

单词 船用

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External sources (not reviewed)

我們也會與業界 共同研究提升本地出售船用燃油 質量,以減少船舶排放的廢 氣。
We will also discuss with the trades to improve the quality of marine fuels sold locally so as to reduce vessel emissions.
[...] 殊的工具,发动机调整应由 STEYR MOTORS 船用柴油机经销商 执行。
Because of the special tools required, engine alignment is to be
[...] performed by a STEYR MOTORS Marine dealer.
恭喜您为您的船只选择了 STEYR MOTORS 船用柴油机,希望您能够享受 STEYR MOTORS 带来的驾驶乐趣。
Congratulations on your decision of choosing a STEYR MOTORS marine engine for your boat, and we hope you will enjoy it.
The remainder of the gain was derived from our marine bunker fuels affiliate Chemoil, into the Oil group figures.
[...] 善,但此後由於市場超額供應(尤其是大型船舶) 船用 燃 料 價格上漲,市況再次嚴峻。
The freight market, having seen a general improvement in March and April, saw challenging conditions
return thereafter, evidenced by market oversupply,
[...] particularly of larger vessels as well as higher [...]
bunker fuel prices.
在这种情况下,可以用随海流一起运动的海面或 水下漂流仪器观测海流用船用雷达、无线电、声学定位系统或卫星定位系统对它们定 位。
Additional systems, perhaps developed under the auspices of JCOMM, are needed to manage realtime global data sets and the distribution of global coastal data products.
它们也被用于润滑脂船用机油 、金属加工油和拖拉机润滑油。
They also are used in greases, marine oils, metal processing oils and tractor transmission oils.
挪威海事技术研究所(MARINTEK)的科研主管培尔•马格纳•艾南(Per Magne Einang)先生介绍了液化天然气作 船用 燃 料 的未来前景、技术现状和船舶技术新发展,而挪威海事出口商协会的执行经理奥尔•赫内斯(Ole [...]
From the Norwegian Marine Technology Research Institute (MARINTEK), Research Director, Mr. Per Magne
Einang talked about LNG
[...] fuelling the ships of the future, status of technology and new vessel developments, [...]
while Managing Director
Ole Henæs from Norwegian Maritime Exporters spoke about cooperation as the means for success.
系统最初的设计目的是克服加工燃气轮机和蒸汽轮机大口径螺纹盖的问题,但在过去两年的测试中,geniSYS 220
[...] 证明了自身可用在更广泛的应用领域: 从螺纹套管的整修和螺纹切削到 3D 内部空间的复杂铣削,从重新连接大 船用 柴 油 发动机上的螺纹接头到大型船舶上的焊接准备等等。
The system was originally designed to overcome the problem of machining large-bore threaded closures for gas and steam turbines, but in tests over two years the geniSYS 220 proved itself useful in a wider range of applications: from refurb and thread-cutting on screwed casings to the complex milling
of 3D internal spaces, remaking threaded
[...] connections on huge marine diesels to weld-prep on large vessels, and much more.
船用阀门,所有的阀门都可以提供 相应的船级社证书。
For marine applications the valves can be supplied with relevant test certificates from recognized classification societies.
在超过 45 年的时间里,依托世界一流的研究和产品开发团队,Maxwell Technologies 成为享誉全球的领导者,致力于在汽车、重型运输、再生能源、备用电源、无线通信、工业及消费电子应用以及卫星和宇宙 船用 抗 辐 射微电子组件和系统领域,开发、生产和销售能量储存与电力输送解决方案。
For more than 45 years, our world-class research and product development teams have established Maxwell Technologies as a global leader in developing, manufacturing and marketing energy storage and power delivery solutions for automotive, heavy transportation, renewable energy, backup power, wireless communications and industrial and consumer electronics applications as well as for radiation-hardened microelectronic components and systems for satellites and spacecraft.
船用馏出 燃料和残留燃料油往往面临着不断变化的排放法规和超低硫柴油标准所带来的挑战。
Marine distillate and residual fuel oils used for marine [...]
applications are often faced with challenges created by changing
emission regulations and ultra low sulfur diesel fuel standards.
这个紧凑船用装置 根据最新的技术利用了内燃机的废热
The compact ship systems utilize the [...]
exhaust heat of combustion engines on the basis of the latest technological findings.
(b) 聯同廣東、深圳、澳門政府研究,長遠而言在珠三角 水域設立排放控制區;以及 (c) 與業界共同研究,可否提升本地出售 船用 燃 料質 量,以減少船舶排放廢氣。
(b) explore with the governments of Guangdong, Shenzhen and Macao setting up an (c) study in collaboration with the
relevant trades the feasibility of improving the
[...] quality of vessel fuels sold locally to reduce emissions from vessels.
