单词 | 花苞 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 花苞 noun —bud nSee also:苞—profuse • luxuriant • flower calyx
花序一象顶生伞形花序或伞形花序一样的总 状 花 序 ,1 - 1 0 花; 苞片通常无。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescence a terminal umbel or [...] umbel-like raceme, 1--10-flowered; bract usually absent. flora.ac.cn |
纤细的穗状花序,腋生,两性或单性的,4-11厘米;花序梗近无柄的或长约3毫米,具柔毛;基部1-5雌花和上部雄花,或全部雄性,有时1或2雌花或没有 雄 花 ; 雌 花苞 片 近 心形,约2×3毫米,4-5具细牙齿,具柔毛; 雄 花苞 片 散 布,卵形,长约0.5毫米,具柔毛。 flora.ac.cn | Spike slender, axillary, bisexual or unisexual, 4-11 cm; peduncle subsessile or ca. 3 mm, pilose; female flowers 1-5 at base and male flowers distal, or all males, sometimes 1 or 2 female flowers without males; female bracts subcordiform, ca. 2 × 3 mm, 4- or 5-denticulate, pilose; male bracts scattered, ovate, ca. 0.5 mm, pilose. flora.ac.cn |
花序通常多数,生于不同的叶莲座丛,大,圆锥状; 轴5-7 X 分开,与不结果的基本的分支一起; 小枝纤细,短,许多,浓密多疣; [...] 幼时的顶部的verrucae具簇生毛,后脱落的和蜂窝状; [...] 在顶端或顶生深裂的小枝,具上穗状花序排列(-7)小穗松弛排列; 小穗1(或2)花; 苞片宽 卵形的到近圆形,约1毫米,顶端的一半或更多膜质; [...] 首先对几乎狭漏斗状,2.5-3毫米的小苞片约2毫米花萼倒锥状; [...]筒部密被短柔毛; 瓣片白色。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescences often numerous, arising from different leaf rosettes, large, paniculate; rachis 5--7 X branched, with sterile basal branches; branchlets slender, short, numerous, densely verrucose; verrucae with apically clustered hairs when young, later glabrescent and foveolate; spikes arranged on apical or terminal part of branchlets, with [...] 3--5(--7) spikelets loosely arranged; [...] spikelets 1(or 2)-flowered; bracts broadly ovate [...]to subrounded, ca. 1 mm, apical half or [...]more membranous; first bractlet ca. 2 mm. flora.ac.cn |
花序为顶生的头状花序或者穗状花序,很 少 1 花 ; 苞 片 2到 多数,二列。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescence a terminal head or spike, [...] rarely 1-flowered; bracts 2 to many, distichous. flora.ac.cn |
腋生的穗状花序,通常单性,很少两性,纤细,3-6厘米,短柔毛,5-7毫米的花序梗;花完全雄性,很少基部具1雌花;雌花序缩短,只具1花,花序梗通常长约1毫米; 雌 花苞 片 近 圆形的,3-4毫米,果增大,5-7毫米,7-11具细牙齿,具柔毛; 雄 花苞 片 松 散的,披针形,长约1毫米,具柔毛。 flora.ac.cn | Spike axillary, often unisexual, rarely bisexual, slender, 3-6 cm, pubescent, peduncle 5-7 mm; flowers entirely male, rarely base with 1 female flower; female [...] [...] inflorescence abbreviated, with only 1 flower, peduncle often ca. 1 mm; female bracts suborbicular, 3-4 mm, fruiting accrescent, [...]5-7 mm, 7-11-denticulate, pilose; male bracts loose, lanceolate, ca. 1 mm, pilose. flora.ac.cn |
花葶短 花序多花的; 不明显的花苞片, 边缘有细锯齿或全缘。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescence many flowered; floral bracts inconspicuous, [...] margin serrulate or entire. flora.ac.cn |
