

单词 芳纶

See also:


twist silk
silk thread

External sources (not reviewed)

利用新材 料,芳纶纤维 来制造更轻便的汽车,可降低车重,同时减少燃料消耗。
Making automobiles lighter by using new materials, such as aramid fibre, can reduce vehicle weight and, with it, fuel consumption.
含有煅烧云母,被以硅为系统芳纶 纤 维 加强。
With calcined mica paper
[...] reinforced by aramid fibres for silicone-based systems
由于在某些情况下对过滤毡的抗化学性和机械强力的要求极高,生产中会用到多种价格特别昂贵的特种纤维, 芳纶 、 玻 璃纤维或P 84纤维等。
Because of the high degree of chemical resistance and mechanical strength required,
a large number of in
[...] some cases highly costly technical fibers are used to manufacture needled filter [...]
media, such as aramid, glass fiber, P 84, etc.
为了满足碳纤维芳纶、玻 纤、PP或PVC 带状经纱的机织需求,格罗茨-贝克特专门设计了TWINtec型双列钢片综丝。
For weaving fiber bands  of  carbon fiber, Aramid, fiberglass, PP or PVC, Groz-Beckert has designed the double flat-steel heald TWINtec.
Kapton®(是杜邦的注册商标)聚酰亚胺薄膜 芳纶 二 酐 和 芳纶 二 胺聚合合成而来。
Kapton® (Kapton® is DuPont's registered trade mark) polyimide film is synthesized by
[...] polymerizing an aromatic dianhydride and an aromatic diamine.
包含以煅烧云母纸与以玻璃布为载体 芳纶 纤 维 ,粘合剂为改性有机硅,耐热 等级为C(240 °C),用于牵引电机线圈和线棒的绝缘。
POROBAND® SI 2577 consists of calcined
muscovite mica paper
[...] with aramid fibre content on glass cloth as carrier, a modified silicone resin is used as binder. thermal [...]
class c (240 °c),
for insulation of coils or bars of traction machines
土木工程研究所参与了 “高性芳纶复合 材料(AFRP)在混凝土结构中的应用技术研究”(建设部)、“高等级公路边坡FRP锚杆加固技术研究”(湖南交通厅)、“高强玻璃纤维增强筋用于连续配筋水泥混凝土路面研究”(广西省交通厅)、“光纤光栅自监测纤维增强复合材料(FRP)筋”(产学研合作)等多个课题的研究工作。
Civil Engineering Institute participated in the study of “composite of aramid (AFRP) in the concrete structure in the applied technology research "high-grade highway slope FRP bolt reinforcement technology research " (Hunan Provincial Communications Department), "high-strength glass fiber reinforced reinforcement for continuously reinforced cement concrete pavement research” (Guangxi provincial Department of Communications), “fiber Bragg grating self-monitoring of fiber reinforced composites (FRP) tendons” (Cooperative), etc. wide range of topics.
另外,我们生产的Technora纤维产品可满足某些行业的具体要求,从而完善我们 芳纶 纤 维 产品组合。
Additionally, our
[...] Technora products are used to meet some of the industry’s highly specific [...]
needs and complete our aramid product portfolio.
通过芳纶绝缘层安全操作 – 耐磨及专用内部地线提供了防电击保护
Safe operation via thick aramid insulating layers [...]
– abrasion-resistant plus dedicated internal ground wire for shock protection
Kevlar® 是一种人工合芳纶纤维,由杜邦制造,因用于防弹背心而广为人知。
Kevlar is a synthetic aramid fibre, manufactured by DuPont®, and probably best known for its use in bulletproof vests.
Coveme DyTerm®绝缘产品由Nomex®芳纶纸和聚酯薄膜耦合而来。
Coveme DyTerm® insulating products derive from the
[...] coupling of Nomex® aramid paper with polyester films.
公司生产出口各类流体密封材料及制品,主要有密封盘根、密封垫片和板材三大系列产品,如石墨盘根 芳纶 盘 根,碳纤维盘根,PTFE盘根等,缠绕垫片、石墨增强垫片、PTFE垫片、石棉垫片、非石棉垫片,各种金属垫片,各种垫片板材,卷材,盘根线等等广泛应用于石化、炼油、电力、钢铁、造船、海洋工程等行业,不但解决了国内许多电厂、煤气厂、化工厂等泵浦、阀件、管道在各种气体厂化学流体输送中的密封泄露问题,已为众多知名企业所指定和选用而且已大量出口到欧洲、中东、南美洲以及东南亚等许多国家和地区。
Such as graphite packing, Kevlar fiber braided packing, carbonized fiber packing, PTFE packing, spiral wound gaskets, pure graphite gasket,
PTFE gasket, asbestos gasket, non-asbestos
[...] gasket, kinds of ring joint gaskets, [...]
