单词 | 苛求 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 苛求—demanding苛求verb—demandvSee also:苛adj—harshadj 苛—exacting
散发优雅气息的柑橘花香琥珀香水,充满能量,但从不苛求。 hk.eternal.hk | A citrus floral amber fragrance with a graceful presence, [...] empoweringbut neverdemanding. hk.eternal.hk |
传统与现代在此水乳交融,全然 坚守表厂对顶级制表工艺的完美苛求。 christopheclaret.com | Tradition meets modernity, while [...] remainingtrue to the demandsofhigh-end watchmaking [...]developed by the Manufacture. christopheclaret.com |
VARIES是一项由工业发展推动的有关安全苛求嵌入式系统变异性这一课题的ARTEMIS计划研究项目。 tuv-sud.cn | VARIES is an industry driven research project in the ARTEMIS programme on the topic of variability in safety-criticalembedded systems. tuv-sud.com |
您的新 相机将为您那近乎苛求的成像应用提供快速的、可靠的打印,对于这一点我们 [...] 很有信心。 codonics.com | We are confident that your new imager will provide fast, reliable [...] printing for your demanding imaging applications. codonics.com |
当您身处异国文化之中时,要找到真正“合得来”的朋友可能会更为困难。不要苛求自己—— 记住,结交朋友需要假以时日。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Be kind to yourself – remember that making friends takes time. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
计算机 [...] 辅助式生产过程、高技能工作人员和通过认证的质量管理系 统可以保证遵守规定的最苛求的供货时间。 takraf.com | Thanks to computer-integrated process technology, a highly skilled workforce and [...] the certified quality management system, the Lauchhammer facility is able [...] to meet the mostdemanding deliveryschedules. takraf.com |
强大、高效能的数位音讯转换器 (Digital Audio [...] Converter) 能精密微调,即使最苛求品质的 Bang & Olufsen 扬声器也可适用。 bang-olufsen.com | The powerful, high performance Digital Audio Converter is fine tuned [...] for even the mostdemanding Bang & Olufsen speakers. bang-olufsen.com |
其实香港㆟并非苛求,我们只不过是希望在政权移交的过程㆗,能够依旧㆞过 [...] 安稳的生活,同时又可以享有足以保障我们习惯已久的自由自在生活方式,这种民主 发展。 legco.gov.hk | Allwe want is to be ableto lead [...] the same peaceful life and to enjoy the kind of democracy which can ensure the free lifestyles [...]that we are long accustomed to during the transfer of sovereignty. legco.gov.hk |
今 次这项“落实一国两制”的议案又再次把议会内同事的爱国情怀二分法,把 [...] 民主派形容为在这个问题上,对“一国两制”的态度是主观及对中央政府不 信任,甚至是对民主过度苛求,也有批评我们当年不支持最新的政制方案。 legco.gov.hk | This motion on the "Implementation of 'one country, two systems'" once again dichotomized the patriotic sentiments of the Honourable colleagues in the legislature by describing the attitude of the pro-democracy camp towards "one country, two systems" as subjective and distrustful [...] of the Central Government, or even as [...] being excessivelydemanding on democracy, while [...]other people criticized us for not [...]supporting the latest constitutional proposals. legco.gov.hk |
Intelligent Drive [...] U821V旅行碟,打造出最具时尚、品味、科技的生活储存设备,提供名媛雅士最具收藏的经典式样,在操作上特别强调「使用零步骤」- 单刀直入插拔设计,只要将PQI U821V直接插入USB连接埠便可开始运作,无须再拔开帽盖或将USB接头推出,超乎想像的使用方式,搭配外观采以质地坚硬、耐腐蚀的不锈钢材质,表面如透过细致的工法打造出抛光镜面般的色泽,呈现出如炫光般的质感,此外,在碟身尾端还特别具备LED指示灯贴心设计,当档案正在传输时便会呈现出蓝色灯号,运作状态一目了然,每一个环节都是近乎苛求。us.pqigroup.com | The Intelligent Drive U821V is a unique “zero-step” storage device that can simply be inserted and ready for use without having to first remove a cap or push out a retractable USB head. pqigroup.com |