托叶早落,线状披针形,膜,无毛,边缘全缘,先端渐尖; 叶柄1.5-3厘米,幼时被绒毛,后脱落; [...] 叶片狭椭圆形卵形披针形或倒卵形, 9-15 * 4-6.5 厘米, 4或5花; 苞片早 落,线状披针形,膜质,无毛,边缘全缘,先端钝。 flora.ac.cn | Stipules caducous, linear-lanceolate, membranous, glabrous, margin entire, apex acuminate; petiole 1.5–3 cm, tomentose when young, glabrescent; leaf blade narrowly elliptic-ovate or obovate-lanceolate, 9–15 × 4–6.5 cm, both surfaces white tomentose when [...] young, glabrescent, base rounded or cuneate, margin irregularly serrate, apex [...] acuminate, Corymb umbel-like, 3–5 cm in diam. flora.ac.cn |
螺旋状聚伞花序重瓣,2-5(-10)花;苞 片 鳞片状的或披针形。 flora.ac.cn | Helicoidal cymes double, [...] 2--5(--10)-flowered; bracts scalelike or [...]lanceolate. flora.ac.cn |
花序腋生,很少顶生,,1.5-5厘米,具小柔毛,两性; 花序梗0.5-3厘米; 下部的雌花苞片,1或者2(-4),卵形,心形,在果期增大到 1.4-2.5 * 1-2厘米,具柔毛,边缘具圆齿;男性部分远轴,短到几乎头状,纤细;苞片卵形,大约0.5毫米。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescences axillary, rarely terminal, unbranched, 1.5-5 cm, pilosulose, bisexual; peduncle 0.5-3 cm; female bracts proximal, 1 [...] or 2(-4), ovate, cordate, [...]accrescent to 1.4-2.5 × 1-2 cm in fruit, pilose, margin crenate; male portion distal, short to almost capitate, slender; bracts ovate, ca. 0.5 mm. flora.ac.cn |
通常花序多数,不同的生于叶莲座丛,; 轴4-7 X二歧分开,曲折,与不结果的多分枝一起; [...] 在小枝上顶生的穗状花序,有(-7)小穗; 小穗2或3花; 苞片宽卵形(1-)2-3毫米; 5.5-6.5毫米的第1 [...]小苞片,无毛或稍微小的。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescences usually numerous, arising from different leaf rosettes, corymbose; rachis 4--7 X dichotomously branched, flexuous, with most branches sterile; spikes terminal on [...] branchlets, with 3--5(--7) spikelets; [...] spikelets 2- or 3-flowered; bracts broadly ovate [...](1--)2--3 mm; first bractlet 5.5--6.5 [...]mm, glabrous or slightly minutely hispid. flora.ac.cn |
对密集平均分配的花; 苞片心 形的卵形的到卵形圆形,先端圆形; 下部苞片边缘基部具1-3 粗糙齿; 上面苞片边缘具多数短芒形成的齿。 flora.ac.cn | Flowers evenly distributed to crowded; bracts cordate-ovate [...] to ovate-orbicular, apex rounded; lower bract margins basally [...]with 1-3 pairs of coarse teeth; upper bract margins with numerous short awn-shaped teeth. flora.ac.cn |
花序数个; 二歧轴分开,厚,主要直,无毛但是多疣的近的尖; [...] 用大钉钉牢顶生,有数个; 小穗2花; 苞片卵形,对2.5毫米,干膜质,无毛; [...] 首先小苞片近圆形,对5.5毫米,边缘宽膜质。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescences several; rachis dichotomously branched, thick, mostly straight, glabrous but verrucose near apices; [...] spikes terminal, with several spikelets; [...] spikelets 2-flowered; bracts ovate, to [...]2.5 mm, scarious, glabrous; first bractlet [...]subrounded, to 5.5 mm, margin broadly membranous. flora.ac.cn |
近无柄的Pedicel 1-2毫米或者花; 苞片无小苞片2,顶端,宽卵形,约2毫米,似皮革,无毛。 flora.ac.cn | Pedicel 1–2 mm or flower subsessile; bracts absent; bracteoles [...] 2, apical, broadly ovate, ca. 2 mm, leathery, glabrous. flora.ac.cn |
