单词 | 舟车劳顿 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 舟车劳顿 —travel-wornSee also:劳顿—wearied (literary) • fatigued
实际上,杰出的演出已造就了一群爱好音乐的追捧者,他们不辞辛劳的从昔加末的第一场演 出 舟车劳顿 的 再 次出席于峇株巴辖所举行的第二场演出。 systematic.edu.my | In fact, the Concert was so good that newly-converted enthusiastic fans, who attended the first concert at Segamat, traveled all the way to Batu Pahat to attend the second performance there. systematic.edu.my |
由 於 中 興 新 為 本 公 司 之 控 股 股 東(亦 為 本 公 司 發 起 [...] 人 之 一 ),中 興 新 舟 作 為 中 興 新 之 聯 繫 [...]人,構 成 本 公 司 的 關 連 人 士。 zte.com.cn | Given that Zhongxingxin is a controlling shareholder of the Company [...] (and also one of the promoters of the [...] Company), Zhongxing Xinzhou, as an associate [...]of Zhongxingxin, constitutes a connected person of the Company. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
Marine Box从以这样的大鱼为目标的拖饵钓鱼开始,到美洲红树林种的小生物的垂钓和附加诱饵钓鱼体验的独 木 舟 摩 托 车 旅 行 等体会西表岛丰富的自然。 cn.okinawa2go.jp | At Marine Box from trolling to aim the big [...] fishes to fish small ones at mangroves as [...] lure fishing and canoe touring, enables [...]you to enjoy the nature of Iriomote Island. en.okinawa2go.jp |
已安排在惠灵顿设立托克劳行政 长官处,担任该计划的联 系和协调机构。 daccess-ods.un.org | Arrangements were made for the Office of the Administrator in Wellington to act as the liaison and coordination point for the scheme. daccess-ods.un.org |
在最近集会上的几辆老款车中,有一 辆 劳 斯 莱 斯幻影 (1927年), 一辆阿斯顿 LG 4 5(1936年), 一辆霍希901 (1938年) 和他们中最古老的一辆, 劳斯莱斯幻影开放旅行车,发布于1926年。 luxe-immo.com | Among the veterans at the start of this latest rally were a Rolls Royce Phantom (1927), a Lagonda LG 45 (1936), a Horch 901 (1938) and the oldest one of them all, a Rolls Royce Phantom Open Tourer launched in 1926. luxe-immo.com |
人口趋势要求更多关注青年问题以及与国 际 劳 工 组 织、布 雷 顿 森 林机构 和其他方面合作制定各项政策,使青年人获得一技之长,找到工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Trends in demography call for more attention to be paid to [...] youth issues and, in partnership with [...] the International Labour Organization, Bretton Woods [...]agencies and others, to policies [...]for preparing young people with skills to gain employment. daccess-ods.un.org |
之后,他的父亲被杀害在博物馆消防雨果在他的酒精叔叔 克 劳 德 ( 雷·温 斯 顿 ) ,雨果,但表现出一点情绪,教会了孩子如何保持 在 车 站 的 时钟。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | After his father was killed in a museum fire Hugo was taken in by his alcoholic Uncle Claude (Ray Winstone) who showed little sentiment for Hugo but taught the boy how to maintain the clocks at the station. seekcartoon.com |
该名劳工由急救车送往 医院,但以姓氏不明者身份入院,因为雇用他的公司否认知道他的具体情况,并 否认他与公司的关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | The worker was taken by ambulance to a hospital, but was admitted anonymously since the employing company denied knowing his details and denied his relationship with the company. daccess-ods.un.org |
热情友好的员工 24 小时为您效劳,助您轻松安顿下来,并尽快熟悉当地交通线路,真正商务休闲两相宜。 marriott.com.cn | Whether you are here for business or pleasure, our 24- hour staff will help you settle in and learn your way around the city. marriott.com.au |
总统在就职演说中作出了经济、社会和文化权利领域的若干承诺,而他的 10 [...] 点改革议程包括维护农民的权利、创造就业机会和维 护 劳 工 权 益、 整 顿 公 共 保健 和社会保障、提高教育和卫生标准,以及促进环境保护。 daccess-ods.un.org | The President’s inaugural speeches made several commitments in the area of economic, social and cultural rights, and his 10-point reform agenda includes the [...] safeguarding of farmers’ rights, creating [...] jobs and safeguarding labour rights, overhauling public [...]health care and social security, [...]raising education and health standards and promoting environmental conservation. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,我们的美国教育(EducationUSA)项目最近帮助安排了华 盛 顿 噶 劳 德 特 大学(Gallaudet University)和北京联合大学之间一个促进耳聋和听力障碍者高等教育的伙伴合作项目。 embassyusa.cn | For example, our EducationUSA program recently helped arrange a partnership between Gallaudet University in Washington and Beijing Union University to advance higher education for deaf and hearing-impaired students. eng.embassyusa.cn |