我们的盐水制备系统不仅能够满足最苛刻的标准要求,而且具 有能够高效运 行、节省劳动力等特点,从而降低了设备的运行成本。 tiromat.com | Our brine preparation systems not [...] only meet themoststringent process-related criteria, [...]but also incorporate time- and [...]labour-saving features that bring down the cost of ownership. tiromat.com |
在变频器和传动领域中,REO可为简单以及要求苛刻的应用提供合适的解决方案, 并且具备开发满足个性需求的解决方案的专业技术。 reo.de | REO offers suitable solutions for [...] both simple anddemanding applications in [...]the field of converter and drive technology, [...]and has the expertise to develop solutions that meet individual requirements. reo.de |
柯达 VIOLETNEWS GOLD 数码印版针对报业要求苛刻的高生产率环境提供快速成像和处理,以及灵活的印刷性能和较低的显影液消耗。 graphics.kodak.com | KODAK VIOLETNEWS GOLD Digital Plates offer fast imaging and processing [...] for newspapers' demandinghigh-productivity [...]environments, as well as resilient press [...]performance and low developer consumption. graphics.kodak.com |
由於这种类型的结果是,也适用於要求苛刻的汽车应用,如涡轮增压器软管和空气导向元件。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | As a result of this type is [...] also suitable fordemanding automotiveapplications [...]such as turbocharger hoses and air guide elements. en.developmentscout.com |
这一高性能树脂产品已在要求苛刻的多种不同住宅、商业和工业应用中经历了50多年的实践验证。 cn.lubrizol.com | This high-performance resin has more than [...] 50 years of field-tested experience in a [...] wide varietyofdemanding residential, commercial [...]and industrial applications. lubrizol.com |
其理由“哇诱导”维度(以下简称“11.6英寸的苹果MacBook Air是一样美丽,因为它是薄”),“闻所未闻”屏幕分辨率,预装的iLife [...] '11套件,评审结论是,“2010年MacBook Air是一个要求苛刻的用户寻求一个强大的旅行同伴或其他人谁希望媒体的iLife冲金标准的笔记本电脑。 technologeeko.com | Citing its “wow-inducing” dimensions (“the 11.6-inch Apple MacBook Air is as beautiful as it is thin”), “unheard of” screen resolution, and pre-installed iLife ’11 suite, the reviewer concludes that [...] “the 2010 MacBook Air is a [...] gold-standard laptopfor demandingusers seeking a [...]powerful travel companion or others who want the media punch of iLife. technologeeko.com |
PrintForm [...] HR 是一种纬向编织的中都等细成形网,它专门用于要求苛刻且高速运行的文化纸机。 voith.com | PrintForm HR is a medium-fine weft-bound forming fabric [...] that is used on demandingand fast-running [...]graphic paper machines. voith.com |
我们必须在会上达成有力、全面和要求苛刻的文书。它要能够切实控制挑起各类冲突的死 [...] 亡机器的流程。 daccess-ods.un.org | We need to have the Conference produce a robust, [...] comprehensive and demandinginstrument capable [...]of effectively controlling the flow [...]of the death machines that provoke all types of conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
部分委员察悉,根据现行法例,在首次提供资料时提供 虚假资料或不准确的个人资料并不属犯罪,因此不会对此施以 罚则。他们质疑是否有必要订立此项新条文,并认为就在改正 资料要求中提供不准确个人资料一律处以刑事罚则,此做法过 於严苛。 legco.gov.hk | Noting that the provision of false data or inaccurate personal data in the first instance is not an offence under the existing legislation and hence no penalty will be imposed on such act, [...] some members have [...] questioned theneed tohave the new section and consider it too harsh to impose across the board a criminal penalty for supplying inaccurate personal data in a data [...]correction request. legco.gov.hk |
这些强大可靠的模块具有全面的电弧和短路保护,用户可自信地将 UMW 系列产品用于要求苛刻的应用中。 spellmanhv.cn | The UMW can be used [...] with confidenceindemanding applications as [...]these robust modules are fully arc and short circuit protected. spellmanhv.com |
