

单词 节约

节约 noun ()

economy n

节约 ()

conserve (resources)

节约 adjective ()

frugal adj



daylight saving time


diligent and thrifty [idiom.]

节约的 adj

managing adj

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 拉夫问题国际法庭代表处获悉,虽然这种合并审理导致一些审案法官的 任期延长,但也大节约了成本并提高了整体效率。
The Committee was also informed by representatives of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia that while such joinders had necessitated the
extension of the terms of some ad litem judges, they had also
[...] led to significant savings and greater overall [...]
[...] 两年期将始终保 持和延续 2009 年采取的费节约措施 ,除非普通用途收入回到 [...]
2008 年的水 平,或者获得了特别用途捐款用于这些具体用途。
The cost-saving measures taken in [...]
2009 will be maintained and extended through the biennium 2010-2011 unless general-purpose
income returns to the level achieved in 2008 or if special-purpose contributions are secured for these specific purposes.
食典委赞赏秘书处的经节约措施,并欢迎秘书处增加一名职员以加强 其力量。
The Commission commended the Secretariat
[...] for its cost-saving measures and [...]
welcomed the strengthening of the Secretariat
with an additional staff member.
委员会在其关于 2010-2011 两 年期拟议方案预算的第一次报告中,要求在下一个 2012-2013 年拟议方案预算中
[...] 提供详细资料,说明该厅在这方面采取的具体措施以及这些措施所实现 节约 (见 A/64/7,第八.16 段)。
In its first report on the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011, the Committee requested that detailed information be provided in the next proposed programme budget for 2012-2013 with regard to specific
measures taken by the Office in this
[...] regard, as well as on savings achieved as a result [...]
of such measures (see A/64/7, para. VIII.16).
理事机构秘书处正在努力设法进一步实现合理化 节约 , 重 点放在两个领域:(i) 依照 执行局第一八九届会议的决定,致函所有会员国,请它们自愿放弃其依然有资格领取的差旅 [...]
费和日补贴并为语言费用捐款;在 2013 年大会的筹备期间,还将向所有会员国发出一封类
似信函,请会员国提供援助,为最不发达国家代表参加会议以及语言服务捐款;(ii) 加大了 对文件编制的限制,按照联合国的做法逐步引入文件(甚至是报告)的绝对最长篇幅为¬1215 页的规定。
GBS is working on further attempts at
[...] rationalization and economy, focusing on [...]
two main areas: (i) in line with the Board’s
decision at its 189th session, a letter has been sent to all Members requesting them to forego on a voluntary basis travel and DSA payments to which they are still entitled, as well as to contribute to language expenses; a similar letter will be sent to all Member States in the run-up to the General Conference in 2013 requesting Member States’ assistance to contribute to the cost of participation by LDC representatives in the Conference and to language services; (ii) documentation restrictions have been tightened, with a gradual introduction of an absolute document maximum length, even for reports, of 12-15 pages, as practiced in the United Nations.
备份等级可为节 约大量 时间,否则,您需花时间浏览备份存档中的多个文件,推测删除哪个过期备份不会丢失 重要数据。
Ratings might save you a lot of time you will otherwise spend on exploring multiple files in your backup archives, trying to guess which of the outdated backups can be deleted without losing important data.
通过重点关注世界能源状况的不确定性,会上讨论了以下问题:如何应对石油价 格达到顶点时带来的影响;如何应对石油价格不断上涨对发展中国家,特别是最
[...] 不发达国家的经济增长和资金流动的影响;如何鼓 节约 资 源;以及如何促进交 通工具替代燃料的发展。
Under this focus on the uncertainty of the world energy situation, the following issues were discussed: how to cope with the impact of the price of oil at its peak; how to cope with the impact of the escalation of the price of oil on economic growth and financial flows in the developing countries and particularly in the least developed countries; how to cope with
destabilizing financial flows; how
[...] to encourage the preservation of resources; and [...]
how to promote the development of alternative fuels for transportation.
因此,大会全文通 过的(并载于大会《记录》第 I 卷)的所有决议,以及根据各委员会报告批准的其他决定,
[...] 必须明确说明实施这些决议所需要的资金总额以及所考虑的资金来源,是寻求预算外资金, 还是应在正常计划中的什么地节约 出 相 应的款额。
All resolutions adopted in extenso by the General Conference (and reproduced in Volume I of the Records), as well as other decisions approved on the basis of the commission reports, should therefore mention clearly the amount of resources needed and the method of funding envisaged for their
implementation, either a drive to find extrabudgetary resources or the