遵循传统旅行者惯例的 [...] “整体游”游客在田园风光中寻求净化;“局部 [...] 游”游客受不同兴趣(如鸟类、蝴蝶或钓鱼)所 驱使;崇尚“融入大自然”的游客参与自 行 车骑 行、划独木舟、竞 走或采摘浆果等活动;“冒险 者”抱着面对和克服大自然各种风险的决心参与 [...] 诸如登山、大狩猎或漂流等活动;而“生态游 [...] 客”则从环保和健康的生活中获得满足,同时享 受大自然及其关联事物的馈赠。 teebweb.org | The ‘holistic’ who follow the classical traveller’s tradition of seeking the sublime in an idyllic landscape; the ‘fragmented’ who are driven by a distinct interest such as in birds, butterflies, or fishing; those that cherish ‘a [...] gentle engagement with nature’ through [...] activities such as bicycling, canoeing, walking or picking [...]berries; the ‘adventurer’ with [...]a determination to confront and conquer the perils of nature through activities such as mountain climbing, big game hunting, or rafting and finally the ‘eco-tourists’ that derive their satisfaction from living green and healthy while benefiting nature and those engaged with it teebweb.org |
驾车过程中感到疲劳,发生车祸的风险则会显著增加。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | There is a significant increase in the risk of you being involved in a crash if you are becoming tired when driving. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
在一个俯瞰里弗布拉夫您可以访问在蓬Augan河流,波尔Fetan,一个工匠在工作中与十九世纪农村建设,村真迷人的村庄,你可以租一独 木 舟 或 马 车 或 漫 步路径除非你想拖畅游路线。 sibellevilla.fr | On a bluff overlooking the river you can visit the village of Poul Fetan, reconstruction of a nineteenth century village with artisans at work, on the river at [...] Pont Augan really charming town you [...] can rent a canoe or horse-drawn carriage or stroll along [...]the path tow unless you want to take a dip line. sibellevilla.fr |
扎克和科迪试图挽救蒂普顿的马车马 ( 毛尖)被出售给一个平均伐木工人当马车司机亨利被退休时。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Zack and Cody try to save the Tipton's carriage horse (Tippy) from being sold to a mean lumberjack when the horse carriage driver Henry gets retired. en.seekcartoon.com |
陈宇恩先生拥有美国宾夕法尼亚大学 沃 顿 商 学院 及 劳 德 学 院的MBA学位和硕士学位,以及杜克大学经济学和计算机科学理学士学位。 adventinternational.com | David holds a MBA/MA from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania/Lauder Institute and received a BS in economics and computer science from Duke University. adventinternational.com |
L’Orologio酒店共有54间客房,他们都是以百达翡丽 , 劳 力 士 ,江诗 丹 顿 的 手表款型命名的。 iontime.ch | The Hotel L’Orologio has a total of 54 rooms and they are all named after models [...] from Patek Philippe, Rolex and Vacheron Constantin. iontime.ch |
(d) 民政事務局轄下的衞奕信勳爵文物信託,撥款資助建 造用於大澳傳統龍舟遊涌活動的龍舟 及 神 艇,讓這項 獨特的祭祀活動得以傳承。 legco.gov.hk | (d) The Lord Wilson Heritage Trust under the HAB has funded the building of dragon boats and deity boats used in the dragon boat water parade of Tai O to support the continuation of this unique religious activity. legco.gov.hk |
於本公告日期,本公司董事分別爲董事會主席兼獨立非執行董事江 上 舟 先 生 、本公司總裁兼 首席執行官兼執行董事王寧國博士、本公司非執行董事陳山枝先生、高永崗先生及周傑先生 [...] (及周傑先生的替任董事汪正綱先生),以及本公司獨立非執行董事川西剛先生、陳立武先生。 cre8ir.com | As at the date of this announcement, the directors of the [...] Company are Jiang Shang Zhou as Chairman of the [...]Board of Directors and Independent Non-Executive [...]Director of the Company; Dr. David N. K. Wang as President, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director; Chen Shanzhi, Gao Yonggang and Zhou Jie (Wang Zheng Gang as alternate director to Zhou Jie) as Non-Executive Directors of the Company; and Tsuyoshi Kawanishi and Lip-Bu Tan as the other Independent Non-Executive Directors of the Company. cre8ir.com |
山金车- 舒缓疲劳。 clarinsusa.com | Arnica- relieves feelings of fatigue. clarinsusa.com |