船用燃料标准 ISO 8217 对船用馏出燃 料油”和船用残余 燃料油”作出了区分, 而“残余燃料”日常又称为重油。
The standard
[...] ISO 8217 for marine fuels differentiates between Marine Distillate Fuel Oil and Marine Residual Fuel Oil, whereby Residual Fuels are commonly [...]
know as heavy oils (RFO).
[...] Karlsen)先生这周来到北京,与中国的专家同行们就使用液化天然气作 船用 燃 料 交换了各自的见解与经验。
Lasse Karlsen, Technical Director of the
Norwegian Maritime Authority visited China this week to exchange views with Chinese
[...] experts on the use of LNG as shipping fuel.
在造船和集装箱领域,我们提供NORTON和Flexovit品牌的树脂切割打磨片和各种涂附磨具产品,非常适合集装箱 船用 钢 板 的焊缝清理,以及其他各种金属工件的表面处理,如不锈钢容器、钢结构以及石化管道等。
For the shipyard and container area, we offer NORTON and Flexovit resin bond cutting & grinding wheels and various coated abrasive products, which
are very suitable for welding cleaning
[...] in containers and shipyard steel plates, as [...]
well as for surface treatment of metal
workpiece such as stainless steel tanks, steel structure and oil pipelines.
[...] (连续工作3~6个月)、电磁海流计、声学多普勒海流剖面仪(自容式、直读式 船用 式 )、电导率温度深度剖面仪、声学应答释放器、远洋深海潮汐测量系统(布设海底
Underwater sealed electrical connectors, efficiency> 90% of the reverse osmosis desalination with energy recovery efficiency> 85% of the high-pressure pump with reverse osmosis desalination, reverse osmosis desalination membrane (desalination rate of> 99.7%), Nissan 2 million tons of low-temperature multi-effect distillation desalination plant, marine ecosystem monitoring buoys, profiling floats, one-time use of the conductivity temperature and depth measurement instruments (XCTD), on-site water quality measurement instruments, intelligent marine water quality monitoring with chemical sensors (continuous Work 3 to 6 months), electromagnetic current meters, acoustic Doppler current profiler (self-contained, direct-reading, and marine-type), conductivity
temperature depth profiler, acoustic release
[...] unit response, offshore deep-sea tidal [...]
measurement system ( laid submarine)
(iv) 各公眾貨物裝卸區和貨櫃碼頭泊位 50
[...] 米範圍內的海域: 該等海域供繫泊在裝卸區和貨櫃碼頭泊位 船 隻 使 用 ,船 隻會經常進出該等海域。
(iv) Sea Area within 50 metres of Public Cargo Working Areas (PCWA) and
Container Terminal Berths: These areas
[...] are for occupation of vessels moored at the PCWA [...]
and the Container Terminal berths.
三、“班轮运输”是指通过公告或类似方式向公众提供、按照公布船期表使 用船舶在 特定港口之间定期运营的运输服务。
Liner transportation” means a transportation service that is offered to the public through publication or similar means and includes transportation by ships
operating on a regular schedule between specified ports in accordance with publicly
[...] available timetables of sailing dates.
当新的用船只在 2010 年下水使用时,这种无常又不可靠 的日子就会结束了。
The days of uncertainty would end when a
[...] new purpose-built vessel would come into [...]
service in 2010.
由几艘船只和来自 32
[...] 个国家的共约 600 人组成 的、向贫困的加沙运送人道主义援助的多国 用船队 今天凌晨遭到非法伏击。
The multinational civilian
[...] flotilla, composed of a few ships and a total of around [...]
600 people from 32 countries carrying
humanitarian aid to impoverished Gaza, was unlawfully ambushed early today.
已提议以法律规定补充立法,扩大 用船 只 指 挥官和非 用船 舶 船 长 的具体 程序性权力,赋予他们调查权;增加参与审理刑事案件的人数,列入向海盗嫌疑 人提供法律援助的人;并修改调查海盗罪行的程序期限。
It has been proposed that the legislation should be supplemented with legal provisions that would expand specific procedural powers of
[...] commanders of military vessels and captains of non-military vessels, endowing [...]
them with investigative
authority; increase the number of participants in criminal cases to include individuals providing legal assistance to suspected pirates; and modify procedural deadlines for the investigation of crimes of piracy.
[...] 研究、大陆架划界、印度排他性经济水域多波束信号频域水深测量、深海科学研 究船 Sagar Kanya 和其他用船只的 管理等国家重大推进项目。
He was mainly involved as leader in major national thrust programmes such as the Survey and Exploration of Polymetallic Nodules in Indian Ocean, Oceanography studies of Southern Ocean, Delineation of Continental Shelf
demarcation, Multibeam Swath Bathymetric Surveys in EEZ of India, Vessel Management of ORV Sagar
[...] Kanya and other Chartered Vessels.
