

单词 节选



talent show
talent competition

External sources (not reviewed)

应获得合适比例 的纸质地图和图表节选或副 本,作为任何基于 计算机的系统的后备材料,供在飞行期间进行标 注时使用。
As a back-up to any computer based system, extracts or copies of paper maps and charts of an appropriate scale should be obtained for annotation during the flight.
[...] 预计的保护计划的主要内容、十来幅照片、三十称钟的广告录像带和一分钟的音 节选 等。
These Web pages, designed for the general public, will be incorporated into the Culture Sector’s Internet site and will comprise, for each masterpiece proclaimed, a description of it, the principal
aspects of the safeguarding plan, about ten photographs, a thirty-second video clip and a
[...] one-minute musical selection.
南非民主研究所,2007 年 10 月 18 日;伦敦国 际战略研究所第二场奥本海默讲 节选 , 20 07 年 9 月 18 日。
These are excerpts from the Second Oppenheimer Lecture delivered at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, 18 September 2007.
根据侧重于加强研究与政策制定之间关系的社会变革管理计划第二阶段,利用现有的 MOST 的研究成果对计划着手进行调整 节选 有 关 政策内容,推广良策和散发方便使用的宣 传有关政策制定方面的有关资料。
In line with the MOST Phase II-focus on strengthening the linkages between research and policy-making, the re-tooled programme started capitalizing on existing MOST research by finetuning the extraction of its policy-relevant contents with a view to disseminating best practices and appropriate material informing policy-making in a user-friendly format.
通过阅读这些会节选,我 们能感受到不同文化间思维方式的巨大差异以及西方医疗系统与其他国家医 疗系统对话的困难,特别是在中国与印度之间,以及这两个国家与西方国家之间。
Running through the extracts can be seen the wide gap between ways of thinking of one culture and another and above all the difficulty of a dialogue between the West ( highly structured ) and other reasoning systems, particularly Chinese and Indian, but also between the two latter and the others.
This calligraphic fragment includes three distinct text panels all executed in Nasta'liq script: one written in black ink on blue paper, another in white ink on beige paper with two illuminated triangles (or thumb pieces) in the upper and lower corners, and a third (lowest on the page) written in black ink on beige paper.
关于试点应用(20,000 美元),秘书处请求澄清该项目的 节 , 选 择 哪 些低消费量 国家参与以及选择的依据,编制试点项目的额外资金的必要性,编制工作的资金已然用完 [...]
Concerning the pilot application (US $20,000), the Secretariat
sought clarification about
[...] the details of this project, which LVC country had been selected and on what [...]
basis, the necessity
of additional funding to develop the pilot project, the relevance of the study once completed when preparation funds have already been used and the HPMP is ready for submission.
在干丹省建设达科茂桥》节选文件 的非官方 翻译,2011 年 7 月 6 日,《柬埔寨新视野》,第 [...]
161 号, 2011 年 7 月。
Constructing the Takhmao Bridge at Kandal Province”, unofficial
[...] translation of selected comments, 6 July [...]
2011, Cambodia New Vision, no. 161, July 2011.
节选由多 产书法家伊麻德·哈桑(1552-1615年),他的作品深得同代人的喜爱和临摹,后来被莫卧儿大帝收藏。
The fragment is by the prolific calligrapher Mir ‘Imad al-Hasani (1552-1615), whose works were admired and copied by his contemporaries and later collected by the Mughals.
政府需要在以下领域中进行能力建设:人权专家帮助加强人权教育;制止 基于性别的暴力;在入境处接待贩运人口的受害者;宣传人权文书以及UPR建 议,并且为了便于阅读将其改编 节选 本 , ;加强金融情报股;以及打击贩运毒 品。
The Government is in need of capacity building in the following areas; Human rights experts for enhancing human rights education, Gender based violence, Accommodation for victims of human-trafficking especially at the Country entry points, dissemination of human rights instruments and UPR recommendations and translation of the same into simplified user friendly versions, strengthening of the Financial Intelligence Unit, and the war against trafficking of illicit drugs.
关于已汇报的经验节选载于 本报告的附件二-C 之中。
A selection of the reported lessons [...]
learned is included in Annex II-C of this report.
这不是会议的主要目标,但为了能够诠释与会者不同的治疗方法,我们在会议分析的第二部分详 节选 了会议上的成果、辩论及演讲。
This was not the principal object of the meetings, though, for the sake of illustrating the different approaches of the participants, large extracts of the contributions, debates and presentations can be found in the second part of this Analysis.
尽管如此,赫斯基注塑系统有限公司授权客户可 节选 或 复 制本文件的部分内容仅供 生产中使用。
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd. grants permission to its customers to make extracts or reproduce portions of this document for limited shop use only.
该米示拿(Yad.四著名通行的。五),其中提到的利未杂质而引起的通过触摸圣经的书籍,尤其 节选 的 根 从这些规定,是非常正确的神圣的布劳解释为是指不同程度的只:没有翻译可以,当然可以提出对原来的水平,与希伯来文。
The well-known passage in the Mishnah (Yad. iv. 5) which mentions the Levitical impurity
occasioned by touching Biblical books, and
[...] which especially excepts the Targum from [...]
these provisions, has been very properly
explained by Blau as referring to different degrees of sanctity only: no translation could, of course, be put upon the same level with the original Hebrew.
代理主席(以英语发言):在请下一个区域集团的代 表发言之前,我现在要请 Elsie Laurence-Chounoune 女士诵读一位非洲人,奥拉达·艾奎亚诺(又名古斯 塔夫·瓦萨)自传节选。
Before giving the floor to the representative of the next regional group, I now invite Ms. Elsie Laurence-Chounoune to read out an extract from the autobiography of Olaudah Equiano, known as Gustavus Vassa, the African.
