单词 | 舷 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 舷—side of a ship or an aircraftExamples:舷梯—gangway ramp (board a ship or plane) 左舷—port (side of a ship) 右舷n—starboardn
一名乘客就站在舱门内,被外面舰桥甲板上几米远 处一名士兵透过舱门上打破的舷窗射杀。 daccess-ods.un.org | One passenger standing just inside the door was shot through the broken porthole in the door by a soldier standing a few metres away on the bridge deck outside. daccess-ods.un.org |
围网、鱿鱼钓和舷提网捕捞中普遍使用高强度人造光帮助捕 捞,特别是在亚洲。 fao.org | Fishing with the help of powerful artificial lights is common in purse seining, squid jigging and stick-held dip netting, particularly in Asia. fao.org |
该门靠近舱口和舷梯,可以从顶层甲板通向舰桥甲 板。 daccess-ods.un.org | This door is near to the hatch andladder, which allows access from the top deck to the bridge deck. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们询问过乘务员后,打开了船舱的舷窗,这样我们在睡觉时也能够享受到海风。 voith.com | After consulting the steward, we have opened the bull's eye in our cabin, in order to enjoy the sea breeze even during our sleep. voith.com |
乌贼侧扫系统为船舷侧溢油回收带来了新机遇和高作业水准,可回收 各种海况下的溢油,并确保极低的携水率。 desmi.com | The SQUID brings new opportunities and levels of operation to ships sidecollector systems and can recover pollutant in various sea states with the minimum of water content. desmi.com |
等船靠了岸,他就跳下水在刻有标记的船舷旁寻找他丢式的宝剑。 chinesestoryonline.com | When the boat moored, he went into the water to look for his sword at the place where he had marked the boat. chinesestoryonline.com |
船身也做了很多的改进,在左舷,中置的双人船舱可以通过舷梯进入,与后部的厨房完 全分开。 beneteau.cn | As for the hulls, there are a number of developments here too: on the port side, the [...] central double-bed cabin is now [...] accessible exclusively viathe gangway, rendering it totally separate [...]from the rear side galley. beneteau.cn |
为了避免悲剧再次发生,我马上关上舷窗,并暗自庆幸。 voith.com | In order to prevent a repeat, I am closing the porthole and am pleased. voith.com |
然后,在人们惊讶的目光中,他掏出一把小刀,在船舷上刻了一个标记。 chinesestoryonline.com | Then as all other passengers stared in amazement, he took out a knife and mark the side of the boat. chinesestoryonline.com |
这个新机制所收集的情报即可用于制裁 目的,又可以最终用于在国家和国际法院起诉; (c) 委员会应把在索马里主要用于为海盗攻击轴提供动力的 40 马力及以上舷外发动机视为“双重用途”物品。 daccess-ods.un.org | The information gathered by the new mechanism should be made available both for the purposes of sanctions and for eventual use in prosecutions before national or international courts daccess-ods.un.org |
几天后,一个舷外发动机出现故障,迫使他们返航,但在返途中,他们 [...] 的燃油耗尽了。 daccess-ods.un.org | After a few days, the [...] failure of one outboard engine obliged [...]them to head for home, but on the way back they ran out of fuel. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过干舷标记可以看出是哪家船级社进 行船检的。 weishaupt.se | Ships without classification are not permitted in European waters or ports. weishaupt.se |
从驾乘私人飞机环游世界到舷外摩托艇竞赛,这款计时器搭配了强劲可靠的机芯,尽显十足动感。 hk.ashford.com | From round the world trips in private jets tooutboard motorboat races, this timepiece evokes moving imagery as powerful as its reliable movement. ashford.com |
根据2000年国际贸易术语解释通则,CIF [成本、保险费加运费 (...指定目的港)]是指在装运港当货物越过船舷时卖方即完成交货。 msig.com.hk | According to Incoterms 2000, CIF stands for Cost, Insurance and Freight (… named port of destination), which means that the seller delivers when the goods to the port of shipment. msig.com.hk |
在环保要求较高的领域,可能会有法律强制要求或消费者自身要求使用可生物降解的润滑油,如电锯、机动雪橇或船用舷外发动机等应用领域。 exxonmobilchemical.com | In environmentally sensitive locations, for example, a [...] biodegradable oil may be required by law or desired by consumers for use in chainsaws, [...] snowmobiles or marine outboard engines. exxonmobilchemical.com |
锥型、鼓型和腿型护舷用于承受钢面板和UHMW-PE低摩擦面板所传递的负荷。 eurotechbenelux.com | Cones, cells and elements are used with load distributing steel panels and UHMW-PE low friction face pads. eurotechbenelux.com |
宝马为减少重量而设计的诸多措施,如采用碳纤维复合材料制作的车门或特殊塑料聚碳酸酯制作舷窗、后窗——宝马汽车M3 GT4的车身重量仅为1430千克。 bmw-motorsport.com.cn | Thanks to numerous measures designed to reduce weight – such as the use CFRP for the [...] doors or the use of the special plastic Makrolon [...] for the side and rearwindows – the [...]BMW M3 GT4 weighs just 1,430 kilograms. bmw-motorsport.com.cn |
(iii) 本公司於上述十二年及三个月期间任何时间未有收到任 何迹象表明持有该等股份的股东或因身故、破产或法例实 施而对该等股份拥有权利的人士存在;及 (B) 为促成任何出售,董事可授权任何人士转让上述股份,而经该 人士或代表其签署的过户文件或舷立的其他文件将为有效,犹 如该等过户文件及其他文件乃经登记持有人或有权传送该等 股份的人士签立,而买家并无责任确保购股款项妥为运用,而 有关出售程序如有任何违规或并无效力,买家於股份的所有权 亦不应受到影响。 chinaallaccess.com | (iii) the Company has not at any time during the said periods of twelve years and three months received any indication of the existence of the shareholder who is the holder of such shares or of a person entitled to such shares by death, bankruptcy or operation of law; and chinaallaccess.com |
飞扬系列配备超强马力的舷外机,带来无限的海上乐趣,是潜水,海钓,滑水及日航的 最佳选择。 beneteau.cn | The Flyer range is designed for you to enjoy the pleasure of the sea, such as diving, fishing, water skiing and day cruising, using powerful outboard engines. beneteau.cn |
螺栓拉伸器适合舷侧及海底使用。 hydratight.com | Bolt tensioners are suited to both topside and subsea applications. hydratight.com |
尼加拉瓜 Potosí海军基地弗朗西斯科·佩雷斯少校向洪都 拉斯海军报告:“查获一艘带舷外发动机的七米玻璃纤维船,船上一名船员 Adonis Rivas Rodas 被捕,另一名船员 Víctor Muñoz 在行动中跳下船失踪”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lieutenant-Commander Francisco Pérez of the Potosí Naval Base in Nicaragua reported to the Navy of Honduras that the sevenmetre fibreglass craft, with a 40 horsepower outboardengine, “was seized carrying two crew members, Adonis Rivas Rodas, who was detained, and Víctor Muñoz, who jumped overboard during the operation and is missing”. daccess-ods.un.org |
卖方在销售合同规定的装运港将货物放上船只,货物损坏或损失的风险自货物越过船舷起从卖方转移到买方。 cevalogistics.com | The goods are placed on board a ship by the seller at a port of shipment named in the sales contract. The risk of loss or damage to the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer when the goods pass the ship's rail. cevalogistics.com |