单词 | 花柱 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 花柱 noun, plural —styles pl花柱 —style (female organ of flower)See also:柱 n—pillar n • spine n
hengshanense之间的中间类型,像前者一样有全缘苞片和 长 花柱 , 但 像后者一样有宽的叶片。 flora.ac.cn | Hypericum hubeiense is morphologically intermediate between H. seniawinii and H. hengshanense, having entire bracts and longer styles like the former but broader leaves like the latter. flora.ac.cn |
树作为自由的象征沿袭于美国和法国革命,同时也受到了“五朔 节 花柱 ” 这一习俗的影响。 swissworld.org | The idea of the trees as symbols of freedom [...] was inherited from the American and French revolutions, and they were also clearly [...] influenced by the traditional maypole. swissworld.org |
石莲桦属分枝花柱(Co tyledion tylodes)拥有高脚杯状的外形,杯体外环绕着U型消化道(图左化石的黑色特征,箭头象征食物的流动),这种动物往往将自己锚定在海床上或在固定的坚硬物质上,例如三叶虫蜕皮后的外骨骼(图右为艺术构想图)。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Cotyledion tylodes had a goblet-shaped body that surrounded a U-shaped gut (dark feature in fossil at left; arrows denote flow of food), and the animal spent its life anchored to the seafloor or to hard objects that had settled there, such as the molted exoskeletons of trilobites (artist's representation at right). chinese.eurekalert.org |
在残留雄花,或无里的Gynoecium; 雌花的雌蕊群为合心皮,合子房或合 花柱 ; 子 房上位,1-5室,当1室时为侧膜胎座(胎座深陷入)或者片状散布,当5室时胎座式为中轴胎座;胚珠多数,倒生,具双珠被 ; 花柱 1 或 者 5,离生到部分合生,顶生;柱头5,具乳突,干燥时。 flora.ac.cn | Gynoecium in male flowers vestigial, or absent; in female flowers syncarpous, synovarious to synstylovarious; ovary superior, 1- or 5-loculed, placentation when 1-loculed parietal (placentas ± deeply intruded) or laminar-dispersed, when 5-loculed axile; ovules numerous, anatropous, bitegmic; styles 1 or 5, free to partly joined, apical; stigmas 5, papillate, dry. flora.ac.cn |
雌花: 退化雄蕊很多,象雄蕊一样但是更小和不结果,花丝短于雄花的1/2,基部被短柔毛;花盘腺体很多,小,截形,着生在退化雄蕊基部之间;子房上位,不完全3室; 胎座3,其中每个2或3胚珠;花柱2-4,不或几乎不在基部连接,分叉,纤细,每个在先端膨大为扁平的不规则枝或浅裂的柱头,早落。 flora.ac.cn | Pistillate flowers: staminodes many, like the stamens but smaller and sterile, filaments less than 1/2 as long as those of staminate flowers, pubescent at base; disk glands many, small, truncate, set between staminode bases; ovary superior, incompletely 3-loculed; placentas 3, each with 2 or 3 ovules; styles 2-4, not or scarcely joined at base, divergent, slender, each dilated at apex into a flattened irregularly branched or lobed stigma, caducous. flora.ac.cn |
具宽隔膜的果,geocarpic,宽卵形或近球形的不, 2-3 * 1.8-2 毫米; 沿着深裂的果长度裂爿膜质,圆形,延长,或稍被微柔毛; 雌蕊柄0.1-0.2毫米; 假隔膜强烈使变平,0.4-0.5毫米宽,无毛; 隔膜无; 花柱0.5-0.7毫米; 柱头全缘。 flora.ac.cn | Fruit latiseptate, not geocarpic, broadly ovoid or subglobose, 2-3 × 1.8-2 mm; valves membranous, rounded, extending along part of fruit length, glabrous or minutely puberulent distally; gynophore 0.1-0.2 mm; replum strongly flattened, 0.4-0.5 mm wide, glabrous; septum absent; style 0.5-0.7 mm; stigma entire. flora.ac.cn |
在仲夏节,当地人会聚集在海旁赌场外面,一起跳传统的仲夏之舞;最后还竖立五月 节 花柱 , 并燃烧仲夏篝火。 visitfinland.com | During Midsummer, people gather at the seaside by the Casino for a traditional midsummer dance, [...] complete with maypole and bonfire. visitfinland.com |
