

单词 色素体

See also:

色素 n

colorAE n
colours pl
coloring n

色素 pl

pigments pl
colourings pl

External sources (not reviewed)

在胚后分化过程中,视网膜色素上皮表现为自外周向中央的梯度变化,即边缘生长区周围,该上皮仅含有球形的 色素体 , 而 在中央部位发育为长形的 色素体 及 顶 端突起。
The retinal pigment epithelium shows a peripheral-to-central gradient of postembryonic differentiation.
激光脱毛是通过将高度集中的激光束射入 体 毛 囊中来实现脱毛的目的;皮肤中 色素 吸 收 了光能后会破坏毛发。
Laser hair removal works by beaming a focused, highly concentrated light into the body’s hair follicles; pigment in the skin absorbs the light destroying the hair.
徒步旅行的自然步道适合不同体素 质 的游客,有些是新西兰乃至全世界 色 最 美 的步道。
Nature walks for all abilities, some of the most beautiful in New Zealand and the world.
用高性能的液相色谱法,能获得更精确的结果,并能测量出同 时出现的一色素。
Procedures to monitor the quality of the data must occur as close to the data source as possible to ensure precision and accuracy.
至於英國,則鼓勵業界自願逐步停用備受關注 色素。
In the United Kingdom, the voluntary phasing out of
[...] the concerned colouring matters by the [...]
industry was promoted.
但是,本周发表在《科学快讯》中的2项新的研究证明,大约71%的人类 色素 瘤 在 TERT基因中具有 2 种 体 细 胞 突变中的1种,该基因编码端粒酶的1个亚基;端粒酶是覆盖在染 体 端 部 的酶。
Two new studies in this week’s issue of Science Express, however,
demonstrate that about
[...] 71 percent of human melanomas harbor one of two somatic mutations in the TERT gene, which encodes a subunit of telomerase, the enzyme that caps the ends of chromosomes.
体因应 压力所产生的蛋白质可能在白癜风——这是一种造成人们在随机的皮肤区域失 色素 从 而 导致不规则白色斑块但其它方面感觉像是正常皮肤的皮肤疾病——的发病中扮演着某种角色。
Proteins produced by the body in response to stress may play a role vitiligo, a skin condition that causes people to lose pigment in random [...]
areas of the skin,
resulting in irregular white patches that otherwise feel like normal skin.
印刷电子技术印刷电路板(硬质·软质)、显示器产品(有机TFT、有机/无机EL、液晶显示器、电子纸、佩戴式显示器、3D显示器、POP显示器等)、下一代照明、AC电子发光、调光控制薄膜、电气迁移、化合物系太阳电池 色素 增 刊型、有机薄膜系太阳电池、燃料电池、电容器、挠性扬声器、挠性驱动器、天线模块、RFID、印刷存储器、印刷标注、智能标签、有机设备、光电路·光通信设备、电磁波屏蔽薄膜、陶瓷电容器、薄膜 体 管 、 有机 体 管 、传感器模块等。
Printed electronics substrate (rigid and flexible), display products (organic TFT, organic/inorganic EL, LCD, electronic papers, wearable displays, 3D displays, POP displays, etc.), next-generation lighting, AC EL lighting, light control film, electrophoresis, chemical compound solar cells, die sensitization solar cells, organic film solar cells, fuel cells, capacitors, flexible speakers, flexible actuators, antenna modules, RFID, printed memory, printed tags, smart labels, organic devices, light circuit/light communication devices, electromagnetic wave shielding film, ceramic capacitors, thin-film transistors, organic transistors, sensor modules, etc.
他建議業界遵從在標籤上標明食物中添 色素 的 規 定,避免或減少使用這色素,並呼籲業界支持有關建議。
He recommended the trade to comply
with the requirement
[...] of declaring the colouring matters added to food on the label, avoid or reduce the use of these colouring matters, and appealed [...]
the trade to support the recommendations.
科学家发现,覆盆子富含黄酮类化合物和维生素C,具有激活和修复肌肤的作用。在娇韵诗专利化合物锁颜美白系统(Lock-Around System ™ HP)中,娇韵诗将覆盆子与抗坏血酸酸-2-葡萄糖苷相结合,获得了新一代的维生素C,这种维生素C可以不断地渗透到皮肤中,产生一种持久的抗自由基和抗 色素 形 成 的作用。
Scientists have found the Raspberry to have exceptional skin energizing and repairing properties thanks to its high content of flavonoids and Vitamin C. In its Lock-Around System ® HP, Clarins has combined it with Ascorbyl acid-2-glucoside, a new generation Vitamin C which continuously diffuses into the skin to provide a long-lasting, anti-free radical and anti-melanogenesis action.
本提议得到其它代表团的支 持,它们指出,这符合在该一食品类别中使用其 色素 的 方 针。
This proposal was supported by
other delegations which noted that it was consistent with the approach
[...] for the use of other colours in this food category.
体素(lute in)及玉米黄质(zeaxanthin)是存在人类视网膜上 色素 斑 点 ,主要是吸收紫外线及含较多自由基的辐射光源以保护细胞不受伤害,叶黄体素和玉米黄质是结构极为类似的异购物,叶 体素 ( 又被直接翻译成-路丁)广泛的存在天然的深绿色蔬菜、水果,如菠菜、绿花椰菜等,玉米黄质则多存在一些金黄色的蔬果食物,如玉米、枸杞子、蛋黄中,而存在生物体内的叶 体素 与 玉 米黄质主要的角色也是在吸收光害自由基,担任保护细胞正常化的角色,防止白内瘴形成。
Lutein and zeaxanthin, found in fruits and vegetables, protects macular cells from radiation and free radicals, possibly delaying formation of cataracts.
