

单词 节上生枝

See also:

生节 v

joint v


minor peripheral problem
branches and knots
lit. branch segment (where new branches should develop)
fig. side issue

枝节 n

detail n

External sources (not reviewed)

一年生草本 秆外倾在基部,枝和在下部节上生 根 , 30-100厘米高,稀疏具糙硬毛的节。
Culms decumbent at base, branching and rooting at lower nodes, 30–100 cm tall, nodes thinly hispid.
Node 结节 树枝上的隆起,树生长的位置。
Node a bump on a tree branch where the leaves grow.
上的通常的枝生于第2节,主 枝长和厚; 下部分枝的小枝有时专业化进好,弱的棘刺。
Branches usually arising from 2nd node upward, primary [...]
branches longer and thicker; branchlets of lower branches sometimes
specialized into fine, weak thorns.
多年生草本 茎匍匐或匍匐,绿色的或红色,20-50厘米,多 枝 , 通 常 节上生 根 , 具白色膀胱状细胞。
Stems prostrate or creeping, green or red,
[...] 20-50 cm, much branched, often rooting from nodes, with white bladder cells.
茎匍匐或外倾,通常形成紧密的垫席或群体, 枝 , 节上生 根 ,无毛或具柔毛。
Stems prostrate or decumbent, often forming dense mats
[...] or colonies, branched, rooting at nodes, glabrous or pilose.
一年生或多年生 30-70厘米的茎,对多枝来说 单,具腺的无毛或,基部 节上生 根。
Stems 30-70 cm,
[...] simple to much branched, glabrous or glandular, base decumbent and rooting from nodes.
另一方面,在每生活津贴上 节省的花费将被所需的更多会议设施以及需要一名新的 P-4 水平副秘书管理第二 [...]
On the other hand, the savings in DSA would be offset [...]
by the need for even more conference facilities and for a new P-4
level Deputy Secretary in charge of the second chambers.
轮廓的圆锥花序开阔的的或稀松的收缩,狭披针形的到狭卵形,15-20(-25)厘米;枝2-6 每节在好隔开平展,纤细的生,上 升 的 到稀松方面,7-12厘米,粗糙,裸露的中间以下。
Panicle open or laxly contracted, narrowly
lanceolate to narrowly
[...] ovate in outline, 15–20(–25) cm; branches 2–6 per node in well-spaced whorls, ascending [...]
to laxly spreading,
slender, 7–12 cm, scabrid, bare below middle.
因此, 对于想将密封系统这一节从其生产 链 上 省 去 , 或希望和 我们一起迈出在这个技术领域的第一步的客户, 您将享有我们公司集团所拥有 的共同的技术知识。
Thus customers who for whatever reasons want to outsource the sealing system from their production chain, or who would like to take the first steps in using this technology together with us, have access to the entire group knowledge.
橄榄果进行采集的时候就是所有树木开始改变颜色的季节,也正是在这个 节 树 枝上 停 留 着很少的绿色橄榄果,有一些已经完全成熟。
The exact moment for harvesting is when most of the
olives on the tree are changing colour, just when there are but a few
[...] green olives on the branches and some are fully ripe.
为了这一对话的成功,需要抱 着诚意作出明确和持久的承诺并避免可能导 节外 生枝的任何行动。
The success of such a dialogue requires a clear and sustained commitment in good faith and the avoidance of any action that could complicate the situation.
伊斯兰正确地看待宗教与文化特殊性的观念,是对国际人权标准的充实, 而不节外生枝。
The concept of religious and cultural particularities as correctly viewed in Islam, supplement rather than detract from international human rights standards.
事 實上, 現時公務員大 抵 上是接 受 共度時艱 的 ,政府應該在這方上加 強 與 公務員溝 通 、 對 話 、 協 商,以 達 致 共識, 而不是 節生 枝 。
The Government should communicate, hold dialogues and negotiate with civil servants so as to reach a consensus instead of causing further complications.
虽然在维护国际和平与 安全方面两性平等问题已经越来越被看作是一个核心问题,但是妇女在和平进程 中的作用依然被普遍看作是一枝节 问 题 ,而没有被看作是发展可行的民主机制 和建立具有可持续性和平的一个基本问题。