花序一顶生的伞形花序的伞房花序,无毛; 主轴5-15厘米; 二级轴11-12,每11-17厘米,具数个两性花的顶生伞形花序和显然雄花的一些侧生伞形花序; 花序梗2-4厘米; 花梗1-2 厘米卵巢5具心皮; 花柱基部合生成柱状,离生臂下弯。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescence a terminal corymb of umbels, glabrous; primary axis 5-15 cm; secondary axes 11-12, each 11-17 cm, with several terminal umbels of bisexual flowers and a few lateral umbels of apparently male flowers; peduncle 2-4 cm; pedicels 1-2 cm. flora.ac.cn |
本壺下部番蓮向上伸出或表示花柱的 中 藍色成分,其上有一個桃子和兩桃葉,其寓意遠應和頸部的壽字紋。 e-yaji.com | The top of the stamen metamorphoses [...] into a peach with two peach leaves, augmenting the more overt wish for longevity expressed [...]by the shou character beneath the flared neck. e-yaji.com |
花序顶生,下垂,一种伞形花序的圆锥花序; 主轴3-6厘米; 二级轴5-10,向基部,上部的星散形成一顶生伞形花序,20-60厘米; 每二级轴第三轴8-12,在1-3轮内,(1.5-)3-12厘米;1-2厘米的花序梗,具两性花的顶生伞形花序和通常1(或2) 雄花的侧生伞形花序的;花梗4-10毫米卵巢3-或者(或者5)具心皮的 4; 花柱离生近基部,下弯在果期。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescence terminal, pendent, a panicle of umbels; primary axis 3-6 cm; secondary axes 5-10, scattered toward base, upper ones forming a terminal umbel, 20-60 cm; tertiary axes 8-12 per secondary axis, grouped in 1-3 ver- ticils, (1.5-)3-12 cm; peduncles 1-2 cm, with a terminal umbel of bisexual flowers and often 1(or 2) lateral umbels of staminate flowers; pedicels 4-10 mm. flora.ac.cn |
以那些小坚果隐藏的短花柱和比较短附件痕的那些小坚果在更多的特性Lepechiniella。 flora.ac.cn | The short style hidden by the nutlets [...] and the comparatively short attachment scar of the nutlets are more characteristic of Lepechiniella. flora.ac.cn |
子房下位(在少数一些非中国的分类群中上位),心皮(1-)2-10(到多数);心皮合生,与室同数;胚珠下垂,2每室,败育的 1; 花柱与心 皮同数,离生或者部分合生,直立或者弯曲,或者完全合生成一柱状;柱头顶生或 在 花柱 的 内面下延,或在花盘上无柄,环状到辐射状椭圆形。 flora.ac.cn | Ovary inferior (rarely secondarily superior in some non-Chinese taxa), (1 or)2-10(to many)-carpellate; carpels united, with as many locules; ovules pendulous, 2 per locule, 1 abortive; styles as many as carpels, free or partially united, erect or recurved, or fully united to form a column; stigmas terminal or decurrent on inner face of styles, or sessile on disk, circular to elliptic and radiating. flora.ac.cn |
果纺锤形的或披针形,有时卵球形的或圆筒状; 无籽的瓣裂的裂片1-3.5毫米; 忍受种子的上部裂片 ( 1-)3-15(-25) * (0.5-)0.7-1.3(-1.5) 厘米,木栓质,圆形的在基部,圆锥状的在先端,在种子,不具肋之间的平滑的或很少稍缢缩; 花柱1-4厘米; 柱头全缘。 flora.ac.cn | Fruit fusiform or lanceolate, sometimes ovoid or cylindric; seedless valvular segment 1-3.5 mm; seed-bearing distal segment (1-)3-15(-25) × (0.5-)0.7-1.3(-1.5) cm, corky, rounded at base, conical at apex, smooth or rarely slightly constricted between seeds, not ribbed; style 1-4 cm; stigma entire. flora.ac.cn |
根据在中国南方的有5.2亿年历史的岩石中发现的几件零碎化石,科学家首次于1999年描述了石莲桦属分 枝 花柱。 chinese.eurekalert.org | C. tylodes was first described in 1999 based on a couple of fragmentary fossils unearthed from 520-million-year-old rocks in southern China. chinese.eurekalert.org |
雌花 花萼4-8 放高球; [...] 花瓣4-8;退化雄蕊箭头形或者心形,与花瓣同数,与花瓣互生,花瓣上着生;子房上位,卵形体,4-8(-10)室,很少被短柔毛 ; 花柱 很 少 发育;柱头头状,盘状,或者柱状。 flora.ac.cn | Female flowers: calyx 4-8-lobed; petals 4-8; staminodes sagittate [...] or cordate, isomerous, alternating [...]with petals, epipetalous; ovary superior, [...]ovoid, 4-8(-10)-loculed, rarely pubescent; style rarely developed; stigma capitate, discoid, or columnar. flora.ac.cn |
