单词 | 芮 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 芮—surname RuiExamples:芮氏—Richter (scale) Richter (name) 芮氏规模—Richter scale
1966 年,Beyreis 先生获得威尔帕芮索大学 (Valparaiso University) 化学工程学士学位,1981 年获得罗斯福大学 (Roosevelt University) 工商管理硕士学位。 ul.com | Mr. Beyreis earned a bachelor of science degree in chemical engineering at Valparaiso University in 1966 and a master of business administration degree at Roosevelt University in 1981. ul.com |
芮先生拥有德国DIEGEN大学的自动控制工程硕士学位,以及台湾大学的自动控制学士学位。 pactera.com | Mr. Jui received his Master’s Degree in Automatic Control Engineering from the University of Siegen, Germany, and a Bachelor’s Degree from National Taiwan University. pactera.com |
文学周不仅拉近了澳大利亚和中国文学界的距离,也为我们所有的参与者提供了实在的出版机会,”芮捷锐博士说。 china.embassy.gov.au | Writers’ Week not only brings Australian and Chinese literary communities closer together, it also provides genuine publishing opportunities for all our participants” DrRaby said. china.embassy.gov.au |
作为中国着名的媒体人之一,芮成钢将就中国当今及未来在国际舞台上所扮演的角 色进行探讨。 tfwa.com | A well-known media personality in China, Chenggang will talk about China’s role on the international stage today and in the future. tfwa.com |
萧柔芮是香港大学学生研究队的核心成员, 现为香港大学社会科学(政学与法学)的一年级学生。 hkupop.hku.hk | She is a first year student under the Government and Law double-degree curriculum of the University of Hong Kong. hkupop.hku.hk |
芮先生于2012年11月加入文思海辉,并担任首席技术官,负责管理集团和事业群的研发资金,并领导创新实验室。 pactera.com | Mr. Jui joined Pactera in November 2012 as our Chief Technology Officer. pactera.com |
在过去的几年中,澳大利亚文学周在为中国读者、学生和未来的领导人提供一个聆听澳大利亚文学声音的独特机会方面卓有成效,”澳大利亚驻华大使芮捷锐博士如是说。 china.embassy.gov.au | Over the years, Australian Writers’ Week has been very effective at providing unique opportunities for Chinese readers, students and future leaders to hear Australian literary voices”, Australian Ambassadorto China Dr Geoff Raby said. china.embassy.gov.au |
芮先生还担任欧洲委员会的顾问、北京大学软件与微电子软件工程专业客座教授,撰写了中国软件行业诸多书籍与文章。 pactera.com | Mr. Jui is an advisor to the European Commission, guest professor at the School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University and author of various books and articles on the Chinese software industry. pactera.com |
澳大利亚驻华大使芮捷锐博士主持一组参加澳大利亚文学周的作家讨论当今澳大利亚文学的含义。 china.embassy.gov.au | Australian Ambassador to ChinaDr Geoff [...] Raby moderates a panel of Australian Writers’ Week authors as they discuss what [...]it means to be an Australian writing today. china.embassy.gov.au |
迄今为止,本集团被琤肏数有限公司推选为一系列指数的成分股,其中包括琤芮謢X指数,琤芮謢X行业指数—地产建筑业,琤秅什磥涨a100,琤芮謢X市值指数—中型股指数以及琤芡聍y综合指数。 swirepacific.com | So far, The Company has been selected as constituents of series of indexes by Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited, including Hang Seng Composite Index, Hang Seng Composite Indexes(Properties & Construction), Hang Seng Mainland 100, Hang Seng Composite Size Indexes (Midcap Index) and Hang Seng Global Composite Index. swirepacific.com |
芮恩豹纹摩卡能最好的彰显你狂野的一面。 minnetonkamoccasin.cn | Show your wild side with the Full Leopard Moc! minnetonkamoccasin.com |
潘氏的作品多年来屡获奖项,其中於1989年及1994年分别凭苏芮的《凭着爱》及叶蒨文的《女人的弱点》在香港电台「十大中文金曲颁奖礼」上获颁「CASH最佳中文(流行)歌词奖」。 cash.org.hk | In 1989 and 1994, he was awarded the ‘CASH Best Chinese (Pop) Lyrics Award’ on the RTHK Top Ten Chinese Gold Songs Award Presentation Ceremony with his works ‘Because of Love’ for Julie Sue and ‘Women’s Vulnerable Points’ for Sally Yeh respectively. cash.org.hk |
其作品参加过多次个展,如井上佳昭画廊(2003、2004、2006、2008,大阪)、舒适空间《玛芮拉当代艺术》(2002,米兰)、新宿高岛屋美术画廊(2007,东京)、东京画廊(2008,东京)、诚品画廊(2009,台北)。 ravenelart.com | His works were presented in solo exhibitions held by Yoshiaki Inoue Gallery (2003; 2004; 2006; 2008, Osaka); by Spazio Consolo (Marella Arte Contemporanea) (2002, Milan); by Shinjuku Takashimaya Art Gallery (2007, Tokyo); by Tokyo Gallery + BTAP (2008, Tokyo) ; by Eslite Gallery (2009, Taipei). ravenelart.com |
主要品牌有:抗高血压药物康忻™、治疗心绞痛药物喜格迈®、治疗甲状腺功能减退症的优甲乐®及治疗甲状腺功能亢进症的赛治®、治疗消化道急症的药物思他宁®、生长激素思真®、抗过敏药物阿罗格®、治疗不孕症的果纳芬®、生殖产品乐芮®、艾泽®、思则凯®、雪诺同®、治疗多发性硬化的利比®、抗肿瘤药爱必妥®及BH4缺乏症替代用药科望®。 merck-china.com | Product brands include Gonal-f ® to treat infertility, the fertility products Luveris®, Ovidrel®, Cetrotide® and Crinone®; oncology product Erbitux®, [...] Concor® for high blood pressure, Sigmart® for [...] angina pectoris, Stilamin®foracute gastrointestinal [...]diseases, Euthyrox® for hypothyroidism [...]and Thyrozol® for hyperthyroidism, the growth hormone Saizen®, NHD for allergies, Kuvan® for tetraphydrobiopterin (BH4) deficiency and Rebif® for multiple sclerosis. merck-china.com |
密歇根大学医学院分子与综合生理学系的芮良优博士来访,并作题为:“SH2-B Regulates Body Weight and Glucose Homeostasis”的学术报告。 nutrition.ac.cn | Dr. Liangyou Rui from Department of Molecular & Integrative Physiology, University of Michigan Medical School, visited INS and gave a lecture entitled "SH2-B Regulates Body Weight and Glucose Homeostasis". nutrition.ac.cn |
它不仅能做出大众喜爱的咖 啡,如芮丝崔朵、意式浓缩和拿铁,而且可以做许多特殊品式的咖 啡,如卡布基诺、拿铁玛琪雅朵,所有这些您只需轻触一下按键,甚 至不用挪动杯子。 juragastroworld.de | Cappuccino, latte macchiato or milk coffee at the press of a key and without shifting around cups. juragastroworld.de |