

单词 花棚

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

因此,花棚並非 適意設施,而是 可採取執法行動的"須優先取締"僭建物。
It was therefore not an amenity feature but an actionable UBW subject to enforcement actions.
(c) 一個園景花園,內設有避雨亭、 花棚 和 花園 長 椅; (e) 輔助設施,包括服務大樓和廁所各一座。
(c) a landscaped garden with rain shelters, wooden arbours and garden benches
根 據上述政策,體積並非過大、屬敞開式及上蓋並非 完全密封花棚會被視為適意設施。
Under the said policy, a trellis which was not excessive in size, open-sided and not fully covered on the top was considered an amenity feature.
(c) 一個園景花園,內設有避雨亭、 花棚 和 花 園 長
(c) a landscaped garden with rain shelters, wooden arbours and garden benches
傳媒於6月 22日報道的,搭建於4號屋庭園花棚 , 花棚 闊約6米,深度約為1米。
The trellis had a width of about 6 metres and a depth of about 1m.
[...] 《明報》查詢你在山頂豪宅僭建地牢 花棚 的 事 件中,臨時特首辦說 並沒有主動致電施壓,只是回應傳媒的查詢。
For example, in regard to Ming Pao's investigation into the unauthorized
[...] basement and trellis at his Peak residence, [...]
the Office of the Chief Executive-elect
claimed that rather than making any phone call to exert pressure, it had only responded passively to media enquiries.
(a) 中式花園,包括涼亭、前廳、水池、設 花棚 和 扶 手 的卵石步行徑、供長者使用的健身站和太極練習場; (b) 機房,包括泵房、濾水機房、掣房和後勤用地; (c) 廁所
(a) a Chinese garden including pavilions, a front hall, a water pond, a pebble walking trail with trellis and handrail, [...]
an exercise station
for the elderly and a tai-chi area
由於新界的屋宇建有大花棚,蔣 議員特別 要求政府當局解釋為何把該個案4號屋 花棚 列為 "須優先取締"的僭建物。
In view of the
[...] large number of trellises in the houses in the New Territories, Dr CHIANG in particular sought explanation from the Administration for classifying the trellis at House 4 [...]
of the case as actionable UBWs.
據報,港島山頂貝璐道裕熙園兩間為行政長官物業的洋房,曾被發現建有一個約110平方呎的玻 棚 、 一 個 花棚 , 以及其他加建構築物,均屬於違例建築工程(下稱"僭建物"),而戶主在獲悉傳媒查詢後已安排清拆部分僭建物。
It has been reported that in the two mansions owned by the Chief Executive in Yue Hei Yuen at Peel Rise of The Peak on Hong Kong
Island, a glass frame with an area of about
[...] 110 square feet, a garden trellis and other additional [...]
structures had been built,
which are all unauthorized building works ("UBWs"), and the property owner has already arranged to demolish some of those UBWs upon receipt of media enquiries.
沒有人想過要享受在工地鷹架(或人行道頂棚)下的空間,但在美國紐約市,這種空間比比皆是,若全部排列在一起,全長189英里,帕森設計學院的學生因此創造Soft Walks套裝組,包括桌椅、燈架花盆 、 棚 架 , 任何人皆可輕鬆安裝在附近的鷹架上。
But, in New York City, they are so prevalent (stretching 189 miles if lined end to end), that students from the Parsons School of Design created Soft Walks – simple DIY kits
with chair pieces, a counter, a light
[...] fixture, a planter, and a green trellis that anyone [...]
can pick up and install onto the beams
of their nearest scaffolded area.
恩集团有限公司成立于2002年成立,从事园艺产品的开发和生产,现在我们的主要线路包 花 园 棚 , 大 棚 等 园 艺工具,我们的产品在建造时,最后的,具有独特的设计为您提供物有所值,我们的产品已销往欧洲,美国,加拿大,澳大利亚等。
Grace Holdings Limited was established in 2002 to engage in the development and
manufacturing of gardening products , our main
[...] lines now include garden sheds, greenhouses and [...]
other gardening tools, our products
are built to last and feature unique designs offering you value for money, and our products have been sold in the Europe, America, Canada, Australia and so on.
适合每位用户的需要 您将大部分的时间花在录音棚、舞 台、现场演出的时候,DPA正不断地开发出前瞻性的附件解决方案满足您的需求。
Whether you spend most of your time in the [...]
studio, on stage, or in the field, DPA is constantly developing forward-thinking
new accessory solutions to best meet your needs.
城市化在全球以及在非洲都不断发展 棚 户 区 和临时性居住区的数量激增。
Urbanization was increasing worldwide and in Africa, with an alarming increase of shantytowns and informal settlements.
c) 「本會要求就中區警署古蹟群的棚 設 計 方案諮詢區內居民意 見,及政府需降低新建築物的高度至附近居民可接受水平。
c) "The DC requests that residents in the vicinity should be
[...] consulted on the scaffolding design of the [...]
CPS Compound and that the Government should
reduce the height of the new structure to a level acceptable to the residents.
他还提到气候变化的影响,以及由于严重的飓风而对沿海地 花 费 的 巨额资 金。
He also referred to the impact of climate change and the enormous
[...] financial amounts spent on the coastal [...]
areas owing to the severity of the hurricanes.
这家具5000平方英尺的家在一个私人的,绿树浓荫很多W /戴夫·穆雷下坡惠斯勒山顶的景色,提供5张/ 7浴场,一个大型开放式厨房,一个大房间,16′ 花 板 和 顶 棚 的 户 外生活空间。
This furnished 5000 sf home on a private, treed lot w/ Dave Murray Downhill & Whistler Peak views offers 5 beds/7 baths, a large open plan kitchen; a great room with 16′ ceiling; and a covered outdoor living space.
造雾系统在农业、花卉业,使用效果尤其显著,特别适用 棚 式 花 卉 降 温、喷药、液体施肥人造雾的雾状像自然界的雾一样清鲜自然,可长时间悬浮于空气当中。
Fog system in the agriculture,
[...] horticultural industry, with notable results, especially for studio-type flowers cooling, spraying, [...]
liquid fertilizer
as the artificial nature of the fog fog fog as fresh and natural, long suspended in the air.