雄花每苞片10-15;苞片宽卵形, 1.5-2 * 1.5-2 毫米,基部腺体近肾形;花梗纤细,1-4毫米; 小苞片3,不相等,边撕裂了; 花萼杯状,浅3裂,裂片钝,有不规则细锯齿;雄蕊2或3,超过花萼; 花丝离生,差不多象球状的花药一样长; 雌 花 每 苞 片 1, 有时与数个另外的 雄 花; 苞片3 分裂,裂片尖锐,腺体与雄花的相似;花梗粗壮,2-5毫米;小苞片与雄花的相似; 花萼3 分裂,裂片卵形或卵状披针形; 子房卵球形,平滑,3室;花柱3,在基部合生; 柱头外卷。 flora.ac.cn | Male flowers 10-15 per bract; bracts broadly ovate, 1.5-2 × 1.5-2 mm, basal glands nearly reniform; pedicels slender, 1-4 mm; bracteoles 3, unequal, margins lacerate; calyx cup-shaped, shallowly 3-lobed, lobes obtuse, irregularly serrulate; stamens 2 or 3, exceeding calyx; filaments free, nearly as long as globose anthers. flora.ac.cn |
花序1(-3)花; 苞片2 每花(通常具4或5 额外苞片在高于花的茎的扩展上),强烈有卷须的先端。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescence 1(--3)-flowered; bracts 2 per flower (often with 4 or 5 extra bracts on extension of stem above flower), apex strongly cirrose. flora.ac.cn |
叶基生,对开花期宿存; 叶柄宽; 叶片倒卵状长圆形, [...] 相同叶莲座丛,上升到直立,伞房状或圆锥状,主轴4具角和4的花序3-5(-10); 很少,单的不育枝,关于基部深裂或在轴的叉子; [...] 穗状花序具2-6(-11)小穗,轴具角; 小穗2或3(或)花; 苞片卵 形,2-2.5毫米; 首先小苞片5-5.5毫米花萼漏斗状,5-6(-7)毫米; [...]筒部直径约1毫米; 肢解白色,2-2.5毫米宽,毫米直径; [...]对很少锐尖钝的裂片顶部。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescences 3--5(--10) from the same leaf rosette, ascending to erect, corymbose or paniculate, main axis 4-angular and 4-sulcate; sterile branches few, simple, on basal part or at forks of rachis; spikes with [...] 2--6(--11) spikelets, axis 2-angular; spikelets 2- [...] or 3(or 4)-flowered; bracts ovate, 2--2.5 [...]mm; first bractlet 5--5.5 mm. flora.ac.cn |
雄花:苞片卵 形,长约0.5毫米,先端渐尖,几乎被一对大的匙形腺体覆盖; 每 苞 片 1-或 2 花 ; 萼 片卵形,长约0.5毫米,边缘具缘毛有细锯齿;雄蕊具很多短于花药花丝。 flora.ac.cn | Male flowers: bracts ovate, ca. 0.5 mm, apex acuminate, mostly covered by a pair of large spatulate glands; each bract 1- or 2-flowered; sepals ovate, [...] ca. 0.5 mm, margins [...]ciliate-serrulate; stamens with filaments much shorter than anthers. flora.ac.cn |
花序2-15,伞房状的形成一小头状花序; [...] 轴二歧的4-6 X 分开; 不育枝很少,单; [...] 穗状花序短,2或3簇生顶部分枝,每穗状花序具-9)小穗; 小穗2或3(或)花; 苞片卵 形到倒卵形,2.5-3毫米; 第1 小苞片5.5张-6毫米花萼漏斗状,6.5-8毫米; [...]筒部直径约1毫米; 瓣片浅紫色的到粉红色,变得白色; [...] 折扇状和渐尖的裂片顶部,很少延长和钝,具一宿存的芒。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescences 2--15, [...] corymbose forming a capitulum; rachis dichotomously [...]4--6 X branched; sterile branches few, simple; [...]spikes short, 2 or 3 clustered on apical part of branch, each spike with 3--7(--9) spikelets; spikelets 2- or 3(or 4)-flowered; bracts ovate to obovate, 2.5--3 mm; first bractlet 5.5--6 mm. flora.ac.cn |
花通常成对,在成对的腋内分别生有1雄花1雌花和另一边的单一的 雌 花 ; 苞 片 无 ; 花 柱 短 于0.2毫米,开展,直立或宿存的;花丝短于0.2毫米,直立或开展; [...] 花药长约1×1毫米,肾形; 花粉多少的球形,黄。 flora.ac.cn | Flowers usually in pairs, a staminate and a carpellate flower [...] opposed by a solitary carpellate [...] flower in a pair of axils; bracts lacking; styles shorter [...]than 0.2 mm, erect or patent, persistent; [...]filaments shorter than 0.2 mm, erect or patent; anthers ca. 1 × 1 mm, reniform; pollen ± spherical, yellow. flora.ac.cn |
