

单词 节约的

See also:

节约 n

economy n


conserve (resources)

节约 adj

frugal adj

External sources (not reviewed)

该 表所列的职位与预算意义的空缺是一致的:即真正产 节约的 空 缺 职位是在扣除了用于支付 临时人员费用的那些职位后的职位。
The posts shown in this table correspond to those that are
budgetarily vacant: i.e. vacant posts that are
[...] generating real savings, after deducting [...]
the posts that are financing temporary assistance.
(g) 开展管理活动,做出管理决策,确保以有效力、有效率和力 节约的方 式开展方案活动。
(g) Carries out management activities and makes managerial decisions to ensure the effective, efficient and economic operation of the programme.
仔细检查理论和实节约的电力 之间的差别,并报告给国家公用工程部 门或其他投资方。
The difference between
[...] theoretical and actual savings in electricity is [...]
examined carefully and reported to national utilities
or others sponsoring part of the investment.
要通过 LEED
[...] 金牌认证,数据中心必须采用前沿的设计架构和高能效的技术,能够比传统的企业级数据中 节约 31% 的能源
The LEED Gold Certification is a result of the facility's cutting-edge architectural design and efficient
technology infrastructure, triggering an
[...] estimated energy savings of up to 31 percent [...]
over a traditional enterprise data center.
各国必须采取具体步骤,将通过执行各项裁军与军备限制协定 节约的 资源 的一部分用于经济和社会发展,以缩小发达国家与发展中国家间不断扩大的差 距。
States must take specific steps to devote part of the resources made available by the implementation of disarmament and arms limitation agreements to economic and social development, with a view to reducing the ever-widening gap between developed and developing countries.
摘要根据发展和改革委员会六部委联合下发,“半导体照明的意见能源产业》、文件2015,半导体照明工业总产 节约 3 0 % 的 年 平均增长率;市场占有率逐年增加,功能灯背光液晶显示器的20%上升到50%、园林装饰及其他产品的市场份额的70%以上,有效提升自主创新能力的企业、大型MOCVD设备、关键原材料,超过70%的芯片,局部的上游芯片规模3 [...]
- 5家厂家;工业集中显著增加,用自己的品牌,一个更大的市场的中坚力量的影响在10龙头企业,初步建立标准为半导体照明系统,完成年度节能400亿千瓦时以上,相当于减少4000万吨的二氧化碳排放。
According to Development and Reform Commission jointly issued by six ministries, "the views of the semiconductor
lighting energy industry",
[...] file 2015, the semiconductor lighting industrial output value of saving 30% average annual growth rate; market share increase year by year, functional [...]
lighting 20%
of LCD backlight up to 50%, and landscape decorations and other products for more than 70% market share; significantly enhance the ability of independent innovation of enterprises, large-scale MOCVD equipment, the key raw materials, and more than 70% of the chip, the localized upstream chip scale 3-5 home manufacturers; industry concentration significantly increased, with their own brand, the backbone of a larger market impact of 10 leading enterprises around; initially established standards for semiconductor lighting system; achieve annual energy saving 40 billion kwh, equivalent to less 40 million tons of carbon dioxide emission.
[...] 的成员,包括澳大利亚、比利时、中国、德国、日本和美利坚合众国,审议进一 节约的 途径 ,以便使请求增加数额尽可能接近第 [...]
47/24 号决定具体规定的 3%的限制。
Following the discussions, the Chair invited interested Members, including Australia, Belgium, China,
Germany, Japan and the United States of America, to consider ways
[...] of making further savings with a view to bringing [...]
the requested increase
as close as possible to the 3 per cent limit specified in decision 47/24.
因此,备浆阶段隐藏着巨大的资源和能 节约的 潜 能
Consequently, the
[...] potential for savings is particularly [...]
high in this field.
咨询委员会欢迎关于加强总部设施环 保成绩的建议,并要求秘书长除了提供关于减少消耗 的目标外,还提节约费用 的估计数和实 节约的时 间框架。
The Advisory Committee welcomed the proposed improvements in the environmental performance of the Headquarters facility and asked the Secretary-General to provide, in
