

单词 航次

航次 ()

number of scheduled sailing
sequence of air or sea voyages
flight number

External sources (not reviewed)

当您登上邮轮后,您将发现一块“自行车主 航次 ” 特 别区域。
On board the ship, you’ll find a special area dedicated to our bike program.
中国大洋矿产资源勘察研究 DY95-6、8 航次调查研究报告(主编)
Survey report on the DY95-6 and 8 Chinese ocean mineral resources exploration and research expeditions (lead author)
船舶评级公司挪威船级社预计,北冰洋航线2030年的通航量将达 4 8 0 航次 左 右
The classification company DNV has estimated that there will be around 480 transits through the NSR in 2030.
最近更新时间: 2012/11/23 // 2012年,北冰洋航线总通航量为45航次 , 而 相比较而言,2011年 航次 数 为 34次,2010年为4次。
Last updated: 23/11/2012 // There have been a total of 45 transits through the Northern Sea Route in 2012, compared to 34 transits in 2011 and 4 transits in 2010.
不過,我亦希望 藉此機會說明,海上意外事件的數字雖然有所增加,但請議員考慮一下,實 際上進出我們港口的內河船隻數目,每年達三十多 航次 , 在 這三十多航 次中, 以十數次的沉船事件而言,在數字上並不比世界上其他港口為差,事 實上,我們最近亦對港口的安全進行過研究,顧問報告說我們港口的安全情 況,並不遜色於世界其他大港口。
Regarding the causes given by the Secretary, I think one of them should actually be related to the fact that despite the westward relocation of the port, many river trade piers, and even cargo handling piers, are still located in the eastern part of the harbour.
对小型、能源消耗低的渔业,这类选择不是那么 极端的,但不断上升的能源成本大大限制了捕捞产量低的 航次 , 能 长期产生防止 捕捞能力过度的作用。
For smaller-scale, less-energyintensive fisheries, the choices may not be so extreme, but rising energy costs may well limit longer trips for low catches and create longer-term disincentives for overcapacity.
中国大洋第26航次船舶航行保 障方国家海洋局北海分局介绍,这 航次 预 计 历时380天,计划于2013年5月2日返回青岛 航次 主 要 任务是在印度洋、大西洋开展多金属硫化物、生物资源和环境调查,同时兼顾相关科学问题的调查研究,计划停靠塞浦路斯、尼日利亚、巴西、南非和毛里求斯补给。
China Ocean26Voyage voyage introduction of protection of Beihai branch, State Oceanic Administration, the voyage is expected to last380Days, which is scheduled for2013Year5Month2Return to Qingdao, voyage main tasks are in [...]
the India Ocean, the
Atlantic Ocean to carry out investigation on resources and the environment of polymetallic sulphides, and, taking into account issues related to scientific research, plans to stop in Cyprus, Nigeria, Brazil, and South Africa and Mauritius supply.
本研究利用 ERS-1 與 ERS-2 衛星雷達進行台灣西部海岸水線萃取與變遷分析;由桃園觀音至屏東東港 沿海地區長約 400 公里,觀測時間為 1996 年與 2005 年間隔 10 年共計 23 觀航次。
This study applied satellite SAR images from ERS-1 and ERS-2 for water line extraction and change detection along the west costal area, covering from Kuan-in, Taoyuan to Tung-Kang, Pintung a total of about 400 km long.
咨 询委员会询问了非索特派团支助办管理的航空服务量,并获悉,在 2009 年 9 月 至 2011 年 3
[...] 月期间,非索特派团支助办共提供了 377 次航班(127 次医疗后送、 125 次用于非索特派团、67 [...]
次用于联索政治处和 58 次用于非索特派团支助办), 共运送
6 426 人(3 551 人来自非索特派团、1 048 人来自联索政治处和 1 827 人 来自非索特派团支助办)和 100 404 公斤的货物。
The Advisory Committee enquired on the volume of aviation services managed by UNSOA and was informed that for the period from September
2009 to March 2011, UNSOA provided a
[...] total number of 377 flights (127 for medical evacuations, [...]
125 for AMISOM, 67 for UNPOS
and 58 for UNSOA), with a total of 6,426 passengers (3,551 from AMISOM, 1,827 from UNPOS and 1,048 from UNSOA), and 100,404 kilograms of cargos.
免费一个小时的热疗放松:包括土耳其浴室及桑拿浴(MSC旋律号除外), 次航 行 可 享受一次,可直接向水疗美容中心预订。
Join the Club while onboard or get more information about the MSC Club.
2月28日12时40分,从巴黎起飞的CA934 次航 班 安 全抵达北京,搭乘 次航 班 的 20多名公司驻利比亚中国员 工终于踏上了祖国的土地。
At 12:40 on February
[...] 28, the CA934 flight arrived in Beijing safely, and more than 20 Chinese ZTE employees staying in Libya who took the flight finally set [...]
foot on their motherland.
香港國際機場的兩條跑道目前每小時有 60 架 次航 班 升 降量,已經 反映機場處理能力實在有限。
At present, 60 flights use the two runways [...]
of the Hong Kong International Airport hourly and this reflects the fact that
the handling capacity of the airport is indeed limited.
因为在港口内浪费时间就等于损失金钱,福伊特拖轮也能使 次航 行 更加有成本效益。
And since time wasted in port is money lost, Voith Water Tractors also help to make each journey more cost-efficient.
行(不論是否該航線為正常航線、直接航線,或公佈之航線)並可以 拖帶別船、被拖行、在任何情況協助其他船隻、為任何目的降低航速, 並得以駛往逗留任何港口或地點,不論是為何目的,也不論是否與原
[...] 定航程有關,甚至不論實質上是否在進行另一航程或 次航 程。
The Vessel may at any time whatsoever whether before or after embarkation proceed by any route whatsoever in the Carrier’s or Master’s absolute discretion (whether or not such route is the customary, direct or advertised route between the ports of embarkation and disembarkation) and may tow or be towed or assist vessels in all situations or sail at reduced speed for any purpose whatsoever, and may proceed to or stay at any port or
