

单词 节能灯

See also:

节能 adj

energy efficient

节能 n

energy conservation n


the Lantern Festival (15th of first month of lunar calendar)

External sources (not reviewed)

2005-08 年 期间, 贸发会议与皇家 飞利浦公司达
[...] 成公私营伙伴关系,探 讨在南部非洲地区设节能灯泡工 业的可能性和条件(“Amandla 项目”)。
During 2005–08, UNCTAD was engaged in a public–private partnership with Royal Philips Corporation to explore
possibilities and prerequisites for
[...] establishing an energysaving light-bulb industry [...]
in the Southern African region (the “Amandla project”).
不过在研发上投入还是值得的,因为与现在 节能灯 泡 相 比,这种小小的灯泡效率更高,使用寿命也长得多。
But investment in development pays off,
[...] for the little lamps are significantly [...]
more efficient and have a much longer life
than to-day’s energy-saving lamps.
我们的标准系列和定制型变压器广泛应用于世界各地的 LED 和节能灯照明、智能电网和水电计量、家庭自动化、测试和测量、工业控制、电路管理和安防系统。
Our standard lines and custom-made transformers are used around the world in LED and CFL lighting, smart grid and utility metering, home automation, test & measurement, industrial controls, circuit management, and security systems.
例如,基于技术的激励措施可以包括 节能灯 、 或 者对变频调速电机、或者 某些特定的窗户调控技术进行补贴激励。
Examples of technology-based incentives include
[...] rebates for efficient lamps or luminaires [...]
or for variable speed motors or particular types of fenestration.
在⼀个能源体验的竞赛上,与会 者能够发现在⼀台个人健⾝器材上要花多长时间努力才
[...] 能产生⾜够的能源向⼀台电脑供电,或是发现⽩炽灯泡节能灯泡之 间在电力消耗上的差别有多⼤。
On a race course dealing with energy experiences, participants were able to see how long it would take to struggle on a personal trainer to produce enough energy to power a computer,
or to see how great the difference was between the electricity consumption of
[...] incandescent bulbs and energy saving-bulbs.
集团的各个办公室都采用节能灯和 办 公设备。
the Group has continued to install low-energy lighting systems and office equipment across the office network; and
节能荧光 灯的案例中,在没有不含汞的 竞争替代品时,由于目前的电器生产实践,从产品寿命周期的观点通常使用含汞 节能灯 比 使 用 不含汞的低效能标准白炽灯更有优越性(UNEP 2002)。
For example, in the case of energy-efficient fluorescent lamps, as long as there are no competitive substitutes that do not contain mercury, it is generally preferable from a product-life-cycle [...]
to use a mercury-containing energy-efficient lamp rather than to use a less efficient standard incandescent lamp containing no mercury, as a result of current electricity production practices (UNEP 2002).
两个国家的代表大会代表在2010年,扬州市委书记王Yanwen代表直接了:“国务院有关部门制定建议逐步淘汰白炽灯,加快行动计划来促 节能灯 , 你 可 以开始推广公共设施,任何政府的规定项目的投标工作照明产品,财政补贴范围从普 节能灯 过 去一直延伸到半导体照明尽快政策,促进应用新产品开拓市场”。
Two congresses representatives of the country in 2010, the Yangzhou Municipal Party Committee Secretary Wang Yanwen representatives bluntly:" The State Council departments concerned to formulate proposals to phase out incandescent light, speed up
the action plan to
[...] promote energy-saving lamps, you can start promoting public utilities, the provisions of any government project bidding lighting products, and financial subsidies range from the ordinary energy-saving lamps over the past extended [...]
to the semiconductor
lighting as soon as possible to policies to promote application of new products to expand the market".
新一节能灯(三 基色灯)、液晶(LCD)或等离子(PDP)平板显示器、荧光灯、产品标识(衣服、银行票据)和标志等产品得以开发和应用都归功于稀土元素特别是罗地亚 Luminostar™ 系列产品的发光特性,三基色灯泡和灯管采用了罗地亚开发的荧光粉前体,具有使用寿命更长(减少了废弃物数量、减少了从自然界取得原材料的数量)、更节能等特点,是白炽灯的5至10倍。
The new generation of energy saving lamps (trichromatic lamps), flat displays with Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) or with plasma technology (PDP), fluorescent lamps, marking products (clothes, bank notes, etc.) and signs owe their development and performance to the luminous properties of rare earths and, in particular, to the Rhodia Luminostar™ range.
发光二极管(LED)是未来的照明工具,不但能提高照明强度,而且耗电量仅为白 灯 或 节能灯 的 一 小部分。
They produce high levels of luminosity whilst consuming just a fraction of the energy required by