While gender equality is increasingly recognized as a core issue in the maintenance of international peace and security, the role of women in peace processes generally continues to be viewed as a side issue rather than as fundamental to the development of viable democratic institutions and the establishment of sustainable peace.
单叶,在1年生枝条上互生,在短的多 生枝 条 上 单 生 或 近 顶生, 叶柄和往年的芽鳞基部有同心的疤痕叶片具掌状脉。
Leaves simple, alternate
[...] on long, 1-year-old branchlets or single and subterminal on short, many-year-old branchlets, marked by crowded [...]
concentric scars from
petiole bases and bud scales from former years; leaf blade palmately veined.
叶柄粗壮,V形成和有点抱茎的在基部,1.5-2.5厘米,具角和干燥时横向起皱,那些在 枝上 的 顶 生 1 或 2对通常玫瑰色的;叶片发亮,椭圆形或者长圆形到长圆状披针形, [...]
( 14-)20-34 * (4-)6-12 厘米,厚革质,中脉粗壮,两面突起;
脉紧密,到35-40 对,在边附近弯成弓形的和网结;明显的第三脉和细脉,宽楔形的基部多少,边缘内卷,先端锐尖到钝,很少渐尖。
Petiole robust, V-shaped and somewhat clasping at base, 1.5-2.5 cm, angled and
transversely wrinkled when
[...] dry, those of terminal 1 or 2 pairs on branchlet usually rose-colored; [...]
leaf blade shiny, elliptic
or oblong to oblong-lanceolate, (14-)20-34 × (4-)6-12 cm, thickly leathery, midvein robust, raised on both surfaces; veins dense, to 35-40 pairs, near margin arching and anastomosing; tertiary veins and veinlets conspicuous, base ± broadly cuneate, margin involute, apex acute to obtuse, rarely acuminate.
另一种选择方案 是,只出页数有限的一卷,而将附件和技术性 节 放 在网 站 上。
Another option is the possibility of producing only one limited volume, while annexes and
[...] technical details would be placed online.
在这方 面,存在着可能使选举进程、第四项补充协 节 外生 枝的危 险,把解除武装放在选举之前可被看作是帮助 解决这些问题的机制,尽管有人可能把它用作拖延选 举的借口。
In that regard, while there is a danger that it could further complicate the electoral process, the fourth supplementary agreement, by placing disarmament before the elections — and despite the possibility that it may be used as a pretext to delay the elections — could be seen as a mechanism to help resolve those issues.
梁耀忠議員: 代 理主席,對 於
涂謹申議員一再在立法會提出 議 案 , 用 苦 口 婆 心 的 態 度 促 請 特區政
[...] 府 返 回正軌,不 希望在 政制問上再橫 生 枝 節,要 以《基 本 法》內 白 紙 黑 [...]
字 列明的“ 高 度 自 治", “港人 治港"的 原 則,直 接諮詢香 港 巿 民的意見。
MR LEUNG YIU-CHUNG (in Cantonese): Madam Deputy, with respect to the repeated attempts by Mr James TO to propose motions in the Legislative Council and his taking great pains to urge the SAR Government to come back onto the right track, not to cause troubles in the issue of political structure and adhere to the principles of "a high degree of autonomy"
and "Hong Kong people ruling Hong
[...] Kong" as expressly stated in the Basic Law, as well [...]
as consulting the people of Hong Kong
direct, I believe most members of the public, no matter if they belong to the silent majority or not, would support the attitude of Mr James TO like I do.
每根干茎生叶10-20,(1.5-)2.5-7.5(-9)厘米 * (1.5-)4-14(-17)毫米; 叶柄无的或很少到2毫米; 顶生小叶狭倒卵形,长圆形,或很少宽卵形, ( 2-)3-8(-9) * (0.5-)1.5-5(-7)
毫米,小叶柄0.5-2毫米,钝的基部楔形或很少,边缘不明显1-3齿在每边,先端锐尖,近具短尖; 侧生小叶(6或)7-12(-15)对,
[...] 线形的或狭长圆形,不对称,稍小于顶生的裂片, 有对0.5毫米的一小叶柄的无梗或很少, 最近的对生小叶auriclelike,恰好 节上 面 附 着在或,通常给抱茎叶基部的出现。