每逢話別之際,我們總不免憶念起大家㆒起共渡的快樂時刻。霍德爵士是以布政司的 [...] 身份最後㆒次在這裏與我們見面,我肯定大家也不會忘記在我們的小小挪亞 方 舟 ㆗ 所發 生的趣事,裏面有老虎、鴨子和恐龍;以及在各種運動比賽、晚宴和接待會㆗的樂趣; [...] 甚至亦不會忘記我們彼此間有意見相左、取捨不同的時刻。 legco.gov.hk | Farewells are occasions when we think of the good times we have shared together and as Sir David meets us here for the last time as Chief Secretary, I [...] am sure we can remember the fun we have [...] had in our small Noah's Ark, with the [...]tiger, the duck and the rhinoceros, and the [...]fun we have had at sports and dinners and receptions, as well as the times when we have all begged to differ from him. legco.gov.hk |
由 於 本 集 團 認 為,值 得 信 賴 的 和 合 作 性 強 的 供 貨 商 對 [...] 本 集 團 是 非 常 重 要 且 有 益 處,且 向 中 興 新、中 興 新 地、中 [...] 興 新 宇 及 中 興 新 舟 進 行 採 購, 使 本 集 [...]團 對 該 等 原 料 和 組 件 在 質 量、及 時 交 貨 等 方 面 獲 得 保 證,從 [...]而 確 保 對 本 集 團 生 產 所 需 大 部 份 組 件 的 供 應 有 必 要 的 控 制。 zte.com.cn | As the Group considers that having reliable and cooperative suppliers is important and beneficial to us, purchasing from [...] Zhongxingxin, Zhongxing Xindi, Zhongxing Xinyu [...] and Zhongxing Xinzhou allows us to [...]secure essential control over most of the components [...]of our production by being able to ensure timely delivery of such components while maintaining product quality. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
从德累斯顿出发,乘坐汽车或者 蒸汽船沿易北河顺流 而下,前往以陶瓷工场而举世闻名的迈森。 glaesernemanufaktur.de | Downriver from Dresden is Meissen, which is famed [...] around the world for its porcelain factory and can be reached either by steamer or by road. glaesernemanufaktur.de |
世界知名汽车品牌阿斯顿马丁 和卡尔森登陆上海虹桥机场,实时恰逢在上海机场私人飞机基地举行的2012年上海航空展,有效的直击前往现场的高端客户群。 samdecaux.com | Worldwide [...] recognized labels Aston Martin and Carlsson are showcasing their premium cars, in time to target [...]the high end clientele [...]passing through the private jet terminal for the 2012 Shanghai Air Show. samdecaux.com |
在中美洲 [...] 和墨西哥,拉加经委会开展了关于最低工资规定 和 车 间 劳 动 监 察的利弊研究,作 为促进高质量就业和经济发展的政策工具,并制定了改进这些工具的相应建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Central America and Mexico, ECLAC has undertaken a study on the advantages [...] and disadvantages of minimum wage [...] regulations and inshop labour inspection as policy [...]instruments to promote quality jobs [...]and economic development, and has developed corresponding proposals for the improvement of these instruments. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中最著名的两条单车路线分别为从墨尔本港(Port [...] Melbourne)绕菲利普港海湾(Port Phillip Bay)沿岸前往布莱顿(Brighton)的单 车 道 , 以及从市区出发沿雅拉河(Yarra [...]River)全程 20 多公里的单车道。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Two of the best are the bike path that runs around the [...] shores of Port Phillip Bay from [...] Port Melbourne to Brighton, and the bike path that follows [...]the Yarra River from the city for more than 20km. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
基督城劳莱斯顿青年 旅舍为背包客提供小巧而温馨的住宿设施,一系列的客房类型可供选择,包括多人共用房间、双人房间、双床房间和带独立浴室的客房。 cn.yha.co.nz | This property is a small and homely hostel with a range of backpacker accommodation including multi-share, double, twin and ensuite rooms. yha.co.nz |
美国的行业峰会赞助商包括技术领导者陶氏柯卡姆公司(Dow [...] Kokam)(能源储存)、纳威司达公司(Navistar)( 卡 车 与 发 动机)、 伊 顿 公 司 (Eaton Corporation)(混合动力、电动、传动)、英国宇航系统公司(BAE [...] System)(混合动力、动力管理)和富国银行(Wells [...] Fargo)(清洁能源技术投资),中国的峰会赞助商是潍柴动力(Weichai Power)(发动机、混合动力、发电)。 tipschina.gov.cn | U.S. industry Summit sponsors include [...] technology leaders Dow Kokam (energy [...] storage), Navistar (truck and engine), Eaton Corporation (hybrid, [...]electric, transmission), BAE [...]Systems (hybrid, power management) and Wells Fargo (clean tech investment), together with Chinese industry sponsor Weichai Power (engine, hybrid, power generation). tipschina.gov.cn |