sheets gaskets material, and reinforced composite
sheet seats material etc. The products are widely used in petrochemical industry, oil refining, electrical power, steel, shipbuilding, ocean industry and so on.0ur corporation not only solve the problem of sealing leaking when the gas and chemistry flowing transport through pump, valve in the most electricity factories, gas factories and chemical plants, but also has been signed and used by famous enterprise and export a great deal to many countries and regions for example Europe, Middle East and south east Asia.
康维明DyTerm® K绝缘产品由Nomex®芳纶纸和聚酰亚胺(Kapton®)耦合而成。
Coveme DyTerm® K insulating products derive from the
[...] coupling of Nomex® aramid paper with polyimide [...]
[...] 及机械强度的需要,复合材料通常是由聚酰亚胺薄膜,玻璃布 芳纶 纸 复 合而成的
Laminates for these applications are based on some combination of polyimide
[...] film, glass fabric and aramide paper.
碳素材质的拉力构件在同样负载条件下的拉伸长度仅 芳纶 帘 线 的一半。
The carbon tension member stretches only half as much as an aramid cord under the same load.
根据发动机类型和生产商的不同,有的耐磨损内衬密封条是用浓缩 芳纶 纸 ( NOMEX)蜂窝芯做成,而有的则由表面有硅树脂耐磨损涂层的内空玻璃丸做成。
Depending on the
[...] engine type and manufacturer, the abradable [...]
liner seal is made from a potted nomex honeycomb, or a silicone
abradable coating charged with hollow glass beads.
在我们的 CT SW10、CT SW12 和 CT SW15 低音炮中,低音驱动器振膜是用纸浆 芳纶 纤维 (Kevlar fibre) 和树脂精心调配之后形成的混合物制成的,它具有极高的硬度,能够承受箱体内部压力产生的极大物理力量。
In our CT SW10, CT SW12 and CT SW15 subs, the bass driver diaphragms are constructed from a finely-tuned mix of paper pulp, Kevlar fibres and resin, which provides the stiffness needed to withstand the tremendous physical forces exerted by the pressures inside the cabinet.
值得一提的是,一批为航天航空领域提供材料、制品及装备的企业和院所参展商继续参展,碳纤维 芳纶 纤 维 增强的夹芯结构、蜂窝结构等高品质、高性能的航空级复合材料产品及相关的装备不断增加,国外著名的先进热压罐生产商意大利特鲁兹公司、美国ASC公司、日本羽生田公司及国内的美洲豹特种设备公司、泰安的富尔金豪公司在会上同时亮相,引起专业观众的极大兴趣。
Is well worth mentioning BE, a provide material, product and material for the aerospace aviation realm of the company that business enterprise and hospital joins the
exhibition continue to join the
[...] exhibition, carbon fiber and Fang Lun the fiber strengthen [...]
of clip high quality, high performance,
such as Xin structure and beehive structure...etc. of aviation class compound the material product and related material continuously increase, the foreign famous forerunner heat presses a bottle of production company Italy especially Lu company, the United States ASC company and Japanese feather living farmland company and local American the leopard special kind equipments company, Tai-an of the rich Er Jin Hao company is willing ascend to be unveiled at the same time, arouse professional audience biggest interest.
[...] 图轴的单位是摩尔分数,但是,如果混合物中的非 C8 芳烃杂质含量很低,相图轴的单 位也可以是重量分数。
Theoretically, the units along the axes are mole
fraction, but the diagrams can just as well represent weight fraction when the mixture
[...] is low in non-C8 aromatic impurities.
纶片基 胶片来说,反过来也是成立的,当胶片设定在 一个更低的湿度时比更高的湿度时稍大。
The opposite is true for ESTAR Base films, which will be slightly larger when the film is preconditioned to a lower humidity than it would be if conditioned to a higher humidity.
郭則理先生、Paul Steven Wolansky先生、林芳先生 及李紅濱先生之詳情及履歷載於 本通函附錄一。