Cauline leaves 10-20 per stem, (1.5-)2.5-7.5(-9) cm × (1.5-)4-14(-17) mm; petiole absent or rarely to 2 mm; terminal leaflet narrowly obovate, oblong, or rarely broadly ovate, (2-)3-8(-9) × (0.5-)1.5-5(-7) mm, petiolule 0.5-2 mm, base cuneate or rarely obtuse, margin obscurely 1-3-toothed on each side, apex acute, submucronate; lateral leaflets (6 or)7-12(-15) pairs, linear or narrowly oblong, asymmetric, slightly smaller than terminal lobe, sessile or rarely with a petiolule to 0.5 mm, base oblique, proximal margin 1- or 2(or 3)-toothed, distal margin entire or rarely obscurely 1- or 2-toothed, apex acute; proximal
pair of lateral leaflets
[...] auriclelike, attached at or just above node, often giving appearance of amplexicaul [...]
leaf base.
新年當然會擺放桃花,但跟聖誕樹 不同,在桃枝上放得 太多東西便會折斷,我其實也很擔心今天這項議案真 的會“折斷”。
Of course, people will display
[...] peach blossoms during the Chinese New Year but unlike the Christmas tree, if too many items are hung onto a peach blossom, it will break [...]
and in fact, I am
also very worried that today's motion will really break.
[...] 茎蔓生,有时近攀缘,通常在下 节上生 根 , 60-90厘米,多数无毛,向花序的细小小乳突。
Stems straggling, sometimes subscandent, usually
[...] rooting at lower nodes, 60--90 cm, mostly [...]
glabrous, minutely papillose toward inflorescence.
匍匐茎给1米节上生根,节间叶柄2.5 1.5-4 厘米X约1.2毫米,作为厚或稍比匍匐茎厚; 卵形的叶片卵形到长圆形,2-5厘米,纸质,疏生长柔毛,边缘浅裂中间以下和具圆齿在中部以上,和倒卵形的第5-9裂片的尖锐。
Petiole 2.5-6 X ca. 1.2 mm, as thick or slightly thicker than stolon; leaf blade ovate to oblong-ovate, 2-5 cm, papery, sparsely villous, margin lobed below middle and acutely crenate above middle, segments 5-9 and obovate.
我絕 對同意黃宏發議員剛 才 所 說 , 釋 法 的 範圍如果只看 其起源 , 便 是這 4 個 字 , “ 如需修 改”, 所以行政 長 官 的 報 告 只須說 是否有需 要 修 改 ,人大常委 會 亦只是確定有需 要 修 改 便 “開綠燈 ” , 不應該生 枝 節 , 要確定其他因素 或 條 件 , 因為這樣便 是 釋上 再 釋 法,而 且 是不合程序 的 人 大常委 會 的 釋 法 。
As such, all that the report of the Chief Executive should say is whether there is a need to make amendment, and then the NPCSC should give the "green light" once it confirms that there is a need to make amendment, and should not go beyond this point to specify other factors or conditions, because if it does, it is interpreting the interpretation, and it will be a NPCSC interpretation that is not conforming to the right procedures.
此外,移民和难民事务 局根枝节问题 裁定提交人不可信,构成严重法律错误:该局对提交人的诉求进 行吹毛求疵的分析,违背了司法先例。
Moreover, the IRB made its finding that the author lacked credibility on the basis of minor elements, which constitutes a substantial error of law: the author’s claim was subjected to a microscopic and painstaking analysis, contrary to judicial precedent.
树干给50厘米直径在地面; 树皮灰白色; 木头硬,脆; 老枝灰棕色或浅黄棕色,通常使环状裂开; 一生枝斜开展或下垂,长,薄节 间 的 0.4-1.2厘米 * 约1.5毫米。
Trunk to 50 cm in diam. at ground level; bark gray-white; wood hard, brittle; older branches gray-brown or light
yellow-brown, usually
[...] fissured annular; annual branches obliquely spreading or pendulous, long, thin, internodes 0.4-1.2 cm × ca. 1.5 mm.




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