[...] identification of equivalent savings in the regular programme.
[...] 以便提高讨论的效果,让各国代表团能够 节约 费 用 的情况下有效参与小组委 员会的工作,还应当提高工作效率并强化工作纪律。
Some delegations expressed the view that items on the agenda of the Legal Subcommittee should be streamlined and rationalized in
order to improve the effectiveness of
[...] discussions and allow the cost-effective [...]
participation of delegations in the work of
the Subcommittee and that the efficiency of that work and working discipline should be enhanced.
可最大限节约材料用量, 减少返工,同时提高工作效率。
You minimize material usage, reduce rework, and improve operational efficiencies.
为实现能源安全,中国领导层意识到,国 内政策必须着重解节约能源 、提高能效、减少 污染、多元化能源组合、升级洁净技术和及时向 供应商和消费者反映能源价格等问题。
To achieve energy security, the leadership recognises that domestic policy must focus more on conservation, raising efficiency, reducing pollution, diversifying the energy mix, upgrading clean technologies and allowing energy prices to send proper signals to suppliers and consumers.
当 前在文件发放和印刷上的节支措施将保持,还可能引入新 节约 措 施,例如不再印刷纸 质的食典委年度报告。
Current cost-saving measures on document
distribution and printing would be maintained
[...] and additional savings might be introduced [...]
such as no longer printing paper copies
of the annual report of the Commission.
这项新方案旨在扩大和加强国家清洁生产中心和其 他资节约与清洁生产服务提供商网络,抓住这些双赢机遇,并将资 节约 与清 洁生产纳入政府政策和企业融资的主流。
The new programme sought to expand and strengthen the network of national cleaner
production centres and
[...] other resource efficient and cleaner production service providers, capture those win-win opportunities and mainstream resource efficient and cleaner [...]
production into Government
policy and enterprise finance.
(c) 有效果和效率地管理妇女署以及有效益、有效率 节约 使 用 妇女署经管 的所有资源。
(c) The effective and efficient management of UN-Women and the effective, efficient and economic use of all resources administered by UN-Women.
无论您的设计需要业内价格最低的 16 位解决方案还是功能最强大的 16 位 MCU,又或者是 DSP 功能,Microchip
[...] 门类齐全的产品系列都能保持良好的兼容性,为后续设 节约 时 间 和成本。
Whether the design requires the lowest-priced 16-bit solution, the most powerful 16-bit MCU in the industry, or DSP
capability, Microchip's broad range of products preserve the
[...] compatibility that help save time and money [...]
on subsequent designs.
[...] 将环境因素更为全面 地纳入该国经济发展计划;(b) 通节约能源 措施合理使用燃料和能源,; (c) 提高工业和经济其它部门的能源使用效率。
The Russian Federation had adopted a number of measures aimed at (a) a more comprehensive inclusion of environmental factors into the country’s economic development plans, (b)
a rational use of fuels and energy
[...] resources through energysaving measures and (c) [...]
the enhancement of the energy efficiency
of industry and other sectors of the economy.
新一代聚合物粘结剂ETONIS®不仅能优化喷射混凝土的附着力和内聚力,还能减少回弹量,从 节约 隧 道 建设及其他应用的施工时间和成本。
ETONIS® is a new generation of polymeric binders that optimize sprayed
concrete adhesion and cohesion while reducing
[...] rebound, thus saving time and costs for tunneling [...]
and other applications.
成立了拉美自由贸易区,使现 有的生产能力可得到更充分的利用以支持 区域的需求,各个产业由于扩大产出和区域 专门化而实节约的潜 能,从而降低了成 本,并且,由于区域市场的地区范围广大, 产生了对新的投资的吸引力。
With LAFTA in place, existing productive capacity could be used more fully to supply regional needs, industries could reduce costs as a result of potential economies through expanded output and regional specialization, and attraction to new investment occurred as a result of the regional market area.
所涵盖的主题 是:(a) 绿色发展;(b) 节约资源 和环保型社会;(c) 增加非化石燃料在自然 能源组合中的比例;(d) 提高能效和降低二氧化碳排放量的措施;(e) 改革补 贴,以便减少化石燃料的使用和浪费,并提高资源效率和改进减贫努力;(f) 电子贸易和交流;(g) 能源和水综合规划;(h) 绿色发展计划,以应对气候 变化影响。
emissions; (e) reforming subsidies to reduce fossil fuel use and waste and improve resource efficiency and poverty reduction efforts; (f) electricity trade and exchange; (g) integrated energy and water planning; and (h) addressing climate change impacts with green development plans.
这种物 质非常昂贵,所以节约使用
It is a very expensive product, so use it economically.
摘要根据发展和改革委员会六部委联合下发,“半导体照明的意见能源产业》、文件2015,半导体照明工业总产 节约 3 0 % 的 年平均增长率;市场占有率逐年增加,功能灯背光液晶显示器的20%上升到50%、园林装饰及其他产品的市场份额的70%以上,有效提升自主创新能力的企业、大型MOCVD设备、关键原材料,超过70%的芯片,局部的上游芯片规模3 [...] [...]
