单词 | 芎藭 | ||
释义 | 芎藭—chuanxiong rhizome
其材料来源如下:在贴合床垫所使用的胶水,就是由瑞士ALFA公司所供应之无毒水性溶胶;马毛、驼羊毛则由荷兰ENKEV供应;弹簧则为德国Power Sleep公司指定专用瑞士Spuhl厂设备制造之独立式弹簧公司供应;有机棉布由德国CRAMER公司供应;乳胶则为比利时LATEX CO公司供应;床垫寝具用棉则由爱尔兰Fill Well公司供应;芎麻由斯里兰卡进口;乳胶枕心由美国原装进口;电动排骨架、犁牛被、驼毛被、羊毛被、羊毛枕、羊毛毯⋯⋯等等,由德国原厂艾尔莎公司进口。 powersleep.com.tw | The material from the following sources: Mattresses use glue is supplied by Switzerland ALFA, non-toxic water-based sol; horse hair, camel wool from the Netherlands ENKEV supply; Spring compared with the German Power Sleep specify a spring independent company dedicated the Swiss Spuhl plant equipment manufacturing supply; Organic cotton supplied by Germany CRAMER; Latex supply, compared with Belgium LATEX CO; By Irish Fillwell company supplies mattress bedding cotton; GungMayuko Sri Lanka imports; Latex pillow from the United States imported; Electric bed frame, yak was camel hair was, wool, wool pillow, wool blankets...etc. imports by German original Elsa. powersleep.com.tw |