当然,我们还是内置了一个“函数向导”和“代码向导”,因此,即使完全得初学者也可以创建功能强大的安装包,甚至是那些要求异常苛刻的程序打包任务。 evget.com | Of course, we’ve also built in an “Action Wizard” and “Code [...] Wizard” so even complete novices can create powerful installers that [...] handle eventhe most demanding installation tasks. evget.com |
一阶导数和HAL HAL 2420 2425 传感器系列HAL 24xy [...] Micronas公司 让大的距离,使用的小磁铁的测量,因此可用於要求苛刻的应用在汽车和工业应用的成本优势。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | The first derivatives and HAL HAL 2420 2425 the Sensor family HAL 24xy Micronas allow the measurement of large distances and the use of small [...] magnets and therefore offer cost [...] advantagesfor use in demandingapplications in the automotive [...]and industrial applications. en.developmentscout.com |
在要求苛刻的工业过程自动化应用提供低功率无线网格网络方面,Dust Networks [...] 是无可争议的领先者,其客户还包括来自《财富》世界 500 强的公司,这些公司主要提供针对楼宇自动化、数据中心能耗管理、可再生能源等诸多应用的解决方案。 linear.com.cn | The undisputed leader in supplying low power wireless [...] mesh networks fordemanding industrialprocess [...]automation applications, Dust Networks [...]customers also include Fortune 500 organizations that provide solutions for building automation, data center energy management, renewable energy, and much more. linear.com |
它专为要求苛刻的行内专业人士设计。 leister.com | It is designed for the needs of even themost demanding professional. leister.com |
还有一些可选的方法能够被实现用于优化性能和满足那些要求苛刻的应用程序。 evget.com | Optional methods can be implemented to optimize performance [...] and realize demandingapplications. evget.com |
在选择要求苛刻的作业的多项试验中,geniSYS 220 机器证明了其在恶劣条件、室外以及重大的时间和成本约束下的强大适应能力 [...] - 在每种情况下,都很大程度上比传统的方法更好。 hydratight.com | In trials [...] on a selection of demanding jobsthe geniSYS [...]220 machine proved its viability in bad conditions, outdoors and [...]under major time and cost restraints - and each time was better than traditional methods by a huge margin. hydratight.com |
其高达 10 瓦特的功率足够应付要求苛刻的应用,其中包括金属芯基板和背面覆铜 [...] BGA 应用。 nordson.com | Its 10 watts of power are well [...] able to cope with demanding applications including [...]metal cored boards and copper backed BGA's. nordson.com |
离岸和海上设施的立法机构认识到了经过培训、技能熟练的技术人员使用为这些要求苛刻的维护任务而设计的工具和设备的重要性,并且认识到由连接完整 [...] 性领域的全球制造商和领导者提供独立认证培训的价值。 hydratight.com | Legislators for offshore and onshore facilities recognise the importance of trained, skilled [...] technicians using tools and equipment [...] designedfor thesedemanding maintenance tasks, [...]and the value of independently-accredited [...]training provision by a global manufacturer and leader in the field of joint integrity," Gary added. hydratight.com |
正如 Scott [...] 介绍的那样,“与我们一样,Brüel & Kjær 在全球要求苛刻的行业中拥有可靠的工作业绩,因此他们能够与我们的产品相匹配,同时是明显的合作伙伴选择。 bksv.cn | As Scott says, “like us, Brüel & Kjær has a proven track record in [...] other,equally demanding industries around [...]the world, so they align well with our [...]profile, and were an obvious choice as a partner. bksv.com |
最高 1100 万像素的 X [...] 射线相机可以带来分辨率、像场尺寸及扫描速度无可比拟的组合——这是商业性的、要求苛刻的生物医疗实验室所需要的一切功能。 bruker.com | The large format 11 megapixel x-ray camera gives an unrivalled combination of [...] resolution, image field size and scan speed - everything that is [...] required in abusy and demandingbiomedical research [...]laboratory. bruker.com |