[...] conventional light bulbs or energy-saving lights.
奥其斯生产的3WLED球泡灯最低价8.5元/只,市面上销售 的 5 W 节能灯 最 低 价12元/只,比起市场上几十元甚至上百元一只的LED灯具,拥有绝对的价格优势,超高性价比将引领LED行业变革,让LED灯飞入百姓家。
Mr Its production, 3 wled ball steep
light price 8.5 yuan/only, on market sales
[...] of 5 w energy-saving lamps lowest 12 yuan/only, [...]
compared to the market on a few yuan
even hundreds of yuan a LED lamps and lanterns, has the absolute price advantage, ultra high performance-to-price ratio will lead the LED industry transformation, let LED lamp into people.
现今的照明系统或节能灯(特 别是这些设备的谐波)有些时候会对BandII红外线接收引发干扰问题,这些谐波可能会影响BandII低端的通道。
Interference generated through switched lighting systems
[...] or energy saving lamps (especially the [...]
harmonic waves of these devices) sometimes
cause infrared receiving problems in Band II.
有人认为,国内LED照明应用企业对LED技术的理解更深刻,在灯具设计上更能抓住LED的本质特征;传统照明巨头只对照明的理解更透彻更专业,而且传统照明巨头还要兼 节能灯 的 市 场,他们并不希望该市场萎缩得太快。
Some people think that, the domestic LED lighting applications to the understanding of the LED technology enterprise more profound, in a light on the design more can seize the essential characteristics of LED; Traditional lighting only to the understanding of the giant lighting more thorough and professional, and traditional lighting
giant even give attention to two or
[...] morethings energy-saving lamps market, they don't [...]
want the market atrophy too fast.
按照规划,到2015年,国内60W以上普通照明用白炽灯全部淘汰,市场占有率将降到10%以下 节能灯 等 传 统高效照明产品市场占有率稳定在70%左右;LED功能性照明产品市场占有率达20%以上,实现年节电600亿度。
According to the plan, by 2015, more than 60 w general lighting incandescent lamp out
entirely, the market share will drop to below
[...] 10%; Energy-saving lamps such as the traditional [...]
efficient lighting products market
share is stable at about 70%; Functional LED lighting products market share of more than 20%, to achieve power saving 60 billion degrees.
后来,皇 家 飞 利
[...] 浦公司 宣布与 南部非洲国家的公 司合资生节 能 灯泡,并在莱索托建立回 收 工 厂 。
As a result, Royal Philips Corporation announced the establishment of its
joint venture with Southern African companies to
[...] manufacture energy-saving lamps, as well as recycling [...]
plant in Lesotho.
据美国能源部的固态照明研究与开发计划,与高强度气体放电(HID)灯泡、荧光灯管 节能灯 ( C F L)、卤素灯和白炽灯相比,LED具有更高的效能和更长的寿命。
According to the U.S. department of energy solid-state lighting research and development plan, with the high intensity discharge (HID) light bulbs, fluorescent tubes and energy saving lamps (CFL), metal halide lamp and than incandescent lamp, LED with higher efficiency and longer life spans.
节能灯产生同样的光亮,比普通灯 节 省 能 量5-6倍。
Produce the same amount of light as a normal bulb but consume 5-6 times less energy.
在商业建筑领域, 公用事业部门实施的项目更加集中在设计队伍和设计标准上,例如先进 节能灯设 计 指南、先进的建筑物能耗故障诊断方法、一些市场分析工具以及技术培训资料 等。
The Chinese lighting experts that recommended the requirements that were adopted by the Ministry of Construction looked in detail at the California energy code and the lighting design experience incentivized by managed incentive programs.
节能灯具安装于 Waxdale 工厂,在投入使用的第一年便减少了 776 吨温室效应气体的排放。
New, energy-efficient light fixtures were installed at our Waxdale facility, eliminating 776 tons of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the first year.
目前,中国发展和改革委员会配合联合国开发计划署(UNDP)、全球环境基金(GEF)共同提出的“中国逐步淘汰白炽灯,加快推 广 节能灯 ” 项 , 为 节能灯 替 代 白炽灯照明市场快速增长正在迎来了发展历史上的机会,我们的地铁、火车、大型超市也开始使LED照明。
At present, China Development and Reform Commission cooperate with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Global Environment Facility (GEF) co-development "of China to phase out incandescent
light, speed up the promotion
[...] of energy-saving lamps" project, as energy-efficient alternative [...]
to incandescent lighting market
rapid growth is being ushered in the history of development opportunities, and our subway, train, large supermarkets are also beginning to enable LED lighting.
