

单词 航权

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这样的航权”并 未列入世贸组织航空运输服 务附件之中。
Such “traffic rights” are excluded from WTO [...]
under Annex on Air Transport Services.
(56) 有关水道航行权的条 约基本上是创建或调节永久权利或永久制度或地位 的条约类别范围内的一个分类。
(56) Treaties relating to
[...] watercourses or rights of navigation are essentially a subset [...]
of the category of treaties creating
or regulating permanent rights or a permanent regime or status.
[...] 署公约时所作的声明以及今后可能提出的类似内容的其他声明表示反对,因 为本国政府认为,本公约任何条款不得解释为限制国际法承认的 航权 利。
declarations made, upon signature, by the Governments of Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Uruguay and Venezuela, as well as other declarations of similar tenor that might be made in the future, considers that
no provision of this Convention should be
[...] interpreted as restricting navigational rights recognized by international law.
请求书申明说,“关于瑞士公司 1995 年收购航股权和与比利时股东结成 伙伴关系之事,在 1995 年至 2001 年签订了若干合同,所涉事宜包括融资和对比 航的共同管理”,而且这套合同“对发生争端时布鲁塞尔法院的专属管辖权和比 利时法律的适用作出了规定”。
The applicant affirms that “in connection with the Swiss companies’ acquisition of equity in Sabena in 1995 and with their partnership with the Belgian shareholders, contracts were entered into, between 1995 and 2001, for among other things the financing and joint management of Sabena” and that this set of contracts “provided for exclusive jurisdiction on the part of the Brussels courts in the event of dispute and for the application of Belgian law”.
区域一体化协定或多边航空服务协定中的“开放天空”协定,避免了对国航线权的限制,便利了航空公司之间的合作安排( [...]
代码和路由共享) ,进一步加 速了整合和更好的成本分配。
Open skies” within regional integration agreements or plurilateral air services agreements further accelerates integration and better cost
allocation by avoiding restrictions on
[...] international route rights and enabling cooperative [...]
arrangements between airline companies (code and routes sharing).
潮间带和近海土著产权的非商业性和非专属性再次得到确认,法官认为不能 承认 Yolgnu
[...] 人保护具有宗教、精神或文化意义的场所的权利,他认为这是与普 通法中的公共捕捞航行权相冲 突的而且无法解决,他认为保护势必要求排除其 他人进入。
The non-commercial and non-exclusive nature of intertidal and offshore native title rights was confirmed again when the judge found himself unable to recognize the Yolgnu people’s right to protect sites of religious, spiritual or cultural significance because he saw this as being in
irresolvable conflict with the
[...] common law public right to fish and navigate, considering that [...]
protection would necessarily
require exclusion of access by others.
如果美国联合航空公司发现某人已确认此类预订都是到一个目的地或多个目的地,或者预订的是同一天左右的机票,则美 航 有 权 取 消 与多个预订相关的所有确认座位,而无需通知进行预订的乘客或人员。
In the event United Airlines determines that an individual has confirmed such reservations to one or more
destination(s) on or about the same
[...] date(s), United reserves the right to cancel all [...]
confirmed space associated with the multiple
reservations without notice to the passenger or the person making the booking.
考虑到这些决议具有单 方面性质,违反适用于自由贸易和自由履 航 行 权 利 的 国际法,几内亚比绍政府 没有在国家一级采取可能实施这种决议的任何机制。
Nor has the Government put in place at national level any mechanisms that might have given effect to such resolutions, considering their unilateral character contrary to international law, as concerns free trade and the free exercise of navigation rights.
我们也认为,违反国际法的这类行动, 武断地限制了合法自航行的权利。
We also believe that actions of
that type, which are contrary to international law,
[...] arbitrarily limit the right to the freedom of legitimate navigation.
非马航安 局官员告知专家组,2010 年 5 月 14 日,非航安局无权提供 有关科特迪瓦境内 国内航班内的信息。
ASECNA officials informed the Group, on 14 May 2010, that
[...] ASECNA is not entitled to provide information on domestic flights within Côte [...]
2007 年没有提供资料的建议比率很高,主要同联合国、难民署、国际 航组 织、知识权组织和世界旅游组织以及五份报告有关。
The high percentage of recommendations for which no information is provided
in 2007 had mainly to do with the
[...] United Nations, UNHCR, ICAO, WIPO and the World Tourism [...]
Organization and five reports.
最后,我会见了一些私营部门利益攸关方:船 东、保险公司航运公司员权利保 护协会。
Lastly, I met with several private-sector stakeholders: shipowners, insurers and an association for the
[...] protection of the rights of employees of shipping lines.