检方援用了 姆拉季齐笔记的五节选,并 保留在姆拉季齐录音带数字处理和分析后寻求援用 的权利。
The Prosecution relied upon five excerpts from the Mladić notebooks, and reserved the right to seek leave to rely upon the Mladić tapes once they have been digitized and analysed.
已采取的行动:对与实物保护有关的行为的惩罚和禁止内容如下(1978 年关 于《刑法典》第 4 号法令的相节选部分 ):第 264 条“滥用放射性物质”;⑴ 凡 未经合法授权,生产、获取、拥有、传播、加工或以其他方式使用有害健康或环 [...]
境的放射性物质或配方,或将其转让给未经授权者的,犯重罪,最高处以五年监 禁。
Action taken: Penalization and prohibition of acts related to
physical protection
[...] include (relevant excerpts from Act IV of 1978 on the Penal Code): Section 264 “Misuse [...]
of radioactive substances”:
(1) Any person who — without a proper authorization — produces, acquires, possesses, distributes, processes or otherwise uses a radioactive substance or preparation that is dangerous to health or the environment, or transfers it to an unauthorized person is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for up to five years.
(19) 《实践指南》第 4.5 节选用的标题是“无效保留的后果”,而非最初提议 的“无效保留的效果”822 ,因为这种保留的主要后果正是,它们不具有任何法律 效力。
(19) The title of section 4.5 of the Guide to Practice “Consequences of an invalid reservation” was preferred over the one that was [...]
initially proposed, “Effects
of an invalid reservation”822 because the main consequence of these instruments is, precisely, that they are devoid of legal effects.
2011 年 3 月 7 日,在收到和审查 2011 年 1 月 15 日按照审判分庭的命令提出 的笔迹鉴定后,审判分庭采纳了姆拉迪奇笔记的 13 份节选及支持材料。
On 7 March 2011, the Trial Chamber admitted 13 excerpts from Mladić’s notebooks and supporting materials, following receipt and review of a 15 January 2011 handwriting analysis ordered by the Trial Chamber.
I will now read from portions of an article by Bashir Ahmad Gwakh of the
在选择被保护负载所用浪涌保护器的保护等级Up时,可以参考IEC 60364标准的第443-4节“选择装 置内的设备”。
The 443-4 section of IEC 60364 standard,
“Selection of equipment in the installation”,
[...] helps with the choice of the protection [...]
level Up for the SPD in function of the loads to be protected.
编辑配置文件向导为您提供了管理备份流程所需的各类信息,如驱动器选择(包括针对固定和可移动驱动器的自动化驱动选择),目标文件设置,时间表和 节选 项 ( 如分割图像),加密,任务执行控制,MD5奇偶校验,性能节流等等。
The Edit Profile wizard steps you through all of the necessary information to control your backup processes such as Drive Selection including automatic drive selection for fixed and
removable drives, destination settings,
[...] schedule and detail options such as splitting [...]
images, encryption, task execution controls,
MD5 parity check, performance throttling and much more.
我们对产品系列平台的制造 标准:专注于节,选用最 优的材质,致力于为行业提 供便捷,可靠的产品,包括 [...]
采用全世界范围内可靠及最 高品质的零部件。
The criteria followed for the construction of the
platform have always been: devoted
[...] attention to detail, choice of first quality [...]
materials and the desire to offer the industry
a ready-to-use, reliable product incorporating worldwide available quality components.
本文作者使用了以下来源的各种信息和文 节选 : Co mpressed Air Challenge®(压缩空气挑战计划)和美国能源部;美国劳伦斯伯克力国家实验室,华盛顿特区;Resource Dynamics Corporation公司,美国佛吉尼亚州维也纳。
The author has used various information and passages from following sources: Compressed Air Challenge® and the United States Department of Energy; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Washington, DC; Resource Dynamics Corporation Vienna, VA.
当然与多数人一样,很多人都像我一样根据 节选 择 : 适合春夏的Creed ZesteMandarinePamplemousse和适合秋冬的Creed [...]
Of course like many it seems that like many I
[...] had erroneously opted for seasonal [...]
route: Creed Zeste Mandarine Pamplemousse for
spring/summer and Creed Tabaróme for fall/winter (sadly, it will be my last bottle as it is no longer produced; there is of course the newer Tabaróme Millésime.
另一选择方 案 是,只出页数有限的一卷,而将附件和技术性 节 放 在 网站上。
Another option is the possibility of producing only one limited volume, while annexes and technical details would be placed online.
需要制定采购需 求,以确保机构选节水器具,设施和其他用水设备。
Procurement requirements need to be designed to ensure that agencies preferentially purchase water efficient appliances, fittings and other water using equipment.
两种选节点展 开模式:普通展开模式以及单一节点展开模式。
Operates in either normal
[...] expansion or Single Node expansion mode.
大会在同一决议第节第 1 1 段中请秘书长寻求更加有效的战略,及时填补 [...]
所有工作地点现有和未来的语文员额空缺,表示注意到秘书长关于会议时地分配 办法的报告(A/63/119 和 Corr.1)第 92 段,又请秘书长尽早举行该段提及的语文
工作人员竞争性征聘考试和 2009 年后的其他考试,以便及时填补所有工作地点 现有和未来的语文员额空缺,并向大会第六十四届会议通报这方面的努力。
In section V, paragraph 11, of [...]
the same resolution, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to seek a more
effective strategy to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, took note of paragraph 92 of the report of the Secretary-General on the pattern of conferences (A/63/119 and Corr.1), and also requested the Secretary-General to hold the competitive examinations for the recruitment of language staff referred to in that paragraph, as well as other examinations beyond 2009, well in advance so as to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, and to inform the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session of efforts in that regard.




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