

单词 艺术品

艺术品 ()

art piece
work of art


抽象派艺术作品 n

abstract n

See also:

艺术 n

art n
artists pl

艺品 pl

handicrafts pl

External sources (not reviewed)

各位部长吁请所有国家开展合作,并协调其努力,以打击伊拉克古董非法 贸易和走私活动,向伊拉克博物馆归还追回 艺术品。
The Ministers called upon all states to cooperate and coordinate their efforts in
combating the illegal trade and trafficking of Iraqi antiques, and in returning
[...] the recovered art works to Iraqi [...]
与非爱沙尼亚族的人相比,爱沙尼亚族的人去剧院,参观博物馆,上图 书馆更频繁,而非爱沙尼亚族的人通常去影院更多,看书多,购 艺术品 更 多
Compared to ethnic non-Estonians, ethnic Estonians go more often to the theatre,
visit museums and libraries, whilst ethnic non-Estonians go more often to the
[...] cinema, read more books and buy more art.
哥打基纳巴卢大多数村庄和小镇都拥有周日跳蚤市场,售卖各种商品,包括水果、蔬菜、兰花 艺术品 和 手 工制品,甚至传统乐器。
Most villages and towns in Kota Kinabalu
feature Sunday Flea
[...] Markets selling products from fruits, vegetables, orchids, arts and crafts to even traditional [...]
music instruments.
请他们对保护伊拉克文物免遭摧毁、抢劫及非法进口、出口和交易的必要性给予关注:联合 国秘书长、美国和英国当局、伊拉克周边国家(即科威特、土耳其、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、沙
[...] 特阿拉伯、叙利亚和约旦)的文化部、国际刑警组织、世界海关组织和国 艺术品 商 人 联合 会(CINOA)。
Prior to and during this transitional period, UNESCO contacted key players to bring their attention to the need to protect Iraq’s cultural property against destruction, pillaging and illicit import, export and trade: the United Nations Secretary-General, the US and UK authorities, the ministries of culture of neighbouring countries of Iraq (namely Kuwait, Turkey, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Saudi
Arabia, Syria and Jordan), Interpol, the World Customs Organization and the World
[...] Confederation of Art Dealers (CINOA).
展览将以特殊社群, 尤其是视障人士,透过亲手接 艺术品 来 感 受全新艺术欣赏和体验。
The exhibition aims to provide disabilities, in particular the visually-impaired, a fresh experience in touching sculptural works for artistic appreciation.
他们的《南极洲世界护照》既是一本复制的旅行证件,又是一件编 艺术品 , 可 以颁发给任何希望成为南极社区公民的人。
Their Antarctica World Passport is a facsimile travel document
[...] and an edition artwork, which may be [...]
issued to every person wishing to become a citizen of the community.
(i) 一般性文化遗产:审查国家保护文化财产法,并帮助文化部建立一项文化基金 (2004 年); 在寻找和追回那些被贩卖的文 艺术品 , 特 别是在如何运用物品标识清 单方面 ,对政府官员、文化遗产专业技术人员、管理人员、警察和海关人员及博 物馆官员进行培训 (2004 年)。
(i) Cultural heritage at large: a review of the National Law on the
Protection of Cultural
[...] Property and assistance to the Ministry of Culture in establishing a cultural foundation (2004); training of government officials, cultural heritage professionals, [...]
police and customs officials, and museum officials, in the identification and tracking of cultural objects being trafficked, with particular regard to the use of Object-ID inventories (2004).
借助实时查 看曲艺术品复制 的功能,您能够在绘制与雕刻 时,做出更好的创意决策。
You can work with a
[...] live view of the artwork repeating across [...]
the surface to make better creative decisions while you paint and sculpt.
据中国神话,龙王有九个儿子,而这些神 物被视作权力的象征,中国宫殿和许多传 艺术品 (包 括北京的紫禁城,城中有九龙戏珠的琉璃壁画)中常常 有九龙戏海的图案。
According to Chinese legend, the Dragon king has nine sons and the mystic creatures are seen as symbol of power, images of nine
dragons playing in the sea can
[...] be found in Chinese palaces and many traditional artworks (including in [...]
the Forbidden City in Beijing
where there is a glazed mural featuring nine dragons each playing with a pearl).
在联邦广场东端一座宏伟的钢铁和玻璃建筑里,是位于市中心的 Ian Potter 中心:维多利亚国立美术馆 ,其中陈列着两万余件令人叹为观止的澳大利 艺术品 , 时 间跨度从殖民地时期到现代,并有整整一层陈列着土 艺术品。
Housed in a dramatic steel and glass building at the eastern end of Federation Square, the Ian Potter Centre: National Gallery of Victoria Australia in the City Centre is home to a marvellous collection of