斐济已成功地实施了一航运特许权计 划,对那些在较不经济的路线上提供服务的私人船主予以补偿,确保 [...]
It had successfully
[...] implemented a shipping franchise scheme to compensate [...]
private shipowners for servicing less economical
routes and secured the supply of goods to a large number of maritime communities.
此外,关于麦哲伦海峡问题,1984 年《智利和阿根廷 关于麦哲伦海峡的和平友好条约》确认了国际航运在这些水域畅通无阻 航 行的 权利。
Furthermore, with respect to the Strait of Magellan, the rights of international shipping to navigate these waters expeditiously and without obstacle is affirmed in the 1984 Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Chile and Argentina with respect to the Strait of Magellan.
f. 船舶若因包括承运人过失在内之任何原因,未于或约于预定日期或广告日期 航 , 承 运人 权 用 其他船舶或运 输工具替代,而不论其是否为承运人所拥有或经营,并以该船舶载运重新登船的旅客,或依其选择,退还已缴 [...]
If the Vessel does not sail on or about the scheduled or advertised date for any reason
whatsoever, including fault of
[...] Carrier, Carrier shall have liberty to substitute any other [...]
Vessel or means of transportation,
regardless whether owned or operated by Carrier, and to re-berth Guests thereon or, at Carrier’s option, to refund the passage money paid or a pro rata portion thereof without further liability for damages or losses of any kind whatsoever.
1713 年签订的《乌得勒支和平条约》,确保了西班牙在南美洲控制权的完整性,并 确认其在南大西洋水航行的专有权。
The Peace of Utrecht, signed in 1713, assured the
integrity of Spain’s possessions in South America and
[...] confirmed its exclusive right to sail in the waters [...]
of the South Atlantic.
此外,我们高度重视《公约》认可和编篡的习惯 国际法的既定规则,即领海的无害通 权 、 用 于国航行的海峡的过境通权和在 另一国专属经济区的 航行自由。
Furthermore, we attach great importance to wellestablished rules of customary international law as recognized and
codified by the
[...] Convention, namely, the right of innocent passage in territorial seas, the right of transit passage in straits used for international navigation, and freedom of navigation [...]
in the EEZ of another State.
在1998年开始Hoptrans航空物流,权该 公 司提供 航 空 运 输从中东和远东大容量的同时与海关通关服务的服务,创造了其整体平均独特的“门到门”的解决方案计划的发展。
In 1998 Hoptrans started development of aviation logistics, which empowered the company to offer [...]
the service of air transportation
in big volumes from Middle and Far East alongside with the customs clearance services, creating unique “door to door” solution scheme in its whole mean.
行预咨委会 注意到,如秘书长所述航空资产使 权 力 和 问责目前在特派团一级划分。
The Advisory Committee notes that, as outlined by the
[...] Secretary-General, the lines of authority and accountability [...]
for the use of air assets are currently retained at mission level.
因此,国际社会必 须继续努力打击这一灾祸,因为它影响到最基本的公权利:航行自由。
The international community must therefore maintain
its efforts to combat this scourge, which affects the
[...] most fundamental right of the high seas: the freedom of navigation.
特派团权签订与任航空服 务有关的商业合同或《协 助通知书》,除非在紧急情况下且在与空运科协调并经后勤支助司和采购司授权 [...]
Missions are not authorized to establish commercial [...]
contracts or letters of assist arrangements for any air services, except
for emergency situations and then only after coordination with the Air Transport Section and with the authorization of the Logistics Support Division and the Procurement Division.
据管理国称,2011 年间,阿根廷曾多次单方面侵犯《公约》规 定的无害通行航行自由权,对 小岛屿社区的交通运输安排采取行动(违反了大 会 1976 年 12 月 1 日第 31/49 [...]
According to the administering Power, during 2011 Argentina had
repeatedly and unilaterally
[...] infringed on the right of innocent passage and freedom of navigation under the Convention [...]
by taking action against
the small island community’s transport arrangements (counter to General Assembly resolution 31/49 of 1 December 1976).
一些组织正在制定自己的业务连续性方针及其管理的基本架构(粮 农组织、人口基金、知识权、工 发组织、 航 组 织 )。
A number of organizations are in the process
of formulating their business continuity approach and basic structure
[...] of its management (FAO, UNFPA, WIPO, UNIDO, ICAO).
