单词 | 花掉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 花掉 verb —waste v花掉 —spend (time, money)See also:掉 v—lose v • turn v • fall v • drop v • reduce v 掉—swap • swing • fall (in prices) • wag • show off • shed (hair) • lag behind • lose (value, weight etc) • go missing
我堅決不讓香港犯㆖㆒些其他社會所犯的錯誤,把我們還沒有賺到的 錢花掉。 legco.gov.hk | I am determined not to allow Hong Kong to make the mistake made in some other [...] societies and start spending money that [...]we have not earned. legco.gov.hk |
发展 中国家的合作伙伴尤其渴望得到针对他们当地发展 [...] 的、有重点的、集中的、技术水平高的优质培训,从 而不必在大学里花掉四到五年的时间。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Partners in developing countries are especially keen to have focused, concentrated and technically upgraded quality training [...] available in their local development contexts, without there being an [...] obligation to spend 4-5 or more years [...]in a university. unesdoc.unesco.org |
由於屯門公路的塞車情況非常嚴重,以致取道前往九龍 東區㆖班的居民往往要在交通㆖花掉 大 量 時間。 legco.gov.hk | But owing to the very severe traffic [...] congestion on the Tuen Mun Road, those who had to commute to [...] Kowloon East had to spend a great deal of [...]time on travelling. legco.gov.hk |
某捐助方 A [...] 年提供给某中间捐助方的资金,受援国 B 年花掉, 这笔资金将记入 A 年的人口援助,B [...]年的支出。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, for example, funds provided by a donor to a recipient country in year A are included in international population assistance and expenditures in year A. Funds [...] provided by a donor to an intermediate [...] donor in year A but spent in the recipient [...]country in year B would be included under [...]population assistance in year A and expenditures in year B. Development bank loans are not included in the expenditure figures because they reflect large blocks of loan agreements made in a single year but intended to be expended over several years. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,要這些老人家把自己的積蓄花 掉至達 到審查標準以下,才能獲取綜援,未免苛刻一些。 legco.gov.hk | It will be too harsh if they are required to use their savings to below the ceiling set by the means test before they are considered eligible for CSSA. legco.gov.hk |
他 們 花掉時間和精神美 化提供服務的工作,以 致 社署誤 以 為在整筆撥款津助制度下福利服務的質 [...] 素沒有受到影 響 ,而《 津貼及服務協議》又能有效監察受 社署資助的 福利服務的表現 。 legco.gov.hk | Their time and efforts spent on painting a [...] rosy picture of the service delivery had misled SWD to conclude that the quality [...]of welfare services under LSG had not been compromised and that the Funding and Service Agreement (FSA) was an effective tool to monitor the service performance of welfare services subvented by SWD. legco.gov.hk |
主席女士,現時政府面對最嚴峻的財政問題,其實便是錢太多,要解決 這個問題,政府實在要恰當地花掉一 些。 legco.gov.hk | To solve this problem, the Government [...] must really spend some of the [...]money in an appropriate manner. legco.gov.hk |
這些是我們香港人的錢,我當然不贊成“洗腳不抹腳”地 完全花掉。 legco.gov.hk | This is Hong Kong people's money, of course I do not support squandering it totally. legco.gov.hk |
我同意在巨額盈餘㆘, 應該讓港㆟分享自己辛勤得來的成果,但不能同意因新機場諒解備忘錄只要求為特區 政府留㆘區區 250 億元的儲備,政府便在這個㆘限以㆖擴大開支,盡 量 花掉 儲 備。 legco.gov.hk | I agree that with a huge surplus we should let the people of Hong Kong share the fruits of their hard work. I cannot agree, however, that the Government should expand spending and use up the reserves leaving just a minimum reserve balance of $25 billion for the SAR Government as required under the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the new airport. legco.gov.hk |