more than 20,000
[...] pieces of Australian art, from the colonial to modern periods and with an entire floor dedicated to indigenous art.
爱尔兰全国拥有众多相当精美的手工艺品小店,就连最小的一些村庄内也能找到独特的雕刻品、本 艺术品 和 独 具创新的手工作品。
Small but interesting craft stores are dotted around the country, and even the
tiniest village is likely to have an intriguing variety of handcrafted
[...] sculptures, local artwork and original craftworks.
与会者还提及了以道德操守为依据艺 术品经销 商行为守则和自我监督行为守则,据指出,贩运者十分熟悉如何绕过 限制其活动的法律。
Reference was also made to codes of conduct for art dealers and self-monitoring, on the basis of ethics, and it was noted that traffickers were well informed about ways to circumvent laws restricting their activities.
国际刑警组织的观察员介绍了该组织推动警察部队间合作的一些工具,尤 其是联通所有会员国的网络艺术品 数 据库及培训研讨会。
The observer for INTERPOL presented that organization’s tools for promoting cooperation between police
forces, in particular the network connecting all member States and the
[...] database of works of art, as well as training [...]
为此,“柏林空间实验室”将在上海双年展的展厅中建造一座室内装 艺术品 , 反 映如何在“现代化面貌”与“背井离乡的现实”之间的巨大争议中,以及在一个瞬息万变的社会的纷扰中,重新构建生活。
In order to do so, Raumlaborberlin will arrange an installation in the exhibition rooms of the Shanghai Biennale that reconstructs life in a great controversy between the vision of modernism and the reality of exile, as well as war in a constantly changing society.
在哈尔滨购物可感受到这个城市丰富、多元的文化,这里有玉饰、珠宝、俄罗斯面包和雕塑以及中国和俄国的其他文 艺术品。
Shopping in Harbin reflects the city's rich, multi-cultural history.
Jade jewellery, Russian bread and sculptures and
[...] other cultural artefacts representing [...]
both nations are readily available.
[...] 动,包括可能拟定一项《公约》任择议定书,一 艺术品 展 和摄影展以及三本书 籍的首发式。
All of those activities were supplemented by additional side events on topics related to the rights of the child, including the possible elaboration
of an optional protocol to the
[...] Convention, a number of art and photographic exhibitions [...]
and the launching of three books.
大多数人都不曾在墙上装饰景深无限的风景 艺术品 , 因此 Lewis 和 Valeur 令 BeoVision [...]
10 纵向延伸,构成正方形轮廓,从而打造景深效果。
Most of us do not have stretched,
[...] landscape-shaped art on the walls, which [...]
is why Lewis and Valeur lengthened BeoVision
10 vertically to form a square silhouette.
TANGARA与舒适的客房,植物艺术品周 围 的地方是一个家,在繁华的瓜亚基尔中的绿洲般的体验。
TANGARA is a home with comfortable
[...] rooms, plants and artwork around the place; [...]
an oasis-like experience in the middle of bustling Guayaquil.
精巧绝伦艺术品质,贴合女性曲线的细腻剪裁,对华贵舒适面料的追求,传统经典和现代流行的唯美结合以及对意大利设计文化的执着传承,是La Perla永恒不变的宗旨和追求。
The artisan matrix, the in-depth knowledge of the female body, the fusion of innovation and tradition, the Italian identity and international orientation, and the ethics of total quality are the solid points that are the chromosomes of the La Perla DNA.
国家博物馆真实再现了印度五千年的历史,馆内保存了超过15万 艺术品 、 工 艺品 及 中 亚的珍宝,是世界上最好的博物馆之一。
Five millennia of Indian history can be discovered at
the National Museum. The
[...] collection of more than 150,000 pieces of art, artefacts and [...]
Central Asian treasures is acknowledged
as among the finest in the world.
位于霍巴特市中心的杰出的 塔斯马尼亚博物馆及艺术馆 将该市最古老的建筑 Commissariat
[...] Store(1808)包纳其中,这家展馆的特色是陈列有来自该州殖民遗产的塔斯马尼亚土著展品和文物,外加大量殖民 艺术品。
Incorporating Hobart's oldest building, the Commissariat Store (1808), the excellent Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery in the City Centre
features a Tasmanian Aboriginal display and relics from the state's colonial
[...] heritage, plus a good collection of colonial art.
