单词 | 苍凉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 苍凉 —bleak苍凉 adjective —desolate adj苍苍 adjective —flourishing adj苍苍 —vast and hazySee also:苍—ash-gray • surname Cang • deep green • dark blue 凉 adj—herbal adj • cold adj
在费沙岛,您会发现大自然依季节呈现不同景观——春天野花铺地、夏天阳光明媚、秋天艳丽华美、冬天荒 芜 苍凉。 australia.com | On Fraser Island, you’ll find that nature [...] offers a different exhibition each season - wild spring [...] flowers, bright summer days, autumn [...]colours and winter wilderness. australia.com |
昆士兰北部的季节用湿热与干凉描述 比用夏季和冬季更为贴切。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Northern Queensland seasons are more a case of [...] hot and wet or cool and dry than of [...]summer and winter. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
冬季凉爽,少风,有时阳光明媚,早晨通常有霜雾。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Winter days are cool and sometimes gloriously [...] sunny, with little wind, and often start with early morning frost and fog. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
这里的山脉连绵起伏,山谷内的树木 苍 翠 欲滴,沿路而行,你便可以通往爱尔兰花园的腹地。 discoverireland.com | Combining ease of accessibility with breathtaking scenery, the Wicklow Way brings you over rolling hills, lush green valleys and deep into the heart of the Garden of Ireland. discoverireland.com |
我们想到新疆的葡萄架,人们在盛夏坐在下面 乘 凉 , 在 漂亮的地毯上享用美酒与食物;而且雀巢又刚好是食品公司。 chinese-architects.com | We were inspired by the grape trellis of the Xinjiang minorities, where the [...] people enjoy the cool in high summer, [...]sitting on carpets and served food and wine; [...]this links exactly with Nestle as a food company. chinese-architects.com |
作为缅甸的经济之都,仰光气候凉爽 宜 人,生长着茂盛的热带树木,有绿树成荫的公园和风景如画的湖泊。 shangri-la.com | The economic hub and gateway to [...] Burma, Yangon is cool and green with [...]lush tropical trees, shady parks and picturesque lakes. shangri-la.com |
如果“Apologeticus”是很好计算注入迫害基督教的勇气,“屋大维”更有可能打动询问异教徒,所以如果有更多 的 苍 蝇 用蜂蜜比用醋被捕。 mb-soft.com | If the "Apologeticus "was well calculated to infuse courage into the persecuted Christian, the "Octavius" was more likely to impress the inquiring pagan, if so be that more flies are caught with honey than with vinegar. mb-soft.com |
作为一个恒星爆发后的结果,行星状星云NGC 5189位于距离地球约3000光年的南半球的Musca星座(在拉丁语中是 “ 苍 蝇 ” 的意思),这是位于南十字星座附近的一小簇恒星。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The planetary nebula NGC 5189, actually the aftermath of a stellar explosion, lies about 3000 years away in the Southern Hemisphere constellation Musca (Latin for "fly"), a minor grouping of stars near the Southern Cross. chinese.eurekalert.org |
柬埔寨后来告知安理会,在当天下午 3 点,约 300 名泰国士兵在距柏威夏古寺阶梯仅 500 米的科穆 (Khmum) 、 苍 鹰 地 、 和 弗 农 陷 阱 山 (Phnom Trap hill)等地袭击了柬方士兵。 crisisgroup.org | Cambodia later told the Security Council that at around three pm approximately 300 Thai troops attacked its soldiers in the vicinity of Khmum, 500 metres from the Preah Vihear temple staircase, and at the nearby Field of Eagles area and Phnom Trap hill. crisisgroup.org |
为了在这种矿物环境中生长和繁殖,阿尔卑斯柳草发展出来不少特殊的性质:强大的地下根茎,可以吸收深藏在岩石中的水分;通过长出嫩芽自我繁殖的能力——就像自我克隆——这种能力使其得以在 荒 凉 的 地 区开疆拓土。 clarinsusa.com | In order to grow and multiply in this mineral environment, Alpine Willow Herb has developed some very special features: powerful underground roots capable of capturing water hidden deep in the rocks, and the ability [...] to reproduce itself by growing shoots – like clones of itself – which allow it to [...] colonize such an inhospitable region. clarinsusa.com |
1906-1989” 是外婆在世的日子,2012年,苍白的家事,机缘巧合下,因着民间物料的重点,落脚于我和外婆都不太熟悉的上海,其间,浙江安吉的手艺工友们,为这作品提供了劳动者的时间和力。 shanghaibiennale.org | In 2012, the purpose of reactivating folk materials ties me and my jaded stories back to Shanghai, a city neither she nor I is familiar with. shanghaibiennale.org |