

单词 芸苔属

See also:

books and libraries
common rue (Ruta graveolens)

coating (of tongue)

External sources (not reviewed)

肥沃腐殖质的在森林的土壤,在阴坡,通常 苔 藓 上 的岩石; 800-2400米W河南,湖北西北部,陕西南部。
Humus-rich soil in forests, rocks on shady slopes,
[...] usually with mosses; 800-2400 m. [...]
W Henan, NW Hubei, S Shaanxi.
然而,芸豆提 取物已被证明,可有效防止胃部将碳水化合物转为单糖,使这部分热量不被吸收到您的体内。
However, white kidney bean extract has [...]
been shown to prevent the stomach from breaking carbohydrates into simple sugars,
so that the calories aren't absorbed into your body.
通过了 ALINORM 09/32/24 附录 IV 提出的最大残留限量草案,并 将其推进到步骤
[...] 6,注意到欧洲共同体和挪威就苹果中的灭多威(094) 芸苔 、 梨 果和 生菜中的戊唑醇(189),以及香蕉和猕猴桃中的啶酰菌胺(221)的最大残留限量提出的 [...]
保留意见,其理由已在 CAC/32 LIM 16 做了解释。
The Commission adopted the draft MRLs as proposed draft in Appendix IV of ALINORM 09/32/24 at Step 5 and advanced them to Step 6, noting the
reservations expressed by the European
[...] Community and Norway on the MRLs for methomyl [...]
(094) in apples; tebuconazole (189)
in brassica, pomefruits and lettuce, head and boscalid (221) in banana and kiwi for reasons explained in CAC/32 LIM 16.
下面的图Chaussy,莱苔藓提 供家庭,越野滑雪,高山滑雪,雪鞋健行,登山,山地自行车,高山湖泊口音一个自然的环境中。
Below Pic
[...] Chaussy, Les Mosses proposes alpine [...]
ski for the family, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, hiking and mountain
biking in a natural setting with mountain lakes.
这笔经费将用于本组织不具备、 超出系统集成合同范围之外属于下列领域的专门知识:变化管理领 域;技术领域,包括移动通信技术、报告设计和实施、数据仓储和商业 智能;职能领域,包括差旅、中央事务、外勤业务和后勤、薪金、预算 编制和规划;以及管理咨询人,用于交叉检查主要承包商/系统集成商提 供的项目管理服务。
The provision would provide for specialized expertise not available in the Organization, outside the scope of the systems integration contract, in the area of change management, in technical areas, including mobile technology, report design and implementation, data warehousing and business intelligence, and in functional areas, including travel, central services, field operations and logistics, payroll, budgeting and planning, as well as management consultants to cross-check the project management services provided by the main contractor/systems integrator.
胡議員及蔣芸議員要求政府當局研究,當局可否把沒有所需基礎設施 [...]
的 "生地"售予發展商,以及能否在賣地條件加入條 款,規定成功投得用地的發展商進行所需的基礎設 施及道路工程,以節省公帑。
Mr WU and
[...] Dr CHIANG Lai-wan requested the [...]
Administration to study whether potential sites without necessary infrastructure
could be put up for sale to developers, and whether provisions requiring the successful developer to undertake the necessary infrastructural and road works could be incorporated in the land sale conditions to save public money.
這裡森林特色與一般West Coast的雨林一樣,那就是樹上長滿 苔 和 蕨 类植物。
The forest is similar to any West Coast
[...] forest, it has moss strewn podocarp [...]
forest and a wealth of ferns.
77 宗 ㆒九九㆔年  鹹水供應暫停的原因㆒般包括水管爆裂及當局有計劃㆞隔離供水系統(以便進行維
[...] 修及接駁工程),以及內部水管系統的過濾網被 苔 堵 塞 及泵水設備發生故障。
Causes of the suspensions generally include mains bursts and planned isolations (for maintenance and connection
works and so on), and for the internal plumbing system, blockage of
[...] the strainers by moss and failures of [...]
pumping equipment.
此外,秘鲁排雷行动中心继续努力执行帮 助地雷幸存者和死者属重新 融入社会和经济生活的方案。
In addition, CONTRAMINAS continued its [...]
efforts to implement social and economic reintegration programmes to assist landmine
survivors and the families of the deceased.
在这一方面,咨询委员会注意到,如上文第一.52(a)段所述, 秘书长提出将纽约裁军与和平事务处(次级方案 1)的 1 个 P-4 员额调到中央规划 和协调处(次级方案 2),以正式设立培训协调职能,在此之前这一职能一 属于 特设性质。
In this connection, the Committee notes that, as indicated in paragraph I.52 (a) above, the Secretary-General is proposing the redeployment of one P-4 post from the Disarmament and Peace Affairs Branch (subprogramme 1) to the Central Planning and Coordination Service (subprogramme 2) in New York in order to formally establish the training coordination function, which has hitherto existed on an ad hoc basis.
