单词 | 花样 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 花样 —pattern花样 noun —trick n • type n Examples:耍花样—play tricks on sb 花样滑冰—figure skating 花样游泳—synchronized swimming 搞花样—deceive • cheat • play tricks
由于制作设计花样数据 的同时,电脑程序也同时准备,当设 计 花样 获 得 通过时,生产便马上开始了。 shimaseiki.com.cn | Since machine programming data is prepared simultaneously with design data, production can begin immediately as soon as design approval is obtained. shimaseiki.com |
这些花样和古代图案具有象征性意义,可以作为设计元素并且融入到现代产品设计中。 uigarden.net | These patterns and figures [...] of the ancients, which displayed symbolic meaning, could be used as design elements and transferred to modern product design. uigarden.net |
但现在主流新闻媒体 [...] 的相关性受到了非主流渠道日益流行的挑战,新闻传播平台正在迅速扩张,并不 断地花样翻新 ,社交媒介工具也在改变着人们获得和共享信息的方式,因此,咨 [...] 询委员会试想,现在是否已到新闻部作出以下评估的时候:如何使其新闻活动更 好地为本组织需求服务,如何提高其工作的创造力和创新性,如何继续以较贴近 [...] 世界各地人们日常生活的方式促进联合国工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, now that the relevance of the mainstream news media is being challenged by the rising popularity of alternative sources, [...] news distribution platforms are [...] rapidly multiplying and diversifying and social media tools [...]are revolutionizing the way in [...]which people access and share information, the Committee wonders whether the time has come for the Department of Public Information to assess how it can enhance the responsiveness of its public information activities to the Organization’s needs, how it can bring greater creativity and innovation to its work, and how it can continue to promote the work of the United Nations in a way that is more relevant to the daily lives of individuals all around the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
本双年度的特点是,伙伴关系花样繁 多,预算外资金(包括在联合国发展集团名下 的),特别是给遗产保护及起草关于保护和促进文化表现形式多样性的国际公约和关于保护 [...] 非物质文化遗产的公约的预算外资金显著增多。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The biennium was characterized by [...] a significant diversification of partnerships [...]and a considerable increase in extrabudgetary [...]resources (including under UNDG), especially directed towards heritage preservation and the preparation of international conventions on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions and on the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage. unesdoc.unesco.org |
兰比尔是花样滑冰 运动中脚尖旋转最快最漂亮的运动员。 swissworld.org | He is world famous for his spins, which are some of the fastest and most original in the sport today. swissworld.org |
作为“2012世界花样滑冰 大奖赛”中国站的首席赞助商,LEXUS雷克萨斯希望通过一系列的活动让公众能够更好地参与 到 花样 滑 冰 运动中来,并亲身感受这项运动的乐趣与魅力,促进中 国 花样 滑 冰 项目的推广与普及。 lexus.com.cn | Lexus China cordially invites you to visit its booth in Hall W4 at the China International Exhibition Center (New Venue) from April 25 to May 2 to experience its brand new product lineup and the unique charm of the Lexus brand. lexus.com.cn |
由教科文组织非洲地区教育办事处(BREDA)领导的修订工作始于 2000 年年初,其 目的在于使 1981 年《阿鲁沙公约》适应高等教育环境和非洲高等教 育 花样 的 变 化。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The revision process, led by UNESCO’s Regional Bureau for Education in Africa (BREDA), started early 2000 with the aim to adapt the 1981 Arusha [...] Convention to the changes of the higher education environment and the [...] amplifying diversification of higher education in Africa. unesdoc.unesco.org |
其中使用两种不同材质的布料先将其车缝一起然后再刺 绣 花样 , 这 技术很明显的表达二或三种层次的设计感觉。 interfiliere.com | They sew two different kinds of fabrics to produce a design that can appeal with more than 2-3 level of effects. interfiliere.com |
