单词 | 花卉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 花卉 noun —flower n (often used)flowers n花卉 adjective —floral adj花卉 —flowers and plantsExamples:花卉艺术 n—floristry n 奇花异卉—exotic flowers and rare herbs [idiom.] See also:卉—plants
此外,肯尼亚 的花卉理事 会等机构促进了信息传播、认识和问题的查明。 multilateralfund.org | In addition, bodies such [...] as the Kenya Flower Council contribute [...]to dissemination of information, awareness and identification of problems. multilateralfund.org |
此外,为符合不丹第十 [...] 个五年计划以加强粮食保障,该办事处计划并组织了一个前所未有的关于药用植物 和 花卉分 子繁殖培训讲习班。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Also, in line with Bhutan’s 10th Five-Year Plan to enhance food security, the [...] Office planned and organized a first-ever training workshop on molecular propagation of [...] medicinal plants and floriculture. unesdoc.unesco.org |
至於花卉業, 礙於今年天氣反常,很多鮮花未到農曆新年便已開花,使花農 [...] 盈利減少。 legco.gov.hk | In the florist trade, as a result [...] of abnormal weather, many flowers blossomed well before the Chinese New Year, thus reducing [...]the profits of flower farmers. legco.gov.hk |
海百合萃取来自Clarins特别于不列塔尼(Brittany)种植 的 花卉。 clarinsusa.com | Sea lily [...] extract comes from flowers specially grown [...]for Clarins in Brittany. clarinsusa.com |
执行委员会第四十四次会议原则上批准总额为537,763的资金,供古巴完成完全淘汰用于受 保护菜园、花卉和观 赏植物、咖啡苗圃、储存 和食 品 设施 的土 [...] 壤 熏蒸 的甲 基 溴(24.1 ODP吨, 这是甲基溴管制使用的消费总量。 multilateralfund.org | The Executive Committee at its 44th Meeting approved in principle an additional US $537,763 as the total funds that will be available to Cuba to achieve the complete phase-out of [...] methyl bromide used for soil [...] fumigation in horticulture, flowers and ornamentals, coffee [...]nurseries, storage and food facilities [...](24.1 ODP tonnes), representing the total consumption of controlled uses of methyl bromide. multilateralfund.org |
2009年香港花卉展 以東亞運動會為題的 Catwalk Show表演 於 3/15星期天下午舉行, 邀請香港花卉會知名花師 用鮮花與運動用品 體現運動會題材。 givegift.com.hk | Winnie is an invited [...] designer for the highlighted program "East Asian Games Catwalk Show" at the 2009 Hong Kong Flower Expo, on March 15th in the afternoon. givegift.com.hk |
這些建議與 2007 年 5 月的工作坊所得的意見相若,即依受歡迎程度為休憩座位設施、草 木 花卉及 樹 蔭、露天茶座、戶外表演場地及噴水池 (請參考附錄四有關工作坊意見的清 單 ) ;除了「噴水池」在這次意見收集中的受歡迎度較低,而「港鐵站出入通 道」則在工作坊中未被提及。 forum.gov.hk | These suggestions are similar to those popular ideas collected at the brainstorming workshop of May 2007, i.e. seating, green environment with shade, alfresco café, outdoor performance venue and fountain in order of popularity (see Appendix D for a full list of ideas generated from the workshop) except that “fountain” is less popular in this views collection exercise. forum.gov.hk |
有建議指,馬會在 設計公眾綠化空間時,可參考全球最大的室內公園之 一 [...] ──加拿大卡城的 Devonian Gardens,園內花卉和 樹木林立,並以瀑布和湖泊作為點綴。 centralpolicestation.org.hk | It was suggested that the Club, when designing the pubic green space for the CPS Compound, could draw reference from the Devonian Gardens in Calgary, Canada which [...] is one of the world's largest indoor parks with many [...] thousands of trees and flowers complemented by waterfalls [...]and lakes. centralpolicestation.org.hk |
例如, [...] 森林的分水岭保护功能促使水质量改善,而其反过 来又可能影响下游的花卉种植者。 teebweb.org | For instance, the watershed protection function of a forest leads to improved water quality which might in [...] turn affect a flower grower downstream. teebweb.org |