经分离处理至非常高的纯度以后,罗地亚将剩余浓缩物配制成高科技材料,用于车量催化单元(汽、柴油车辆排放控制)或电子产品 节能灯 、 LCD 和等离子平板显示器、精密光学仪器等的荧光材料)。
After separation to very high purity levels, Rhodia formulates the resulting concentrate into high-technology materials for use in automotive catalysis (emissions control for gasoline and diesel
vehicles) or electronic applications
[...] (phosphors for low-energy lamps, LCD and plasma flat [...]
screens, precision optics, etc.).
相对简单的措施,例如回收 利用和再利用节能灯泡、 将废物转化为肥料、生物多样性和生态系统保护以及 节水灌溉法等许多举措,将在保护环境的同时促进增长。
Relatively simple measures, like recycling and
[...] reuse, energy saving bulbs, conversion of waste into manure, biodiversity and ecosystem protection, and water-saving irrigation [...]
methods, among many
other initiatives, will contribute to growth while protecting the environment.
公司专业生产电感、电子镇流器;电感、电子变压器;日光灯支架、电 节能灯 、 稳 压器,SUNNYCO、EKD等系列产品均为英恒达旗下的支柱品牌,产品远销东南亚、南美洲、中东等国家和地区。
We specialize in the line of lighting products which include Electromagnetic and Electronic Ballasts;
Electromagnetic and Electronic
[...] Transformers; Fluorescent Lighting Fixtures, Energy Saving Lamps, Voltage Regulators, [...]
are our pillar brands, all the products have earned great reputation and are sold well in countries and regions such as Southeast Asia, South America and the Middle East.
中国绿色照明工程的实施,推动了照明电器行业结构的优化升级和产品质量的整体提升 节能灯 和 白炽灯的产量比由1996年的1:34上升至2010年的1: 1 , 节能灯 的 全 球市场占有率由1996年的20%提高到2010年85%;推动了高效照明产品的普及应用和全社会照明节电意识的普遍提高,截止目前通过财政补贴方式累计推 广 节能灯 5 亿 只 以上,全国高效照明产品的市场占有率达到70%;促进了半导体照明技术的快速发展及半导体照明产品的推广应用。
The implementation of China's green lighting project, and promote the Lighting Industry
structure optimization and
[...] upgrading of product quality to enhance the overall production of energy-saving lamps and incandescent than 1:34 from 1996 to 1:1 in 2010, up, energy-saving lampsglobal market share increased from 20% in 1996 to 85 percent in 2010; to promote efficient lighting products, the popularity of applications and a general increase in lighting energy saving awareness in society as a whole, until now more than 500 million accumulated through financial subsidies to promote energy-saving lampsefficient lighting [...]
products in the
market share of 70%; to promote the popularization and application of the rapid development of semiconductor lighting technology and semiconductor lighting products.
其 他 有希望的措施包括制定保护计划;成立有女性工作人员的联合保护小组;提供太能灯、汲水工具节能炉灶 以及特派团部署保护妇女顾问。
Other promising measures include the development of protection plans; the establishment of joint protection teams with
women staff; provision of
[...] solar lights and lamps, water collection aids and fuel efficient stoves; and [...]
the deployment to missions of women protection advisers.
与此同时,宏源公司于2009年4月还组织了专家团队编撰了有史以来第一本系统介绍无极灯专业技术的著作《LVD无极灯》并由复旦大学出版社出版,向全世界发行;此外,公司专家团队和技术人员还先后在国内外主要杂志和大型学术交流会上发表了数十篇有关无极灯方面的技术论文,尤其是在法国、俄罗斯、英国、韩国以及第五届环太平洋照明会议、海峡两岸第十一届照明科技研讨会、2004世界工程师大会、第十届国际电光源技术研讨会、2005中国绿色照明国际会议、电光源应用手册等等所发表的论文都引起很大反响,为新一 节能 照 明 产品无 灯 在 世界范围的推广和应用在技术层面得到了广泛共识。
Furthermore, a team of experts and technicians from Hongyuan successively published dozens of technical papers related to the induction lamp, in magazines and large academic exchange home and abroad, especially in France, Russia, Britain and South Korea as well as at meetings like LUXPACIFICA5th, the Eleventh Mainland and Taiwan Lighting Technology Seminar, the World Engineers’ Convention 2004, the 10th International Symposium on Science and Technology of Light-sources, the 2005 International Conference of China Green lights, and Practical Manual on Electricity and Light Resource etc., causing great sensation and bringing broad technical
consensus on the promotion and usage
[...] of new generation energy-efficient lighting products, [...]
i.e. induction lamp, at a world level.
以对环境友好型社会和创新照明的不懈追求,早在2000年以前,神谷茂先生即预见到,21世纪的前50年里一定会出现更理想的新光源,而这种光源则与电子器件和电子线路的进步密切相关,并预测了两种未来理想新光源,一种是半导体发光二级管,而另一种就是无极放电光源,即无 灯 , 光 效性、显色性都将较传统照明明显提高, 节能 耗 、 无污染。