在过去五年中,遗传材料的合成从有关病 毒、细菌、哺乳动物细胞器官到利用真核细胞部分合成 色体。
Over the past five years, synthesis of genetic material has moved from
viral settings, through bacterial settings, and mammalian organelles, to partial
[...] synthesis of a chromosome from a eukaryote.
因此,在可持续消费教育的框架之内, 人们需要具备⼀定的体素养, 才能理解、分 析、衡量 每天⼤量涌来的信息。
In the framework of education for
[...] sustainable consumption, media literacy is therefore [...]
needed for people to be able to understand,
analyze and evaluate the overwhelming amount of messages they receive every day.
特别是1978年以来,上海的改革开放力度不断加大,上海人民以强烈的进取精神,解放思想,与时俱进,大胆实践,走出了一条具有中国 色 、 体 现 时 代特征、符合上海特大型城市特点的发展新路,使上海经济和社会发展的各个领域发生了历史性的大变革,已成为我国最大的经济中心和国家历史文化名城,并正向建成国际经济、金融、贸易和航运中心之一的目标迈进。
Dynamic, audacious and practical Shanghainese people went to a new development direction respecting Chinese particularities and reflecting the specificities of the period while being appropriate to the characteristics of a huge city like Shanghai. The consequence is that each part of Shanghai benefits of these historic reforms in terms of economic and social development.
遗传物质包括色体、基 因组、质粒、转位子和载体(包括转基因的、非转 [...]
Genetic elements include
[...] inter alia chromosomes, genomes, plasmids, [...]
transposons, and vectors whether genetically modified
or unmodified, or chemically synthesized in whole or in part.
将激励与国际和区域组织、之友小组成员、学术和研究机构进行协作,目的 是设计适当的概念工具处理文化多样性问题,找出差距和绊脚石,解决共同问题;
[...] 帮助制定政策,支持促进和加强文化多样性,发展文化间对话,在普及正规和非 正规教育中加强对文化保持敏感性课程,以及人权、 体素 养 、宗教和信仰教育 等。
Collaboration with international and regional organizations, members of the Group of Friends, and academic and research institutions will be stimulated with a view to designing appropriate conceptual tools to deal with cultural diversity issues, identifying gaps and stumbling blocks, finding solutions to common issues, and helping to create policies to support the promotion and enhancement of cultural diversity, to develop intercultural dialogue and strengthen programmes focused on culturally sensitive curricula in formal
and non-formal education for all, as well as on
[...] human rights, media literacy and education [...]
about religions and beliefs.
根据其生产链中一贯的投资策略,玛切嘉利 已经将卷材加工、1D钢板和2B成品加入到 奥体和铁素体不锈钢产品系列。
Within a strategy of consistent investments in its production chain, Marcegaglia has added
the manufacturing of coils and sheets 1D and 2B finish to its range
[...] of austenitic and ferritic stainless steel products.
发展权的许多素体现 在 人权条约条款中和条约机构的职责范围内,包括自决;公平分配资源;平等和 [...]
不歧视,尤其是基于自然性别、社会性别、年龄、种族和残疾状况等理由;积 极、自由和切实的参与;问责制和透明度;与适足生活水准,包括食品、水和卫 生设施、住房、卫生服务、教育、就业和享有文化有关的实质性权利;言论、集
Many elements of the right to development [...]
are reflected in human rights treaty provisions and jurisprudence of treaty bodies,
including on self-determination; fair distribution of resources; equality and non-discrimination, particularly on grounds of sex, gender, age, race and disability; active, free and meaningful participation; accountability and transparency; substantive rights relating to adequate standard of living, including food, water and sanitation, housing, health services, education, employment, and enjoyment of culture; freedom of expression, assembly and association; and international assistance and cooperation.
一些公司在其色体组研 究的基础上出版科学论文,但因没有将原始数据储存在公共数据库里而引起了 [...]
Some companies have published
[...] scientific articles based on their genomic [...]
research, but have aroused controversy by not depositing
the raw data in public databanks.
结果表明:(1)减数分裂Ⅰ终变期 色体 标 本 是进行 色体 显 微 操作的理想材料;(2)DOP-PCR扩增产物片段在200~1 000 bp之间,平均600 bp左右;(3)杂交结果显示,本研究所获得的单条 色体 是 黄 鳝3号 色体 ; ( 4 )与显微操作仪和微激光分离相比较,该方法不需要昂贵仪器,在常规实验室即可操作,具有广泛的普及应用意义。
The hybridization results show that: (1) Chromosome specimen of meiosis Ⅰ diakinesis is the ideal material for single chromosome microisolation; (2) The sizes of DOP PCR products range from 200 bp to 1 000 bp, averagely 600 bp;(3) The single chromosome obtained in the study is rice field eel chromosome 3;(4) Compared with micro manipulator and micro laser beam, the methods developed in the study can be more widely used in ordinary laboratory for requiring no expensive instrument.