[...] 题开展后续工作,研讨会指出,虽然这两个问题 属 于 地雷行动这一大的范畴, 但排雷和受害者援助分别具有不同的时间表,涉及不同的国家和国际行为者,不 [...]
It was noted that while
[...] both matters belong to the larger [...]
family of mine action, mine clearance and victim assistance have
different timelines, involve distinct national and international actors and relate to different national institutional and regulatory frameworks and budget lines.
柑橘類水果生長芸香科的樹木和灌木上,特徵是果皮帶有香味和油 脂,呈圓形,裏面是一瓣瓣多汁的果肉。
These fruits are characterized by aromatic oily peel, globular form and interior segments of juice-filled vesicles.
他問及 有關的問題為何。蔣芸議員贊同陳鑑林議員的意 見,她建議政府當局應告知市民當局會在何時落實 起動九龍東措施下的主要行動項目,亦可考慮把項 目分為訂有目標完成日期的組別,以便市民瞭解有 關進展。
Echoing Mr CHAN Kam-lam's view, Dr CHIANG Lai-wan suggested that the Administration should keep the public informed of the timetable for the implementation of major action items under the EKE initiative and might consider grouping them into packages with target completion dates, so as to facilitate members of the public to understand the progress made.
芸芸眾多相通之處中, 期望保障孩子的安全,協助 他們健康成長,日後成為對 社會有貢獻的公民等就是其 中的例子。
They share, among other things, the universal desire to keep their children safe and to help them grow to become healthy, contributing members of society.
以下芸芸例子之中的幾個:發展新四年制課程 中的學科專業英語課程,此爲所有本科學位課程的一個畢業要求; 採用混合式學習和互動式教學法,以支援牙醫教育以問題為本學 習;為文學士與教育學士(語文教育)雙學位課程發展英語學科的 教學内容知識;開發使用電子回應系統,加強互動教學,以提升工 程系學生與講師的互動和學生之間的互動(請瀏覽 http://www.eee.hku.hk/~iclass 和 http://mlearning.eee.hku.hk/ 網頁,查 閲這教學發展資助金項目成效)。
The following are just a few examples amongst many: the development of English in the Discipline courses (for the new 4-year curriculum) which is a graduation requirement for all Ug degrees; the use of blended learning and interactive pedagogies to support problem-based learning in dental education; the development of a pedagogical content knowledge in English course for the curriculum of the double degree Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education (Language Education); and the development of interactive class response systems and platforms using mobile devices to enhance interaction with and between Engineering students (please see TDG project outcomes at http://www.eee.hku.hk/~iclass/ and http://mlearning.eee.hku.hk/). Many of the TDG projects have resulted in either publications or conference presentations.
我們自過去兩年至今,都是獨 善其身,但在滾石㆖可曾長出茂盛的 苔 ( 註 ㆔)?
Now for two years we have been on
[...] our own, but has moss grown fat on a [...]
rolling stone?
以綠茶為基質,前味散 發清新悅人的芳香,含有檸檬、佛手柑與葛縷子;中味散發振奮心靈的芳香,含有薄荷茉莉與康乃馨;後味散發溫暖心靈的芳香,含有琥珀、麝香與橡 苔。
Used green tea as a base, former distributed fresh pleasant smell aromatic, contains lemon, bergamot and carum.
大量的抗癌机构已在开发研究海绵 苔 藓 虫 和刺胞动物。
A number of anticancer agents have been discovered following research on marine sponges, bryozoans and cnidarians.
砌墙的石头是本地最常见的“青石”,实际就是来自青城山附近采石场的一种青灰色砂岩,这些石头在当地湿润多雨的气候下会慢慢长出浅浅的 苔 来 , 大概到那时候,这几个院子才会更接近我们想象中的“石头院”吧。
The stone wall is built exclusively of a type of local slate, which will be cover by green moose in a few years after exposed in the rainy and humid weather of Chnegdu.
说真的,七口井的水,因为有太多游客的关系,而开始混浊,甚至生了 苔 , 感觉不怎么良好。
To be frank, the Seven Wells down below are contaminated.
根据《关于教科文组织与各基金会及其他类似机构之关系的指示》(第 IV.2 条)与教 科文组织保持关系的组织以及与教科文组织没有正式关系的组织参加大会的问题按《大会议 事规则》第 7 条行事,该条规定,“经执行局推荐及出席并参加表决之会员国三分之二多数 通过,大会可接纳非政府或半政府国际组织代表作为观察员列席大会或大会 属 专 门 委员会 之特定届会”。
