

单词 花圃

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External sources (not reviewed)

該 段干諾道西行人路花圃工程 ,屬工程項目的一部分,以 適度地美化該路段的街景。
The construction of the planter at the relevant [...]
section of Connaught Road West was part of the works project and was meant
for appropriate beautification of the road section concerned.
(b) 育苗行動 ⎯⎯
[...] 把植物幼苗分發予參加者,讓他們在家中栽 種,以供日後移植到新建屋邨花圃內
(b) Action Seedling – seedling plants would be given out to
participants who are willing to nurture the plants at home until they are ready for
[...] transplanting to planters of new estates
小園地或會設有一個溫室、一個天氣探測站 花圃。
The green corner may include a green house, a weather station and planting beds.
闢 設小園地的目的,是培養學生對 園 藝 和 自 然環境的興趣 。小園地會設有一個溫 室、一個天氣探測站花圃。
The green corner includes a green house, a weather station and planting beds.
公共屋邨,目的是向公共屋邨租戶宣傳環保意識; (b) 育苗行動 ⎯⎯ 把植物幼苗分發予參加者,讓他們在 家中栽種,以供日後移植到新建屋邨 花圃內
(b) Action Seedling – seedling plants would be given out to
participants who are willing to
[...] nurture the plants at home until they are ready for transplanting to planters of new estates
蔡素玉議員: 主席,整個綠 化 大 綱圖所 採 用 的 花苗、 樹苗花圃, 當 中 多 少 百分比 是 使 用本地的,有多少 是 從 外地購入,以 及有沒 有 任 何 計 劃擴大 這個 百分比 , 即 在 本地種植的 這些樹苗花圃的 百分比 呢 ?
MISS CHOY SO-YUK (in Cantonese): President, among the flower seedlings, tree saplings and flowerbeds adopted in GMP, what is the percentage of local species and what is the percentage of foreign species procured outside Hong Kong?
這些城 市 會根據本身的地形 , 引 進 不 同 品 種 的 植 物 ,
[...] 亦 會 在 道 路 兩 旁 種花 圃 , 甚 至在高架道 路 旁 的 [...]
燈 柱 懸掛盆 栽 , 為 的是要 營 造 一個綠 化 的 空 間。
These cities, taking their respective topographic characteristics
into consideration, introduce a variety of
[...] plants, set up gardens on their roadsides [...]
and even hang potted plants from their
lamp-posts on the sides of flyovers, creating a green space.
花圃、灌 木、植物或任何正在整理作 花圃 或供 栽種樹木、灌木或植物的土地;或
(i) any flower-bed, shrub, plant or any ground in the course of preparation as a flower-bed or for the [...]
planting of any trees, shrubs or plants; or
还担心着昨天的台风是否会影响 花圃 , 不 过,直至这个月的21 日(星期日)止,举办「大波斯菊&KOKIA de COKO节」活动。
I wonder is there any damages from yesterday’s typhoon as Cosmos & Kochia de COKO Festa is held till the 21st of this month.
西貢公路上一棵名列《古樹名木冊》的印 度橡樹(登記編號 LCSD SK/2),其部分主樹幹曾在 2005 年 5 月的暴雨中 受到損壞,樹身已由纜索撐杆穩固,樹底亦已圍 花圃 , 以 增生樹根。
There was one OVT Registration No. LCSD SK/2, a Ficus elastica, at Hiram's Highway with part of its main trunk damaged during heavy rainstorm in May 2005.
在 50 所已闢 設 綠 化 小 園 地的新 校 舍 中 , 其中 35 所 的 設施包括耕 土、14 所 的 設施包花 圃、15 所 的 設施包括溫 室 。
Among the 50 new schools provided with a green corner, 35 feature the provision of planting beds, 14 have pot-planting areas and 15 incorporate a green house.