雌花:花梗2-15毫米;萼片5,椭圆形到卵形,1-1.5毫米,近全缘,1脉,后面具龙骨状隆起;花盘小盘状,全缘或近全缘;子房卵形体,(2或者3室; 花柱1-1.8 毫米,基部离生或合生,直立或下弯。 flora.ac.cn | Female flowers: pedicels 2-15 mm; sepals 5, elliptic to ovate, 1-1.5 mm, subentire, 1-veined and carinate on back; disk patelliform, entire or subentire; ovary ovoid, (2 or)3-locular; styles 1-1.8 mm, free or connate at base, erect or recurved. flora.ac.cn |
另外与现代的内肛动物不同的是,石莲桦属分 枝 花柱 被 一 种独特的、名为骨片的鳞片状特征所覆盖——科学家们说,这是一个暗示,即这种“铠甲”的存在可能在内肛动物的祖先中比之前所认为的更为普遍。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Also unlike modern-day entoprocts, C. tylodes was covered with distinctive, scalelike features called sclerites—a hint, the scientists say, that such armor may have been more common among ancestral entoprocts than has been previously recognized. chinese.eurekalert.org |
成熟的果很少生产,卵形,长圆形,或近圆形,4-6毫米,很少种子; 花柱废退的或到0.5毫米; 柱头头状,发育良好。 flora.ac.cn | Mature fruit rarely produced, ovate, oblong, or suborbicular, 4-6 mm, few seeded; style obsolete or to 0.5 mm; stigma capitate, well developed. flora.ac.cn |
花柱3或4, 在果期的直立或稍开展,1-2毫米; 柱头通常扩大,下延向前两面花柱。 flora.ac.cn | Styles 3 or 4, erect or slightly spreading, 1-2 mm in fruit; stigmas usually enlarged, decurrent along both [...] sides of style. flora.ac.cn |
通常果一2瓣裂蒴果,通常称长角果(siliqua)什么时候长度3 * 或超过宽度,或(silicula)什么时候长度少于3 * 宽度, 开裂或者不裂, 有时schizocarpic,坚果状,具节荚,翅果状的或,与否裂片,圆柱状,有棱,扁平对隔膜平行的或具宽隔膜或, 裂爿2(或3-6); 假隔膜(持久的胎盘)绕行,很少使或具翅变平; 隔膜完全,在上打孔,退化至一凸缘,或缺乏; 花柱1,离 生,废退,或无; 柱头头状或圆锥状,全缘或2裂,有时裂片和离生或合生。 flora.ac.cn | Fruit typically a 2-valved capsule, generally termed silique (siliqua) when length 3 × or more than width, or silicle (silicula) when length less than 3 × width, dehiscent or indehiscent, sometimes schizocarpic, nutletlike, lomentaceous, or samaroid, segmented or not, terete, angled, or flattened parallel to septum (latiseptate) or at a right angle to septum (angustiseptate); valves 2(or 3-6); replum (persistent placenta) rounded, rarely flattened or winged; septum complete, perforated, reduced to a rim, or lacking; style 1, distinct, obsolete, or absent; stigma capitate or conical, entire or 2-lobed, sometimes lobes decurrent and free or connate. flora.ac.cn |
把trichotomum 联合给Clerodendrum但是作为外露和叶柄在雄蕊 和 花柱 方 面 不同不浓密被绒毛的黄褐色。 flora.ac.cn | Allied to Clerodendrum trichotomum but differs in stamens and styles not as exserted and petioles densely yellow-brown tomentose. flora.ac.cn |
披针形的果到线状披针形,(3-)4.5-6.5(-8)厘米×6-11毫米; 裂爿无毛或具柔毛至少沿边缘,不明显脉; 隔膜完全; 花柱废退; 柱头全缘或者稍浅裂。 flora.ac.cn | Fruit lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, (3-)4.5-6.5(-8) cm × 6-11 mm; valves glabrous or pilose at least along margin, obscurely reticulate veined; septum complete; style obsolete; stigma entire or slightly lobed. flora.ac.cn |
雌花 花梗7-11毫米,有时有一小苞片; 花被片3,早落或者差不多如此,象雄花一样外部2花被片二色,近圆形的, 5-11 * 5-11 毫米,内部2花被片长圆形或狭倒卵形, 4-7 * 2.5-3.5 毫米,先端钝;子房椭圆形, 5-8 * 3.7-4.1 毫米,不等长或近等长具3翅,1室的具侧膜胎座; 背翅新月形, 3-5 * 5-7 毫米; 花柱3,愈合在里下部。 flora.ac.cn | Pistillate flowers: pedicel 7-11 mm, sometimes with a bracteole; tepals 3, caducous or nearly so, outer 2 tepals bicolored as staminate flowers, suborbicular, 5-11 × 5-11 mm, inner 2 tepals oblong or narrowly obovate, 4-7 × 2.5-3.5 mm, apex obtuse; ovary ellipsoid, 5-8 × 3.7-4.1 mm, unequally or subequally 3-winged, 1-loculed with parietal placentation; abaxial wing lunate, 3-5 × 5-7 mm; styles 3, fused in proximal 1/4. flora.ac.cn |