除了各拍卖公司使出浑身解数开拓市场、赢得市场话语权及努力推动中艺术品拍卖 行业的发展,中国拍卖行业协会自2011年9月份启动了“第一届中 国文艺术品拍卖 标准化达标企业评定”,立足拍卖业首个行业标准《文艺 术 品 拍 卖 规 程 》( SB/T 10538-2009)的宣贯实施,根据116项严格的评选标 准,对拍卖行业的经营管理、库房设施等现场调查和全面分析,最终在74家参 评的文艺术品拍卖企业中,评选出44家达标企业。
In addition to auction houses pulling out all the stops to expand the market, win market authority and promote the development of China’s art auction market, in September 2011, the China Auctioneers Association published its first “Standard for auction of cultural relics and art works market standardisation assessment” based on the publicised implementation of the auction market norm “Standard for auction of cultural relics and art works” (SB / T 10538-2009).
说明被冻结的资产的性质(即银行存款、证券、企业资产、贵重 品、 艺术品、不动产和其他资产)
A description of the nature of the assets frozen
(i.e. bank deposits, securities, business assets, precious
[...] commodities, works of art, real estate property [...]
and other assets)
注:所列价格为落槌价未计入税费、手续费等的成交价格;所有含dollar的价格 单位为美元;本报告分析的拍 艺术品 只 涉及 纯 艺 术 (Fine Art)作品,即油画、雕 塑、装置、素描、摄影、版画、水彩画,不包括古董、匿名文化财产以及家具。
NB: all given prices refer to hammer prices before fees; all references to the dollar ($) relate
to the US dollar; all
[...] sales of art works mentioned in this report relate only to Fine [...]
Art sales, i.e. paintings, sculptures,
installations, drawings, photographs, prints, watercolours and exclude antiques, anonymous cultural goods and furniture.
[...] B·G·菲洛诺夫 (B.G. Filonov) 于 1904 年捐赠给哈尔科夫大学图书馆,他是该校法律系的毕业生、哈尔科夫公共图书馆(今柯罗连科国家科学图书馆)执行委员会的第一任主席,以及哈尔科夫著名的收藏 家艺术品赞助人。
The manuscript was given to the library of the University of Kharkov in 1904 by B.G. Filonov, a former student in the law school of the university, the first chairman of the executive board of
the Kharkov Public
[...] Library (present-day Korolenko Kharkov State Scientific Library), a famous collector and patron of the arts in Kharkov.
随着当前财富(金融和非金融资产)代际转移涉及财富规模巨大,财富管理机构需要 艺术品 遗 产 以及保存这 艺术品 的 情感、经济和文化价值的最有效方式提供专业建议。
With significant sums involved in the intergenerational transfer of wealth (financial and non-financial assets) taking place,
the report found that
[...] wealth managers will have to offer advice regarding art legacies and the [...]
most effective way of preserving
their emotional, financial and cultural value.
作为国内为数不多的业内最早参与艺术跨界合作的私人银行之一,建行私人银行不遗余力的尝试着各种不同的形式的结合方式, 艺术品 收 藏 与金融投融资融合在一起,提供了一个参 艺术品 投 资 领域的新方式,为藏家提高藏品流动性提供了新途径。
As one of the first domestic private banks to participate in artistic
crossover cooperation, the
[...] CCB Private Bank Art spared no effort in trying strategies for the collection of artworks and financial investment, [...]
along with providing
new ways for participating in the field of art investment.
[...] 的购物欲,既有最时髦的精品店,也有二手市场,而许多小地方则倾向于零售特产,如自产农产品、古董 艺术品 和 工 艺品 等。
Big cities can satisfy most consumer appetites with everything from high-fashion boutiques to second-hand
emporiums, while many smaller places tend towards speciality retail, be it
[...] home-grown produce, antiques or arts and crafts.
尽 管法庭发现自己并不能“识别对那种按照土著居民法律存在于当前申请 艺术品 所 用 的梦 幻故事和肖像之中的传统持有者所有权的侵权行为”,但它在考虑赔偿金时的确考虑到了 [...]
Although the Court found that it was not able to “recognise the infringement of ownership rights of the kind which reside under Aboriginal law in the traditional owners of the
dreaming stories and the imagery such as
[...] that used in the artworks of the present applicants,” [...]
it did take into account the
harm suffered by the aboriginal artists in their cultural environment when considering damages.18 Whilst such decisions give some degree of recognition to customary laws, they obviously do not go as far as some would like.




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