当中的虎耳草萃取液可保湿、紧肤,促进血液循环,洋甘菊萃取液具抗氧化作用,有效延缓衰老;而熊果苷可阻止酪胺酸脢的活化作用,阻断酵素的活性,抑制 色素 生 成,达到美白效果。
Among the saxifrage extract can be moisturizing, firming, and promote blood circulation, chamomile extract, an antioxidant, effective anti-aging;
and arbutin can prevent the activation of tyrosine kinase, block enzyme
[...] activity, inhibition melanin, a whitening effect.
食典委注意到多数代表团对某色素 安 全 性的关注,特别是赤藓红(erythrosine) (INS [...]
127),因此建议在一些规定通过前,JECFA 承担精确的暴露评估。
The Commission noted the concerns of many delegations on the
[...] safety of certain colours, in particular erythrosine [...]
(INS 127), and the proposal
that JECFA undertake a refined exposure assessment before the provisions were adopted.
妇女署的战略计划指出,作为最高优先,在区域和国家两级,对其实地成效 和存在进行重组和升级。1 这些素体现了 建立妇女署的动机,会员国的意图很 明确,就是要设立一个机构,显示如何能体现《联合国宪章》价值,以充分利用 [...]
In its strategic plan, UN-Women describes as its highest priority the restructuring and upgrading of its effectiveness and presence on
the ground, at both regional and
[...] national levels.1 These elements reflect the motivations [...]
that drove the establishment of UN-Women,
with the clear intention by Member States to establish an entity that demonstrated the ways in which the values of the Charter of the United Nations might be expressed to leverage both the normative and operational aspects of the United Nations and, most importantly, to drive, catalyse and facilitate meaningful and positive change in the lives of women and girls around the world.
赛诺龙公司首席执行官Louis P.
[...] Scafuri表示:“这是第一篇由业内专家评审的关于elure的论文,论文证实了使用该产品的患者达到了良好的早期临床和商用效果,并进一步凸显了该产品成为皮肤美白和减 色素 沉 着 的黄金标准的潜力。
Louis P. Scafuri, Chief Executive Officer of Syneron Medical, said, "This first peer reviewed publication on elure confirms the strong early clinical and commercial results that patients have achieved with the
product and further highlights its potential to become the gold standard for skin
[...] lightening and pigmentation treatments.
公众监管也发挥重大作用,促进革新和创造 绿 色体 面 就 业机会:从推行电力 入网收购价以促进可再生能源到根据审慎行事原则防止接触化学品的规定,它们 [...]
Public regulation also has a key role
to play in driving innovation and the
[...] creation of green and decent jobs: from the [...]
introduction of feed-in tariffs for promoting
renewable energies, to the inclusion of rules for preventing chemical exposure based on the precautionary principle, public regulation has proven to be a major force in stimulating innovation in the private sector.
此外,参与研究的一些患者在短短8天时间里就达到了明显的皮肤美白效果,这要归功于elure直接分解皮肤 色素 的 作 用机理。
In addition, some patients in the study achieved significant skin lightening results in as little as 8 days, which is attributable to the fact that elure's mechanism of action is to directly decompose melanin in the skin.
至於香港視網色素 病變人士協會提交意見書 (立法會CB(2)317/01-02(04)號文件),要求 事務委員會討 論為罹患此 病 人士提供支援一 事,委員建 議事務委員會 與 生事務委員會舉行 聯席會議,討論此事。
Regarding the submission from the Hong Kong Retinis Pigmentosa Society requesting to discuss the issue of support for people afflicted with the disease (LC Paper CB(2)317/01-02(04)), members suggested that a joint meeting be held with the Panel on Health Services to discuss the issue.
產品簡介 功效: 特含50%嫩麥芽白滑精華,能充份潤白肌膚,改善肌膚細胞缺乏營養所致的暗啞膚色,SPF-15防晒及水嫩配方,有效針對 色素 形 成 ,去除黃氣及改善膚色不均現象及減低紫外線對肌膚的傷害; 配合近似人體天然保濕成份的氨基酸保濕劑,令肌膚長效鎖水,即時感受深層滋潤及注入無限營養,細紋表情紋也能迅速撫平。
Product Description Function: Concentrated 50% Wheat Germ extract and SPF-15 formula will control the melanin level and even skin complexion as well as prevent the harm of UVA and UVB by blocking the sunlight radiation.
娇韵诗实验室发现海百合萃取精华能够控制s树突(也就是阻断黑素细胞向表皮分泌出 色素 的 “通道”)的延伸。
This is why Clarins Laboratories, who discovered that Sea Lily extract was able to control extension of dendrites - the "arms" of melanocytes which deliver melanin pigments to the epidermis - only use plants from controlled cultivation.




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