正如今年的退稅措施,把6,000元退給“打工皇帝”,他可能一個晚上 已花 掉了,他是否需要這筆錢呢? legco.gov.hk | Taking the tax rebates this year as an example, "the top salary earners" may use up their tax rebates of $6,000 in one evening. legco.gov.hk |
局長說他沒有說謊, 的確有花掉那個 數額,但坦白說,第一,建築工人在叫苦連天,各行各業中, 建築業的失業人數最多;第二,連有關的專業人士,建築師 ─ 不是,他 們說他們有工作做 ─ 測量師、工程師等,全部都覺得經濟復甦對這方面 未能有多少促進。 legco.gov.hk | However, frankly, I must point out, first, that construction workers are all suffering immensely because their unemployment rate is the highest among all trades and occupations; second, even the professionals concerned, such as architects (No, not them because they claim that they have jobs), surveyors and engineers, all do not think that economic recovery has been of any help to the construction sector. legco.gov.hk |
比如,开放政府数据可以让纳税人查看选举出的政府是如 何 花掉 他 们的钱的,在哪里 花掉,以及为什么花这些钱。 conference.ifla.org | For instance, open government data [...] enables tax payers to check how, where and for [...] what purposes their money has been spent by their elected representatives. conference.ifla.org |
當然,花掉一些 的 意思並非指政府可以亂用,而是希望政府可用於減稅,還富於民;用於扶貧 [...] 助弱;用於投資香港的基建,提高我們的競爭力;用於推行小班教學,改善 我們的教育質素及投資我們的將來等。 legco.gov.hk | Rather, we hope that the [...] Government can spend it on tax reduction [...]to return wealth to the people, on helping the poor and [...]the disadvantaged, on investment in infrastructure development in Hong Kong to boost our competitiveness, on implementing small-class teaching to improve the quality of education and on investing in our future. legco.gov.hk |
而这些信息我 自己找的话要花掉好几个小时。 carersouth.org.au | It would have taken me hours to get all that information together. carersouth.org.au |
轉工時這份僱主及僱員的錢都要跟 [...] 着新老闆的計劃,員工可以返回舊的計劃,但不可以把錢自行拿 走 花掉。 legco.gov.hk | When an employee changes job, his and his employer's shares of contribution will have to be transferred to the account set up under the MPF scheme subscribed by his new [...] employer. Although he may choose to keep the contribution in his previous MPF scheme, he cannot [...] withdraw the money and spend it. legco.gov.hk |
屆 時在每年的 財政預 算案辯 論時,涂謹申議員便 不 能再透 過 議 案 過 問 [...] 那 1 億 元 線 人 費 是 怎 樣花掉 的,因為屆 時這些開支可能 [...]會 被 列 為機密 資 料 , 於 是公共 開支便 開了 一個“大 窿 " ,立法會無從監察。 legco.gov.hk | By then, in the annual Budget debate, Mr James TO can no longer question, by [...] way of a motion, how the $100 million of [...] informer's fee is spent because such expenditure [...]would have been listed as confidential information. legco.gov.hk |
然而,只要涉及的是基建,尤其是聽到關乎特首的“ 進步發展觀”的工 程,公帑便是上數百億元、數十億元 地 花掉 ⎯⎯ 市民的怨氣、怨憤便 是從這而來的。 legco.gov.hk | However, so long as infrastructure projects are involved, particularly projects relating to the concept of "Progressive Development" advocated by the Chief Executive, public funds amounting to tens of billions of dollars or billions of dollars would be splashed out ― and this is what aroused the grievances and indignation of the public. legco.gov.hk |
y 你有沒有試過因為一些嗜好或興趣 花掉 太 多 時間,而令配偶感到被忽略? global.gofamilylife.com | Have you ever let a hobby or other interest consume so much of your time that your spouse felt neglected? global.gofamilylife.com |