以法式玫瑰園為主題,鰂魚涌太古坊agnès b. [...] FLEURISTE早前重新設計,延續agnès b.對花卉的鍾愛和濃厚興趣的分享,花店佈置儼如法國南部後花園,統一擺放來自不同地方如肯雅、荷蘭及厄瓜多爾等的玫瑰花,種類超過三十款。 think-silly.com | With French rose as its theme, agnès b. FLEURISTE at Taikoo Place (Quarry Bay, Hong Kong) has been renovated and reopened [...] recently. In keeping with the love of floral, [...] the agnès b. florist is set up like [...]a garden in South of France, placing over [...]thirty types of roses (from Kenya, The Netherlands, República del Ecuador and more) together. think-silly.com |
這個世界其實是充滿了愛的事和物的,Love Passport “A [...] Bloom”是代表一種“愛的喜悅”的氣味,使我們感覺到愛的存在,如像被包圍 在 花卉 叢 中 似的。 aster.com.hk | Love Passport a bloom is the scent of joy of loving and will convey the existence of [...] love like a flower garden that surrounds you. aster.com.hk |
另一方面, 它涉及了城郊集约化农业生产,即被保护的园艺 和花 卉生产。 cigr.org | On the other hand, it dealt with [...] the intensive agricultural production in peri-urban areas, namely protected [...] horticultural and floricultural production. cigr.org |
很多向这份一样的片段都被加上装饰性的边框,贴在饰有金 色 花卉 植 物 的纸张上。 wdl.org | Many fragments such as this one were given a variety of decorative borders and pasted to sheets [...] ornamented with plants or flowers painted in gold. wdl.org |
灰是沮丧通过其pompus的态度,但他和他的朋友们同意采取Shaym in , 花卉 园 , 所以它和其它种类的迁移和发展一个新的花园他们到何处去,通过这个过程被称为花轴承。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Ash is frustrated by its pompus [...] attitude, but he and his friends agree to take [...] Shaymin to the Flower Garden, so it [...]and others of its kind can migrate and grow [...]a new garden where they go, through a process called flower bearing. seekcartoon.com |
市民除了可進入禮賓府的花園觀賞 花卉 樹 木 外,還可以參觀行政長官在禮賓府舉行官式活動和接待賓客的地方。 forum.gov.hk | Visitors [...] can view the flowers and trees in [...]the garden and see the places where the Chief Executive holds official functions [...]and receives dignitaries in Government House. forum.gov.hk |
作品元素包括懷舊東洋色彩(蜷川經常自稱是1913年成立,由全女班組成的「寶塚歌劇團」的宣傳大員;首齣執導長片《惡女花魁》發生在江戶時代)、盛開 的 花卉 ( 《 AC ID BLOOM》一書花了三年時間拍攝花朵)和彩色的金魚群(走訪上海、香港及泰國等地搜羅影像)。 think-silly.com | Her consistent use of nostalgic Japanese elements, (She is a self-claimed PR for Takarazuka Revue, a all-girl theatre established in 1913; ‘Sakuran’, the first feature film produced by Ninagawa is set in Edo period) floral in full [...] bloom, (she spent three years [...] photographing flowers for her photography title ‘Acid Bloom’) [...]and multi-colour goldfish (She [...]took images of them in various places such as Shanghai, Hong Kong and Thailand). think-silly.com |
Sissy 穿孔耳環以金色和銀色的金屬元素及精巧別致的鏤空形態,打造出別具搖滾風格 的 花卉 圖 案 ,並有色彩紛呈的迷你水晶作點綴。 brand.swarovski.com | The Sissy pierced earrings feature gold and silver toned [...] metals in fine openwork and filigree, formed [...] into exuberant flowers with rock allure [...]and highlighted with multicolored mini crystals. brand.swarovski.com |
在海军机械学校旧址也举行了纪念活动,不同的青年组织在纪念并促进和保 护人权专用场地种植了 1 000 株花卉,上写“勿忘我”。 daccess-ods.un.org | A commemoration was also held on the grounds of the former Navy School of Mechanics, where different youth organizations planted 1,000 flowers with the message, “Do not forget me” in a space dedicated to remembrance and the promotion and protection of human rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
各部分的开头均有一幅彩色花卉图案 的插图,标题以白色字母写在金色背景上,内容被一条带彩 [...] 色纹饰的垂直条带一分为二。 wdl.org | Each section opens with an [...] illumination of a colored flower composition, with [...]the titles written in white letters on a gold [...]background, and text divided into two parts by a vertical band with а colored ornamentation. wdl.org |
三.除霜:在秋冬时期降至5°C以下有可能产生霜害而导 致 花卉 病 变 冻伤,始用本套系统就可消除以上伤害。 onsmu.com | Defrost: down in the autumn and winter period below 5 C [...] may produce frost flowers lesions caused by [...]frostbite, start with this set of systems can eliminate these injuries. onsmu.com |