不得在海洋公園內的任何草地花圃 或 正 在整理作 花圃 或以 作栽植樹木、灌木或其他植物的土地上步行、奔跑、 站立、坐下或躺臥,但有告示另予准許的除外
(e) except as permitted by notice to the contrary,
walk, run, stand, sit or lie in
[...] Ocean Park upon any grass, flower-bed or ground in the course [...]
of preparation as a flower-bed
or for the planting of trees, shrubs or other plants
對於屋苑內的非住宅用途如商場、停車場 花圃 空 ㆞ 的運用及管理範疇, 房屋署、私㆟物業管理公司和發展商都表示自己能發揮有限的影響力。
The Housing Department, private property management companies and developers all stated that they could only exert a limited influence on the use and management of non-domestic use areas in the estate, such as the shopping arcade, carparks or vacant areas around the flower bed.
(a) "綠樂無窮在屋邨" ⎯⎯ 此計劃會逐步推展至所有 公共屋邨,目的是向公共屋邨租戶宣傳環保意識; (b) 育苗行動 ⎯⎯
[...] 把植物幼苗分發予參加者,讓他們在 家中栽種,以供日後移植到新建屋邨 花圃內
(b) Action Seedling – seedling plants would be given out to
participants who are willing to nurture the plants at home until they are ready for
[...] transplanting to planters of new estates
(二 ) 小 園 地 一 般 佔 用 的 面積約 30 至 40 平 方 米 , 設施可包括耕 土花 圃 及 溫 室 等,實 際 提 供 的 設備須視乎校 舍 布 局及因應辦 學 團體 的 要求而定 。
(b) A green corner is usually about 30 to 40 sq m large, including features such as planting beds, pot-planting areas, a greenhouse, and so on, depending on the school premises layout and school sponsoring bodies' requirements.
缅因等卢瓦尔河走过,从东到西,由雄伟的卢瓦尔河谷,凭借其丰富的果园, 圃 和 市 场 花 园。
Maine et Loire is traversed from east to west by the majestic valley of the Loire, with its
[...] rich orchards, nurseries and market gardens.
至於圃花園事件,更令我深深體會到立法會議員發揮橋梁角色的重要 性。
Through the incident relating
[...] to the Dragon Garden, I was able to [...]
appreciate deeply the importance of Legislative Council
Members in playing the role of a bridge.
从最初开始作为鳞茎球,到最后的 花 阶 段 ,这些植物在整个 圃 内 通 过“Walking Plant System”(植物移动系统)自动运送。
From the very beginning: as
[...] bulbs to the final stage of flowering, the plants are automatically [...]
transported throughout the
entire nursery with the Walking Plant System.
[...] 将在温带作物种植以及土壤管理计划和 圃 建 设 等方面为该项目提供技术援 助。
The Royal Project Foundation of Thailand will provide the project with
technical assistance in the cultivation of temperate crops, as well as soil management
[...] schemes and nursery construction.
粮农组织通过学校圃项目 参与对男孩和女孩的教育,并通过合作社、 农民田间学校和更广泛的推广方案参与对男子和妇女的教育。
FAO has engaged in educating boys and girls through school gardens and men and women through cooperatives, farmer field schools and broader extension programmes.
年增长了10 倍,其中切花约占37%。
[...] 近年来,这一部门受益于新的外国投资的猛增,特别是来自以色列和荷兰的 投资,主要的许花卉苗圃由外 国人拥有和管理。
In recent years, the sector has benefited from a surge in new foreign investment,
particularly from Israel and the Netherlands, and many
[...] of the dominant flower producers are owned [...]
and managed by expatriates.
执行委员会第四十四次会议原则上批准总额为537,763的资金,供古巴完成完全淘汰用于受 保护菜园花卉和观赏植物、咖啡 圃 、 储存 和食 品 设施 的土 壤 熏蒸 的甲 基 溴(24.1 ODP吨, [...]
The Executive Committee at its 44th Meeting approved in principle an additional US $537,763 as the total funds that will be available to Cuba to achieve the complete phase-out of methyl bromide
used for soil
[...] fumigation in horticulture, flowers and ornamentals, coffee nurseries, storage and [...]
food facilities (24.1 ODP
tonnes), representing the total consumption of controlled uses of methyl bromide.