2010 年 7 月 28 日生效的 2005
年《制止危及海上航行安全非法行为公约》及 其《制止危及大陆架固定平台安全非法行为议定书》,扩大了 1988 年《制止危及
[...] 海上航行安全非法行为公约》文书的范围,其中列入了新的罪行,如 使 用船 舶造 成人员死亡或重伤以及非法携带可用作为大规模毁灭性武器的武器或材料。
The 2005 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Navigation and its Protocol relating to Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf, which entered into force on 28 July 2010, have extended the scope of the 1988 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of
Navigation instruments to cover new offences,
[...] such as using the ship in a manner that [...]
causes death or serious injury, and the
unlawful carriage of weapons or material that could be used for weapons of mass destruction.
在沿岸生态系统中,使用渡轮(例如:欧洲全球海洋观测系统的“渡轮匣子”计划) 和在沿岸水域活动的私营船舶(例如:Seakeeper)进行特定参数测量, 用船 舶 开 展观测 的两个实例。
In particular, Agenda 21 calls for the establishment of a global ocean observing system that will enable effective management of the marine environment and sustainable utilization of its natural resources.
所需经费增加的主要原因是:(a) 地震后为新办公室和宿舍购置了预制设 施、水净化和空调设备、杂项办公设备以及备件和用品;(b) 增购了发电机, 以支持境内流离失所者营地以及安全理事会第 1908(2010)号决议通过后立即部 署的新特遣队中的电力供应;(c)
为运送更多设备到海地增购了海运集装箱; (d) 柴油的平均费用增至每升 0.60 美元,而预算编列的费用为每升 0.47 美元; (e)
[...] 在没有得到稳定团的法律审查结果之前处理稳定团燃料供应商以往索赔预 计所需用;(f) 地震后船上为 工作人员提供住所的所需经费。
The additional requirements resulted primarily from: (a) the acquisition of prefabricated facilities, water purification and air conditioning equipment, miscellaneous office equipment, and spare parts and supplies for the new offices and accommodation as a result of the earthquake; (b) the acquisition of additional generators to support power supply in internally displaced persons camps as well as for new contingents deployed immediately following the adoption of Security Council resolution 1908 (2010); (c) the acquisition of additional sea containers for the shipment of the additional equipment to Haiti; (d) the increase in the average cost of diesel fuel to $0.60 per litre compared to the budgeted cost of $0.47 per litre; (e) projected requirements for the settlement of past claims by the Mission fuel supplier, pending the outcome of
the Mission legal review; and (f) requirements to provide staff
[...] accommodation on a naval vessel following the earthquake.
一般規例 內 12部涵蓋的事宜包括規管本地船隻到達和駛離有關的程序規定、本船隻在香港水域內航行、停泊和使 用 浮 標及碼頭、乘客 船 和 離 船、 處理貨物的安全規定、使用及展 示燈光及訊號、對某些在中國內地或 澳門註冊的船隻的規管及管制、可透過高頻無線電話通訊運作的報告 系統的船隻航行監察服務及對香港水域內某些活動(例如賽事、滑水、 捕魚及供給燃料活動)施加管制,以及提升本地船隻航行安全的雜項規 定。
The 12 Parts of the General Regulation cover matters from the procedural requirements
governing the arrival and
[...] departure of local vessels, the navigation in the waters of Hong Kong, the berthing of, and use of buoys and piers by local vessels, the embarkation and debarkation of passengers, the safety requirements for handling of cargo, the use and display of [...]
lights and signals, the
regulation and control of certain vessel registered in Mainland or Macau, the vessel traffic service permitting a report system operated through high frequency radiotelephone communication, and the imposition of control over some activities (such as racing events, water-skiing, fishing and bunkering activities) in waters of Hong Kong, and miscellaneous requirements enhancing the navigation safety of local vessels.
安全理事会欢迎秘书长按安理会第 1918 (2010)号决议要求提交报告(S/2010/394),说明 可用哪些 方案来实现起诉和监禁要对索马里 沿海的海盗和海上武装船行为 负责的人的目 标,尤其是关于设立可有国际人员的国内特别分 庭、区域法庭或国际法庭和做出相应监禁安排的 [...]
的工作、设立国际法庭和混合法庭的现行做法以 及取得和维护重大成果所需要的时间和资源。
The Security Council welcomes the report of the Secretary-General (S/2010/394), as requested by its resolution 1918 (2010), on possible options to further the aim of
prosecuting and
[...] imprisoning persons responsible for acts of piracy and armed robbery at sea off the coast of Somalia, including, in particular, options [...]
for creating special
domestic chambers possibly with international components, a regional tribunal or an international tribunal and corresponding imprisonment arrangements, taking into account the work of the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS), the existing practice in establishing international and mixed tribunals, and the time and resources necessary to achieve and sustain substantive results.




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