与大多数人意见相反,Kirby 法官(在高级法院提出异议)和 Merkel
[...] 法官(在全联邦法院提出异议)两人都认为,可以允许普通法中关于捕捞航行的公共权利以 及国际无害通过权利的例外的形式,准予控制和使用的剩余专 [...]
In contrast to the majority view, Justice Kirby (in dissent on the High Court) and Justice Merkel (in dissent in the Full Federal
Court) both considered that residual
[...] exclusive native title rights of control and use [...]
could be granted in the form of an exception
in favour of the common law public right to fish and navigate and the international right of innocent passage.
The Ivorian Government has, moreover, not adopted any legal or regulatory
provision whose extraterritorial effects would
[...] encroach on the sovereignty of Cuba or its freedom of trade and navigation.
(o) 注意到停止经由小岛屿发展中国家区域运输放射性材料,是小岛屿发展 中国家和一些其他国家渴望的最终目标,同时承认根据国际法行 使 航 行 自 由 权。
( o ) To note that cessation of the transport of radioactive materials through the regions of small island developing States is an ultimate desired goal of small island
developing States and some other countries
[...] and recognize the right of freedom of navigation in accordance with international law.
我谨提及联合国科特迪瓦行动(联科行动)和安全理事会第 1981(2011)号决 议,在这项决议中,安理会将其关于在联科行动临时部署联合国利比里亚特派团 (联利特派团)三个步兵连、一个由两架军用运输直升机和三架武装直升机以及机 组人员组成航空单位的权期限 延长至 2011 年 6 月 30 日,并要求秘书长至迟 在 2011 年 6 月 15 日向其提供关于特派团间合作安排的最新分析和相关建议。
I have the honour to refer to the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI) and to Security Council resolution 1981 (2011), by which the Council authorized the extension, up to 30 June 2011, of the temporary redeployment from the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) to UNOCI of three infantry companies, one aviation unit comprising two military utility helicopters and three armed helicopters with crews.
根据 2008 年 11 月 10 日理事会第 2008/851/PESC 号联合行动和 2009 年 2 月 26 日理事会第 2009/293/PESC 号决定,授权采取上述联合行动第 2 条第 1 款(e)规定的措施,并权在军事航母上 拘留犯有海盗罪或怀疑犯有海盗罪的人,拘留期应严格控制在 根据联合行动第 12 条移送他们所必须的时间内。
Pursuant to Joint Action 2008/851/PESC of the Council of 10 November 2008, and to Decision 2009/293/PESC of the Council of 26 February 2009, the measures pursuant to art. 2, para. 1, letter e) of said Joint Action are authorized as well as the detention on board of military carriers of persons who have committed or are suspected to have committed acts of piracy, for the time strictly necessary for their transfer pursuant to art. 12 of the Joint Action.
i. 旅行社仅能担任旅客而非承运人的代理人,而且获充分 权 可 在制 定 航 海 及 任何相关旅行计划、住宿和旅游 或任何事务中为及代表其代理人,包括但不限于与承运人签订航行合约、领取承运人所开的任何票、进行预 [...]
the Travel Agent acts solely as the Guest's agent and not the Carrier's and is fully authorised to act
for and on his behalf in making any
[...] arrangement for the Cruise and any related travel, [...]
lodging and tours or in any matter
whatsoever including but not limited to entering into a Passage Contract with the Carrier, collecting any ticket issued by the Carrier, making, amending or canceling any reservation, signing any document whatsoever, and paying and receiving any funds.
[...] 包括:(a) 本决议所载所有规定的执行情况;(b) 秘书长关于在航空旅行方面准 予例外的权;(c) 联合航空旅行事务投标和采购流程;(d) 利用现有最新数 据,查明用于方案预算、维持和平行动和特别政治任务及向符合资格的工作人员 [...]
支付一笔总付款的所有航空旅行支出,并进行关于这一选择的成本效益分析,将 审计和分析结果提交大会第六十七届会议续会第一期会议
the Secretary-General to entrust the Office of Internal Oversight Services to conduct a comprehensive audit of all air travel activities and related practices, including on: (a) the implementation of all provisions contained in the
present resolution; (b)
[...] the delegation of authority by the Secretary-General for the granting of exceptions for air travel; [...]
(c) processes related to bidding on air travel services in the United
Nations and their procurement; and (d) the identification of all expenditures for air travel, using the most recent data available, under the programme budget, for peacekeeping operations and special political missions, and for lump-sum payments to eligible staff members, and to carry out a cost-benefit analysis for this option and to submit the findings of the audit and the analysis to the General Assembly at the first part of its resumed sixty-seventh session




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