addition to the targets for reduced consumption,
[...] estimates of the resulting cost savings and the time frame for realizing them.
CISMEF 也是首届中澳绿色建筑与生态城市论坛的举办地,吸引了约200 位主管城市规划与建设、环境保护、水处理与能 节约的 中 国 高层官员。
CISMEF was also the venue for the first China-Australia Green Building and Eco-city Forum, hosting around
200 senior Chinese officials in charge of urban planning and construction, environmental
[...] protection, water treatment, and energy saving.
内部监 督事务厅提出了以下建议并已得到管理部的认可: 中央支助事务厅与外勤支助部应当组建一个工作 组,制订和执行采购战略;采购司应当制定战略,
[...] 解决其依赖大承包商而产生的风险,并在规模经济 的基础上,探节约的机会 ;该司还应当针对具体 的商品对供应商的参与进行分析并制定策略以加强 [...]
Her Office recommended, and the Department of Management accepted, that: the Office of Central Support Services and the Department of Field Support should form a working group to devise and execute procurement strategies; the Procurement Division should develop a strategy addressing the risks arising from its
dependence on leading contractors and explore
[...] opportunities for savings based on economies [...]
of scale; and the Division should analyse
vendor participation in relation to specific commodities and formulate a strategy to improve competition.
另 外 , 因 牛 和 猪 等 需 要 大 量 饲 料 , 改 变 饮 食 方 式 , 尽 量 不 吃 谷 物 集 约 度 高 的 食 品 也节 约 的 方 法 之 一 。
Another method under debate is changing to diets that curb such cerealintensive foods as pork and beef, which require large volumes of feed to produce.
而所观测到的节水可能是由于对基础设施其他方面的改进,以及同 时引入供水合同。节约的水的成本将小于渠道衬砌成本,因此对农民或用水户协会 今后这样做的激励作用很小。
Much of the observed water saving may be due to other improvements to the infrastructure done at the same time as the introduction of the water supply contract: the cost of water saved will be less than the cost of canal lining so there will be little incentive for the farmers or WUA to do this afterwards.
若要确定通过改善灌溉管节约的水 量 ,以上估算精度凸显了定量节水量中存在 的问题。
Given the magnitude of savings that are envisaged [...]
in through improved irrigation management these estimates of accuracy
highlight the problems in quantifying savings.
在这个过程中,您将学习如何组织你的个人财务,规划您的预算,创 节约的 习 惯和多元化的投资。
In the course you will learn how to
organize your personal finances, planning your budget,
[...] creating the habit of saving and diversifying [...]
their investments.
讨论中提出一些具体实际措施,包括全民教育和可持 续发展教育的互补;相关学校网络,作为协调各项努力和交流经验的特别模式节约的潜力,作为教学方法的一部分。
Several specific practical measures emerged from the discussion, including the complementarity of Education for All and education for sustainable development, the associated schools network as a particular model to coordinate efforts and share experiences, and the potential for conservation as part of the pedagogical approach.
与不断进行技术开发但现已被淘汰的PM 5直接比较,PM 7在启动后每生产一吨纸就可节约5% 的 电 力
In direct comparison to the now defunct PM 5, which had been upgraded continuously to keep
pace with current
[...] technology, PM 7 was already consuming 5% less electrical energy per metric ton of paper produced [...]
right after startup.
成立了拉美自由贸易区,使现 有的生产能力可得到更充分的利用以支持 区域的需求,各个产业由于扩大产出和区域 专门化而实节约的潜能 ,从而降低了成 本,并且,由于区域市场的地区范围广大, 产生了对新的投资的吸引力。
With LAFTA in place, existing productive capacity could be used more fully to supply regional needs, industries could reduce costs as a result of potential economies through expanded output and regional specialization, and attraction to new investment occurred as a result of the regional market area.
刀片式服务器:由于多个服务器共享电源、冷却风扇和其他设备,刀片式服务器比同等的机架式服务 节约 10% 的能源