全部节奏花样和重 音来自音乐家(鼓手、打击乐手、程序员)的演奏,为不同风格的音乐保留 了自然和可信的成分。 midicontroller.com | All the rhythmic models as well as the accents (see below) were captured by musicians playing, (drummers, percussionists, programmers) to maintain the natural and authentic element of the different styles of music. midicontroller.com |
配方含有花样年华 护肤素的顶级精华,有助于抚平细纹和皱纹。 clarinsusa.com | Formulated with the superior benefits of Super Restorative skin care, it helps smooth lines and wrinkles. clarinsusa.com |
经过现场调查,最高法院得出的结论是,“监狱 里的居住环境寒酸破旧并且拥挤不堪(最大容量为 1 800 人,在检查的时候实际却 有 3 245 人或者更多),缺乏能够满足基本人道需求的物质条件,很少能喝到可饮 用水以及吃到花样丰富 营养均衡的健康食物,很少有人能够有一个用来休息的床 或垫子,也很少有人能够享受体检或治疗的待遇;牢房里既没有电灯也没有通风 窗,而且还缺少卫生设施;既没有锻炼身体和消遣娱乐的场所,也没有劳动改选 的计划(……)。 daccess-ods.un.org | After conducting an on-site investigation, the Court found that the inmates “live in dangerous and overcrowded conditions [with a maximum capacity of 1,800 inmates, at the time of inspection there were 3,245 inmates, or more than double the capacity], without the means to satisfy their basic human needs, with no regular access to sources of drinking water or healthy food (varied, balanced, and nutritious), no beds or even mattresses, and no effective medical care, (preventive or therapeutic), the dormitories lack light and natural ventilation, and have no hygienic sanitary facilities; there are no areas for sports or recreation, no educational or training programmes, and no work programmes to facilitate their positive reintegration into society (...). daccess-ods.un.org |
驰骋于静寂森林中,体验爽快感受的越野赛。在冬季天空,如展翅的鸟儿般 的 花样 竞 技 跳台滑雪。 tohoku.ac.jp | Our activities include alpine skiing with a high speed, cross-country skiing in the fresh air of the quiet woods, and ski jumping to feel like a bird flying in the air. tohoku.ac.jp |
该馆内主要进行游泳、跳水、花样游 泳、现代五项运动中的游泳项目,该馆最主要的特色是壮观的波浪型屋顶,长160米,宽80米,其跨度比伦敦希斯罗机场的5号航站楼还长。 quadrantplastics.com | It will be hosting [...] swimming, diving, synchronised swimming, [...]and the swimming element of the Modern Pentathlon, and features [...]a spectacular wave-like roof that is 160 m long and up to 80 m wide, giving it a longer single span than Terminal 5 at London Heathrow Airport. quadrantplastics.com |
他们探究物体的花样什么都有,如抓握、摇晃、挤 压、抛掷、丢物、手手相传和撞击等等。 cpsc.gov | These children explore objects in many different [...] ways such as through grasping, shaking, squeezing, throwing, dropping, [...]passing from hand to hand, and banging. cpsc.gov |
三维晶体结构视图, 三维分子视图, 创建碳纳米管和纳米锥,晶体、分子、富勒烯和碳纳米管的组装, 单晶或者相混合物的粉末X射线、中子和电子衍射模拟,单晶或者母相加孪晶或者双相共格组合的三维倒易点阵,单晶或者母相加孪晶或者双相共格组合的晶带轴电子衍 射 花样 以 及 极射赤面投影,第一原理模拟,三维各阶劳厄带,高阶劳厄带电子衍 射 花样 , 二 维点阵以及二维倒易点阵以辅助表面RHEED分析。 crystalsoftcorp.com | 3D crystal view, 3D molecule view; nanotubes and nanocones; assembly of crystals, molecures, nanotubes and Fullerenes etc.; Powder XRD, neutron or electron Diffraction Patterns for phase or phase mixtures; 3D Reciprocal Lattices, Zone Axis Diffraction Patterns and Stereographic Projections for the crystal structure or matrix plus twin or second phase; First Principle Simulations; different orders of 3D Laue zones; higher order Laue zone Diffraction Patterns and two dimensional real and reciprocal lattices to aid surface RHEED analysis. crystalsoftcorp.com |
这样,您就可以变换画布中的各种 花样 , 就 像在视频中操作一样。 html5rocks.com | This lets you do all sorts of fancy transforms in the canvas as if you were doing it in the video. html5rocks.com |