本种与Garcinia anomala [...] Planchon & Triana有关,但是后者不同处为:在每 花 下 有 2 苞 片 , 柱头宽,盘状,边缘外卷,稍裂,果具1或2种子。 flora.ac.cn | This species is related to Garcinia anomala [...] Planchon & Triana but the latter [...] differs in having 2 bracts under each flower, the stigma broad, [...]discoid, with the margin revolute, [...]slightly lobed, and the fruit 1- or 2-seeded. flora.ac.cn |
雄花 单生 花梗到0.6毫米; 苞片和小苞片形成小总苞在花被周围 , 苞 片 心 形,约1.5毫米,花被擦干深,后脱落,长圆状卵形的外部裂片,在2毫米,比外部有点小的内部的; 雄蕊3; 退化雄蕊长于雄蕊。 flora.ac.cn | Male flowers: solitary; pedicel to 0.6 mm; bract and bracteoles forming involucel around perianth, bract [...] cordate, ca. 1.5 mm, [...]longer than perianth, bracteoles ovate, equaling perianth, tomentose, apex caudate; perianth drying dark, glabrescent, outer lobes oblong-ovate, to 2 mm, inner ones slightly smaller than outer; stamens 3; staminodes longer than stamens. flora.ac.cn |
当这尊吸收有机和无机元素的机械结合体升至最大高度时,顶端的机械盖随即打开,充气饰柱最后开始慢慢膨胀,向上伸展,像一株有机雄 性 花 蕊 含 苞 开 放 ,让人看得心醉神迷。 shanghaibiennale.org | Once the resulting half-breed reaches its full mechanical height, the inflatables finally bloom brightly into view in a moment of hybrid ecstasy, and the mechanized lid opens revealing the new growth of an organic stamen. shanghaibiennale.org |
花近无柄; 花梗无到1(-2)毫米,密被短短柔毛;苞片和 小 苞 片 生 于 花 梗 上部,线状披针形,下部的短柔毛; 苞片4-8(-11)毫米,短于或等长花(有 时 苞 片 在 基部的总状花序达2倍花长度),先端锐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Flowers subsessile; pedicel absent to 1(--2) mm, pubescent; bract and bracteole borne on distal part of pedicel, linear-lanceolate, proximally pubescent; bract 4--8(--11) mm, shorter than or equaling flower (sometimes a few bracts at base of raceme to 2 × flower length), apex acute. flora.ac.cn |
花序10-12,直,基部多分枝; 不育枝很多,渴望,具很多; [...] 用大钉钉牢2或3,头状在先端,具5-7; 小穗2-4花; 宽卵形的苞片, 3-4毫米,无毛; 黄的小苞片柠檬的首先,除在基部之外在1-1.2厘米,膜质,无毛。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescences 10--12, straight, base many branched; sterile branches many, long, with many branchlets; spikes 2 or 3, [...] capitate at apex, with 5--7 [...] spikelets; spikelets 2--4-flowered; bracts broadly ovate, 3--4 [...]mm, glabrous; first bractlet lemon [...]yellow, to 1--1.2 cm, membranous except at base, glabrous. flora.ac.cn |
在幼枝,5-35厘米上的花序腋生; 花序梗和轴圆筒状; [...] 轴1或2 X 分开,没有不育枝; 穗状花序(1或)2或3,簇生或头状,在节或顶生在轴分枝上上排列; [...] 穗状花序具2-5(-7)小穗; 小穗2或3(-5)花; 宽卵形的苞片, 1-1.5毫米,无毛; 第1 小苞片宽卵形的到近圆形,2-3毫米,无毛。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescences axillary on young branches, 5--35 cm; peduncle and rachis cylindrical; rachis 1 or 2 X branched, without sterile branches; spikes (1 or)2 or 3, clustered or capitate, arranged on nodes or terminal on rachis branches; [...] spikes with 2--5(--7) spikelets; [...] spikelets 2- or 3(--5)-flowered; bracts broadly ovate, 1--1.5 [...]mm, glabrous; first bractlet [...]broadly ovate to subrounded, 2--3 mm, glabrous. flora.ac.cn |