- 5家厂家;工业集中显著增加,用自己的品牌,一个更大的市场的中坚力量的影响在10龙头企业,初步建立标准为半导体照明系统,完成年度节能400亿千瓦时以上,相当于减少4000万吨的二氧化碳排放。
According to Development and Reform Commission jointly issued by six ministries, "the views of the semiconductor
lighting energy industry", file 2015, the semiconductor lighting industrial
[...] output value of saving 30% average annual [...]
growth rate; market
share increase year by year, functional lighting 20% of LCD backlight up to 50%, and landscape decorations and other products for more than 70% market share; significantly enhance the ability of independent innovation of enterprises, large-scale MOCVD equipment, the key raw materials, and more than 70% of the chip, the localized upstream chip scale 3-5 home manufacturers; industry concentration significantly increased, with their own brand, the backbone of a larger market impact of 10 leading enterprises around; initially established standards for semiconductor lighting system; achieve annual energy saving 40 billion kwh, equivalent to less 40 million tons of carbon dioxide emission.
Discover cost saving possibilities [...]
and new ways to improve wine quality with rapid wine analysis.
我国水资源短缺、开发潜力有限,用水效率不高,环境问题突出,不 能走传统的以需定供的老路,必须加快推进供水管理向需水管理转变,在水资源规 划、配置节约和保 护等各个环节都要体现需水管理的理念,实施用水总量控制,遏 制不合理用水需求,提高用水效率和效益,走内涵式发展道路。
So we need to seep up to promote from water supply management to water demand management, reflect the concept of water demand management in all aspects such as planning, allocation, conservation and protection of water resources, implement total amount control, forbid unreasonable water demand, improve water use efficiency and benefits and take the mode of intensive development”.
(d) 妇女署是否得到有效果和有效率的管理,妇女署的资源、妇女署经管的 资金和妇女署经管的非妇女署资金是否得到有效果、有效率 节约 利 用
(d) The effective and efficient management of UN-Women and the effective, efficient and economic use of UN-Women resources, funds administered by UN-Women and non-UN-Women funds administered by UN-Women.
[...] 系进行可能的简化,这将改进本体系,使其对所有用户都更高效、灵活、可靠、友好、可 节约时 间和成本。
One focus area in the Working Group will be possible simplifications of the Madrid system, which will improve
the system so as to be more efficient, flexible,
[...] reliable, user-friendly and time-and cost-effective [...]
for all its users.
This objective is entirely in line with the German government’s energy policy on the conservation of fossil fuels and climate protection, and with the BMBF’s funding policy to increase the efficiency of renewable energy sources (based on its Basic Energy Research 2020+ strategy).
消除核武器及其他大规模毁灭性武器将帮助核 武器国家和希望拥有核武器的国 节约 资 源 ,并把资 源腾出来用于发展和增长,不仅是在它们国内而且也 与其它会员国一起这样做。
Elimination of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction would help nuclear-weapon States and aspiring ones to save resources and release them for development and growth, not only on their territories but also together with other Member States.
进口矿物燃 料和保护托克劳脆弱环境的成本不断上升,突显了利用可再生能源对托克劳的重 要意义,以及提高环礁岛居民节约 能 源和能源使用效率认识的必要性。
Steady increases in the cost of imported fossil fuels and protection of Tokelau’s fragile environment underscore the importance to Tokelau of a significant shift to renewable energy sources, as well as the vital need for increased awareness within the atoll communities of energy conservation and efficiency.
除此之外,还鼓节约汽油 消费,其目的还在 于增加国内汽油存量用以出口,因为,对于液体燃 料而言,每贸易单位所获得的收益远高于燃气。
Furthermore, the aim is to have increased gasoline domestic surplus in order to export gasoline, as value per energy unit traded is far higher (two or three times) for liquid fuels than for natural gas.
[...] 市供水管网的检漏和防渗技术,不仅 节约 城 市 水资源的重要技术措施,而且对于提 [...]
Actively adopting leak-hunting and anti-seepage
technologies is not only an important
[...] technical measure in saving urban water resources, [...]
but will also play a significant
role in improving the service quality of the urban water-supply and ensuring the safety of the supplied waters quality.




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