国家游泳中心位于北京奥林匹克公园中心区,是奥运会标志性建筑之一,墙面为晶莹泡状的独创性结构,人们又称之为“水立方”,有17000观众席,是目前世界最大的游泳馆,承担奥运会游泳、跳水 、 花样 游 泳 、水球等赛事,安恒利(国际)有限公司有幸承接其扩声系统工程。 acehk.com | National Aquatics Center in Beijing Olympic Green central area, is one of the Olympic Games landmark buildings, the walls of the original crystal structure of bubbly, it is also known as "Water Cube", with 17,000 seats, is currently the world's largest swimming Hall, the [...] commitment to the Olympic Games [...] swimming, diving, synchronized swimming, water polo and other [...]events, Advanced Communication Equipment [...](International) Limited fortunate to undertake its sound reinforcement system engineering. acehk.com |
技术最先进,同时价格也很昂贵的高档进口设备有生产自动化程度高、生产效率高等优点,但并不太适应我国包装容器盖子品种繁多 , 花样 不 断 翻新的状况;而国产传统的中小型单机性能低,满足不了瓶盖需求量日益增长的需要。 dewang-sh.com | The most advanced technology, and the price is expensive high-grade imported equipment has produced a high degree of automation, high efficiency, but not too orientation advantages in container lid that pattern renovates ceaselessly variety, the condition; And homebred traditional small and medium-sized standalone performance low, can't satisfy the cap the increasing needs of demand. dewang-sh.com |
雷克萨斯首席赞助2012中国杯世界花样 滑 冰 大奖赛,缔造优雅与创新的极致盛宴,共瞩艺术与科技的完美绽放。 lexus.com.cn | Lexus Sponsors Cup of China ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating 2012. lexus.com.cn |
她对这个花样特别 留神,因为纱线上会缝合亮片。 iwc.com | She is taking special care over this pattern, as paillettes are knitted into the yarn. iwc.com |
Domaine Chandon 餐厅于1977年引入上等的美食,并继续担任Domaine Chandon 的亲善大使,展示其气泡葡萄酒、合品种葡萄酒、及其与美 食 花样 繁 多 的搭配。 lvmh.cn | The Restaurant at Domaine Chandon introduced fine dining to the Napa Valley in 1977 and provides a superb showcase for Domaine Chandon's wines. lvmh.com |
用充满光和色彩的花•佩斯利•动物等穿缀而成的李奥纳德(Leonard)特有 的 花样 商 品 ,美不胜收。 ginza.jp | Enjoy the unique Leonard patterns [...] printed with flower, paisley, and [...]animal prints that are overflowing with light … Continue reading ginza.jp |
蒲公英喷头由许多支管的小喷头连接在中心球体上面组成一个大放射状球 体形,喷水时效果相当富丽豪华,喷 水 花样 的 雾 状程度可通过调节每个小喷盖而获得。 onsmu.com | Dandelion heads composed of many small branch pipe connected to the center of the sphere above the nozzle to form a large radial ball shape, when the effect is quite fabulous luxury spray, mist spray pattern by adjusting the level of cover and get each small spray. onsmu.com |
这可能只是我个人的观点,但是上海骗子的数量最近几个月似乎爆发式增长,结果媒体报道现在似乎定期出现最 新 花样 的 骗 局。 youngchinabiz.com | Perhaps it’s just my personal view, but it seems like the number of con artists in Shanghai has exploded in recent months, with the result that media reports now appear regularly about the latest sophisticated racket. youngchinabiz.com |
该广告主要在捷克首都布拉格的特斯拉体育馆拍摄完成,幕后花絮视频采访了力士全球副总裁Anne Radmacher、宝什奥莎副总裁Stanislav [...] Kadlec和出演广告的年轻花样滑冰 选手Taylor Hui 小姐。 preciosa.com | The Making of video includes interesting interviews with Ms Anne Radmacher, Global LUX Vice President, Mr [...] Stanislav Kadlec, Vice Chairman of Preciosa Group [...] and with young figure skater Ms Taylor [...]Hui, the star of the TV advertisement. preciosa.com |
想象一下,有了晶体工作室,照片般逼真的3D图像是多么容易,少于5下鼠标点击来创建一个令人惊叹的3D晶体结构,再点击一下绘制出粉末X射线衍 射 花样 , 晶 带轴电子衍 射 花样 , 晶 体的倒易点阵或晶体结构的极射赤面投影。 crystalsoftcorp.com | Imagine how easy photo-realistic 3D graphics is with Crystal Studio, less than 5 mouse clicks to create a stunning 3D crystal structure, and one more click to plot the powder XRD pattern, zone axis electron diffraction pattern or a stereographic projection of the crystal structure. crystalsoftcorp.com |
用户可以编排各种视频、动画、图文作为播出节目;同时,也可以自由编辑各 种 花样 显 示程序;实现分屏播放,可以任意分割屏幕;自由切换中英文版本。 jingrilight.com | Users can edit the various video, animation, graphics programs as broadcast; Meantime, easy to edit variety showing pattern program;To achieve separate display, can segmentation display; Between Chinese version and English version change freedom. jingrilight.com |