The participation of organizations maintaining relations with UNESCO under the “Directives concerning UNESCO’s relations with foundations and similar institutions” (Article IV.2), and of organizations not having official relations with UNESCO, is governed by Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference which stipulates that “the General Conference, on the recommendation of the Executive Board and by a two-thirds majority of Members present and voting, may admit as observers at specified sessions of the Conference or of its commissions representatives of international non-governmental or semi-governmental organizations”.
4 月 10 日在 Buram 举行听 讯时,被指控于 2011 年 9 月 24 日在 Geraida 强奸 6 名女性境内流离失所者的两 名被告分别被判处 5 年徒刑和 100 鞭苔刑。
In a hearing in Buram on 10 April, two people accused of raping six internally displaced women in Geraida on 24 September 2011 were sentenced to five years of imprisonment and 100 lashes.
文章和芸飾演 的張雪倫和鄭丹丹是一對在北京工作安家的80後小夫妻。
A pair of working in Beijing home after 80 young husband and wife.
2009 至 2012 年 (第 1 期及第 2 期) 及 2013 年 (第 1 期) 進行的 J.D. Power and Associates
[...] 專利的美國無線智能手機顧客滿意度調查SM 顯示,Apple 在芸芸消費者智能手機生產商中取得了最高分的成績。
Apple received the highest
[...] numerical score among consumer smartphone [...]
manufacturers in the proprietary J.D. Power and Associates
2009-2012 (Vol. 1 and 2) and 2013 (Vol. 1) U.S. Wireless Smartphone Customer Satisfaction Studies℠.
芸家夫 婦のアトリエ付き住居である。
A single-story combined studio and residence for two potters.
高山苔原, 高山草甸 高山的溪流, 泥泞的陡崖,干燥山坡,在冰河,草坡,湖岸,潮湿的牧场,石质山坡具unconsolidated山麓碎石附近的砾石, 在山麓碎石里的潮湿的山麓碎石和渗出地区, 通过小川苔藓, 在岩石,岩石裂缝,在溪床里的砾石中, 3500-5400(-5600)米甘肃,青海,四川,新疆,西藏,云南[不丹,印度(Assam),克什米尔,缅甸,尼泊尔,锡金 ].
Alpine tundra, alpine meadows, alpine brooks, muddy gravelly slopes, dry slopes, gravel near glaciers, grassy slopes, lake shores, moist pastures, stony slopes with unconsolidated screes, wet screes and seepage areas in screes, moss by streamlets, among rocks, rock crevices, gravel in stream beds, boggy ground by lakes, sandy stream edges, by melting snow or running water, swampy ground, glacier stream beds, peaty soil; 3500-5400(-5600) m. Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, India (Assam), Kashmir, Myanmar, Nepal, Sikkim].
這項普查清點於2007年開始,預計2017年完成,將會有非常矚目的收獲:鑒定數千個物種,有昆虫、軟體動物、蜘蛛、地衣 苔 蘚 植 物等,其中數十個為新物種。
The census, which began in 2007 and is planned to continue until 2017, is producing some spectacular
results and identifying thousands of species, insects, molluscs,
[...] arachnids, lichens and mosses, dozens of them [...]
new to science.
对生物 指标品种(苔藓和 地衣)的分析表明,击中实体目标的落弹产生了铀气溶胶,铀气 溶胶则可能视天气情况继续移动。
The analysis of bioindicators (moss and lichens) has shown that those projectiles that hit a solid target have created uranium aerosols, which could have been moved further, depending on weather conditions.
有見及此,今年再度加碼,推出「康宏代言人計劃2013」,並 芸芸 3 0 多 名 參加者當中,挑選出三位合資格的專業理財顧問 ─ 康宏理財服務有限公司聯席董事吳婉奇小姐(Christine Ng)、聯席董事卓啓雄先生(Franky Cheuk)以及助理聯席董事梁惜君小姐(Morise Leung),作為新一任代言人。
As a result, "Convoy Spokesperson Programme 2013" is launched this year to further enhance the scheme. 3 qualified professional financial advisors were selected among 30 applicants, including Ms. Christine Ng, Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited, Mr. Franky Cheuk, Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited and Ms. Morise Leung, Assistant Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited, as the new spokespersons.
為熟悉金屬特性,他每天與多名焊工一起生活和工作。他早期的創作亦融入了一望而知的剃刀邊緣造型,直至今天,這些雕塑 芸芸 當 代設計作品中依然備受熱烈追捧。
He wanted to learn about metals from living and working with them on a daily basis, and some of his early work featuring his now instantly recognisable razor edge styling is among some of the most sought-after in the entire canon of contemporary design.




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