place for any purpose, whether or not connected with the voyage, and even if making in
[...] substance another voyage or voyages.
在最近次航行中 ,有两名儿童丧生,联合国儿童基金会支持的非政府组织已经开始治理驳船的安全,卫生条件和饮用水的安全。
After two children died
[...] during a recent voyage, UNICEF-supported [...]
NGOs began delivering orientations on barge safety, hygiene and water safety.
目前青岛机场开有9条国际直达客运航线,日均出入境旅客5000余 次 , 航 班 近50架次,最高单日客流量已突破7000人次。
Presently Qingdao Airport has opened 9
[...] international direct flight routes, and runs an average of 5000 passengers (at arrival and departure) with almost 50 flights, with a top [...]
daily passengers break through of 7000.
为了解决美国航天局的这一技术难题,开发了微生物止回阀,并用于每次航天飞 机任务,以防止航天员饮用水供应中滋生病菌。
To address this technology challenge for NASA, the microbial check valve was developed and has been used on every space shuttle mission to prevent the growth of pathogens in the crew’s drinking-water supply.
这份日记中包含有对日常生活的敏锐观察、当地习俗以及汉语的多种不同形式的介绍、对 次航 行 本身的思考以及对航行中所碰到动植物的精彩描写。
The journal includes astute observations of daily life, descriptions of local customs and the great variety
of forms of the Chinese language, and
[...] reflections on the journey itself, as well [...]
as an enthralling account of the flora and
fauna encountered on the voyage.
该委员会设立于1992年3月31日,目的是监测阿拉伯利比亚民众国民用航空、武器禁运和选择性旅行禁令的执行情况,该制裁是由于其不服从关于在苏格兰洛克比上空摧毁泛美 1 0 3 次航 班 和在尼日尔上空摧毁法国空运联盟 7 7 2 次航 班 的 调查。
The Committee was established on 31 March 1992 to monitor the implementation of civil aviation, arms embargoes and selective travel ban on Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in accordance with its non-compliance with investigations
relating to the destruction
[...] of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland and Unionde transports aeriens Flight 772 over [...]
the Niger.
参加者在其各自社区为次航行筹 款,还募捐现金,准备直接交给加沙民 众。
Participants raised money within their communities for the trip and also solicited cash donations which would be given directly to the population of Gaza.
我們建議乘客於航班出發前72小時聯絡當地的辦事處並提交已由醫生填妥的旅客健康證明書,以協助我們評估您的飛行健康狀況,和申請為乘客提供不含花生的替代小吃(只限您 次航 班 乘 坐之客艙)。
We also recommend that you contact our local Reservations office 72 hours before departure, provided that your physician has already filled in a medical (MEDA) form; so that we can assess your fitness level.
向双方提供了预先核准的可能探亲家庭名单, 将从中确定次航班的 最终名单,交给双方。
Pre-cleared lists of potential families were shared with the parties, from which a final
[...] list for each flight will be submitted to both parties.
Several accounts of what transpired have survived.
光是購買油電混合車,或是每年減少一 次航 空 需 求,並不足以解決問題,因此我們建議採取不同的策略,逐漸接受減法式的生活,不僅沒有痛苦,更能改善多數人的生活品質、健康及財富。
So why not follow a different path – one that would adjust to that reality of ‘less’ without pain, and allow improvements in the quality of life, health, and wealth for most of us?
据此前报道,该领土由克里斯托弗·哥伦布在 1493 年第次航行到该岛时, 以一个西班牙修道院的名称命名。
As previously reported, the Territory was named after a Spanish monastery by Christopher
[...] Columbus on his second voyage to the island in 1493.
次航空展 览会是一个方便的框架,这期间与来自中国、日本、俄罗斯联 [...]
邦、美国的国际合作伙伴及其他伙伴举行了双边讨论,还举行了一些会议,例 如议员会议、联邦经济和技术部部长 Philipp Rösler 主持的空间日,以及若干专 题讨论会。
The Airshow served as a convenient [...]
frame for bilateral discussions with international partners from China, Japan, the Russian
Federation, the United States, and other partners, as well as for conferences such as the Parliamentarian Conference, the Space Day under the auspices of the Federal Minister of Economics and Technology Philipp Rösler, and several thematic symposiums.
從紐約州到緬因州的多個城市積雪嚴重,各大機場數 次航 班 被取消,波士頓等地已下令學校停課,民眾紛紛前往油站與超市搶購生活物資,為惡劣天氣做準備。
Here’s a collection of images of people coping with the severe weather.
推行模块化生产 公司通过发行优先股上市 推出 UV1 危重症呼吸机 PA 80 压缩空气呼吸设备 推出 Oxylog 急救呼吸机 成为国际标准 推出 Panorama Nova 面罩 27 1980 – 89 新的中央电子部,在此进行的早期基础研究结出硕 1983 果:新技术发展良好,特别是在气体检测领域,传 Ulf Merbold 的第次航天任 务 感器可以检测出比以前更多的气体,因此生成的数 据可以通过微处理器迅速反馈。
Modular production launched UV1 intensive care ventilator The Company goes public with the issue of preferred PA 80 compressed air Oxylog emergency ventilator shares breathing apparatus becomes international standard Panorama Nova full-face mask 27 1980 – 89 research bore fruit: the new technology caught on well, particularly 1983 in the field of gas detection, with sensors that detect more gases Ulf Merbold’s first space mission than ever before and thus produce data that can be fed quickly through microprocessors.




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