叶基生,宽,硬,对开花期宿存; 叶柄离生; 叶片长圆状倒卵形, 椭圆形 通常的花序单生,大,伞房花序状的或圆锥状; 主轴圆筒状,擦亮; [...] 轴3或4 X 分开; 小枝纤细和直立; 在分岔处上的不育枝通常无或单的和单生; [...] 穗状花序具2-7小穗,浓密在小枝的上半部分上的簇生; 小穗1或2(或)花; 宽卵形的苞片, 1-1.5毫米,边缘狭膜质; 第1 小苞片2-2.5毫米,边缘膜质。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescences usually solitary, large, corymbiform or paniculate; main axis cylindrical, polished; rachis 3 or 4 X branched; branchlets slender and erect; sterile branches usually absent or simple and solitary on forks; spikes with 2--7 spikelets, densely clustered [...] on upper part of branchlets; [...] spikelets 1- or 2(or 3)-flowered; bracts broadly ovate, [...]1--1.5 mm, margin narrowly membranous; [...]first bractlet 2--2.5 mm, margin membranous. flora.ac.cn |
顶生伞形花序有花序梗或无梗,侧生伞形花序2-3,对生或轮生,单身, 长 花 序 梗 的很少,超过顶生; 苞片钻形,落叶; 伞辐4-10,不等长; 小苞片钻形,脱落; 小伞形花序4-15开花。 flora.ac.cn | Terminal umbel pedunculate or sessile, lateral umbels 2–3, [...] opposite or verticillate, [...] rarely single, long-pedunculate, exceeding terminal; bracts subulate, deciduous; rays 4–10, unequal; bracteoles subulate, deciduous; umbellules 4–15-flowered. flora.ac.cn |
通常的花序单生,圆锥状; 圆柱状的轴,通常3-5 X 分开,没有很少不育枝或者与很少不育枝一起; 穗状花序1,顶生,具(-)5-8(-10)小穗; 小穗2-4花; 宽卵形的苞片, 1.5-2.5毫米,无毛; 长圆状卵形的小苞片,4.5-5.5毫米,后脱落在部分短柔毛的首先。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescences usually solitary, paniculate; rachis terete, generally 3--5 X branched, without or with few sterile branches; spike 1, terminal, with (2--)5--8(--10) spikelets; spikelets 2--4-flowered; bracts broadly ovate, 1.5--2.5 mm, glabrous; first bractlet oblong ovate, 4.5--5.5 mm, glabrescent to partly pubescent. flora.ac.cn |
叶向上变小 伞形花序5-15厘米直径; 花序梗6-23厘米; 苞片2- 5,倒卵状披针形,象叶一样,先端羽状; 伞辐9-14,不等长; 小苞片3-4,边紫红色,近等长花; 小伞形花序9-25花,花梗2-4毫米。 flora.ac.cn | Umbels 5–15 cm across; peduncles 6–23 cm; bracts 2–5, obovate-lanceolate, leaf-like, apex pinnate; rays 9–14, unequal; bracteoles 3–4, margin purple-red, nearly as long as flowers; umbellules 9–25-flowered, pedicels [...] 2–4 mm. flora.ac.cn |
通常的花束簇2或3花,间隔紧密; 苞片披针形到狭椭圆形,3-5毫米,无毛,先端强烈渐尖; 小苞片狭椭圆形到椭圆形,3-4毫米,无毛,在顶部的经常具纤毛 ; 花 梗 短,1-1.5毫米,无毛,在 小 苞 片 内 包括。 flora.ac.cn | Flower fascicles usually 2- or 3-flowered, closely spaced; bracts lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, 3-5 mm, glabrous, apex strongly acuminate; bracteoles narrowly elliptic to elliptic, 3-4 mm, glabrous, often ciliate at tip; pedicel short, 1-1.5 mm, glabrous, included in bracteoles. flora.ac.cn |