In hot pursuit of environment-friendly society and innovative lighting, around the year 2000, Mr. Shen Gumao predicted that a better new illuminant must appear in the early 50 years of the 21st century, which is closely connected with the progress of electron device and electronic circuit; and he also forecasted that there would be two excellent illuminants in the future, one of them, the semiconductor LED, and the other one, electrodeless discharge illuminant, namely induction lamp, whose lighting effect and color
rendering would obviously be
[...] increased in comparison with traditional lights and which would be energy-saving and pollution-free.
双方签署了低碳技术服务合作框架协议书,将以国际标准ISO14064作为企业实施低碳管理的切入点,将温室气体排放管理纳入企业日常工作,引领中国照明企业的低碳发展模式;上海宏源照明电器有限公司无极灯系列产品“LVD”商标,经国家商标局认定,已正式通过注册商标申请,并成功获得国家商标局颁发的商标注册证书;上海宏源照明电器有限公司李维德发明的LVD无 灯 城 市 节能 照 明智能控制系统荣获第三届上海市职工优秀技术创新成果一等奖及第二十三届上海市优秀发明金奖。
The low-carbon management in enterprise is based on the international standard ISO14064 and the management of the greenhouse gas emissions is included into the routine work, ushering in the low-carbon development pattern of Chinese lamp companies;Approved by the State Trademark Bureau, the trademark of “LVD” for the series of induction lamp in Shanghai Hongyuan Lighting & Electric Equipment Company Ltd passed the trademark registration,and received access to the registered trademark certification approved by the State
Trademark Bureau; The
[...] LVD induction lamp city energy-saving illumination control system invented by Li Weide in Shanghai Hongyuan Lighting [...]
& Electric Equipment Company
Ltd won first prize in the third Shanghai excellent workers’ technological innovation and the 23rd Shanghai excellent innovation gold award.
摘要根据发展和改革委员会六部委联合下发,“半导体照明的意见能源产业》、文件2015,半导体照明工业总产 节 约 30 %的年平均增长率;市场占有率逐年增加 , 功 能灯 背 光 液晶显示器的20%上升到50%、园林装饰及其他产品的市场份额的70%以上,有效提升自主创新能力的企业、大型MOCVD设备、关键原材料,超过70%的芯片,局部的上游芯片规模3 - 5家厂家;工业集中显著增加,用自己的品牌,一个更大的市场的中坚力量的影响在10龙头企业,初步建立标准为半导体照明系统,完成年 节 能 40 0亿千瓦时以上,相当于减少4000万吨的二氧化碳排放。
According to Development and Reform Commission jointly issued by six ministries, "the views of the semiconductor lighting energy industry", file 2015, the semiconductor
lighting industrial
[...] output value of saving 30% average annual growth rate; market share increase year by year, functional lighting 20% of LCD backlight up to 50%, and landscape decorations and other products for more than 70% market share; significantly enhance the ability of independent innovation of enterprises, large-scale MOCVD equipment, the key raw materials, and more than 70% of the chip, the localized upstream chip scale 3-5 home manufacturers; industry concentration significantly increased, with their own brand, the backbone of a larger market impact of 10 leading enterprises around; initially established standards for semiconductor lighting system; achieve annual energy saving 40 billion [...]
kwh, equivalent to less
40 million tons of carbon dioxide emission.
此外,正在考虑实能效标识和制 能 效 标 准的产品名单包括:空气压缩机、 空调、电机、燃气产品、家用电器(电视、录像机、视听和相关娱乐产品)和办 公室设备(计算机和相关设备、复印机、传真机等)、照明产品 灯 和 镇 流器)、 一体式锅炉、冷藏设备(家用和商用)、炉灶、配电变压器、热水器等。
Additionally, the list of products in need of further consideration on the
implementation of
[...] energy label and energy-efficiency standards include: air compressors, air-conditioners, electrical machines, gas products, electrical household appliances (TVs, VCRs, audio and visual products and related entertainment products) and office equipment (computers and related equipment, copy machines, fax machines etc.), lighting products (lamps and ballasts), one-piece [...]
boilers, cold
storage equipment (for domestic and commercial use), stoves, substation transformers and water heaters etc.




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