(e) 自漁業、家禽業、畜牧業、乳品業、園藝業 、 花卉 業 、 蘑菇培植業及養蠶 業所得收入豁免繳稅直至二零一一年六月三十日,惟須將豁免收入超過十 萬塔卡的至少10%用作投資政府債券。 cre8ir.com | (e) Income from fishery, poultry, cattle breeding, dairy farming, horticulture, floriculture, mushroom cultivation and sericulture are exempt from tax up to 30 June 2011, subject to investing at least 10% of the exempted income that exceeds BDT one lakh, in government bonds. cre8ir.com |
例 如,旅游业、花卉基地 或农业的发展可能取决于水 供应和水质。 teebweb.org | For instance, the [...] development of tourism, flower farms or agribusiness [...]might depend on water availability and quality. teebweb.org |
13 个月来不能出口,只有在第三方干预 之后,一辆运送出口欧洲的花卉的卡车在上周离开加 沙。 daccess-ods.un.org | There have been no exports for 13 months, save for one [...] solitary truck, with flowers for export to Europe, [...]which left Gaza last week after third-party intervention. daccess-ods.un.org |
布朗独眼苏珊品种种植三到六英尺高(一到两公尺),花儿通常衡量四至六个英寸直径(十到十五公分),但部分园 林 花卉 品 种 ,可以达到一十二英寸(三十厘米)直径。 zh.northrup.org | Varieties of Brown-Eyed Susan grow anywhere from three to six feet tall (one to two meters), and the flowers usually measure four to six inches (ten to [...] fifteen centimeters) in diameter, though some [...] garden varieties have flowers that can reach twelve [...]inches (thirty centimeters) in diameter. northrup.org |
一大早八點左右, 插花班的老師 - 羅瑞華女士, [...] 帶領家長會的插花班的家長學生們, 用新鮮的花卉插出 了九盆放在餐桌中心的裝飾品, [...]做為家長們購買彩券抽獎的獎品, 好為 CPAD 籌到些許的經費。 cpad.org | The Flower Arrangement Class' parents gathered at the venue around 8 am, under the [...] guidance of the teacher - Miss Linda Lo, [...] they used fresh flowers to make 9 center [...]piece decorations, as the raffle drawing [...]prize for parents who purchased the raffle tickets to raise some funding for CPAD .... cpad.org |
網上黃頁被譽為本地頂尖的商業指南,包括飲食娛樂、購物旅遊, 食品糧油、餐飲業設備, 家居用品及服務、寵物, 醫療美容、健康護理, 婚禮服務, [...] 教育、藝術、康體運動, 建造、裝修、環保工程, 銀行金融、地產保險, [...] 商業及專業服務, 社團、宗教、公共事業, 禮品、花卉、珠寶、玩具, 服裝及配飾、紡織品, 印刷、辦公室用品, [...]電腦及資訊科技, 電子零件及設備, 運輸、物流, 五金、機械、儀器, 塑膠、石油、化工。 yp.com.hk | yp.com.hk, is the best local business directory available included Dining & Entertainment, Shopping & Travel, Food Products, Restaurant Equipment, Household Products & Services, Pets, Medical, Beauty & Health Care Services, Wedding Services, Education, Art, Sports & Recreation, Construction, Decoration, Environmental Engineering, Bank & Finance, Property & Insurance, Business & Professional [...] Services, Organisations, Religion & Social [...] Services, Gifts, Florists, Jewellery, Toys, [...]Clothing & Accessories, Textiles, Printing, [...]Office Equipment, Computer & Information Technology, Electronics & Equipment, Transportation, Logistics, Metals, Machinery, Equipment, Plastics, Petro-Chemicals, Chemicals. yp.com.hk |
这个市场是1990年大阪世界花卉博览 会的主办场地,由政府和私有企业联合创建,共有八座建筑,包括商品销售店、厂家直销店、“史努比城” 和 花卉 市 场。 nikken.jp | Built as a host facility [...] for the World Flower Expo held in Osaka in 1990, the building is a collaborative public private enterprise incorporating eight buildings including merchandise shops, factory outlet, "Snoopy Town" and the flower market. nikken.jp |
年增长了10 倍,其中切花约占37%。 [...] 近年来,这一部门受益于新的外国投资的猛增,特别是来自以色列和荷兰的 投资,主要的许多花卉苗圃 由外国人拥有和管理。 daccess-ods.un.org | In recent years, the sector has benefited from a surge in new foreign investment, [...] particularly from Israel and the Netherlands, and many [...] of the dominant flower producers are owned [...]and managed by expatriates. daccess-ods.un.org |