 of the Basic Law.
我们并不是赞成美国这种做法,美国是由一个极端走向另一个 极端,推行禁慾教育过了“火位”,过度的禁止谈性,反而增加了学生对性 的好奇心,驱使生偷果。
We do not agree with such a practice adopted by the United States, which had gone from one extreme to another. They have gone too far in implementing the abstinence-only-until-marriage education, and the over-suppression of any
discussion on sex will instead arouse students' curiosity about sex, and
[...] will make studentseven more interested in having sex secretly.
英国属土公民身份不单有损香港㆟的自尊和身份,而且还意味 英国放弃对其本 身国民的责任,且偷偷离香港。
BDTC status not only offended Hong Kong people's sense of pride and identity, it also signalled an abandonment of British responsibility for its own nationals and a surreptitious detachment from Hong Kong.
我虽然 不 知除刚 才 所提及 的 9 宗事件外, 还 会 不 会陆续 有 来 , 但我肯 定 房 委 会及房屋署 高 层 真 的 没 有 汲取教 训 , 否则东涌同一区的地 盘 , 便 不 会 在 前後两年间,先後料的丑闻;所以当有人 批评我这次 提出 “不信任 ” 议 案是“有破坏无建设”的时候 , 我 特别想强 调 , 现在不是由 我 来 打击市民 对 房 委 会 的信心 , 这个信心危机是房 委 会 和 房屋署 本身一 手造成 的。
I cannot foretell whether apart from the nine cases mentioned just now, more would be coming, but one thing for sure is that the toplevel ofboth the HA and the Housing Department (HD) genuinely did not learn the lesson, otherwise the scandals of short piles as well as inferior workmanship and construction materials would not have taken place within the same area in Tung Chung in just a matter of two years.
无论今次的结果如何, 大家审视了这个由1998年开始实行至今的机制後,发觉执行上有甚麽不 公道、须改善、因苟且落後的地方,现在便要马上处理,予以更 改。
No matter what the results will be, any unfairness in relation to enforcement, areas requiring improvement, perfunctory practices and outdated aspects identified during the examination of this mechanism, which has been in place since 1998, should be addressed and rectified without delay.
总 的 来 说 ,政府 、 金管局及各 发 卡 银 行 必须加紧正视 有关问 题 ,政府 及 金管局 应 督 促 银 行不能因苟 且须及时跟进新 科技技术 、 巿 场 需 求 及 各 式 骗 案手法的发展,并 持 续更新有关电子及 网 上 保安装 置 和 设 施 , 对 付 不 法 之 徒,以 挽 回 巿 民 对使用信 用 卡 及提款 卡 的 信 心 。
The Government and the HKMA should urge the banks not to procrastinate and ensure that they can keep abreast of the latest developments in technology, market demands and various fraudulent practices.




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