由于很难取得建筑许可证以扩大和改善现有的学校和建新校,以容纳 C 区的学生人数,不适当的建筑结构,包括帐篷、 棚 和 粗 糙的水泥结构都被用作 学校;而在东耶路撒冷,由于欠缺 1 000 个教室以上,每年都有大量巴勒斯坦儿 童被剥夺了在耶路撒冷市和以色列教育部开设的市立学校入学的机会。
Inadequate structures, including tents, shacks and crude cement structures, are being used as schools owing to the difficulties in obtaining building permits needed to expand and upgrade existing schools and build new ones to accommodate the student population in area C, while in East Jerusalem, each year large numbers of Palestinian children are denied admission in the municipal schools run by the Jerusalem municipality and the Israeli Ministry of Education owing to a shortage of over 1,000 classrooms.
鑑於多項大型基建工程陸續展開,以及政府擬於2011年底推 出強制樓宇檢驗計劃和強制窗戶檢驗計劃,加上各項協助業主進 行大廈維修及保養工程的措施相繼推出,勞工處會加強與建造業 有關的執法和推廣工作,例如高空工作 棚 架 工 程、維修及保養 工程、使用電力、塔式起重機操作、建造業車輛和流動式機械, 以防止業界採用不安全的作業方式。
In view of the successive commencement of major infrastructure projects, the planned introduction of the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme and Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme towards the end of 2011 as well as the launching of various measures to assist property owners to carry out building repair and maintenance works, LD will strengthen its enforcement and promotional efforts on construction hazards such as work-at-height, scaffolding works, repair and maintenance works, use of electricity, tower crane operations, construction vehicles and mobile plants to deter unsafe practices.
因此,各缔约国必须立即采取必要 的措施,以便预防、减少和消除引起或者维持实质性或者事实上歧视的条件和态 度;例如,确保所有个人能够平等地获得足够的住房、水和卫生设施,将有助于 消除针对妇女、女童以及居住棚户 区 和农村地区的居民的歧视。
States parties must therefore immediately take the necessary measures to prevent, diminish and eliminate the conditions and attitudes that cause or perpetuate substantive or de facto discrimination; for example, ensuring that all individuals have equal access to adequate housing, water and sanitation will help to overcome discrimination against women and girl children and persons living in informal settlements and rural areas.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要花 好 几 天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
(C) 倘本公司將向任何股東作出有關股份之任何股息或其他分派或 任何其他付款為以有關貨幣向股東作出小額款項之付款,則董事會認為此舉就本公司 或股東而言屬不可行花費昂 貴,而當時有關股息或其他分派或其他付款可於董事酌 情決定權以有關股東所在國家(按股東名冊上有關股東列示之地址)之貨幣作出派付 或作出支付。
respect of shares or any other payment to be made by the Company to any shareholder is of such a small amount as to make payment to that shareholder in the relevant currency impracticable or unduly expensive either for the Company or the shareholder then such dividend or other distribution or other payment may, at the discretion of the Board, be paid or made in the currency of the country of the relevant shareholder (as indicated by the address of such shareholder on the register).
目前,部分持續進行的工 作包括:檢討小販發牌政策;檢討公眾街巿設施的供應;監察魚類統
[...] 安置所及火葬場的計劃;尋求和推廣處理骨灰的其他方法( 例如闢設新 的紀花園) ;統籌各部門的控蚊工作,以防止登革熱和日本腦炎的爆 [...]
Some of the current initiatives which require on-going efforts include: review of the hawker licensing policy, review of the provision of public markets, monitoring the construction of a new wholesale fish market at Tuen Mun by the Fish Marketing Organisation, taking forward plans to provide more government cemeteries, columbaria and crematoria, identifying and promoting the use of
alternative options for human ash disposal (e.g.
[...] provision of new Gardens of Remembrance), [...]
co-ordinating the anti-mosquito efforts
of various departments to prevent the outbreak of dengue fever and Japanese Encephalitis, converting all aqua privies into flushing toilets, and amending the Pesticides Ordinance to strengthen control on the import and export as well as the use of pesticides.
[...] 的相关性受到了非主流渠道日益流行的挑战,新闻传播平台正在迅速扩张,并不 断花样翻 新,社交媒介工具也在改变着人们获得和共享信息的方式,因此,咨 [...]
询委员会试想,现在是否已到新闻部作出以下评估的时候:如何使其新闻活动更 好地为本组织需求服务,如何提高其工作的创造力和创新性,如何继续以较贴近
However, now that the relevance of the mainstream news media is being challenged by the rising popularity of alternative
sources, news distribution platforms are
[...] rapidly multiplying and diversifying [...]
and social media tools are revolutionizing the
way in which people access and share information, the Committee wonders whether the time has come for the Department of Public Information to assess how it can enhance the responsiveness of its public information activities to the Organization’s needs, how it can bring greater creativity and innovation to its work, and how it can continue to promote the work of the United Nations in a way that is more relevant to the daily lives of individuals all around the world.




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