我們的問題是,現在的投資並非花掉 了 ,因為旅遊業 是我們賺錢的途徑,是賺錢的條件,只要我們能夠認定它的重要性,我 們很快便得到足夠的資源,是完全justified的,即可以解釋用途和使用 得宜的,同時是可以幫助香港經濟復蘇。 legco.gov.hk | This is totally justified, which means the use of the resources can be explained and they are properly used and can help to revitalize Hong Kong's economy. legco.gov.hk |
专家会议指出,对发 展中国家的穷人来说能源十分昂贵,有些家庭往往在这上 面 花掉 其 收 入的三分之 一。 daccess-ods.un.org | The expert meeting noted that in general, energy [...] was expensive for the poor in developing [...] countries, who often spent up to a third of their income on it, in various forms. daccess-ods.un.org |
政府退稅、退差餉的做法固然可以令市民多剩 [...] 一些錢,但在經濟氣候惡劣、信心不足的情況下,市民可能寧願儲起那些錢 也不願意花掉,這也是可以理解的。 legco.gov.hk | But given the poor economic conditions [...] and the lack of confidence, the people may prefer to save the [...] money instead of spending it, which is [...]also understandable. legco.gov.hk |
拨打这个号码将会花掉一大 笔钱,而‘捐款’却不会寄给受害者。 moneybookers.com | This will be very expensive to call and the 'donations' will not be sent to the victims. moneybookers.com |
實際上,它又可令特區政府有更長的時間,去處理結構性財赤, 而母須不合理地把這一代和上幾代人所辛苦儲蓄下來的財政儲 備花 掉。 sktsang.com | There was no need, and it would not be justifiable, to put the sole burden on this generation by running down the cumulative fiscal reserves hard earned by it and indeed past generations. sktsang.com |
我們看見第一個取 得居留權的方法,不施加太多的限制,是最容易取得香港居留權的,做 [...] 法不外乎購買股票基金或買樓,因為這是可以最大手筆 地 花掉 這 筆 錢, 又沒需要考慮做甚麼生意,對於大多數投資移民來說,這是最容易的選 擇。 legco.gov.hk | We can see that in the first method mentioned, where few restrictions are imposed and which is the easiest way to get the right of abode here, is buying [...] securities funds or buying flats. This is because [...] these people can spend that sum of money [...]without having to consider running what kind of business. legco.gov.hk |
我在此不想太多讨论这一计划,只想说这看似另一个在京东核心业务之外的愚蠢举措,京东似乎喜欢推出这类亏钱举措,迅 速 花掉 其 可观的现金储备。 youngchinabiz.com | I won’t discuss this plan too much here, except to say that it looks like yet another foolish initiative outside its core business from [...] Jingdong, which seems to love launching such new money-losing initiatives [...] as it rapidly burns through its sizable [...]cash pile. youngchinabiz.com |
可是,花 掉 630萬元後,只可把樓宇增值500萬元,那即是不划算。 legco.gov.hk | It is stated in the report that another round of comprehensive repair works on the building will cost $6.3 million, but the $6.3 million spent will only increase the its value by $5 million, which means it is not a cost-effective approach. legco.gov.hk |
如果政府派錢給中產或 富有的人,他們未必會花掉,但如果是派錢給低下階層的人,他們的消 [...] 費意欲較大,如果他們消費,在某程度上會刺激經濟,特別是會對於小 型企業有幫助。 legco.gov.hk | But if money is handed out to people [...] from the lower class, they would have a [...] greater incentive to spend and if they spend, [...]this would stimulate the economy in one way or the other. legco.gov.hk |
在預算案的總目106(俗稱 的 “ 應急錢” ,一個額外的承擔) 今年有五百多億元,但如果回顧 2005-2006年度至2010-2011年度這6 個年度中,在這個項目中共有 945.3億元最後也是回撥到帳目中,並沒 有 花掉。 legco.gov.hk | The amount of money under Head 106 of the Budget (which is commonly referred to as the "emergency fund", an additional commitment) is some $50 billion this year, but if we review the six years from 2005-2006 to 2010-2011, ultimately, some $94.5 billion under this item was credited back without being used. legco.gov.hk |