Blade Servers: Blade servers consume about 10 percent less power than equivalent rack mount servers thanks to multiple servers sharing common power supplies, cooling fans and other components.
美国代表表示,到 2050 年前,该提案将产生 100 千兆吨二氧化碳当量的 直接气候惠益,而通过降低目前对全球升温潜能值较高的氢氟碳化合物的依赖节约的能效将提高所产生的惠益。
The representative of the United States said that the proposal would generate 100 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents in direct climate benefits by 2050, while gains in energy efficiency through a reduction in the current reliance on high global-warming potential HFCs would enhance the benefits generated.
因此,应尽可能量化节约的时间 和纸张。
Time and paper saved should, therefore, be quantified as far as possible.
粒度及粒形分布、ZETA电位、流变特性、聚合物(SEC)的表征以及在线参数将为您带来显著的质量控制与成 节约的 优 势
The characterization of particle size and shape distribution,
zeta potential, rheology, polymer (SEC), and on-line parameters brings obvious quality
[...] control and cost savings benefits.
这一战略的内容是:(a)分别在 2012 年和 2013 年暂时冻结两个专业人员职位和一个一般事务职位,以减少支 出;(b)增加现金和实物捐助;(c)继续执 节约的 措 施
The strategy would: (a) reduce expenditure by temporarily freezing two Professional and one General Service posts in 2012 and 2013, respectively; (b) increase cash and in kind contributions; and (c) enforce continued economy measures.
研究证明,对国际交流活动进行管理,可以通过很多经 节约的 手 段 减少休闲旅行对环境的影响,例 如提供新型票据鼓励替代交通方式、低价促进替代交通方式、组织汽车俱乐部鼓励拼车、进行更合理 的旅程计划、以及组织宣传活动推广环保旅行方式等。
Evidence provided by studies into mobility management now points to the potential of a great number of low cost interventions that would reduce the environmental impacts of leisure travel, such as ticketing and pricing alterations, car clubs and car sharing schemes, personalised journey planning and promotional campaigns to alter travel choices.
从上例(图 2)显示,与参数相同设备上的其他织针相比,格罗茨-贝克特织针虽然价格较高,但仅需3个月,其 节约的 成 本就已经超过该价格差,并表现出显著的竞争优势。
The example (Fig. 2) shows that the price difference for Groz-Beckert knitting-machine needles with identical machine parameters becomes a competitive advantage after only 3 months.
[...] 特的理念,在空间、运行成本、维 护费用上均有显著效果,能的节 约,也要归功于根据需求的变化而 及时调整的风机速度。
The advantages of this new exclusive Trützschler concept
[...] are noticeable savings concerning space, [...]
operation and maintenance
costs, as well as lowered energy consumption due to demand-controlled fan speed.
用快速葡萄酒分析探节约成本的可 能性和提高葡萄酒质量的新方法。
Discover cost saving possibilities and new [...]
ways to improve wine quality with rapid wine analysis.
实现了提高液压回的效率、节约能 源的目的
Enhanced hydraulic circuit efficiency reduces energy needs.
自那时起,国务 院和有关部门颁布了一系列约能源资源的条例, 建立了一个中央、地方、产业和企业多层 的节约 能源 资源管理体系,同时还设立了能源效率的标 准、标识和认证制度,并且在政府采购中也有“能 源效率”要求。
Since then, the State Council and relevant ministries have issued a series of energy and resource conservation rules.
高级专员回答了也门代表的问题,他指出,内 部改节约下来的经费 能够使联合国难民事务高级 专员办事处更多地帮助那些受目前危机影响、在保 [...]
护难民方面遇到困难的国家,比如也门(近 3 年,他 在也门的行动增加了 2 倍),以及刚果民主共和国, 他打算继续加强在该国的行动。
Responding to the representative of Yemen, the High
[...] Commissioner said that the savings resulting from internal [...]
reform had allowed UNHCR to strengthen
its presence in countries whose difficulties in addressing refugee protection were made all the greater by the current economic crisis, such as Yemen (where UNHCR had increased its activities threefold over the past three years) and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where it intended to continue intensifying its operations.




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