南瓜花是草 間彌生一生最喜愛描畫的主題,與她種植 圃 的 家 庭背景有關,大約十七、八歲時她曾以日本畫材料畫了幾個橫列的南瓜,獲得好評與獎項。
Still back in Japan, when she was about 17 or 18 years old, Kusama won a prize and much acclaim for a painting showing several pumpkins arranged in a horizontal line, executed in the traditional Japanese style.
关键问题是,剩余的多数关键用途提名并未按照第 IX/6 号决定的要求使
[...] 用防渗薄膜来控制排放,并且在全球(除日本外)撤销甲基碘为寻找新的化学 替代品带来较大压力,尤其给处理 圃 问 题 带来了压力。
Key issues were the fact that most remaining critical-use nominations did not use emission control with barrier films as required by decision IX/6 and the withdrawal of methyl iodide
worldwide (except in Japan) had put pressure of finding new chemical alternatives, in particular
[...] with regard to nursery issues.
(d) 進行公眾水上康樂活動中心餘下的建造工程,包括 設置灌溉系統、育林教育區、樹木 圃 和約 3 公頃 的植林區,以及進行其他環境美化工程
(d) construction of the remaining part of public water recreation centre including the provision of irrigation network, an arboretum, a tree farm, about 3 ha of woodland planting and other landscaping works
执行委员会第三十七次会议审议了旨在完全淘汰作为瓜类、香蕉和烟草 圃 土 壤熏 蒸剂用途的甲基溴(也即 412.0 ODP 吨)的项目提案,并核准了该项目第一阶段的供资, 共计 1,977,454 美元,不包括机构支助费用(第 37/50 号决定)。
At its 37th meeting, the Executive Committee considered a project proposal to completely phase out the use of MB as a soil fumigant in melons, bananas and tobacco seedlings (i.e., 412.0 ODP tonnes) and approved funding for phase I of the project amounting to US $1,977,454 excluding agency support costs (decision 37/50).
為進一步 綠 化 校 園 及 鼓 勵 有 機 種 植 , 培 育學生的環 保 意 識 , 我們 亦聯同環境 保 護 運 動 委 員會、 環 境 保 護 署 及 香港愛 護 樹木協 會, 舉辦“都市有機圃 ” 及 鼓 勵 學 校 參 與 由 康 樂及文化 事務署 舉 辦 的 綠 化 校 園 資 助 計 劃 。
To further enhance environmental awareness among students through campus greening and organic planting, we have organized the Organic Farms in the City Competition in conjunction with the Environmental Campaign Committee, Environmental Protection Department and Hong Kong Trees Conservation Association; and have also encouraged schools to join the Greening School Subsidy Scheme organized by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.
公司的生产基地位于广州市天河区 圃 粤 安工业园,园内设有办公大楼、实验室、厂房、仓库等,其中工业厂房占地面积20000多平方米,拥有系列先进机械加工设备和高精度的生产线,包括引进日本全自动风管生产线、风柜、风机盘管生产线、日本AMADA数控冲床、日本AMADA折弯机、日本AMADA剪板机等。
The production base of our company
[...] is located in Dongpu Yuean industrial [...]
park, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City; the office
building, laboratory, plant, warehouse, etc. are situated in the park with an industrial plant floor area of more than 20000 square meters; our company owns a series of advanced mechanical processing equipment and high-precision production line including the fully automatic air duct production line and wind cabinet and wind coiler production line introduced from Japan, AMADA numerical control machine tool, crib crimper, cutting machine imported from Japan, etc.
至于买方关于原告本 应将这些苗木售出的观点,根据《销售公约》第 88 条,法院认为,原告(树木圃)不 可能将买方(苗木贸易商)无法取走的苗木成功售出。
With regard to the buyer’s argument that the appellant should have sold the trees, ex article 88 CISG, the Court held that it could not be seen that the appellant — a tree nursery — could have succeeded in selling the trees where the buyer — a tree trader — could not.




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