雌花 花梗6-10毫米; 花被片3,差不多扁球状的外部2,大约6×8毫米,内部狭倒卵形,大约5×2.5毫米,先端钝; 花柱3,在 基部愈合,长约1毫米; 子房无毛,3室在中部到下部,隔膜的胎座式(子房周壁达顶的)。 flora.ac.cn | Pistillate flowers: pedicel 6-10 mm; tepals 3, outer 2 nearly oblate-orbicular, ca. 6 × 8 mm, inner narrowly obovate, ca. 5 × 2.5 mm, apex obtuse; styles 3, fused at base, ca. 1 mm; ovary glabrous, 3-loculed at middle to lower part, placentation septal (parietal toward summit of ovary). flora.ac.cn |
果宽长圆形,很少长圆状线形的或近圆形, ( 4.5-)5-10(-14) * 3-5 毫米,平的或稍扭曲,钝,稍微凹,或很少近尖的在两末端,贴伏于轴; 裂爿无毛或被短柔毛; 花柱0.3-0.8毫米,无毛的或很少短柔毛。 flora.ac.cn | Fruit broadly oblong, rarely oblong-linear or suborbicular, (4.5-)5-10(-14) × 3-5 mm, flat or slightly twisted, obtuse, slightly retuse, or rarely subacute at both ends, appressed to rachis; valves glabrous or pubescent; style 0.3-0.8 mm, glabrous or rarely pubescent. flora.ac.cn |
花通常成对,在成对的腋内分别生有1雄花1雌花和另一边的单一的雌花;苞片无 ; 花柱 短 于 0.2毫米,开展,直立或宿存的;花丝短于0.2毫米,直立或开展; 花药长约1×1毫米,肾形; 花粉多少的球形,黄。 flora.ac.cn | Flowers usually in pairs, a staminate and a carpellate flower opposed by a solitary carpellate flower in a pair of axils; bracts lacking; styles shorter than 0.2 mm, erect or patent, persistent; filaments shorter than 0.2 mm, erect or patent; anthers ca. 1 × 1 mm, reniform; pollen ± spherical, yellow. flora.ac.cn |
公认的最古老的内肛动物化石在时间上尚不及石莲桦属分 枝 花柱 的 1/ 3,所以新发现的化石可以将内肛动物家族的存在时间追溯到寒武纪大爆发时期,那是一个生物多样性突飞猛进的时期,今天的许多物种或是他们的祖先都是在那个时期演化而来的。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The oldest undisputed fossils of entoprocts are less than one-third the age of C. tylodes, so the new fossils push back the origin of the entoproct lineage all the way back to the so-called Cambrian explosion, an interval when life diversified very quickly to produce most of the groups seen today or their ancestors. chinese.eurekalert.org |
发生的Structoply盘区有结构强度和坚硬,允许快速和容易的设施直接地对在墙壁或 天 花 板 上的 螺 柱。 professionalplastics.com | The resulting Structoply panel has structural strength and rigidity, allowing fast and easy installation [...] directly to studs on the wall or ceiling. professionalplastics.com |
有些支柱出現裂縫, [...] 是由於街市上面平台花園周邊的花槽負載過重,加上種於花槽內的樹木所承 受的風力,加重了花槽下層石屎柱的 負 荷所致。 legco.gov.hk | Cracks found in some of the columns are due to overloading of flower-beds along the perimeters of the [...] podium garden above the market, and also due to substantial wind loads [...] caught by rows of trees planted in the flower-beds. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 應盡量確保沿士丹頓街及鴨巴甸街而建的現存邊界牆得 [...] 以保存,但留有彈性,容許因應該地點的日後發展需要, 例如闢設車輛出入口和行人通道,修建該牆和不在原址 保存花崗岩柱腳和石柱 legco.gov.hk | (b) the preservation of the existing boundary walls along Staunton Street and Aberdeen Street should be ensured as far as possible, with the flexibility allowed for modifications to the walls [...] and non in-situ preservation of the [...] granite plinths and pillars for future development [...]of the site, such as providing openings [...]for vehicular and pedestrian access legco.gov.hk |