Details and brief biography of each of Mr. Guo Zeli, Mr. Paul Steven Wolansky, Mr. Lin Yuanfang and Mr. Li Hongbin are set out in Appendix I to this circular.
Glen Raven
[...] 的当前产品是生物构成元件,它是由低熔融和 高熔融纶丝融合而成。
The current Glen Raven offering is a biocomponent element created through the fusion of
[...] low-melt and high-melt polyester yarns.
食典委注意到肯尼亚鉴于以下事实就启动新工作完成法典委员会天然矿泉水标准 (CODEX STAN
108-1981)中分析方法部分提出的建议,即该标准中没有说明适用于 3.2.17
[...] 部分(表面活性剂)、3.2.18(农药和多氯联苯)部分、3.2.19(矿物油)部分和 3.2.20 (多芳香化合物)部分所提到的一些化学物质的分析和取样程序特定方法;并注意到 [...]
卫生操作规范(CAC/RCP 33-1985)。
The Commission noted the proposal of Kenya to initiate new work on the completion of the Section on methods of analysis in the Codex Standard on Natural Mineral Waters (CODEX STAN 108-1981) in view of the fact that, in the standard, there was no indication of specific methods of analysis and sampling procedures available for a number of chemical substances mentioned in Sections 3.2.17 (Surface
active agents), 3.2.18 (Pesticides and PCBs),
[...] 3.2.19 (Mineral oil) and 3.2.20 (Polynuclear [...]
aromatic hydrocarbons), and the proposal
to revise the Section on Hygiene to make it easier to use and consistent with the Recommended International Code of Hygienic Practice for Collecting, Processing and Marketing of Natural Mineral Waters (CAC/RCP 33-1985).
d) 資助資料保存及出版 藝發局及粵劇基金均有資助粵劇粵曲書籍出版、和 其他資料保存及研究計劃,如香港中文大學「神功 戲資料普查」,以及林家聲先生芳 艷 芬 女士的保 存出版計劃等。
d) Archives and publication of Cantonese Opera information Both the HKADC and the CODF support the publication of books on Cantonese Opera and projects on the archives and study of related information. Examples are the Survey on Ritual Performances of Cantonese Opera conducted by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and projects to archive and publish information on Mr. Lam Kar Sing and Ms. Fong Yim Fun.
根據細則 第87(1)條,於應屆股東週年大會舉行時,執行董事郭則理先生、非執行董事Paul Steven Wolansky先生及獨立非執行董事林芳 先 生 及李紅濱先生輪值告退,但仍可再選連任,並 已願意再獲股東提名重選連任。
Pursuant to Article 87(1) of the Articles, Mr. Guo Zeli, an executive Director, Mr. Paul Steven Wolansky, a non-executive Director, and Mr. Lin Yuanfang and Mr. Li Hongbin, independent non-executive Directors, are due to retire from office by rotation at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election by the Shareholders at the Annual General Meeting.
公司主要生产全棉、CVC、T/C、T/R、人棉、 纶 、 莫 代尔、竹纤维、天丝……原料的汗布、 纶 汗 布 、鱼鳞布、 纶 鱼 鳞 布、珠地网眼、单面小提花、双面平布、空气层、健康布、罗马布、网眼布、华夫格、法式罗文、斜纹布、 纶 空 气 层、 纶 平 布 、粗细针、小提花布、罗纹布、毛巾布、天鹅鹅绒、摇粒绒、蚂蚁布、不倒绒、金光绒、珊瑚绒、羊羔绒、长毛绒......其产品远销北美、欧洲、中东、东南亚等30多个国家。
The company mainly produces cotton, CVC, T / C, T /
[...] R, were cotton, polyester, modal, bamboo fiber, Tencel ... ... raw material cloth, spandex cloth, scale cloth, spandex Ichthyosis cloth, beads to the mesh, one-sided small jacquard, two-sided plain cloth, air layer, health cloth,Rome cloth, mesh cloth, Howard Lattice, French Luo, twill cloth, spandex air layer, spandex plain cloth, needle [...]
size, small jacquard
fabrics, rib fabrics, towel cloth, swan goose, polar fleece, ant cloth, will not be brought down velvet, golden velvet, coral velvet, lamb, plush ...... its products are exported to North America, Europe, Middle East, Southeast Asia more than 30 countries.




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